Following persons can also be approached for mantra initiations.
1. Shri. Santosh Kumar Raja, Hyderabad
Languages known: English, Hindi and Telugu
Contact email ID:
Mantras initiated:
a) Sri Vidya mantras under our Guru Lineage
b) Guidance for meditation, including Kundalini meditation
2. Shri. Sriram, Chennai
Languages known: English and Tamil
Contact email ID:
Mantras Initiated:
a) Sri Vidya mantras under our Guru Lineage
b) Demonstration of Sri Chakra Navavarana Puja
b) Sri Vaishnava mantras under different Guru Lineages
3. Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy, Dallas, USA
Languages known: English, Telugu, Hindi and Urdu.
Contact email ID:
Mantra initiated:
Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati under different Guru lineage.Sadhanas Performed: Shri Ucchista Ganapati (3 mantras), Dakshina Kali, Chamunda, Kubera (2 mantras), Mahalakshmi (3 mantras), Matangi (2 mantras), Bagalamukhi (2 mantras), Maha Ganapati, Laghu Shodashi, Sri Vidya Ganapati, Vaancha Kalpalata Ganapati (3 mantras) Raja Shyamala (Matangi), Laghu Shyamala, Ucchista Chandali (Sumukhi), Maha Varahi, Swapna Varahi, Laghu Varahi, Tiraskarani, Ashvarudhamaba, Pratyangira apart from Sri Vidya mantras.
4. Shri. Dan Irimia, Bucharest, Romania
Languages known: Romanian and English
Contact email ID -
Mantras Initiated: Sri Vidya mantras under our Guru lineage.
5. Shri. Arun Radhakrishnan, Chennai
Languages known: English, Tamil, Hindi and Kannada
Contact email ID -
Mantras Initiated: Sri Vidya mantras under our Shri Ravi Guruji lineage.
April 21, 2017 12:45 PM
Namaste Sir, Are there anyone in Bangalore, who teaches SriChakra Puja shlokas and mantras with with correct meter and pronunciation, as detailed in your book Understanding and Worshipping SriChakra ... under our Guru parampara. Thank you. Regards, Pratima
April 21, 2017 01:45 PM
Thank you. No person is available as of now at Bangalore. I will keep you informed on this.
August 25, 2020 09:41 PM
You can visit moolavarga centre which is located in Banashankari, Bangalore. Shri Siva Premanandaji has provided SriChakra Deeksha to many students.You can visit for more details/
May 28, 2022 01:05 PM
Yes, sir, in Malleswaram
March 28, 2023 08:03 PM
I have mailed u and I'm just searching for a proper guru since a long time and now lalita amba is my main aim of my life please help it's humble request from my end
March 29, 2023 11:03 AM
You can email the guru that you have tried to reach out to once again and ask for guidance. Please do include details about yourself and what you are interested in practicing and why? We don't offer any courses in teaching any mantras but do offer initiations for reciting mantras. If you are looking at learning Śrīvidyā, I would recommend studying the Śrī Lalita Sahasranāmam thoroughly and understanding the inner meaning of each of Her attributes. You should also consider reading various books associated with this practice to further your knowledge. Lastly, for further guidance, you can also consider joining any courses that teach this practice in detail over several months.
August 06, 2023 08:08 AM
You can get SRI VIDYA TANTRA UPASANA from SRI VIDYA SRI PEEDAM (SRI BALA SIDDHASHRAM) through the mode of natha Deeksha. He is very powerful himself. He is not exposing and giving Deeksha only to true divine seekers. Call 9791476947
May 28, 2024 02:05 PM
January 05, 2025 08:01 PM
Is there any Guru in Italy I can rely on for Mantra Diksha?I read in this website that after analyzing the birth horoscope it was possible get a mantra diksa on line if one is not able to come to India. Is that still available?
January 07, 2025 01:01 PM
You may write to Mr. Santosh and seek his help in this regard. His contact information is at the top of this article.
June 12, 2017 10:19 AM
Namsthe Ji, I would like know if you prefer providing Initiation via Phone or Skype. Is these methods are against the Mantra Initiation.
April 25, 2018 11:29 AM
Hello Sir, Namasthe! Is there anyone who can give initiation to SriVidya in Hyderabad? Thanks & Regards, Deepika
April 25, 2018 11:33 AM
You can contact anyone in this link
September 27, 2018 01:27 PM
Pranams Sir, I tried writing to the contact persons for coimbatore long time back... but no response - seems to have stopped - I am not destined for learning this and bettering my life...can you suggest any alternative sir?
September 27, 2018 01:39 PM
I am sorry. He met with an accident and hence the problem. Please click on this link below and you can contact anyone in the link. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you in this regard, which was beyond control.
April 11, 2019 06:29 PM
The most respected and honorable sadhakas, Im a beginner in learning mantras but had been reciting Gayathri mantras for long time. Im interested to learn and adopt on Sri Vidhya / Sri Chakra. I have been doing meditation as well, but Im yearning to search for a good guru. Pls guide me. I hope my mother Sakthi will show me her light.
April 11, 2019 06:36 PM
Please go through this link, wherein we have mentioned certain names along with email. You can write to any one of them for proper initiation.
May 29, 2019 05:36 AM
Namaskaram. I got initiated up to Lahu Shodasi. Can i do mantra japa of ashwarooda and Indrakshi by myself or it should be initiated by a guru? Any guidance will be helpful. Thank you.
May 29, 2019 09:42 AM
There are variations within each tradition. You may check with your guru before proceeding further. In general, there is no need to go beyond Laghu ṣoḍaśi. All other mantras should have been recited prior to Her initiation. If for any reason it is desired to recite the same, one can self initiate if needed. Some traditions are of the opinion, that unless a pūrṇābhiṣekam dīkṣa is granted by one's guru, self-initiation is not permitted.
January 20, 2024 01:01 AM
June 04, 2019 04:21 AM
I am curious how does one select a guru? I am a Canadian who has embraced Sanatana Dharma after an experience of meeting Sri Ganesha during an experiment in astral travel years ago. He brought me up a mountain path to a throne where Shiva and Parvati sat. They said nothing but smiled at me and I felt loved as though they beckoned me to come to them and join their family. I had no knowledge of dharma prior to this and unfortunately life took me in down a series of rough times for a few years so I never researched further then. Later on I ended up homeless and went to the local river and prayed to Shiva for the first time to be transformed and made into the best person he intended me to be. I did japa of Om Namah Shivaya and I had a new home and a job within a month. Later my ex took my children and moved far away so that I could not see them. I did japa of Om Dum Durgayei Namaha in tears and just as I started the mantra it hailed really hard then stopped just as I finished. That night I got a call from my ex saying police had been involved with her and her bf fighting. This put into motion a series of events while I continued my japa, that lead to me having full custody of my children who are now safe from all the dangers they had been subjected to. I fully embraced Sanatana Dharma with full faith and have been reading and studying all I can. I have been seeking a guru to show me what mantra I should truly be chanting. Is ganesha my ishta deva? Is Shiva? Is Ma Durga? All have blessed me in many ways. I am currently doing a japa sadhana for several months of a Ganesha mantra as he is the one who brings all wisdom and opens doors in our lives to opportunities. How do I know which name to pick is the right guru for initiation for me?
June 04, 2019 10:37 AM
Please write to me at directly.
August 20, 2019 08:17 PM
very nice to hear about ur experience Chris.. can we connect.. please email me on
August 16, 2020 09:59 PM
Hi Chris, Greetings from Calgary. I'm excited hearing yourself being blessed. I am an ardent seeker and would like to know on "astral travel experiment" from you. Would you please email me on balgopal20201 at gmail dot com? Thank you. Good day.
August 13, 2024 09:08 PM
Chris, your story touched my heart as I am also going through a very rough phase in my life with all sorts of unimaginable problems from all sides. Although I am an Indian born in a Buddhist environment, my devotion to sanatan dharma grew so deep in last 2 years. To tackle my problems I started various kinds of Puja or japa without a guru as it's very difficult to find a genuine guru. I am reciting Hanuman chalisa, kaal bhairav asktakam... Now from few days I am so fascinated by Lalita sahasranama.... Before this i never did these things in my entire life ..... I am trying to find a good guru who can help me and my family come out of this bad phase.... May lord Shiva and Maa Adi shakti help us all... I pray for your well being and may you also find a great guru who can guide you well. Take care..
September 06, 2024 02:09 PM
Hi, same here. Am a Buddhist from India. I have been looking for a Guru (Kualachar) for Kaal Bhairav diksha/ initiation. Would like to connect with you - Hope to receive a msg from you.
November 04, 2024 10:11 AM
I have sent an email to u sir ..please check
July 01, 2019 09:36 AM
Hi, greetings all of you. I would like to know a few details from you people. Please forgive my ignorance... 1) May I ask how are the experiences faced by you during any mantra japa? 2) How does it feel like when we reach higher levels in mantra japa? What kind of changes can we observe around us? 3) Have you ever felt the presence of the mantra deity around you or have you spoken with him/her directly? 4) How much time do we need to dedicate for the japa to attain the grace of the mantra deity quicker? 5) My life is a mess right now, mind has become blank, even the smallest things are not getting done, want to go to himalayas leaving everything... any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance.
July 01, 2019 10:58 AM
Please go through these articles of sadhakas detailing their personal experiences. Most of your questions have answers in this section
November 24, 2019 10:09 PM
I was initiated into bala mantra and during many years it only gave me bad results and I didnt have any release from the illnesses I am suffering also it didnt help me to come out from the many troubles I am facing even the things are worse. Also I experience some deads of relatives and all of my roads are close. I decided to stop chanting so I read that I should recite the mantra backwards to stop it. Does It also applies for the mantra kavaca and stotras and sahasranamas? The only good that i got was my degree certificate but I decided to burn those papers along with the prayings since everything came out bad and I will give her back the only good thing i received. Also It didnt give me any peace of mind or satisfaction. actually i am fully stressed even though i practice pranayama for a long time. Nothing gave a good result. so please Could you give me a piece of advice before I do the complete renunciation to this? Yesterday I removed all the pictures and I stopped wearing the japa mala. Also i heard that somebody did an atrocious work of black voodoo or santeria against me with the most powerful god of santeria known as Baba but i was told that bala mantra and sahasranamas were enough to destroy that negativity. Please could you give me an advice.
November 27, 2019 11:09 AM
I'm very sad to hear your experience. Sometimes the karmic barriers are too strong to break and by the time the Mantras get to it, we may lose our patience. Regarding your question on reversing the mantra chant for abandoning a mantra, the process described is correct. Technically, it may also apply to the kavaca and sahasranāma as well. In the normal practice, it is applied only to the mantra. Reversing here applied only to the words of the mantra and not to the letters. For example, the six lettered Bālā mantra, reverses the first three letters of the three lettered mantra. Unless you have followed the three lettered mantra, the reversing is not required in your case. It is important to realize that Bālā devi represents our ājñā, or the third-eye cakra. In other words, She is opening up our consciousness and making us realize the true nature of our existence. It is important that we understand the three letters of Her mantra and their significance. Equally important is the curse removal mantra, which is the Tripura Bhairavi mantra and that should be chanted until some of these bad effects are removed. All aspects of the mantra japa, such as the nyāsa-s, viniyoga, dhyāna etc. to state the very purpose of the mantra japa. All mantras are neutral. We state the purpose of the mantra recitation through the viniyoga, protect ourselves through the nyāsa, pray and fixate our mind through the dhyāna and align our breath to the mantra and recite. As we continue to do this, it is also very important for us to elevate our mind and state to ourselves, that we are freeing ourselves from the bad karma and we must invite the good karma and all that we desire. Doubting the effectiveness of our mantra japa, or the deity and the mantra, would invite failure. In certain cases, you should also consider the samskāras of the mantra and go through the cleansing process, described in the fructification of mantras article. Please do not burn your degree certificate or any other qualifications that you have received. It will not solve any problem. When you pratice Prāṇāyama, it is important to do this with abdominal breathing and also combine with the alternate nostril breathing. The breathing must slow down and one should try and calm the mind as much as possible, for a higher quality japa. It is difficult to do this when burdened by a lot of difficulties, but eventually, the problems will go away. Remember the adage - "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!". One most important thing about mantra japa, is NEVER WEAR the japa māla. It brings bad luck. You can wear another māla, but the māla used for japa, must remain in a bag and used only during japa. If the Bāla mantra is active in you, then you will be protected against all black magic. Sometimes, we may need to invoke Pratyaṅgira devi to counter the black magic, in extreme cases. You can recite any of Her kavaca-s for protection, especially the sarvārtha kavaca, which by Itself, can give you more than what you can imagine or ask for. My advice, be positive, think that the mantra is working and try to remove the doubts in your mind and also expel the negativity, to allow the mantra to manifest its power. Please follow the entire mantra procedure and recite the kavacas also.
November 28, 2019 01:33 AM
Also, the mantra reversal technique really does not apply to a mantra that is composed of seed (bīja) syllables only. In this case, if the mantra you followed for Bālā devi is "aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ", then there is no need to reverse it, since the mantra is only three lettered syllable mantra in Sanskrit. Only mantras that contain words, may be reversed. For example, if the Gaṇeśa mantra (om̐ vakratuṇḍāya hum̐) does not work you, then you may abandon this mantra by reciting the reverse mantra 108 times as (hum̐ vakratuṇḍāya om̐). Note that this mantra also has two seed syllables (om̐ and hum̐), but because of the word vakratuṇḍāya, the reversal can be attempted. A 108 recitation removal is okay, but no point in reciting any further, as it will become another mantra japa by its own! In your case, if you decide to stop reciting śrī bālā mantra, you may do so without doing any more recitations of any kind. Simply pray to Her and let Her know that you will not recite anymore due to the bad effects. To the best of my knowledge, if the mantra is initiated properly, its meaning well understood and assimilated and also recited in the prescribed tantric manner, it will not affect anyone. May the Divine Mother help us all in obtaining our desires and help fulfill our wishes.
November 28, 2019 08:05 AM
I have heard many say that there are ways to let go of a mantra 1) uttering it in the ears of Go Mata 2)writing it on bhojpatra and offering it to a "live river". I heard these two procedures from many and most recently from courtallam peethadhipati Sri Siddheswaarananda Bharati garu. Abandoning a mantra without the above two invites misfortune (according to Sridhara Swami of Mukkamala,"mantra tyagi daridrataha")
November 28, 2019 08:15 AM
Also on wearing Japa Mala, I ve heard suggestions both ways. Though most people suggest NOT to wear the mala used in japa anushtanam but i also heard some gurus who suggest wearing the japa mala which gets energized during japa anushtan. Based on such suggestions, i have been wearing my rudraksha japa mala for 16 years now and I have been using & wearing the same japa mala in various anushtans of different deities(male and female). Do you suggest to stop wearing it and buy two fresh malas one for wearing & one for japa? Are there any scriptural references for such injunction or is it a suggested practice? thanks.
November 28, 2019 08:32 AM
The reversal procedure is mentioned in Mantra Mahodadhi and suggested for Ari or enemic mantras. Even enemic mantras can give favorable results if the proper procedures described in the fructification of mantras article, are followed.
November 28, 2019 08:47 AM
It is a suggested practice that I have followed. I have not seen scriptural edicts for or against the practice. I used to wear a separate mala few years ago and don't do so now. I always keep my japa mala in a separate bag and use it only during my sadhana. In some of the mantra articles, we have mentioned the energizing mantra for the japa mala also, before the actual mantra recitation. In your case, you can continue to wear the mala that you are wearing and use a new one for japa, if you wish to follow the general ssuggestion. One can easily argue that someone may have created this procedure to sell more malas etc. It is best to follow your guru's advice when in doubt.
November 29, 2019 09:15 AM
I will move to separating the malas. Thanks Krishnaji. I doubt the mala makers are so organized to influence & create a practice like this :)
April 21, 2020 10:41 PM
Jai gurudev.. please give more information about guhya shodashi along with her image
April 24, 2020 12:07 AM
You may lookup this article - There is no image available that we are aware of. She is said to be worshipped in the Anuttarāmnāya Ānandabhairava tradition. We sincerely hope someone with more knowledge of this mantra can guide us.
April 24, 2020 05:46 PM
Hello Sir, I am an aspirant of walking the path of kaulamarg. Please guide towards a guru who can give Diksha. I am chant Lalitha sshasranam but don't want to go ahead with mantra shasthra without proper guidance. Your help will be appreciated Thank you Anil kotian
April 24, 2020 06:47 PM
We don't initiate into kaula marg. Sorry.
April 24, 2020 08:51 PM
Dear Ravi Ji, Please help me. I want to lear Sri Vidya Sadhana and practice including dasha mahavidya. I had contacted many times in the give mail id in initiation section. Please help me.
April 24, 2020 09:09 PM
You can contact Mr. Krishna at He will guide you.
April 25, 2020 03:39 PM
Ravi ji can u tell me if I want to do self initiation what's the procedure of mantras. Online I had read that one has to simultaneously do japa of Ganapati Moola Mantra, Bala Mantra, Varahi Mantra , Matangi Mantra and Lalithambika mantra. I want to understand the structure of Srividya. Because there is Bala Mantra, Panchadashi mantra , Shodhashi and then mahashodashi. Then tithi nitya devi Sadhana , dasha mahavidya so on an so forth. Please help me.
April 25, 2020 06:38 PM
No teacher would ever teach you the way you want, to practice scores of mantras. Start with one mantra. You can do self initiation.
June 28, 2020 05:52 PM
Dear Sirs, I am interested in Sri Vidya initiation. Kindly help me in knowing.. 1. Which acara is followed as per your Guru Lineage? 2. Will you just initiate into Mantras only or the tantra also? I mean do you teach complete Sri Vidya.
June 30, 2020 03:20 AM
You may request for an initiation from any of the gurus mentioned in this page. To answer your questions - 1. We follow the Dakṣiṇācāra tradition that is popular in South India. 2. We initiate into Mantras and encourage you to study the tantras and the various published works. Our teachings are on this site as articles that you may read. We don't conduct any classes, per se.
July 03, 2020 11:13 PM
Pranamam Krishna ji, I learn a lot from your You Tube videos (avahana mudras etc.) and also read all most all the articles you published here, in fact i have written an email to on some request. I would like to get introduced both into Mantra and Tantra (ritual), And either Dakshinahara or Samayachara. Kindly guide me any true Sri Vidya schools (the ones which are not money or materialistic minded, i dont spending money, but that should not be the reason my guru is teaching me). Also i would like to contribute to this site as there is a lot of good information being published for the benefit of all. Good should prevail, spread, propogate. Namaskaram
July 04, 2020 10:19 AM
Pranaam Sadhana ji. The videos of Medhayoga are by Shri Krishna ji, who is also one of my revered gurus like Shri Ravi Guruji. The directions given by both of my gurus, have changed the course of my spiritual life, in the most remarkable ways that I can relate to. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found such gurus and indebted for their generosity in considering me worthy and initiating me into this spiritual discipline. It is a debt that I can never repay and humbly take a bow with great reverence, at the feet of these towering personalities. As I have said in my previous comment, you may contact anyone listed on the initiations page and request for initiation to Śrī Vidya. There are no charges or expenses related to the initiation. Śrī Vidya is a vast ocean and there are tons of material and information in the tantras, plus there are various traditions and sub-traditions etc, making it even more wide and diverse. You may consider learning the rituals through videos, if an in person or online guru demonstration is not feasible. Traditionally, one must learn in person from a suitable guru, which may not be feasible in today's times for many. But at all costs, do avoid participating in mass initiations etc. as they're not very effective and it is most important to have a guru, who is easily accessible for clearing doubts and queries in a timely manner.
July 04, 2020 07:27 PM
couldnt agree more, couldnt expect more.. salutations Sir!!
July 05, 2020 11:44 AM
On this Guru Purnima Day I would like to Thank Krishnaji and Raviji. Krishnaji your clarifications were of great help. thank you.
July 06, 2020 11:59 AM
Krishna Ji, you have provided Nyasa with full Japa/Mula mantra for Maha Varahi Japam, where as for Raja Matangi Japam only with first 3 lines of the mantra. May I know the reason? Can we also do Nyasa with full mantra. Also what is the rule for breaking mantra for Nyasa (no. of letters etc.?) For Maha Ganapati Mula mantra Japa, you have provided Nyasa with Beeja Aksharas not with Mantra Japa.. Can we also do Nyasa with Maha Ganapati Japa Mantra? Kindly clarify Salutations and Many Thanks Saadhana
July 07, 2020 11:42 PM
The rules are specified by the seer of the mantra. There is no specific rule that applies for all mantras to derive the nyāsas. Proper mantra japa involves reciting the nyāsas, dhyāna, pañca pūja, mūla mantra, āvaraṇa pūja, sahasranāma, kavacam and other stotras for propitiating the respective deity. Since this is very involved and time consuming, considering that we are performing several mālās of the initiated/prescribed mantra, it is best to stick to one mantra and perform all the associated rituals vs focusing on many mantras assuming that there would be accumulated benefits. The many mantras recitation formula rarely works and is not the proper method of mantra japa specified in the tantras. Some exceptions of skipping associated parts/aṅga-s of mantra japa can be made by those who have performed many recitations of the mantra and have also synchronized with their breath, or have the exclusive permission to do so by their gurus. The latter is the most important aspect of mantra japa and the edict of the guru is final!
July 10, 2020 08:41 PM
Salutations Gurus, have you heard of Rashmi mala mantras. Can any of you initiate me into some/a few of them. Sri Matre Namaha
July 11, 2020 10:25 AM
Raśmi mālā mantras are typically recited by Śrī Vidyā upāsakas immediately after waking up in the morning and after meditating upon one's guru first. This krama/procedure should be adopted by senior sādhakas, who are already deep into Śrī Vidyā upāsana and have reached or crossed Pañcadaśī. Some traditions may require Ṣoḍaśī also. This is definitely not for beginners and there is no cherry picking of mantras, as far as I know. One must recite all the mantras as initiated by one's guru. It is definitely possible to get initiated into any one of these mantras separately and individually as desired, but not as part of the Raśmi mālā recitation, without first fulfilling the pre-requisites of Śrī Vidyā upāsana.
September 13, 2020 06:40 AM
Hello, I am initiated into bala tripurasundari mantra under this guru lineage and i'd like to know if I can get initiation into bala tripurasundari gayatri mantra for tomorrow extremely auspicious day 13/09/2020. This is the document :
September 13, 2020 06:56 AM
For the moment i cant log into my email. Please send me a message by whatsapp to +527229072067. Please I really wsnt to get initiated in 13/09/2020 because is extremely auspicious that day wont repeat whithin 250 years.
October 03, 2020 04:24 PM
1. are there any very advanced upasakas of srividya and other mantras, who are very old (late 80s or 90s +), who is of first varna, belongs to vedic parampara(not lowkika), and who iniatiates in india (could be located anywhere in india, but preferably of southindian origin)? 2. can i know what lineage/mandali you follow? 3. can you name some traditional mandalis in india (esply south india) - like guhanand/chidanand, bhaskar prakash, mandalis/ashrams.. where initiations are done
October 03, 2020 08:35 PM
You may find them in lineages through proper references. We wish you the very best in your quest.
October 03, 2020 10:29 PM
thanks. i thought its better to ask here since i'll get some info about the list of genuine traditional mandalis in india, especially in the south?
May 27, 2021 12:16 PM
namaste, are the initiations free of cost or? and my second question is do i need an initiation since i do have a guru (i lived in india long time ago and got initiated decades ago, but now i am no longer in direct touch with my guru since he has thousands of disciples and does not teach personally). so is the mantra initiation different from guru initiation? i am interested in doing pratyangira and varahi mantras for extreme sickness.
May 28, 2021 09:00 AM
The initiations are free of cost. The mantra initiations are specific and don't apply overall to all mantras. You can practice the initiated mantras that were given to you by your guru(s). Any new ones will require an initiation from a practicing guru, well versed in the subject.
August 16, 2021 12:51 PM
Hello. I tried getting in touch with the person in Chennai, for mantra initiation. Is it still the same contact details - - or has it changed? Thank you for your help.
August 16, 2021 06:20 PM
When did you write to him? All the initiatees are top level professionals and they could talk time for replying.
September 20, 2021 10:13 PM
Pranaam sir, Is the Beeja mantra aim. Pronounced as "aing" or as "aim"?
September 20, 2021 10:50 PM
It is pronounced exactly like how you would say " I'm " in English. The 'ng' form is practiced by the tantrics to redirect the verbal sound through the nasal stream vs the mouth, which would happen if 'ṁ' is pronounced instead of 'n'. When synchronized with breath and recited mentally, the 'aiṁ' sound should suffice. It is important that the bījas should be nasalized and the sound coming through the nasal bridge when pronounced outwardly. It is difficult to do so if the 'ng' does not replace the 'ṁ'. With some practice, you maybe able to do so without making these replacements. Please note that in the 'ng', the sound of the 'g' is almost silent and the stress is on the 'n' part only. The original pronunciation is the best way of recitation and it should be silent with breath alignment and slow breathing for maximum benefit.
July 31, 2022 12:07 AM
I am baptized Christian. I live on Reunion Island where there are many cultures and mixtures. Hence perhaps my attraction to Sanathana Dharma, without denying Christianity. Especially since I practice traditional yoga thanks to my teacher. He gave me a mantra 7 years ago and since then I have not stopped repeating it, I’m even more attracted by the science of mantras. My Yoga teacher give us mantra diksha to ‘launch’ and help us and spitirual path, but I’m not a disciple. I believe, love and respect him of course, as a pupil/friend. He’ve much disciples too. Last year during our more intense yoga training, I could see that I was drawn to Goddess Durga and it hasn't stopped being the case ever since. I recite the navarna mantra every day, one of its navratri forms every day. With that, right now I am also reciting the gayatri mantra where I feel a lot of benefits, and very sooth calm. Next to Shiva (mahamrityunjaya) and Ganesh. As well as other deities but just few recitations for yantras I get. I love recite mantras, and the thing is I don't even take sankalpa or ask anything. First it was just to dharana now it's like more bhakti. I find the siddha kunjika strotram beautiful, and the navrana mantra is there. I realized that I was attracted to Goddess Durga in a dream where I heard a mantra of her the bija dum. During a puja in his name, and from a distance, I started crying because it touched me even if I didn't understand much of what the pundits said. For sure I feel attract by shakti. I got yantras for one when I ordered, I’ve to take them to give it to him. The 2 ones was Goddess Kamala and Matangi. Since that I feel little attract to das mahavidya but I know it’s strict and can be harmful so i just read their stories no more. At my age 38 years old, still with my parents, works part-time (photographer) not enough money to be more independent, family life is good fortunately, no girlfriends which is sometimes hard because feeling alone, health is good (knee pain in long sitting postures). Jagged emotion, too many thoughts, not enough love for me, esteem, hard on me, negativity sometimes (envious, self sabotaging). Yoga in all this helps me see more clearly and stabilize everything, pranayama as I read on your website is something I do everyday with the practices ???? I think/feel my ishta Devata is Durga Goddess. For my situation I don’t know which mantras can help me, but I still recite with my guru mantra, navarna mantra (as I'm attract to Maa Durga), gayatri, shiva. I look at mantra initiation but I didn’t find anyone provide mantras for Durga. Thank you Have a nice day !
August 01, 2022 12:08 AM
There is no religious restriction to discovering our own True Reality. Bhakti/belief is extremely important and is a prerequisite for practicing any mantra. The Durgā Caṇḍi Navārṇa mantra can be recited with the proper nyāsās, kīlaka, argala stotras and also by studying the Durgā Saptaśati and its hidden meaning. There are many good books on Devi Mahatmyam that you may refer to when time permits. Your yoga guru̍s recommendation can be followed and may that lead you to discover the Truth for yourself! Wishing you the very best in all your endeavors.
August 02, 2022 04:08 AM
Kevin, I suggest reciting 32 names of Mother Durga. You don't need a guru initiation to recite it. Easy, Very effective and Safe. Here is a YouTube video of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, head of world-renowned Bihar School of Yoga, teaching the recitation of the 32 names. He repeats 3 times in the video as it is their Ashram practice to recite 32 names 3 times in the morning. Video has names & meanings too.
September 04, 2022 04:09 PM
Hi... I need guidance on Shri Vidya and Shri Yantra Sadhna under Guru lineage initiation in or nearby Delhi..or anywhere near Thanks
September 14, 2022 09:09 AM
There are no gurus in and around Delhi from our lineage. If interested, you may seek online guidance from either Sriram ji or Jayanth ji of Manblunder. Their contact information is in the article.
October 15, 2022 01:10 PM
.Nameste Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy I want to do some uchist ganpati sadhna .I need such a guru who can take very far in Tantra and guide me like his son. I request you to give me initiation so that my spiritual goal can be achieved
October 17, 2022 09:10 PM
A lot depends upon how much effort and struggle you are willing to undergo to perform sādhana. This particular deity sādhana is considered very powerful and there is a rapid burning of karma, which many cannot tolerate. I would not suggest this mantra as a starting mantra and instead would direct you to choose a much lower mantra to fulfill your desires and slowly nudge yourself towards spirituality. You may write to Shri Jayanth of Manblunder for further guidance and he might be able to suggest a mantra for you. Please write in detail about yourself and why you are seeking a mantra initiation etc.
October 17, 2022 09:10 PM
A lot depends upon how much effort and struggle you are willing to undergo to perform sādhana. This particular deity sādhana is considered very powerful and there is a rapid burning of karma, which many cannot tolerate. I would not suggest this mantra as a starting mantra and instead would direct you to choose a much lower mantra to fulfill your desires and slowly nudge yourself towards spirituality. You may write to Shri Jayanth of Manblunder for further guidance and he might be able to suggest a mantra for you. Please write in detail about yourself and why you are seeking a mantra initiation etc.
July 06, 2023 01:07 AM
Hi there, I am born in a Sikh family, married to a Hindu Bengali, Currently residing in Canada. I don't know much about Mantra sadhna or Santana Dharama as such(neither do my husband). Just three months back; don't know why, I started looking into youtube videos on Mantra Sadhna. Frankly, I don't even know my gotra (since Sikhs don't have one), not the exact time of my birth etc., don't know Sanskrit. Never believed in god, devtas etc. But still somehow been getting a feeling to pursue Mantra Sadhna. And watching youtube videos has made me realize that I would need proper guidance maybe a guru. Is it possible to understand these concepts properly, because having gone through innumerable videos on achman, pavtirikaran etc and so, I am still under-confident to take on a purascharan of any mantra. although for last 3 months I have been reciting a ganpati mantra, a bhairav mantra and 32 names of maa Durga(without knowing correct meaning and pronunciation). Can any of you guide me how to go about it. Oh and I don't know my Isht-devta as well, because I think my family never had one, for being Sikhs. This is the first message I am writing about spiritual side of mine, my apologies for sounding a complete noob.
July 15, 2023 07:07 AM
My suggestion is to read the mantra related articles in the Mantras category and also consider reading related articles in books to gain a better understanding. Once you familiarize yourself with the basics, you may approach one of our gurus or any guru from any other organization that you prefer and seek an initiation to recite a particular mantra of your choice or what is conferred upon you by your chosen guru. The spiritual journey on the mantra path will begin from then on. You may ask any question related to any specific mantra that we have published and we may be able to provide an answer for it. We will do our best to help you or anyone, who has chosen to begin their spiritual journey.
July 25, 2023 04:07 AM
Hi Krishna Ji, Thank you for replying back. I have been going through articles on this website and elsewhere too. Yes, I will be contacting you soon. Thank you.
August 17, 2023 07:08 PM
Hello, My name is Anandkumar Patel. I reside in Montreal, Canada and I am searching for a guru to get initiatied in a mantra. I have tried many mantras such as om namah shivaya and currently doing ram naam jaap daily with hanuman chalisa. My knowledge in spirituality is very basic since I just read the gita and some few yoga and spiritual books. I have emailed some gurus in the post you mentioned however none of them reply back. I would just want to get a initiation in a mantra and a guru.
August 17, 2023 07:08 PM
Hello, My name is Anandkumar Patel. I reside in Montreal, Canada and I am searching for a guru to get initiatied in a mantra. I have tried many mantras such as om namah shivaya and currently doing ram naam jaap daily with hanuman chalisa. My knowledge in spirituality is very basic since I just read the gita and some few yoga and spiritual books. I do watch some YouTube videos on advaita vedanta and know some past gurus such as swami vivekananda, karoli baba. The reason I want to get initiated is because I been going through some health issues the last 3 years and also have realized that I am no longer interested in fancy materialistic things as before. Please kindly contact me in regards of the initiation so that I may speak with a guru. I also emailed the list of gurus that you posted but none answered back. Please help Namaste
August 18, 2023 04:08 PM
Swamy...Namskaram. I belongs to Iyengar Family (Vaishanava) I want to learn and perform a rituals from the day of death of person to yearly cermony free of cost. Is any book available in market. Because i have seen people who are getting scared, if any family members attains vishnu lokam (Death) due to amount charging by Vadyar (Swamy) to perform the rituals. I want to serve such people. Thanks in advance. Namo Narayana..
September 22, 2023 12:09 PM
Dear Krishna Ji. I saw many people who had received Srividya initiation starting to give initiation to other people, what is the measure of a Srividya practitioner being able to provide initiation for the general public. Is it that once we receive Srividya initiation and start pursuing sadhana, we can immediately become Guru and give initiation to other people? if the practitioner is not yet highly attained in Srividya Sadhana, can the initiation given by him have any adverse effects on both the giver and the recipient?
September 23, 2023 01:09 AM
Answer is simple, your Guru should deem you fit to initiate others
October 02, 2023 05:10 PM
Dear Krishna ji, I am looking for Bhairava Mantra initiation. How should I approach for this? Kindly guide me.
October 04, 2023 01:10 AM
You may approach other practitioners or enquire at Temples where Lord Bhairava is worshipped and seek an initiation from a practicing guru. I believe that one should start with Vaṭuka Bhairava sadhana first.
October 04, 2023 01:10 PM
Hello Balaji,If you are from Telugu speaking states you can approach His Holines sri sri sri Sidheshwarananda Bharathi Swami ,He is considered as walking Kala Bhairava.You can find more details from Shakthi peetham,Rayal cheruvu ,Near Tirupathi.Thank you
November 04, 2023 05:11 PM
Sir, I want to get initiation on maha vidya mantra , and tried the above gmail id, but didnt get response, I am from Kerala, and I want to know whether I get initiation through phone or through any online media? I really want to get initiation on sri vidya bhairavi mata .
November 04, 2023 09:11 PM
We are not offering any initiations to Śrī Tripura Bhairavī. She is compared with Śrī Bālā in Śrī Vidyā. Most of our expertise is with Śrī Vidyā with some exceptions. We hope to build our repertoire in the coming years and help people seeking other Vidyas too.
November 10, 2023 09:11 PM
Śrī Bālā is associated/viewed as same as Śrī Tripurā Bhairavī within Śrī Vidyā tradition? That is absolutely fascinating. Could you share more about this please?
November 13, 2023 01:11 AM
Śrī Bālā, Śrī Tripurā Bhairavī and Śrī Tripura Sundarī are all perceived as Tripura. Bālā is the seed of all the triads, while Bhairavī is the expansion of the triads and Sundarī is the full blown manifestation of the triads.
November 15, 2023 03:11 PM
Thank you! It is prescribed to worship Śrī Bālā first in mantra progression in Śrī Vidyā, along with Mahāganapthy, correct? Does it follow to also perform extended Tripura Bhairavī mantra japa? If so, how would this fit in order with Vārāhī Ambikā and Raja Shymalā mantra japa? Of course the guru will say or, if karma is so and worship and meditation and breath done properly, the deity or a messenger may come to the sadhak and explain. However, for one working with multiple gurus and trying heterodox practices, clarity can feel very elusive. Is it possible to suggest some reading material to understand more about the one called Śrī Bālā, Śrī Tripura Bhairavī, and Śrī Tripura Sundarī?
November 18, 2023 03:11 AM
Logically it would seem that we should worship Tripura Bhairavī in Śrī Vidyā, but it is generally not administered to the sādhakas, unless they're very advanced and have a specific desire to worship this form of the Divine Mother. Tripura Rahasyam is one good book to study and understand the deeper secrets associated with the Divine Mother. Ideally, the Tripura Bhairavī mantra should be initiated prior to the Pañcadaśī mantra.
November 18, 2023 07:11 PM
Ah so it so, that Pañcadaśī mantra is the ultimate mantra? That’s what I’ve learned from wonderfully enlightening pages and comments on Manblunder at least. Is it always that Pañcadaśī is the final mantra sādhaks attain, or are there further mantras for different purposes? Does Pañcadaśī theoretically offer the satisfaction of all pursuits?
November 23, 2023 01:11 AM
The Pañcadaśī and its variations can offer all the benefits. But this happens only when one has followed the proper krama (procedural worship) of Śrī Vidyā.
November 18, 2023 07:11 PM
This book Tripura Rahasyam has been staring at me from my book case for two years now. I really must read it. I think I’ve been putting it off subconsciously because it’s going to present a form of Advaita different than the “hard” non-dualism of Abhinavagupta and perhaps Trīka, of which I am so fond
December 30, 2023 10:12 PM
Naman Krishna I am an practising orthopaedic surgeon from Punjab, some how from no where I got initiated in to mantra sadhna , which was predicted by a friend. I am doing it randomly bur now it seems to have become monotonous. My life has suddenly entered a bad phase but I am not perturbed. Please guide which sampardaya I can join in Punjab Thanks
January 02, 2024 02:01 AM
Practice the mantra sādhana in the prescribed manner along with the deity Āvaraṇa pūja, kavacam and any related stotram on a regular basis to gain the grace of the deity as well as relief from the karmic actions and worries. You may choose to join any sāmpradāya of your choosing. Try to practice the initiated mantra to the best of your ability. I totally understand that time is a big constraint for you, so you may choose to perform the Āvaraṇa pūja when feasible and likewise with the stotram and kavacam, but try and recite the latter at least once every few days till things come back to normalcy. Mantra japa must be done everyday, even if you can do just 1 māla due to time constraints. It is important to follow the Viniyoga, nyāsa etc to gain the best experience of the sadhana.
February 03, 2024 01:02 PM
Namasthe to everyone, I would like to know if I can approach anyone in Hyderabad who can provide initiation to Kalabhairava upasana under guru lineage. Appreciate any information. Thanks for your time and consideration! Thanks Sampath
April 29, 2024 11:04 AM
namaste, i am looking for initiation and till now i was doing bhairav mantra but i need guidance as to which mantra is appropriate for me. can anyone help me out.
July 13, 2024 01:07 PM
Hello! Is Dan Irimia still available? I emailed him but he didn't answer and he is the only one of those with experience who speaks my native language. I use google translate because I don't speak English very well and I don't think I can communicate with other masters who make initiations on the site
July 14, 2024 08:07 PM
It may take some time for anyone of us to respond, as we get a lot of email and have follow-up actions, besides our own commitments to work and family. I will follow up with Dan and let you know.
September 24, 2024 01:09 AM
Hello folks, New to this forum and site but have been looking for a guru got tantra sadhana for a while. Mr. Krishna, I have contacted and begun process with Mr. Bharat Eshwar from Vamtantra. Found a mention on your site as well. In general, how will the journey progress?
September 24, 2024 06:09 AM
Shri Bharat Eshwar guruji is a very kind soul. It has been many years since I have been in touch with him and have no idea how the process is at this time. It is best to request guidance from him. My contact with him was for conducting some pūjas and seeking an initiation from him. He suggested the best path forward for me based on my horoscope. If you are interested in learning tantra sādhana, then it is best to lookup courses where one on one guidance can be offered. Unfortunately, we don't offer such guidance here. There is no substitute to learning in person from a guru who is well versed with tantra.
October 25, 2024 01:10 PM
How does one receive initiation from any one esteemed gurus listed at Mantra Initiations? Can some one suggest.
October 25, 2024 08:10 PM
just write an email to one of the Guru's. They will respond to you.
December 29, 2024 12:12 PM
Namaskaram Krishna Jee, I have been doing mantra and kawach sadhna of Shree Mateshwari Matangi, Lord Batuk Bhairav, and kawach of lord Uchchhist Ganpati. I have prayed lord Batuk Bhairav to be my guru and I feel he guides me and gives me all these hidden tantrik knowledge. But now I wanted to be initiated first by a physical guru and I am in search of a Guru from a respected Sri Vidya Lineage (I don't know much about Lineage). Also I don't know in which mantra sadhna should I get initiated first? Or can one person get initiated in multiple sadhanas...or is there a prescribed hierarchy (Krama) such as first shree uchchhist ganpati, then mata matangi, then mata pratyangira, then mata bala tripura sundari and then maha tripurasundari. Please guide me Krishna Jee????
December 31, 2024 02:12 PM
My name is Manmohan I live in Delhi, India and I want to take initiation in the worship of Lord Ganesha and the mantra of Lord Uchchhisht Mahaganapati. Please tell me how can I get initiation and the way forward, what should I do before taking initiation.