1. Entry into the place of Navavarana pūjā.

One should take bath before performing navāvaraṇa pūjā.

Before entry into the place of pūjā, first one’s Śrī Vidyā Guru should be mentally worshiped. There are two ways of worshiping Guru. Simple way is to mentally contemplate Svaguru (one’s own Guru), Paramaguru and Parameṣṭhiguru and after reciting śrī gurubhyo namaḥ (श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः). Depending upon the available time, one can recite the entire Guru Pāduka mantra which is as follows. While reciting Guru mantras, one should use mṛgī mudra, which is shown here. Mṛgī means doe (female deer).

Mrugi mudra

i). Parameṣṭhiguru:

 ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं क्लीं सौः हंसः शिवः सोहं हंसः ह्ख्फ्रें हसक्षमलवरयूं ह्सौः सहक्षमलवरयीं स्हौः हंसः शिवः सोहं 

हंसः  स्वात्मारामपञ्चर विलीनतेजसे श्रीपरमेष्ठि गुरवे नमः aaaa श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि नमः॥

om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ haṁsaḥ śivaḥ sohaṁ haṁsaḥ hkhphreṁ hasakṣamalavarayūṁ hsauḥ sahakṣamalavarayīṁ śauḥ haṁsaḥ śivaḥ sohaṁ haṁsaḥ svātmārāmapañcara vilīnatejase śrīparameṣṭhi gurave namaḥ aaaa śrīpādukāṁ pūjayāmi namaḥ ||

ii). Paramaguru

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं क्लीं सौः सोहं हंसः शिवः ह्ख्फ्रें हसक्षमलवरयूं ह्सौः सहक्षमलवरयीं स्हौः  सोहं हंसः शिवः 

स्वच्छप्रकाश विमर्शहेतवे श्री परमगुरवे नमः  bbbb श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि नमः॥

om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ sohaṁ haṁsaḥ śivaḥ hkhphreṁ hasakṣamalavarayūṁ hsauḥ sahakṣamalavarayīṁ śauḥ  sohaṁ haṁsaḥ śivaḥ svacchaprakāśa vimarśahetave śrī paramagurave namaḥ  bbbb śrīpādukāṁ pūjayāmi namaḥ ||

iii). Śrīguru

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं क्लीं सौः हंसः शिवः सोहं ह्ख्फ्रें हसक्षमलवरयूं ह्सौः सहक्षमलवरयीं स्हौः  हंसः शिवः सोहं 

स्वरूप  निरूपण हेतवे श्रीगुरवे  नमः  cccc श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि नमः॥

om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ haṁsaḥ śivaḥ sohaṁ hkhphreṁ hasakṣamalavarayūṁ hsauḥ sahakṣamalavarayīṁ śauḥ   haṁsaḥ śivaḥ sohaṁ svarūpa  nirūpaṇa hetave śrīgurave  namaḥ  cccc śrīpādukāṁ pūjayāmi (tarpayāmi) namaḥ ||

aaaa should be replaced with one’s Parameṣṭhiguru’s nāma.

bbbb should be replaced with one’s Paramaguru’s nāma.

ccc should be replaced  with one’s Śrīguru’s nāma.   

There are variations in the order. First, Śrīguru, then Paramaguru and finally Parameṣṭhiguru is worshiped.

2. Entry into pūjā maṇḍapa.

This is also known as mantrapraveśaḥ (mantra entry).

Generally, a pūjā maṇḍapa will have four sides, as per the image give here. Soon after entry into the maṇḍapa, following worship is to be made. Entry point is marked as 1, left side of the sādhaka (the one who is going to perform navāvaraṇa pūjā) is marked as 2, his opposite side is marked as 3 and his right side is marked as 4. His left side, opposite side and right side are to be worshiped with the following mantras. One has take flowers in both the hands and offer these flowers at the end of each mantra at the respective places.

In most of the mantras in navāvaraṇa pūjā, om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ is prefixed to the mantra. As we knowॐ is praṇava and aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ (ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं) is known as tritārī.

Please note that first right side, then left side and finally opposite side are to be worshiped. They are known as dvāradevatā.
Dwara devatha
3. ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं भ्द्रकाल्यै नमः om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ bhdrakālyai namaḥ (on the right side)

2. ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं भैरवाय नमः om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ bhairavāya namaḥ (on the left side)

1. ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं लम्बोदराय नमः om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ lambodarāya namaḥ (on the opposite side)  

Optional: At the end of this pūjā, dipārādhana and naivedya can be performed.

3. Tatvācamanam तत्वाचमनम्

Ācamana is a procedure where water is taken in the right palm, which is sipped after reciting mantras. This is also known as mahāvyādhi praśamanī nāma trayī vidyā (महाव्याधि प्रशमनी नाम त्रयी विध्या). This means by swallowing this water with mantras, it cures all types of illness, both physical and mental. While taking water in the palm, little finger and thumb should not be folded and other fingers should be slightly folded inwards. There are other variations also on this. But what is practiced in Śrī Vidyā is different. Instead of three, there are four mantras in Śrī Vidyā. These mantras talk about cleaning of individual soul, annihilating ego, actions for the benefit of the self and finally all other mala-s or impurities. Spanda Kārikā (I.9) explains natural impurity or mala thus, “The afflicted mental state of an empirical individual is disabled by his own impurity causing attachment to actions. When this disappears, then the highest state of the Self appears.

Spanda Kārikā (I.9) explains natural impurity or mala thus, “The afflicted mental state of an empirical individual is disabled by his own impurity causing attachment to actions. When this disappears, then the highest state of the Self appears.

The first three mantras are for removing three inherent impurities in a person and they are ānava mala, māyīya mala, and kārma mala. The last mantra is recited for removing all other types of impurities not mentioned here. Hence there are fount mantras for tatvācamanam. These are the four mantras. Before recitation of these mantras, a spoonful of water should be taken from pañcapātra (an exclusive vessel to perform only ācamana. This vessel, water and spoon should not be used for any other purpose. After finishing ācamana, right palm should be washed with a few drops of water from pañcapātra. Sādhaka should always have a clean white towel by his /her to dry his hands. 

1. आत्मतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा ātmatatvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā

2. विद्यातत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा vidyātattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā

3. शिवतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा śivatattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā

4. सर्वतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा sarvatattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā

(śodhayāmi means purification; pushing aside impurities )

Once this is done, right palm should be washed and dried, as explained above.

There are variations in tatvācamanam. Each of the three kūṭā-s of Śrī saubhāgya pañcadaśī is used for 1 to 3 and the entire Śrī saubhāgya pañcadaśī is used for 4.

4. Gaṇapati dhyānam गणपति ध्यानम्:

शुक्लांबरधरं विष्णुं शसिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम्। प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविग्नोप शान्तये॥

śuklāṁbaradharaṁ viṣṇuṁ śasivarṇaṁ caturbhujam | prasannavadanaṁ dhyāyet sarvavignopa śāntaye ||

(Meaning: Eternally present, wearing white garments, shining like the moon, having four hands, whose face is full of Bliss, I worship you to remove all the obstacles (while performing this pūjā.)

While reciting this mantra, one should close all the fingers in both the palms (knuckles) and cuff the sides of the forehead.  This increases the blood flow to the brain. There are certain nāḍi-s on both sides of the forehead and while slightly cuffing these places with fists.

5. Prāṇāyāmaḥ प्राणायामः

Fold index and middle fingers of the right palm. Use the little finger and the ring finger to close the left nostrils and the thumb to close the right nostril. Inhale through the left nostril, hold for a few seconds and exhale through the right nostril. This is one round of prāṇāyāma. Thus one should perform three rounds of the following Brahmagāyatrī mantra.

ॐ भूः। ॐ भुवः। ॐ सुवः। ॐ महः। ॐ जनः। ॐ तपः। ॐ सत्यम्॥

ॐ तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि । धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥

ॐ ओमापो-ज्योती-रसोऽमृतं-ब्रह्म भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम्॥

om bhūḥ| om bhuvaḥ| om suvaḥ| om mahaḥ| om janaḥ| om tapaḥ| om satyam ||

om tat saviturvareṇyaṁ bhargo devasya dhīmahi  | dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt ||

omāpo-jyotī-raso'mṛtaṁ-brahma bhūrbhuvassuvarom ||

(Meaning: All the seven worlds are ॐ. We meditate on Brahman in the form of Light, who makes us to perform different actions. ॐ is water, light and essence. Essence of food that is given by the Earth,prāṇa, which is important for our existence, the vastness of the sky and three vyāhṛti-s bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ and suvaḥ which represent mind, intellect and ego are also ॐ.)

6. Saṁkalpaḥ संकल्पः

शुभे शोभ्ने मुहूर्ते आद्यब्रह्मणः द्वीतीय-परार्धे श्वेतेवराहकल्पे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे प्रथमेपादे जम्बूत्द्वीपे** ललितानाम वर्षे, ललितानाम खण्डे, अस्मिन् वर्तमाने व्यवहारिके ललितानाम संवत्सरे, ललितानाम अयेने, ललितानाम ऋतौ, ललितानाम मासे,ललितानाम पक्षे, ललितानाम तिथौ, ललितानाम वासरयुक्तायां, ललितानाम नक्षत्रयुक्तायाम्, शुभयोग शुभकरण सकलविशेषण विशिष्टायां अस्यां ललितानाम शुभतिथौ ममोपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वार श्री परमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं अस्माकं क्षेमस्थैर्य वीर्यविजय आयुरारोग्य ऐश्वर्य अबिवृद्ध्यर्थं समस्त मङ्गल अवाप्त्यर्थं सम्स्त दुरितोपशान्त्यर्थं श्री ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिका दर्शन भाशन सिद्ध्यर्ते स्री चक्र नवावरण पूजां

śubhe śobhne muhūrte ādyabrahmaṇaḥ dvītīya-parārdhe śvetevarāhakalpe vaivasvatamanvantare aṣṭāviṁśatitame kaliyuge prathamepāde jambūtdvīpe** lalitānāma varṣe, lalitānāma khaṇḍe, asmin vartamāne vyavahārike lalitānāma saṁvatsare, lalitānāma ayene, lalitānāma ṛtau, lalitānāma māse, lalitānāma pakṣe, lalitānāma tithau, lalitānāma vāsarayuktāyāṁ, lalitānāma nakṣatrayuktāyām, śubhayoga śubhakaraṇa sakalaviśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṁ asyāṁ lalitānāma śubhatithau mamopātta samasta duritakṣayadvāra śrī parameśvaraprītyarthaṁ asmākaṁ kṣemasthairya vīryavijaya āyurārogya aiśvarya abivṛddhyarthaṁ samasta maṅgala avāptyarthaṁ samsta duritopaśāntyarthaṁ śrī lalitā mahātripurasundarī parābhaṭṭārikā darśana bhāśana siddhyarte srī cakra navāvaraṇa pūjāṁ kariṣye ||

** This will change according to nation. For year, etc, uniformly lalitānāma is used so that there will not any confusion.