Arghya means respectful offering to a guest. During various pūjā-s, different gods and goddesses are invoked. After completing the entire pūjā, arghya is offered to the concerned deity as a mark of respectful reception.
During Mahāgaṇapati pūjā, kṣirārghyam (क्षिरार्घ्यम्) is considered as very important. This arghyam is to be offered by everyone present during pūjā, not just by the one who performed the pūjā. Milk is used (not boiled) for offering arghyam. In the right hand one has to hold two bananas, betel leaves with areca nuts, akṣata and flowers. Using the left hand one has to pour the milk into right hand using uttaraṇi, or seek the help of the one who performed the pūjā to do this.
Kṣirārghyam begins with a small saṅkalpa.
महागणपति पूजान्ते क्षीरार्घ्य प्रदानम् करिष्ये॥
mahāgaṇapati pūjānte kṣīrārghya pradānam kariṣye ||
There are four arghya-s. At the end of each arghya, milk is to be poured through right palm into a vessel, kept separately for this.
1. अर्घ्यं गृहाण हेरंब वरप्रदविनायक । गन्धपुष्पाक्ष्तैर्युक्तं भक्त्या दत्तं मया प्रभो ॥
सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः। इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम्॥
arghyaṁ gṛhāṇa heraṁba varapradavināyaka |gandhapuṣpākṣtairyuktaṁ bhaktyā dattaṁ mayā prabho ||
siddhivināyakāya namaḥ | idamarghyam | idamarghyam | idamarghyam ||
2. नमस्ते भिन्नदन्ताय नमस्ते हरसूनवे। इदमर्घ्यं प्रदास्यामि गृहाण गणनायक॥
namaste bhinnadantāya namaste harasūnave | idamarghyaṁ pradāsyāmi gṛhāṇa gaṇanāyaka ||
सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः। इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम्॥
siddhivināyakāya namaḥ | idamarghyam | idamarghyam | idamarghyam ||
3. नमस्तुभ्यं गणेशाय नमस्ते विघ्ननायक। पुनरर्घ्यं प्रदास्यामि गृहाण गणनायक॥
namastubhyaṁ gaṇeśāya namaste vighnanāyaka | punararghyaṁ pradāsyāmi gṛhāṇa gaṇanāyaka ||
सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः। इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम्॥
siddhivināyakāya namaḥ | idamarghyam | idamarghyam | idamarghyam ||
4. गौर्यङ्गमलसंभूत स्वामिज्येष्ठ विनायक। गणेश्वर गृहाणार्घ्यं गजानन नमोऽस्तु ते॥
gauryaṅgamalasaṁbhūta svāmijyeṣṭha vināyaka | gaṇeśvara gṛhāṇārghyaṁ gajānana namo'stu te ||
सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः। इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम् । इदमर्घ्यम्॥
siddhivināyakāya namaḥ | idamarghyam | idamarghyam | idamarghyam ||
Samarpaṇam समर्पनम्
अनेन अर्घ्यप्रदाने भगवन् सर्वात्मकः श्री सिद्धिविनायकः प्रीयताम्॥
anena arghyapradāne bhagavan sarvātmakaḥ śrī siddhivināyakaḥ prīyatām ||
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