Śrī Mahā-vārāhī Aṣṭottara-śata-divya-nāma Stotram

(श्री महावाराही अष्टोत्तरशतदिव्यनाम स्तोत्रम् )

AcknowledgmentsShri Lorran for providing the text of the Śrī Mahāvārāhī Aṣṭottaraśatanāma Stotram with two variations. The second acknowledgment goes to Śrī Yogāmba sameta Śrī Ātmānandanātha (Shri Ramesh Kutticad) whose book – “Meditative Texts”, has served as the primary reference for much of the content of the related article.

Prologue – The 108 attributes are a gist of the essence of the deity, who is elaborated in a more expansive and detailed manner in the associated 1000 attributes hymn. The purpose seems to be to allow the worshippers to pray to the deity on a daily or regular basis without losing sight of the most important attributes and features.

The Divine Mother Śrī Mahāvārāhī is mostly expressed and seen as very aggressive in removing all enemies – external and internal. Of greatest importance is our own internal enemies such as our thoughts, wavering mind and lack of faith due to karmic burdens pulling us down in our daily lives. The Divine Mother is the greatest weapon we can make use of, to get rid of all our worries and progress in all walks of life. She is essentially the power of all Daśamahāvidyas, Guhyakāli etc and will never let down the devotee who surrenders unto Her. It is essential and a pre-requisite for any devotee to understand the Divine Mother through Her various attributes and mediate upon Her to invoke Her grace.

At some point of time in life with regular mantra japa, meditation and a change in our outlook towards greater focus on spirituality over mundane matters, we will begin to experience Her enormous grace, power and upliftment in all walks of life. The Divine Mother is the closest to all denizens of our magnificent planet and no one can match Her power and grace as She nullifies the effects of all karmas gathered over countless lifetimes. A sincere devotee of Hers should never discriminate and see the Divine Mother in all and in everything. May these attributes help us in achieving all that we desire and more!

1. Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) -

asya śrī mahā-vārāhī aṣṭottara-śata-divya-nāma stotra mahā-mantrasya

śrī śiva ṛṣiḥ

jagatī chandaḥ

śrī mahā-vārāhī devatā

glaum̐ bījaṃ

aim̐ śaktiḥ

ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ kīlakaṃ

śrī mahā-vārāhī prītaye jape viniyogaḥ

अस्य श्री महावाराही अष्टोत्तरशतदिव्यनाम स्तोत्र महामन्त्रस्य ।

श्री शिव ऋषिः ।

जगती छन्दः ।

श्री महावाराही देवता ।

ग्लौँ बीजं ।

ऐँ शक्तिः ।

ठः ठः ठः ठः कीलकं ।

श्री महावाराही प्रीतये जपे विनियोगः ॥

Meaning: This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Mahā-vārāhī and perform Her Aṣṭottara-śata-divya-nāma stotra mahāmantra japa to please Her and obtain Her complete grace in all aspects, namely the four puruṣārtha-s – dharma (justice, law), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa (liberation) and all other desires that one may seek from the Divine. The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is the absolute Divine Lord Śiva Himself, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Jagatī and the deity is Śrī Mahā-vārāhī. The seed (bīja) mantra is glaum̐’ (ग्लौँ), which is also the seed mantra for Mother Earth as well as abundance. The power (śakti) to invoke the mantra is the SarasvatI bīja aim̐’ (ऐँ) representing knowledge and creativity. The lock (kīlakaṃ) for the mantra is ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ’ (ठः ठः ठः ठः). The Samāsan bīja (seed) mantra ṭhaḥ (ठः) represents closeness and getting nearer.

2. Ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ (ऋष्यादि न्यासः) -






śrī śiva ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi

श्री शिव ऋषये नमः शिरसि

Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top.


jagatī chandase namaḥ mukhe

जगती छन्दसे नमः मुखे

Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā.


śrī mahāvārāhī devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi

श्री महावाराही देवतायै नमः हृदि

Touch the heart with the right palm.


glaum̐ bījāya namaḥ guhye

ग्लौँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये

Touch the genitalia with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


aim̐ śaktaye namaḥ pādayoḥ

ऐँ शक्तये नमः पादयोः

Touch the feet with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ kīlakāya namaḥ nābhau

ठः ठः ठः ठः कीलकाय नमः नाभौ

Touch the navel area with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


śrī mahāvārāhī prītaye stotra pārāyaṇe viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge

श्री महावाराही प्रीतये स्तोत्र पारायणे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे

Run both the palms all over the body.


iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ

इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः


3. Karanyāsaḥ (करन्यासः) -






oṃ aim̐ glaum̐ aim̐ namo bhagavati vārtāli vārtāli aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ ऐँ ग्लौँ ऐँ नमो भगवति वार्तालि वार्तालि अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः

Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs.


oṃ vārāhī vārāhī tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ वाराही वाराही तर्जनीभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers.


oṃ varāhamukhi varāhamukhi madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ वराहमुखि वराहमुखि मध्यमाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the middle fingers.


oṃ andhe andhini namaḥ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ अन्धे अन्धिनि नमः अनामिकाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the ring fingers.


oṃ rundhe rundhini namaḥ kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ रुन्धे रुन्धिनि नमः कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the little fingers.


oṃ jambhe jambhini namaḥ mohe mohini namaḥ stambhe stambhini namaḥ sarvaduṣṭapraduṣṭānāṃ sarveṣāṃ sarvavākcittacakṣurmukhagatijihvā stambhanaṃ kuru kuru śīghraṃ vaśyaṃ aim̐ glaum̐ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ hum̐ astrāya phaṭ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ जम्भे जम्भिनि नमः मोहे मोहिनि नमः स्तम्भे स्तम्भिनि नमः सर्वदुष्टप्रदुष्टानां सर्वेषां सर्ववाक्चित्तचक्षुर्मुखगतिजिह्वा स्तम्भनं कुरु कुरु शीघ्रं वश्यं ऐँ ग्लौँ ठः ठः ठः ठः हुँ अस्त्राय फट् करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः

Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm.


iti kara nyāsaḥ

इति कर न्यासः


4. Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः) -






oṃ aim̐ glaum̐ aim̐ namo bhagavati vārtāli vārtāli hṛdayāya namaḥ

ॐ ऐँ ग्लौँ ऐँ नमो भगवति वार्तालि वार्तालि हृदयाय नमः

Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.


oṃ vārāhī vārāhī śirase svāhā

ॐ वाराही वाराही शिरसे स्वाहा

Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead.


oṃ varāhamukhi varāhamukhi śikhāyai vaṣaṭ

ॐ वराहमुखि वराहमुखि शिखायै वषट्

Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept.


oṃ andhe andhini namaḥ kavacāya hum̐

ॐ अन्धे अन्धिनि नमः कवचाय हुँ

Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips.


oṃ rundhe rundhini namaḥ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ

ॐ रुन्धे रुन्धिनि नमः नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्

Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra.


oṃ jambhe jambhini namaḥ mohe mohini namaḥ stambhe stambhini namaḥ sarvaduṣṭapraduṣṭānāṃ sarveṣāṃ sarvavākcittacakṣurmukhagatijihvā stambhanaṃ kuru kuru śīghraṃ vaśyaṃ aim̐ glaum̐ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ hum̐ astrāya phaṭ astrāya phaṭ

ॐ जम्भे जम्भिनि नमः मोहे मोहिनि नमः स्तम्भे स्तम्भिनि नमः सर्वदुष्टप्रदुष्टानां सर्वेषां सर्ववाक्चित्तचक्षुर्मुखगतिजिह्वा स्तम्भनं कुरु कुरु शीघ्रं वश्यं ऐँ ग्लौँ ठः ठः ठः ठः हुँ अस्त्राय फट् अस्त्राय फट् ॥

Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand.


iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः


bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ ॥

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः ॥

(May all the directions be bound and no interference comes to us from any direction.)

5. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) -

vande varāhavaktrāṃ varamaṇi-mukuṭāṃ vidruma-śrotra-bhūṣām

hārā-graiveya tuṅga stana bharanamitāṃ pīta-kaiśeya-vastrām

devīṃ dakṣorvdhva-haste musalam-atha-paraṃ lāṅgalaṃ vā kapālam

vāmābhyāṃ dhārayantīṃ kuvalaya-kalitāṃ śyāmalāṃ suprasannām

वन्दे वराहवक्त्रां वरमणिमुकुटां विद्रुमश्रोत्रभूषाम्

हाराग्रैवेय तुङ्ग स्तन भरनमितां पीतकैशेयवस्त्राम् ॥

देवीं दक्षोर्व्ध्वहस्ते मुसलमथपरं लाङ्गलं वा कपालम् ।

वामाभ्यां धारयन्तीं कुवलयकलितां श्यामलां सुप्रसन्नाम् ॥

Meaning: Salutations to the Divine Mother Śrī Vārāhi, who has a boar face and a bedecked crown on Her head, adorned with beautiful coral earrings and necklaces of precious ornaments bearing down to Her chest. She is draped in fine golden garments. She holds a pestle and sword on Her right arms and a plough, as well as a cup of blood on the corresponding left arms. She shines forth like a string of pearls adorned on Her. She is dark complexioned and in an extremely elated mood, seated on a blossomed blue lotus.

6. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) -






lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ kalpayāmi namaḥ


लँ - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaṃ kalpayāmi namaḥ

हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पं कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us.


yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpaṃ kalpayāmi namaḥ


यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपं कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṃ kalpayāmi namaḥ


रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


vam̐ - amṛta mahānaivedyaṃ kalpayāmi namaḥ


वँ - अमृत महानैवेद्यं कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām kalpayāmi namaḥ


सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजां कल्पयामि नमः


Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position.

7. Vārāhī gāyatrī mantraḥ (वाराही गायत्री मन्त्रः) -

varāha-mukhyai vidmahe

daṇḍa-nāthāyai dhīmahi

tanno arghni pracodayāt

वराहमुख्यै विद्महे ।

दण्डनाथायै धीमहि ।

तन्नो अर्घ्नि प्रचोदयात् ॥

Meaning: Let us meditate upon the boar faced Divine Mother wielding a staff, to kindle our intellect and illumine it.

Śrī Mahāvārāhī Aṣṭottaraśatadivyanāma Stotraṃ (श्री महावाराही अष्टोत्तरशतदिव्यनाम स्तोत्रं) -

The attributes of the Divine Mother Śrī Mahāvārāhī are described in the nāmāvali document. The phalasruti is embedded along with the nāmās and we therefore included that also as part of the nāmāvali. One can recite this Stotram after comprehending the meanings provided in the nāmāvali.

namastestu mahāmāyā vārāhī nāma dhāriṇī

kolasyā ca mahāraudrī vajratuṇḍadhāre yami 1

नमस्तेस्तु महामाया वाराही नाम धारिणी ।

कोलस्या च महारौद्री वज्रतुण्डधारे यमि ॥ १ ॥


sahasra-sūrya-saṅkāśā tejaḥ-puñja-samanvitā

rudrarūpa-mahāghorā ghora-rūpā bhayaṅkarī 2

सहस्र-सूर्य-सङ्काशा तेजः-पुञ्ज-समन्विता ।

रुद्ररूप-महाघोरा घोर-रूपा भयङ्करी ॥ २ ॥


bandhūka-puṣpa-saṅkāśā dāḍimī kusumopama

tīkṣṇa-sindhūra-saṅkāśā japākusuma-sannibhā

yauvanasthā madonmatta tuṅga-pīna-payodharā 3

बन्धूकपुष्पसङ्काशा दाडिमी कुसुमोपम ।

तीक्ष्णसिन्धूरसङ्काशा जपाकुसुमसन्निभा ।

यौवनस्था मदोन्मत्त तुङ्गपीनपयोधरा ॥ ३ ॥


sarvālaṅkāra-bhūṣāṅgī muṇḍamālā-vilaṃbinī

netratrayā rakta-ghorākṣī daṃṣṭrā-karāla-bhāsurā 4

सर्वालङ्कारभूषाङ्गी मुण्डमालाविलंबिनी ।

नेत्रत्रया रक्तघोराक्षी दंष्ट्राकरालभासुरा ॥ ४ ॥


caturbhuja-dharā devī atha cāṣṭabhujā-dharī

dakṣiṇe ca halaṃ dhṛtvā ca musalaṃ vāmakare 5

चतुर्भुजधरा देवी अथ चाष्टभुजाधरी ।

दक्षिणे च हलं धृत्वा च मुसलं वामकरे ॥ ५ ॥


kādyaṃ varadharā devī nānālaṅkāra-maṇḍitā

raktāṃbhojāsanā devī pretasyopari-saṃsthitā 6

काद्यं वरधरा देवी नानालङ्कारमण्डिता ।

रक्तांभोजासना देवी प्रेतस्योपरिसंस्थिता ॥ ६ ॥


sarva-lakṣaṇa-saṃyuktā sarvāvayava-śobhitā

madya-māṃsa priyā devī madirānanda-vanditā 7

सर्वलक्षणसंयुक्तं सर्वावयवशोभिता ।

मद्यमांस प्रिया देवी मदिरानन्द-वन्दिता ॥ ७ ॥


pūjitā sarvalokaistu trailokyaṃ sa carācaraṃ

trikoākhya mahācakre saṃsthitā viśvayoginī 8

पूजिता सर्वलोकैस्तु त्रैलोक्यं स चराचरं ।

त्रिकोणाख्य महाचक्रे संस्थिता विश्वयोगिनी ॥ ८ ॥


pañcakoṇākhya mahācakre saṃsthitā pañcadevatā

andhinī rundhinī caiva jambhinī mohinī tathā 9

पञ्चकोणाख्य महाचक्रे संस्थिता पञ्चदेवता ।

अन्धिनी रुन्धिनी चैव जम्भिनी मोहिनी तथा ॥ ९ ॥


stambhinī ca samāyuktā pūjanīyā sadā budhaiḥ

bāhya ṣaṭkoṇa cakre ca śṛṅge madhye tu pūjitā 10

स्तम्भिनी च समायुक्ता पूजनीया सदा बुधैः ।

बाह्य षट्कोण चक्रे च शृङ्गे मध्ये तु पूजिता ॥ १० ॥


īśānakoṇa madhye tu ḍākinī ca prapūjayet

bhakṣiṇī tvaca karmāṇī sarvāṇī kṣayakāriṇī 11

ईशानकोण मध्ये तु डाकिनी च प्रपूजयेत् ।

भक्षिणी त्वच कर्माणी सर्वाणी क्षयकारिणी ॥ ११ ॥


agnikoṇe ca rākinyā śatru-rudhira-pāyanī

paścime koṇa māsṛjya lākinī māmsabhakṣiṇī 12

अग्निकोणे च राकिन्या शत्रुरुधिरपायनी ।

पश्चिमे कोण मासृज्य लाकिनी माम्सभक्षिणी ॥ १२ ॥


kākinī vāyu koṇe tu asthi dhātuṃ ca bhakṣiṇī

pūrvakoṇe tu sākinyā medadhātuṃ ca gṛhṇati 13

काकिनी वायु कोणे तु अस्थि धातुं च भक्षिणी ।

पूर्वकोणे तु साकिन्या मेदधातुं च गृह्णति ॥ १३ ॥


rākṣasī koṇamāsṛtya hākinī majjabhakṣiṇī

yākinī kusumālinyā ṣaḍaśrapuramadhyagā 14

राक्षसी कोणमासृत्य हाकिनी मज्जभक्षिणी ।

याकिनी कुसुमालिन्या षडश्रपुरमध्यगा ॥ १४ ॥


śukladhātuṃ ca bhakṣanti kāyasaṃhārakāriṇī

idaṃ devyā samārādhya nigrahānugrahātmani 15

शुक्लधातुं च भक्षन्ति कायसंहारकारिणी ।

इदं देव्या समाराध्य निग्रहानुग्रहात्मनि ॥ १५ ॥


pūjitā tu samādhyātvā sarva-siddhikarī parā

māraṇoccāṭano devī kṛṣṇa-varṇa-sutejasā 16

पूजिता तु समाध्यात्वा सर्वसिद्धिकरी परा ।

मारणोच्चाटनो देवी कृष्णवर्णसुतेजसा ॥ १६ ॥


pretasyoparim-āsthāya bhujāṣṭakaṃ ca dhāriṇī

khaḍgaṃ cakra ca muśalaṃ varadaṃ dakṣiṇe kare 17

प्रेतस्योपरिमास्था भुजाष्टकं च धारिणी ।

खड्गं चक्रं च मुशलं वरदं दक्षिणे करे ॥ १७ ॥


kheṭaṃ śaṅkhaṃ halaṃ caiva abhayaṃ vāmake kare

māraṇe sarva-bhūtānāṃ sarva-śatru kṣayaṅkarī 18

खेटं शङ्खं हलं चैव अभयं वामके करे ।

मारणे सर्वभूतानां सर्वशत्रु क्षयङ्करी ॥ १८ ॥


pītā stambhādi yogena mohane rakta-rūpiṇī

bandhanī rodanī caiva kṛṣṇānala-samannibhā 19

पीता स्तम्भादि योगेन मोहने रक्तरूपिणी ।

बन्धनी रोदनी चैव कृष्णानलसमन्निभा ॥ १९ ॥


jambhake dhūmra-varṇabhā sphaṭikā mukti hetave

sarva kāryeṣu raktāṅgī saṅgrāme kṛṣṇarūpa-dhṛk 20

जम्भके धूम्रवर्णभा स्फटिका मुक्ति हेतवे ।

सर्व कार्येषु रक्ताङ्गी सङ्ग्रामे कृष्णरूपधृक् ॥ २० ॥


pūjayed vividhākārā aneka kola-mūrtibhiḥ

āhaveṣu ca sarveṣāṃ niraṣṭāhāra-rūpiṇī 21

पूजयेद् विविधाकारा अनेक कोमूर्तिभिः ।

आहवेषु च सर्वेषां निरष्टाहाररूपिणी ॥ २१ ॥


trailokye vamitā devī ugra-rūpa-bhayaṅkarī

tuṇḍa-prahārasā-pūrṇā ghorāt ghutkāranādinī 22

त्रैलोक्ये वमिता देवी उग्ररूपभयङ्करी ।

तुण्डप्रहारसापूर्णा घोरात् घुत्कारनादिनी ॥ २२ ॥


carvayantī mahāśatruṃ kaṭakarāya-maṇḍitā

rudhirāyāna pītvā ca madāghūrṇita locanā 23

चर्वयन्ती महाशत्रुं कटकरायमण्डिता ।

रुधिरायान पीत्वा च मदाघूर्णित लोचना ॥ २३ ॥


nṛtyamāna mahādevī nityaṃ śmaśāna vāsinī

tālane sarva-sattvānāṃ smarṇāt sarva-saṅkaṭaharā 24

नृत्यमान महादेवी नित्यं श्मशान वासिनी ।

तालने सर्वसत्त्वानां स्मर्णात् सर्वसङ्कटहरा ॥ २४ ॥


raṇe rājakule caiva caura-vyāghra bhayādiṣu

bhūta-preta-piśāceṣu deveṣu cāpsarādiṣu 25

रणे राजकुले चैव चौरव्याघ्र भयादिषु ।

भूतप्रेतपिशाचेषु देवेषु चाप्सरादिषु ॥ २५ ॥


aṣṭanāgakule caiva rākṣasānāṃ bhayaṃ tathā

anye ca vividhāne tat-smaraṇa sarvanaśyati

khaḍgādibhiśca śastrena astrair-anyaipy-anekadhā 26

अष्टनागकुले चैव राक्षसानां भयं तथा ।

अन्ये च विविधाने तत्स्मरण सर्वनश्यति ।

खड्गादिभिश्च शस्त्रेन अस्त्रैरन्यैप्यनेकधा ॥ २६ ॥


vāraṇā tvat prasādena dhāraṇā tava mantraṇā

vandhyā ca vividhai caiva nigadai sukhalādibhiḥ 27

वारणा त्वत् प्रसादेन धारणा तव मन्त्रणां

वन्ध्या च विविधै चैव निगदै सुखलादिभिः ॥ २७ ॥


smaraṇāt pāśaṃ mucyanti bandhaṃ-mokṣa ca kāriṇī

devī śrīpañcamī mātā ugrarūpā bhayāpahā 28

स्मरणात् पाशं मुच्यन्ति बन्धं-मोक्षं च कारिणी

देवी श्रीपञ्चमी माता उग्ररूपा भयापहा ॥ २८ ॥


krodhena dhyeyā devī ca japa homārcana vidhau

bali pradena pūjāyāṃ viśeṣārcane bhairavī 29

क्रोधेन ध्येया देवी च जप होमार्चन विधौ

बलि प्रदेन पूजायां विशेषार्चने भैरवी ॥ २९ ॥


saptarātra prayogena sarvaśatru vināśinī

śānti puṭi vaśī siddhi moha-staṃbhana kāriṇī 30

सप्तरात्र प्रयोगेन सर्वशत्रु विनाशिनी

शान्ति पुष्टि वशी सिद्धि मोहस्तंभन कारिणी ॥ ३० ॥


jambhane māraṇe devī sarvasiddhi pradāyinī

pūjayed vividhākārā puṣpa-dhūpādibhistathā 31

जम्भने मारणे देवी सर्वसिद्धि प्रदायिनी ।

पूजयेद् विविधाकारा पुष्प-धूपादिभिस्तथा ॥ ३१ ॥


paśubhiḥ madyamāṃsādi naivedyādikaṃ sandadat

puṣpāñjali trayaṃ datvā daṇḍavat praṇamyā 32

पशुभिः मद्यमांसादि नैवेद्यादिकं सन्ददत्

पुष्पाञ्जलि त्रयं दत्वा दण्डवत् प्रणम्या तां ॥ ३२ ॥


dhyānaṃ japaṃ tathā kṛtvā namastasyai namo namaḥ

vārāhi varade devī sundarī rūpayauvanī 33

ध्यानं जपं तथा कृत्वा नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ।

वाराहि वरदे देवी सुन्दरी रूपयौवनी ॥ ३३ ॥


bhaktebhyo varade devī sundarī tvāṃ namostute

mahiṣa-chāga-kukkūṭā meṣādi naraghātakā 34

भक्तेभ्यो वरदे देवी सुन्दरी त्वां नमोस्तुते

महिष-छाग-कुक्कूटा मेषादि नरघातकाः ॥ ३४ ॥


balidānena santuṣṭā saṅgrāme jayadāyinī

sundarī kālikā devi vārāhī varadāyinī 35

लिदानेन सन्तुष्टा सङ्ग्रामे जयदायिनी ।

सुन्दरी कालिका देवि वाराही वरदायिनी ॥ ३५ ॥


varadātrī mahākāli mahiṣāsuraghātinī

kaumārī pūjayitvā ca aṣṭottaraśataṃ 36

वरदात्री महाकालि महिषासुरघातिनी ।

कौमारी पूजयित्वा च अष्टोत्तरशतं ॥ ३६ ॥


iti śrī mahāvārāhī aṣṭottaraśatadivyanāma ṣtotraṃ samāptaṃ

इति श्री महावाराही अष्टोत्तरशतदिव्यनाम ष्तोत्रं समाप्तं ॥


(Thus ends the one hundred and eight attributes hymn of Śrī Mahāvārāhī)

This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com