Gita Series – 77: Bhagavad Gita Chapter -VI. Verses 33 – 34
Now, Arjuna seeks clarifications from the Lord, addressing Him as Madhusudana. “Due to the restless mind, I am not able to realize equalitarian principle that you had just spoken of. This is because, Krishna, the mind is unsteady, turbulent, tenacious and powerful. I consider that controlling mind is as difficult as controlling the wind.”
Krishna has repeatedly stressed the importance of mind control, as God realization happens only in the mind. Krishna has said earlier that one needs a completely purified mind in order to perpetually get connected with the Lord and the consequent bliss. Krishna also said that one needs to exercise complete control over sensory organs, as senses leave lasting impressions in the mind, thereby preventing its purification process. Arjuna poses this question to the Lord, not only on his own behalf, but on behalf of all the spiritual aspirants.
Arjuna describes the innate quality of the mind. By nature, mind always looks at the sensory organs for inputs. While trying to control the mind, one has to work against the inherent nature of the mind. When one makes an attempt to bring his mind under his control, there are two counter acting forces in operation. One is the will power of the aspirant who wants to bring the mind under his control and the other one is inherent potency of the mind. Unless the will power of the aspirant is more powerful than the inherent potency of the mind, it is not possible to purify one’s mind.
Arjuna uses four adjectives to describe mind, unsteady, turbulent, tenacious and powerful. These are the inherent qualities of the mind. When mind is confounded with too many thoughts, the mind becomes turbulent. If all these qualities are conquered, the mind becomes calm and gets ready for purification. The main influencing factor of the mind is the stimulations from the sensory organs. Subjugation of the mind is not possible unless senses are subdued. All the inputs from the senses get transformed into any of the four adjectives used by Arjuna.
Krishna now proceeds to explain the methods by which the mind can be controlled.
Further readings:
Bhagavad Gita. Chapter VI. 35 - 36
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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