Bālā Mantra Japa बालामन्त्र जप
(This is the simple way of doing Bālā mantra Japa)
Seating: While doing Bala mantra japa, one has to either face East or North. If one does not have a guru, contemplate on Lord Dkṣiṇāmūrti and mentally accept Him as Guru.
1. Curse removal mantra:
बालामन्त्रजपत्वेन शापविमोचनमन्त्रं करिष्ये।
bālāmantrajapatvena śāpavimocanamantraṁ kariṣye।
हसैं हसकरीं हसैं hasaiṁ hasakarīṁ hasaiṁ
(to be recited 100 times before the commencement of daily japa. The recitation of this mantra can be dispensed with after reciting 100 times for the first few days.)
2. Dīpanī mantras: (Courtesy of learned commenter Tivra)
The Dīpanī for Vāgbhava is described as below:
पुष्पं वारिमुचां दवादिरपरस्ताव्एव वर्णौ तत्ओ दीर्घं वारिसखान्तमप्स्वपि तथा धान्तौ सलिकस्वरौ |
विद्या वाग्भवबीजदीपनकरी सारस्वत्ओत्पत्तय्ए साक्षात्काङ्क्षितपारिजातलतिका वस्वक्षर्ओक्ता मया ||
puṣpaṃ vārimucāṃ davādiraparastāveva varṇau tato dīrghaṃ vārisakhāntamapsvapi tathā dhāntau salikasvarau ।
vidyā vāgbhavabījadīpanakarī sārasvatotpattaye sākṣātkāṅkṣitapārijātalatikā vasvakṣaroktā mayā ॥
mantra -
वद वद वाग्वादिनी ऐं ।
vada vada vāgvādinī aiṃ ।
The Dīpanī for Kāmarāja is as below:
ब्रह्मा शक्रद्ऋगन्वितः सहभगा म्एषान्विता नादिनी कन्तान्तं सभगं सपूषणमत्ओ धान्तं त्विम्एशः सद्ऋक् |
काल्ओऽनन्तयुतं वियत् सदशनः सम्वर्तक्ओ भीशणा साक्रूरा कमलासनः सहशिव्ओ वैश्वानरस्ताद्ऋशः ||
brahmā śakradṛganvitaḥ sahabhagā meṣānvitā nādinī kantāntaṃ sabhagaṃ sapūṣaṇamato dhāntaṃ tvimeśaḥ sadṛk ।
kālo'nantayutaṃ viyat sadaśanaḥ samvartako bhīśaṇā sākrūrā kamalāsanaḥ sahaśivo vaiśvānarastādṛśaḥ ॥
Mantra -
क्लिन्ने क्लोदिनि महाक्षोभं कुरु ।
klinne klodini mahākṣobhaṃ kuru ।
The Dīpanī for Parā is as below:
सावित्री वदनयुता महादिकाली व्योमान्तं शशधरखण्डमखण्डितान्तम् ।
मोहिन्या सरसिजभूर्युतस्तथाग्निः विद्येयं परजीवदीपनी सा ॥
या यस्य दीपनकरी गदितेह विद्या ।
बीजस्य तस्य पुर एव समुच्चरेत्ताम् ॥
विद्याषडङ्गवदनेषु यथावदेव ।
न्यासेषु साधकवरो विदधीत शञ्च ॥
sāvitrī vadanayutā mahādikālī vyomāntaṃ śaśadharakhaṇḍamakhaṇḍitāntam ।
mohinyā sarasijabhūryutastathāgniḥ vidyeyaṃ parajīvadīpanī sā ॥
yā yasya dīpanakarī gaditeha vidyā ।
bījasya tasya pura eva samuccarettām ॥
vidyāṣaḍaṅgavadaneṣu yathāvadeva ।
nyāseṣu sādhakavaro vidadhīta śañca ॥
Mantra -
ॐ मोक्षं कुरु ।
oṃ mokṣaṃ kuru ।
Tivra further offers the following comment -
The Dīpanī for Vāgbhava is "hstraim̐ aim̐"; The Dīpanī for Kāmarāja is "hsklrīm̐ klīm̐"; The Dīpanī for Parā is "hstraum̐ḥ sauḥ". The complete formula that must be recited 100 times is the Mantra "hstraim̐ aim̐ hsklrīm̐ klīm̐ hstraum̐ḥ sauḥ (ह्स्त्रैँ ऐँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ क्लीँ ह्स्त्रौँः सौः)". Additionally, the devotee can further increase the strength of the Bālā Mantra by invoking Icchā, Jñāna, Kriyā Śaktis of Lalitā, reciting 100 times the Mantra "aim̐ vada vada vāgvādini aim̐ (ऐँ वद वद वाग्वादिनि ऐँ )" (meditate on the tongue of Lalitā) | klīm̐ klinne kledini kledaya kledaya mahā kṣobham̐ kuru kuru klīm̐ [ क्लीँ क्लिन्ने क्लेदिनि क्लेदय क्लेदय महा क्षोभं कुरु कुरु क्लीँ ] (meditate on Lalitā's breasts) | sauḥ mōkṣam̐ kuru kuru sauḥ [ सौः मोक्षँ कुरु कुरु सौः ] (meditate on the Yoni of Lalitā) | hsaum̐ḥ shauḥm̐ namaḥ [ ह्सौँः स्हौःँ नमः ] (meditate on the two feet of the Guru, the one who authorizes liberation) || The resulting Mantra is "aim̐ vada vada vāgvādini aim̐ | klīm̐ klinne kledini kledaya kledaya mahā kṣobham̐ kuru kuru klīm̐ | sauḥ mōkṣam̐ kuru kuru sauḥ | hsaum̐ḥ shauḥm̐ namaḥ || [ ऐँ वद वद वाग्वादिनि ऐँ । क्लीँ क्लिन्ने क्लेदिनि क्लेदय क्लेदय महा क्षोभं कुरु कुरु क्लीँ । सौः मोक्षँ कुरु कुरु सौः । ह्सौँः स्हौःँ नमः ॥ ] Having done all this, the sincere devotee should meditate on the fact that Bālā is Lalitā's own strength, identical in all aspects of strength. Confident of this the devotee should enter the state of Dhyana and recite the Bālā Mantra "aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ" 10,000 (ten thousand) times in 2 hours every day (mentally). You will be able to do this if you are in Dhyana and Mantra free from curses. For that devotee who performs this procedure, nothing becomes impossible to do. All difficult things seem like child's play to him, even the terrible ones. Then Bālā becomes the vehicle by which the devotee plays and travels in the mysteries of all the Amnayas and masters them completely, and in the end he reaches and plays in his Mother's abode in the Anuttaramnaya. Just as Bālā surprised all those present in the great war, the devotee will surprise all the sages because although she has the appearance of a child, she is fully capable of all things like Lalitā herself, her Mother.
3. Ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ ऋष्यादि न्यासः
अस्य श्री बालात्रिपुरसुन्दरी महा मन्त्रस्य। द्क्षिणामूर्ति ऋषिः। पङ्क्तिछन्दः। बालात्रिपुरसुन्दरी देवता॥
asya śrī bālātripurasundarī mahā mantrasya dkṣiṇāmūrti ṛṣiḥ|(open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead)| paṅktichandaḥ (right palm on the mouth)| bālātripurasundarī devatā(right palm on the heart chakra)॥
ऐं बीजं। सौः शक्तिः। क्लीं कीलकम्॥
श्री बालात्रिपुरसुन्दरी दर्शन भाषण सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः॥
aiṁ bījaṁ (right shoulder)| sauḥ śaktiḥ (left shoulder)| klīṁ kīlakam (on the navel)||
śrī bālātripurasundarī darśana bhāṣaṇa siddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ (open both the palms and run them over all parts of the body; from head to feet)||
4. Karanyāsaḥ करन्यासः
ऐं - अङ्गुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः। aiṁ - aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ| (use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs)
क्लीं - तर्जनीभ्यां नमः। klīṁ - tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ| (use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers)
सौः- मध्यमाभ्यां नमः। sauḥ- madhyamābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the middle fingers)
ऐं - अनामिकाभ्यां नमः। aiṁ - anāmikābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the ring fingers)
क्लीं - कनिष्ठीकाभ्यां नमः। klīṁ - kaniṣṭhīkābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the little fingers)
सौः - करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः। sauḥ - karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṁ namaḥ| (open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm)
5. Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ ह्र्दयादि न्यासः
ऐं- ह्र्दयाय नमः। aiṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ| (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra)
क्लीं - शिरसे स्वाहा। klīṁ - śirase svāhā| (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead)
सौः - शिखायै वषट्। sauḥ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ| (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where tuft is kept)
ऐं - कवचाय हुं। aiṁ - kavacāya huṁ| (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips)
क्लीं - नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्। klīṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ| (open the index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.
सौः - अस्त्राय फट्॥ sauḥ - astrāya phaṭ||
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ||
6. Dhyānam ध्यानम्
रक्तकलाम्बरां (रक्ताम्बरां) चन्द्रकलावतं सां समुद्यदादित्यनिभां त्रिनेत्रां।
विद्याक्षमालाभयदानहस्तां ध्यायामि बालामरुणाम्बुजस्थाम्॥
raktakalāmbarāṁ (raktāmbarāṁ) candrakalāvataṁ sāṁ samudyadādityanibhāṁ trinetrāṁ|
vidyākṣamālābhayadānahastāṁ dhyāyāmi bālāmaruṇāmbujasthām||
(Meaning of dhyāna verse for easy contemplation of Her form: I meditate upon the Bālā Devi, clad in red garments whose forehead is decorated with a crescent moon, who has three eyes, whose brilliance is like that of the rising sun, who is seated on a red lotus and who holds in her four hands a sacred book, rosary, abhaya and varada mudras.)
7. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा (follow as per Karanyāsa)
लं - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि।
हं - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि।
यं - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि।
रं - अग्न्यात्मिकायै धीपं दर्शयामि।
वं अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।
सं - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि॥
laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dhīpaṁ darśayāmi
vaṁ amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||
8. Bālā mantraḥ बाला मन्त्रः
There are three types of Bālā mantra-s and they are known by different names. One has to choose any one of the following. Out of the three, Bālā navākṣarī mantra is very powerful and is the best mantra for recitation. It is capable of giving material comforts. The three syllable mantra is related to herbs. Those who make sacred herbal medicines should recite this mantra. The second six syllable mantra is capable of providing liberation from transmigration.
1. Bālā mantra consists of three bījākṣara-s – ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं – सौः (om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ)
2. Bālātripurasundarī mantra consists of six bījākṣara-s - ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं - सौः -- सौः - क्लीं – ऐं (om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ -- sauḥ - klīṁ - aiṁ)
3. Bālā navākṣarī mantra - ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं - सौः -- सौः - क्लीं - ऐं -- ऐं - क्लीं – सौः (om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ -- sauḥ - klīṁ - aiṁ -- aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ)
9. Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ ह्र्दयादि न्यासः
ऐं- ह्र्दयाय नमः। aiṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ|
क्लीं - शिरसे स्वाहा। klīṁ - śirase svāhā|
सौः - शिखायै वषट्। sauḥ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ|
ऐं - कवचाय हुं। aiṁ - kavacāya huṁ|
क्लीं - नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्। klīṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ|
सौः - अस्त्राय फट्॥ sauḥ - astrāya phaṭ||
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्विमोकः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digvimokaḥ||
10. Dhyānam ध्यानम्
रक्तकलाम्बरां चन्द्रकलावतं सां समुद्यदादित्यनिभां त्रिनेत्रां।
विद्याक्षमालाभयदामहस्तां ध्यायामि बालामरुणाम्बुजस्थाम्॥
raktakalāmbarāṁ candrakalāvataṁ sāṁ samudyadādityanibhāṁ trinetrāṁ|
vidyākṣamālābhayadāmahastāṁ dhyāyāmi bālāmaruṇāmbujasthām||
11. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा
लं - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि।
हं - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि।
यं - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि।
रं - अग्न्यात्मिकायै धीपं दर्शयामि।
वं अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।
सं - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि॥
laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dhīpaṁ darśayāmi
vaṁ amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||
12. Samarpaṇam समर्पनम्
गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मात्कृतं जपम्।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवि त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्तिरा॥
Guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmātkṛtaṁ japam|
Siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā||
(Meaning: You sustain the secret of all secrets. Please accept this japa performed by me and bestow Your perpetual Grace on me.)
13. Addendum -
Additional curse removal and mantra activation mantras from various source have been provided for reference purposes. These are not necessarily followed in any tradition that I am aware of, but they exist and we have provided the same here for helping sādhakas.
śāpoddhāra mantra – Version 1 with doṣa śuddhi, must be recited 100 times each.
ह्सैँ क्लीँ हः । (वृहत् तन्त्रसार)
hsaim̐ klīm̐ haḥ । (sourced from Vṛhat Tantrasāra)
doṣa śuddhi –
हंसः ऐँ क्लीँ सौः या ऐँ क्लीँ सौः हंसः ।
haṃsaḥ aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ yā aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ haṃsaḥ ।
śāpoddhāra mantra – Version 2, must be recited 100 times each.
ह्स्रौँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ ह्स्रौँ ।
hsraum̐ hsklrīm̐ hsraum̐ ।
ह्सौँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ ह्सौँ ।
hsaum̐ hsklrīm̐ hsaum̐ ।
ऐँ ऐँ सौः क्लीँ क्लीँ ऐँ सौः सौः क्लीँ ।
aim̐ aim̐ sauḥ klīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ sauḥ klīm̐ ।
ह्स्रौँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ ह्स्रौः ।
hsraum̐ hsklrīm̐ hsrauḥ ।
ह्स्रैँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ ह्स्रौः ।
hsraim̐ hsklrīm̐ hsrauḥ ।
ह्स्रौँ ह्स्क्ल्रीँ ह्सौँ ।
hsraum̐ hsklrīm̐ hsaum̐ ।
utkīlana mantra – The mantra is unlocked by the combination of the cetanī and āhlādinī mantras.
cetanī mantra –
ॐ ऐँ ईँ औँ ।
oṃ aim̐ īm̐ aum̐ ।
āhlādinī mantra –
ॐ क्लीँ नमः ।
oṃ klīm̐ namaḥ ।
YouTube Video is here -> BALA MANTRA JAPA
Further Readings:
Narasa Raju
October 02, 2013 07:14 PM
Dear Ravi Sir,
This is with respect to the slight variation that I observed on Tripura Bhairavi mantra:
हसैं हसकरीं हसैं hasaim hasakarīm hasaim.
Published on Sunday April 15, 2012 under the heading of ‘Bala Mantra’
Again on Tuesday May 1st, 2012, published under the sub head of Curse Removal Mantra, under the Main Topic of Bala Mantra Japa
ह्सौं ह्स्क्ल्रीं ह्सौः hsaum hsklrīm hsaum
Now, I request you sir, please clarify which one is the correct one? or Are both are correct? Because every pronunciation has its own vibrations.
Thank You.
Narasa Raju
October 02, 2013 07:54 PM
Both are right. They are two different mantras of Tripura Bhairavi. This mantra is easier to pronounce - हसैं हसकरीं हसैं hasaim hasakarīm hasaim.
June 14, 2024 04:06 PM
Sir, I AM not able to understand the proper procedure to chant bala mantram. Please can you tell me the sequence of Chanting shaap vimochan, alhadini,deepan and chetani mantra. Please guide a Fool like me as there are so many mantras I AM confused. But want to chant mantra to get blessings of bala tripursundari maa please help prabhu.
June 15, 2024 08:06 AM
The cetanī, followed by āhlādinī and then the curse removal doṣa śuddhi/śāpoddhāra mantra can be recited prior to the recitation of the Śrī Bālā mūla mantra. The entire prescribed procedure of Viniyoga etc. must be followed.
February 11, 2014 09:01 PM
Dear Sir,
योजएद् आदिमे वीजे, वाराह -भृगु पावकान्
मध्यादौ नभो हंसो,मध्मांते तु पावकानम्
आदाबंते च तार्तिये , क्रमाद्वै धूम-केतनम
एवं जप्त्वा शतं विद्या, शाप-हीना फल प्रदा॥
Make what ever one can of it but the mantra is
" ह्स्त्रैं ऐं ह्स्क्लृं क्लीं ह्स्स्त्रौःसौः।
Евгений Г
June 30, 2015 08:04 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
September 23, 2016 12:40 PM
May get this baala deeksha from guru? Please suggest me one guru to take this.
December 02, 2016 09:27 AM
Pranam what does this mean 6. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा *this* (follow as per Karanyāsa) what does it mean to follow as per karnyasa?
December 02, 2016 09:37 AM
Pañcapūja is nothing but offering five upacāra-s such as sandal, flowers, dhūpam, dīpaṁ, water, sarvopacāram (all kinds of upacāra-s). This is to be followed as per Karanyāsa as per karanyāsa.
April 14, 2017 03:00 AM
Respected Guruji, Some scriptures says that bala om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ mantra as bala vagdevi mantra by doing anga and kara nyasa with the bija aim as prefix like this aiṁ aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ aim tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ aim madhyamabyam namah aim anabikabyam namah aim kanishtikabyam namah similarly Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ with rishi as brahma rishi: chands nichruth chandaha
February 14, 2018 02:25 AM
So, a guru’s initiation isn’t necessary for Bālā navākṣarī mantra? I have no access to guru or temples. And I need the grace of Devi to help me. Thank you
February 14, 2018 10:40 AM
It is always better to have a mantra initiated through a Guru. In case this is not possible, please visit the mantra section for Bala mantra and video section for Bala mantra. Thinking of Lord Dakshinamurthy, initiate yourself.
February 15, 2018 11:07 PM
So, I have three questions: 1. Does one NEED to do the curse mantra before chanting the Bala Navaksari mantra? 2. Does one NEED to chant certain Dhyana verses before chanting the Bala Navaksari mantra? 3. Can it be chanted mentally?
February 16, 2018 10:42 AM
1. Yes, curse removal mantra should be chanted 100 times on the first day. Afterwards, curse removal mantra need not be chanted.
2. Dhyana verse is part of mantra japa.
3. Whole mantra japa can be chanted mentally.
February 17, 2018 03:14 AM
The Nyāsas are also highly recommended for mantra japa. These are to activate the nerve centers, increase concentration, as well as to offer protection to ourselves from any disturbances etc. The dhyāna verse is to help fix the deity in our mind, to whom the japa is to be offered. It's important to have deep concentration to enhance the quality of the japa. Consider this as a form of meditation. Since it's normally not possible to have no thoughts, it is also recommended that one go through at least 3 rounds of nāḍi śodhāna prāṇayama, also called alternate nostril breathing. This usually calms the mind and makes us ready for the mantra japa.
बाल् गोपाल्
June 18, 2020 09:05 PM
हरि: ॐ श्री गुरुब्यो नाम: "Whole mantra japa can be chanted mentally" with exception of Nyāsas to be done physically touching the body, right? धन्यवाद, हरि: ॐ
June 19, 2020 12:03 AM
Yes, that is correct. Also please note, that external recitation is also permitted and followed by many.
बाल् गोपाल्
June 19, 2020 09:37 AM
हरि: ॐ Thank you for your clarification. Of late external recitation exhausts me! Today's mental japa was above 1000 count over several hours with short breaks in between. हरि: ॐ
February 21, 2018 10:47 PM
Why is Bala Navaksari mantra so powerful? What benefits does it offer?
February 21, 2018 10:50 PM
Bala mantra is reversed in the middle section. First it is aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ; next it is reversed sauḥ - klīṁ - aiṁ; again Bala mantra in regular form aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ. In other words, reversed Bala mantra is done sampuṭīkaraṇa with two Bala mantras at two ends. This makes navakshari Bala mantra powerful.
Benefits depend upon your samkalpa.
July 01, 2023 11:07 AM
Namaste sir. Can sankalpa be done in english instead of sanskrit? And, The dipani 100 times should be done once just like the curse remover, or should be done every time?
July 01, 2023 11:07 PM
Please go with what is advised by your Guru. What we follow is just the curse removal mantra with nyasa and mula mantra.
July 05, 2023 06:07 AM
I suggest reading the Sanskrit version as is and understanding the meaning that it denotes. This serves both purposes. The same applies to the dhyāna ślokas too. When it comes to the nyāsas and mantra, only the Sanskrit version is applicable. There is of course no benefit derived if one does not understand the deeper meaning of the mantra and its relevance.
October 14, 2019 04:53 AM
Respected Ravi Sir, Could you please publish Bala Avarana pooja procedure along with the mantras? Thanks!
October 14, 2019 12:32 PM
WE cannot guarantee. Avarana pujas are too lengthy to publish.
November 02, 2019 11:32 PM
Hai sir, In the 1st part Rishi chandas devatha ..we use right palm on top of the forhead,mouth,heart..but some people's here doing it with thumb,middle finger and index finger..they did not touch top of forhead with fully right palm.only use combination of fingers mudra (thumb,middle and ring finger).kindly tell me which is correct way to do it ? Thankyou
November 03, 2019 11:59 AM
According to me, what is given in various japa articles in this ste is right.
November 04, 2019 02:16 AM
The tattva mudra or the mṛgi mudra are used using the associated fingers. The palm is not used, as far as I know. You may wish to clarify this with your guru.
November 04, 2019 02:52 AM
Ok,But in Bala Kavacham in this website,it states that when we chant Aim beeja,kleem Kelakam,Sauh sakti..we should touch on navel,genitals,foot..This information s also in Sivasakti website too .. http://www.shivashakti.com/bala.htm ( Hail to the Bija Aim on the navel, Hail to the Shakti Sauh on the genitals,Hail to the Linchpin Klim on the feet, Hail to the Application when Reciting on all limbs) But why in this article,it says we touch Right shoulder,left shoulder,navel when chant aim beejam , kleem kelakam,sauh saktihi ? Kindly reply ...
November 04, 2019 04:06 AM
When you are reciting the Viniyoga, it is done in the manner stated above, bīja on right shoulder, śakti on the left shoulder and kīlaka on the navel. For ṛṣyādi nyāsa, it is different. These are two different ways that this is done. You can choose both or anyone of them.
बाल् गोपाल्
June 18, 2020 09:18 AM
हरि: ॐ श्री गुरुब्यो नाम: Please let me know the traditional श्लोक for contemplation on Guru lineage beginning with Lord Sadashiva wherein the initiated could say one's recent Guru's name at the beginning of जप? I believe it would be available in this website under certain folder. Also is it right in modern times to request for the picture of one's Guru (electronic) for contemplation? धन्यवाद, हरि: ॐ
June 19, 2020 12:13 AM
Guru pāduka can be obtained from the initiating guru, if you have been initiated into Śrī Vidya. There is a general śloka that goes like this - सदाशिव समारम्भाम्। शङ्कराचार्य मध्यमाम्। अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्ताम्। वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् ॥ sadāśiva samārambhām। śaṅkarācārya madhyamām। asmadācārya paryantām। vande guru paramparām ॥ The word 'asmad' can be replaced with the dīkṣa nāma (guru given name) of the current guru.
बाल् गोपाल्
June 19, 2020 09:43 AM
Though I used to start japa with this śloka since long, only now I came to know from you the modified form it. Thank you so much. हरि: ॐ
बाल् गोपाल्
June 18, 2020 09:42 AM
हरि: ॐ श्री गुरुब्यो नाम: ".........who holds in her four bands(h?) a sacred book, rosary, abhaya and varada mudras.) धन्यवाद, हरि: ॐ
June 18, 2020 11:58 PM
The correction has been made. Thank you for pointing it out.
July 04, 2020 10:37 AM
Respected Sir, Could you please publish Bala Avarana pooja procedure along with the mantras? Thanks!
July 07, 2020 11:23 PM
It is currently not on our agenda for this year. But we shall consider for next year or so.
July 04, 2020 10:42 AM
Namaste,Can u please share bala gayatri mantra for bala navakshari mantra japa.
July 07, 2020 11:25 PM
I have seen the mantra somewhere and I cannot recollect. If I do find it, I will post it.
Bal Gopal
July 23, 2020 07:12 AM
Namaste Guruji, Please advise if my understanding is correct or not. Unlike for Panchadasi Mantra, no matra (duration of one mantra chant) is prescribed for Bala Tripura Sundari Navakshari Mantra Japa? Thank you and Namaste.
July 23, 2020 12:23 PM
No duration is fixed for Bala mantra.
Bal Gopal
August 28, 2020 03:02 AM
Namaste Guruji, I have a general interest question, not related to any particular mantra and definitely nor an attempt to combine with “chakra meditation”. I perceived a kind of association/loop (in sequence & out of sequence) between the Nyāsaḥ’s, Pañcapūjā and cakras as shown herein with “?” marks for clarification, if any. Of course I’m not instructed to associate or visualize this way by any guru. With due respect to Guruji and tradition I request you to advise on this. ऋषिः सहस्रार चक्र ? 7 छन्दः विशुद्ध चक्र ? 5 देवता अनाहत चक्र 4 बीजं विशुद्ध चक्र ? 5 शक्तिः विशुद्ध चक्र ? 5 कीलकम् स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र ? 2 अङ्गुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः। विशुद्ध चक्र 5 तर्जनीभ्यां नमः। अनाहत चक्र 4 मध्यमाभ्यां नमः। मणिपूर चक्र 3 अनामिकाभ्यां नमः। स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र 2 कनिष्ठीकाभ्यां नमः। मूलाधार चक्र 1 करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः॥ आज्ञा चक्र ? 6 or सहस्रार चक्र ? 7 ह्र्दयाय नमः। अनाहत चक्र 4 शिरसे स्वाहा। सहस्रार चक्र ? 7 शिखायै वषट्। आज्ञा चक्र ? 6 कवचाय हुं। नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्। आज्ञा चक्र ? 6 अस्त्राय फट्॥ लं – पृथिव्यात्मिकायै / त्मने गन्धं समर्पयामि। मूलाधार चक्र 1 हं - आकाशात्मिकायै / त्मने पुष्पैः पूजयामि। विशुद्ध चक्र 5 यं – वाय्वात्मिकायै / त्मने धूपमाघ्रापयामि। अनाहत चक्र 4 रं - अग्न्यात्मिकायै / त्मने दीपं दर्शयामि। मणिपूर चक्र 3 वं - अमृतात्मिकायै / त्मने अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि। स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र 2 सं - सर्वात्मिकायै / त्मने सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि॥ आज्ञा चक्र ? 6 or सहस्रार चक्र ? 7
August 30, 2020 02:55 AM
There is no co-relation to the six cakras that I am aware of. Nyāsā-s are generally for invoking mantras or parts of them, all over the body. In time, it does charge up the mini and major cakras and leads to fulfillment of desires.
October 14, 2020 07:34 PM
Sir, in dhyanam, is it "raktāmbarāṁ" or "raktakalāmbarāṁ"? Please verify.Thank you!
October 16, 2020 04:45 AM
Both "raktāmbarāṁ" or "raktakalāmbarāṁ" relate to the same meaning of adorned in red garments and ornaments representing the passion to create as She is the very cause of this omniverse. I have added "raktāmbarāṁ" to the above śloka also.
October 14, 2020 07:35 PM
Also, "vidyākṣamālābhayadāmahastāṁ" should be "vidyākṣamālābhayadānahastāṁ", right?
October 16, 2020 04:45 AM
I have made the correction. Thank you for letting us know!
November 03, 2020 02:08 PM
Hi sir, are rushyadi nyasas required for Bala mantra? If yes, could you please add them as well? Thank you.
November 03, 2020 07:30 PM
Section 2 already has it.
January 05, 2021 02:31 PM
नित्य किल्लना साधना मत्रं जप ज्ञान दे।
Translation:- Explain about Nityaklinna sādhanā mantra japa.
January 08, 2021 05:33 AM
You may refer to Tantrarāja tantraṃ for more information on the Nitya devis. We may publish their mantras, associated stotras and pūjas in future.
June 20, 2021 01:08 AM
Could you please explain the difference between saubhagya panchadasakshari mantra & bala navaksari mantra
June 21, 2021 02:28 AM
Each kūṭa (section) of the Bālā mantra is prepended to the corresponding kūṭa of the pañcadaśī mantra to make up the Saubhāgya Pañcadaśī. This enhances the 15 lettered Śuddha Pañcadaśī to make it an 18 lettered mantra that is capable of bestowing amazing material benefits. It should be noted that this is NOT a starting mantra but requires a prior initiation into Bālā and Śrī Vidyā.
October 28, 2022 03:10 PM
Bālā Tripurasundarī... alone this playful child can make your life the most beautiful fairy tale and in the end lead you to her mother (Lalitā). Her mantra alone can pierce all the Chakras until it reaches her mother's abode in Sahasrāra. By surrendering and playing with this child, you easily get everything you want and are released in the end without obstacles. By giving your soul to her you will be able to have a dialogue at any time. If you wish, you can ask Bālā Tripurasundarī to initiate you into any mantra of her mother, even unknown ones. Only if you want and are curious to know. Bālā makes everything seem easy and child's play, even liberation. Sometimes all you need is to dedicate your entire life to a single deity or mantra with complete devotion. Sometimes you don't need to complicate things...
October 28, 2022 03:10 PM
Bālā's most powerful mantra is the three-letter one. The three-letter mantra is the only one that was cursed because it bestows all Siddhis and anything. But the Tantras indicate a different formula for removing the curse from the mantra of Bālā, different from the one written in the article. I will give the formula and ask that the article be fixed for the benefit of the devotees. Without it, the mantra does not bear fruit even if it is recited millions of times. The Dīpanī for Vāgbhava is described as below: पुष्पं वारिमुचां दवादिरपरस्ताव्एव वर्णौ तत्ओ दीर्घं वारिसखान्तमप्स्वपि तथा धान्तौ सलिकस्वरौ | विद्या वाग्भवबीजदीपनकरी सारस्वत्ओत्पत्तय्ए साक्षात्काङ्क्षितपारिजातलतिका वस्वक्षर्ओक्ता मया || The Dīpanī for Kāmarāja is as below: ब्रह्मा शक्रद्ऋगन्वितः सहभगा म्एषान्विता नादिनी कन्तान्तं सभगं सपूषणमत्ओ धान्तं त्विम्एशः सद्ऋक् | काल्ओऽनन्तयुतं वियत् सदशनः सम्वर्तक्ओ भीशणा साक्रूरा कमलासनः सहशिव्ओ वैश्वानरस्ताद्ऋशः || The Dīpanī for Parā is: सावित्री वदनयुता महादिकाली व्य्ओमान्तं शशधरखण्डमखण्डितान्तम् | म्ओहिन्या सरसिजभूर्युतस्तथाग्निः विद्य्एयं परजीवदीपनी सा || या यस्य दीपनकरी गदित्एह विद्या | बीजस्य तस्य पुर एव समुच्चर्एत्ताम् || विद्याषडङ्गवदन्एषु यथावद्एव | न्यास्एषु साधकवर्ओ विदधीत शञ्च || Make the corrections because almost no one says the correct way to remove the curse of this very high Mantra. More letters doesn't mean the mantra is more powerful, it just means the purposes are different. In the case of Bālā, the three-letter mantra is more beneficial than the other two.
November 08, 2022 07:11 AM
The Dīpanī mantras that you have specified have been published. I also included another set of mantras that I sourced from elsewhere. It appears to me that what you have specified could be uddhāra ślokas that may lead to the actual mantra. I could be wrong as I do not have any expertise in determining if these are uddhāra ślokas and if so, I have no skills in decoding the mantras from the uddhāra ślokas. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and love in sharing such valuable information for the benefit of sincere sādhakas.
November 08, 2022 04:11 PM
Namaste Krishna. What I mentioned are really uddhāra ślokas. Decoding them, one arrives at the Mantra of Tripura Bhairavi which I will tell you: The Dīpanī for Vāgbhava is "hstraim̐ aim̐"; The Dīpanī for Kāmarāja is "hsklrīm̐ klīm̐"; The Dīpanī for Parā is "hstraum̐ḥ sauḥ". The complete formula that must be recited 100 times is the Mantra "hstraim̐ aim̐ hsklrīm̐ klīm̐ hstraum̐ḥ sauḥ". Additionally, the devotee can further increase the strength of the Bālā Mantra by invoking Icchā, Jñāna, Kriyā Śaktis of Lalitā, reciting 100 times the Mantra "aim̐ vada vada vāgvādini aim̐" (meditate on the tongue of Lalitā) | klīm̐ klinne kledini kledaya kledaya mahā kṣobham̐ kuru kuru klīm̐ (meditate on Lalitā's breasts) | sauḥ mōkṣam̐ kuru kuru sauḥ (meditate on the Yoni of Lalitā) | hsaum̐ḥ shauḥm̐ namaḥ (meditate on the two feet of the Guru, the one who authorizes liberation) || The resulting Mantra is "aim̐ vada vada vāgvādini aim̐ | klīm̐ klinne kledini kledaya kledaya mahā kṣobham̐ kuru kuru klīm̐ | sauḥ mōkṣam̐ kuru kuru sauḥ | hsaum̐ḥ shauḥm̐ namaḥ || Having done all this, the sincere devotee should meditate on the fact that Bālā is Lalitā's own strength, identical in all aspects of strength. Confident of this the devotee should enter the state of Dhyana and recite the Bālā Mantra "aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ" 10,000 (ten thousand) times in 2 hours every day (mentally). You will be able to do this if you are in Dhyana and Mantra free from curses. For that devotee who performs this procedure, nothing becomes impossible to do. All difficult things seem like child's play to him, even the terrible ones. Then Bālā becomes the vehicle by which the devotee plays and travels in the mysteries of all the Amnayas and masters them completely, and in the end he reaches and plays in his Mother's abode in the Anuttaramnaya. Just as Bālā surprised all those present in the great war, the devotee will surprise all the sages because although she has the appearance of a child, she is fully capable of all things like Lalitā herself, her Mother.
November 10, 2022 04:11 PM
Thank you for sharing such valuable knowledge with us again! Can you please tell me why Tripura Bhairavi mantra is used to break curse and not Shiva or Vishnu mantra? Is it necessary to do Nyasa before repeating the mantra, I heard somewhere that if you repeat the mantra without doing Nyasa, then you will not get any fruits of the mantra, they will be taken by demons (or anyone who wants, mostly negative beings). How do you propose to enter the state of Dhyana, reading the shloka that is given in the article will not be enough? How to count 10.000 times the mantra japa, if we repeat 93 mala on 108 beads, we will get 10044 times, after repeating each of the 93 malas to rearrange a small stone to indicate that we repeated 1 mala? But so we need to rearrange 93 stones and constantly rearranging them we will come out of the state of Dhyana, especially since we chant the mantra in our minds, maybe you know other ways to chant 10.000 times the mantra without being distracted by rearranging the stones? Thanks for the answer!
July 11, 2023 10:07 PM
Dear Tivra ji Should one chant Dipani, udhaar shloka and aim̐ vada vada vāgvādini aim̐" everyday before chanting Bala manta or is it required only on the first day? Please guide.
March 10, 2024 06:03 AM
Namaskar Tivra ji! Are we supposed to do japa of utkilana mantra 100 times followed by 4 mantras you have mentioned each 100 times and then do regular Bala mantra japa? Kindly advise.
March 10, 2024 10:03 PM
If you wish to, you may do so. It is not necessary that it must be repeated in this manner, but doing so will definitely unlock a greater potency in the mantra.
June 17, 2024 10:06 AM
Can you please tell me if 3 lettered bala mantra is preffixed by aim hrim shrim instead of om then what will be the dipani? And can I chant dipani mantra on mala of 108 beads on which I chant bala mantra?
October 31, 2022 02:10 PM
Good afternoon. Thank you for continuing to share such valuable and hidden knowledge with us. I have a question. If the 3-syllable Bala Mantra has such power and is able to give everything in the world, then what power have for example: Navarna Mantra or 22-letter Dakshina Kali Mantra, what can we say about the glory of mantras with 100 and 1000 syllables? Can you share with us how to properly repeat the well-known Navarna Mantra? Is it necessary to recite some mantras for removing curse, setu, mahāsetu, kavacasetu, kullukā, bhūtaśuddhi, mukhaśodhana, nirvāṇa japa, or it is not necessary? Is it possible to recite before the main mantra - Sarva Yantra Mantra Tantra Utkīlana Dīpana Sañjīvana śāpavimocana Mantra Krama instead of all the above mantras, or sometimes it is necessary to recite special mantras (mantra for removing curse, setu, mahāsetu, kavacasetu, kullukā, bhūtaśuddhi. ...) for a particular mantra because this hymn will not be effective for every mantra? What is the main rule for repeating different Devi mantras? Is it possible to repeat the mantra thinking of the deity in the heart or higher chakra, sincerely, with love, devotion and not to chant the mantra for removing the curse, setu, mahāsetu, kavacasetu, kullukā, bhūtaśuddhi... and the mantra will work? It happens that someone sincerely loves the deity whose mantra he repeats, he does not do Nyasa or Viniyogah, does not repeat additional mantras or hymns, does not worry about how many thousands of times it is necessary to recite the mantra for it to start working, but the mantra DOES work! And somebody does Nyasa, reads Dhyana, Viniyogah, other additional mantras, counts how many times he has to repeat the mantra today, tries to do everything according to the rules, does not have a close relationship with the deity of the mantra, he repeats it because someone else does it, for some useful purposes, and the mantra does not really work. There are only glimpses of the boundless radiance of the glory of the mantra, why is that? How do we fully realize this radiance of the glory of the mantra? How should we chant mantras properly? I apologize for writing such a long and voluminous comment. I will be very grateful for your answer! It will be a great blessing for all of us. Thank you very much!
November 05, 2022 03:11 AM
Namaste The first thing the seeker should keep in mind is that the path of Tantric Mantras needs devotion and skill. Often the seeker has a lot of devotion, but he does not have the necessary skill to follow the path of Tantra. This happens because of the absence of a Guru. All these Mantras you mentioned are Tantric in nature and will not always be suitable for all people. The Guru is very important because he will make an individual analysis of each devotee. The lack of success is often due to the fact that something is not always suitable for everyone. Pursuing the path of Tantra without a Guru is dangerous and results in failure almost always because only the Guru will indicate what is best and suitable for you. I can assure you that there is no success in Tantra without a Guru. The fact that the Divine Mother Bālā Mantra bestows everything is an exception. She can only do this because she is Lalitā herself in childlike form. Deities in general work in a limited way for specific purposes and paths. Not all deities can give everything. Nyasas and the need to remove curses from Mantras is very specific to each person and their level of purity. There are devotees at a very high level of purity and curses do not affect them. There are devotees who have never recited a single Mantra in their life, but because they are very pure in heart, all Mantras become perfect (Siddhi) for them immediately. The Guru will look at these matters differently for each devotee. There are Mantras that are not Tantric in nature like "Namaḥ Śivāya". These mantras work solely on the basis of your devotion and do not require skill. If your devotion is strong enough, Siva will present himself immediately and the number of recitations will be irrelevant. Outside of Tantra, Mantras work with devotion and if your desire is strong enough, God will present himself within seconds or days. But in Tantra skill is very important. But what if you love Lalitā very much and don't have a Guru? You can recite her name "Lalitā...Lalitā...Lalitā". If your love is true, she will guide you to a Guru, and if that is not possible, she will initiate you into her Mantras herself. This kind of phenomenon is not very common because the devotee's desire and love must be very sincere to the point of calling the deity's attention and making it present itself. Devotion can make any deity come forward and purity can make you break all the rules. The Guru is the light in the darkness of ignorance. The ideal would always be to have a Guru. Without a Guru, recite mantras of your favorite deity that are not Tantric in nature.
November 05, 2022 04:11 AM
I would like to warn about a serious mistake being made by almost all devotees in Kali-Yuga. Worshiping several deities at the same time is a serious mistake. Changing deities is a serious mistake. The intelligent devotee must choose a single deity, a single specific form and a single Mantra for his entire life! Indeed the devotee must become the very Mantra he recites! He must become the very deity he worships. Only that devotee obtains the true presence and grace of the chosen deity, no other. You cannot love a deity with half your heart, you must love a deity with your whole heart. Only that devotee attains the true strength of the Mantra, the others only touch the surface of that Mantra, not its depth.
November 05, 2022 04:11 PM
There is a form of the Divine Mother that can destroy the curse and defects of all Mantras, as well as giving them maximum potency. This Divine Mother is called Pratyaṅgirā. For this reason the Khaḍgamālā Mantraḥ says: "sarvārtha sumantra siddhiprade sarva durmantra vidhvam̐sini paramantroccāṭini paramānugraha kṣipra prasādini." That's why one of her names is "Sarvaśāpavimocani". Pratyaṅgirā is indeed a very incredible form, but it is too much for most people to handle. In Kali-Yuga people rely on lies because the truths can be very bitter. If you start worshiping Pratyaṅgirā properly, it will eradicate and destroy all lies from your life. These lies can fall on your friends, your wife/husband, your relatives, your job. If your beloved wife represents a lie in your life, Pratyaṅgirā will eradicate your wife for your good. Perhaps you imagined that she loved you, but Pratyaṅgirā is pure Satya and she knows what is false and will hurt you even if you love such a thing. By worshiping Pratyaṅgirā, the devotee can witness destruction in all directions of his life, of things that he loves very much, because all these things are hidden poisons in his life. If the devotee is brave and has a unshakable faith in Pratyaṅgirā, even as she destroys all the lies that he loves dearly, she will make a clean sweep and bring all the true and good things: a wife who truly loves him, friends who truly love him, a job that will make him happy and everything that is good for him. As well as elevating him to enlightenment of the highest order. Guru is essential to Pratyaṅgirā because most people in Kali-Yuga will not bear the truths and are in danger of going mad and dying. The Guru needs to take care of this devotee during this troubled period of total cleansing. I have told you all this to show the importance of the Guru's instructions on the path of Tantra. To show the importance of explaining the dangers and the posture and support that the devotee should have. Without all this the devotee is lost not knowing what he is doing, what he should do and which direction he should go.
November 06, 2022 12:11 AM
To do this, a Guru is needed, he looks at the birth chart (Jyotish) determines the Ishta devata and initiates the mantra of this Deity. On this site, Sri Vidya Empress is Sri Lalita, do not look for many mantras, deities, stick to one, over time you will understand that Sri Lalita is Pure Consciousness, and all the gods are Her. It's like when you dig a well, throw it and start digging another one in the end nothing will work.
November 06, 2022 03:11 PM
Thank you for answering me! It all comes down to finding a Guru, but where do I find one? I live in Ukraine, here most people are christians and very few krishnaites. My country is now going through a period of cleansing from negative karma, there is so much of it in Ukraine that there was a war between one nation, which was divided by a dotted line on the map. What do you advise me to do until I find a Guru? It is better to do something, if you do nothing at all, Guru will definitely not come to such a lazy person. You mentioned to repeat the name of the Divine Mother, but is it enough? Is it possible to start repeating some mantra and in the process Divine Mother will correct if something is wrong, and eventually Guru will come if the practice is sincere? Thank you for your answer.
December 12, 2022 03:12 PM
Namaste Tivra-ji. I sincerely thank you for this explanation alone. When the learned say many of these divine invitations clear all past karmas and takes one on the righteous path, it is very subtle and won’t be grasped easily. Your explanation above is so clear that no doubt remains on any sadhana. This answer cleared so many doubts for me. I have also been struggling to find answers for a couple of questions related to vedic and tantric initiations and daily practice. May I reach you via email to beg for clarifications? Respectful pranams, Anil
December 12, 2022 10:12 PM
Namaste Anil Kumar. Unfortunately I cannot guide individual devotees by email. I come to comment here on the Manblunder Website as the Divine Mother inspires me to speak. I don't even choose what I'm going to talk about.
December 13, 2022 08:12 AM
Namaste Tivra-ji, Thank you very much for the prompt response. I will try my best to phrase my questions clearly here, without affecting anyone else's sadhana. 1. Can one directly switch from Savitru Gayatri to SriVidya mantra at the peak of japa while doing sandhyavandana, instead of finishing Sandhyavanda completely, and then again starting SriVidya with Achamana-Rishi-Chandas-Nyasa-pancha pooja-dhyana and then mula mantra? 2. If by Divine Mother’s grace, if one ends getting initiated into same mula mantra twice, Tantric and then Vedic, through two different gurus, what should be the best course to move forward without unintentionally disrespecting the guru lineage? 3. Is it OK to do Vedic and Tantric japa of the same mula mantra same day, like morning one and evening another? 4. Honestly, after certain repetitions of any mantra, when the vibrations begin, the pattern manifests to any or many known mantras involuntarily. I don’t know if this is the lack of will power or concentration, or Her testing or leela. Respectful pranams, Anil
December 14, 2022 07:12 PM
Namaste Anil Kumar. Make things as simple as possible. Choose only a single path. Don't walk two paths at the same time. Which of the paths you should choose depends on your devotion. The two are the same Divine Mother, she will not find it disrespectful for you to choose just one form that pleases your heart most. Choose a single path and follow the instructions of the Guru of the chosen path. But never follow two paths at the same time.
December 15, 2022 03:12 AM
Thank you very much, Tivra-ji. I will stick to one path. Best advice for me. Respectful pranams Anil
January 02, 2025 08:01 PM
Question by a rookie here. This advice resonated with me because I am one of these. I have two ishthas and I take some of the advice I read on the Internet seriously. For example, every recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa must be preceded by a mala of Sri Rama's mantra. As a result, before I arrive at the actual mantra that I have been initiated into, I have spent an hour or more in the preliminary mantras like invoking Ganapathi with one mala of his mantra, my kuladevata, my guru and so on. Should I just directly begin chanting the diksha mantra instead? Hope to receive a response for this comment.
January 03, 2025 05:01 PM
The advice of the initiating guru should be followed. As mentioned previously, it is best to follow one path at any point of time instead of multiple ones.
June 18, 2023 12:06 AM
Hi sir.. what does महा क्षोभं कुरु कुरु mean?
June 18, 2023 09:06 AM
It is for creating a very strong current within.
September 10, 2023 07:09 AM
Pranam. Does this Kavacham require initiation? I started practicing the Bala mantra as it is stated that it does not require an initiation, and I also started this Kavacham somehow assuming that this Kavacham also does not require an initiation. Then I thought I should have asked before starting. Please forgive my lack of knowledge. I have been a Buddhist meditation practitioner for more than 20 years, mostly Tibetan Buddhism. I got exposed to Hinduism while I was living in the US, and my association with Hinduism has been only a few years, so I'm still learning. I'm currently living in Japan and initiation is not possible here. It is only for the love for the Mother that I started worshiping the Devi. I would appreciate your answer and guidance. Thank you in advance and for your vast knowledge and work to provide information here.
September 10, 2023 07:09 AM
My previous comment (question) posted here was meant to be posted on Bala Kavacham page. I made a mistake during some struggles with loggin process. Now I tried to post that comment on Bala Kavacham page, I somehow could not loggin to comment so I leave this comment here. I apologize for confusion and inconvenience.
September 11, 2023 12:09 AM
It is best to seek an initiation into Śrīvidyā and then get started on this mantra and its related rituals. It will definitely aid your meditation to a greater degree.
September 24, 2023 07:09 AM
Thank you for your answer! I pray for a fortunate opportunity in the future.
March 06, 2024 01:03 PM
Sir I am initiated by a guru but my bala mantra has 5 bija aksharas I cannot tell the mantra how should I know the curse removal mantra for it if I don't have access to my guru please guide me, and should I chant curse removal on same mala on which I chant bala mantra
March 08, 2024 11:03 AM
You should chant what is relevant for the initiated mantra. You may chant the one relevant to the deity's other mantras, but it may not be applicable. There is a separate article that has the generic formula that can be used for any mantra. You may use that for your purposes.
March 08, 2024 12:03 AM
Please tell me what is dipani for bijas hrim and shrim please guide how can I find dipani for my mantra
March 08, 2024 11:03 AM
You may look for them in the higher mantras of Śrīvidyā. I am not aware of the formulas but will suggest that you check out the books from Mayuresh Prakashan or Kalyan Mandir to see if they have anything relevant.
May 09, 2024 01:05 AM
I perform japa on quartz mala should I chant dipani mantras and other 4 mantras on same mala before starting main mantra, how can I make sure that mantra is completely curse free and I can have maximum benefit and what is the Purshcharan of tryakshari bala mantra,
May 09, 2024 04:05 PM
Sir sorry to ask so many questions but can I chant this mantra for wish fulfillment.
May 23, 2024 01:05 AM
Greetings. I want to clarify on doubt/query. If we recite lalitha stotram of sarva mantra utklina, do we still need to read the mantras for this mantra or are free to proceed without them. Thank you.
June 14, 2024 05:06 PM
I read about bala shaap vimochan vidhi on manblunder and I AM very confused with what to chant since there are many mantras given there. Please can you tell me the sequence of mantras to chant so that I can please Goddess bala ambika and get her grace. Yours faithfully
December 06, 2024 10:12 PM
have there kulluka setu mahasetu of bala mantra ?