All mantra-s are considered secretive in nature and Ṣodaśī is not an exception. Recitation of Ṣodaśī leads to liberation. This mantra does not give any materialistic gains. It leads straight to the Brahman. Normally, one is not initiated into this mantra straight away. Guru decides the timing of initiation into this mantra. Generally one is first initiated into Bālā. Depending upon one’s progress, Pañcadaśī is initiated. If Guru considers that his disciple is fit for final liberation, he initiates him into Ṣodaśī. One should recite 900,000 times of thismantra followed by puraścaraṇa rituals to attain siddhi. Puraścaraṇa is only for 100,000 recitations. Then only liberation is possible. It is also said that initiation into Ṣodaśī depends upon one’s karmic account.
Ṣodaśī vidyā is considered as Brahma vidyā, knowledge of the Brahman. Brahman is revealed in the form ofmantra-s in Ṣodaśī vidyā. Since Ṣodaśī reveals the Brahman in the form of mantra-s, it is treated as highly secretive in nature. But the important aspect of its secrecy is the replacement of second Om in this mantra with the aspirant’s ātma bīja. The third aspect of the secrecy is the worship of ninth āvaraṇa of Śrī Cakrā that deals with parā, parāpara and apara states (these states have been dealt with while discussing nāma-s). If one is able to reach the fourth stage of turya or turīya, he gets prepared to attain liberation in the next stage ofturyātīta. Turya is reached without any difficulty when Ṣodaśī mantra is mentally recited regularly.
(Turya and turyātīta: Turya is the fourth state of consciousness, the other three being active, dream and deep sleep. Turya stage transcends all the above three stages by bundling them out. The level of consciousness atturya stage is very close to the stage of blissfulness, derived from experiment and observation rather than theory. Turyātīta is the stage where one’s consciousness transcends turya stage. In this stage of blissful consciousness, the Brahman is realised where one feels that “I am That” or aham brahmāsmi. The final stage of merging into the Brahman is kaivalya, when a soul ceases to transmigrate.}
In Pañcadaśī one can transcend the fourth state of consciousness, the turiya state. In Ṣodaśī one can merge with the Brahman, by reaching the fifth state of consciousness, turyātīta. There is nothing beyond this. What happens if one transcends turya state? The self is replaced by SELF. This transformative realization happens in a fraction of a second where near death-like situation is experienced. One is not the same person after that ‘second’.
Ṣoḍaśī mantra is superior to Pañcadaśī. Ṣoḍaśan means sixteen and ṣoḍaśaḥ means sixteenth. Ṣoḍaśī mantrais derived by adding one more bīja to Pañcadaśī mantra. In fact, Ṣoḍaśī mantra consists of twenty eight bīja-sand formed like this. The first Om is excluded for computation, as all the mantras begin with ॐ.
1. Om ॐ
2. śrīṁ - hrīṁ - klīṁ - aiṁ - sauḥ: श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौः (5 bīja-s)
3. om - hrīṁ - śrīṁ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं (3 bīja-s)
4. ka – e - ī – la- hrīṁ क ए ई ल ह्रीं (5 bīja-s)
5. ha - sa – ka – ha - la - hrīṁ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं (6 bīja-s)
6. sa – ka - la - hrīṁ स क ल ह्रीं (4 bīja-s)
7. sauḥ - aiṁ - klīṁ - hrīṁ - śrīṁ सौः ऐं क्लीं ह्रीं श्रीं (5 bīja-s)
If this mantra is observed, one can find lines 4, 5 and 6 are the Pañcadaśī mantra and each line representing one kūṭa of Pañcadaśī. If lines 2 and 7 are observed, the bīja-s contained in the 2nd line are placed in the 7thline in reversed order. For example, the last bīja in line two is sauḥ: and this is placed as the first bīja of the 7thline. This is called saṃpuṭikaraṇa or encasing of a mantra so that the power of mantra remains within the practitioner.
This mantra is known as Ṣoḍaśī because of sixteen bīja-s, each kalā (kalā means a part) representing a kalā of moon. This is arrived at by adding Lakṣmī bīja śrīṁ (श्रीं) at the end of Pañcadaśī mantra. These sixteen bīja-s are arrived at by considering each kūṭa of Pañcadaśī mantra as one bīja. This way, lines 4, 5 and 6 are considered as one bīja each, thus forming three bīja-s. The sixteen bīja-s are arrived by adding 5+3+1+1+1+5 (from line 2 to 7). There are two ॐ in this mantra. The first ॐ is not considered for calculation. The secondॐ in line 3 is replaced by ātma bīja of the practitioner and this is decided by one’s guru. Such a decision can be made by a guru if he is conversant with mantra-s and bīja-s. A wrong bīja can destroy the practitioner.
Ṣoḍaśī mantra is meant exclusively for liberation and those who seek liberation alone should be initiated in this mantra. Ṣoḍaśī mantra is the ultimate of all mantra-s and there is no other mantra superior to this. Those who are initiated into this mantra are not supposed to prostrate before anyone except his guru. Śaktī is worshipped in ten different forms and this is known as daśa mahā vidyā and ṣoḍaśī is one among them. Ṣoḍaśī vidyā has too many prescribed rituals.
Like every mantra Ṣoḍaśī mantra also has curse removal mantra, also known as śāpavimocana mantra. All along this mantra is not revealed to all the aspirants. If curses on mantras are not removed, mantras will not fructify. Śāpavimocana mantra for Ṣoḍaśī mantra is given below for the benefit of sincere aspirants. However, one should obtain prior approval from one’s guru. Śāpavimocana mantra, which consists of three parts should be recited before the commencement of mantra japa. First part should be recited seven times, second part three times and the third part one time.
First Part – should be recited seven times:
ई ए क ल ह्रीं ī e ka la hrīṁ
ह स क ह ल ह्रीं ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
स क ल ह्रीं sa ka la hrīṁ
Second Part – should be recited three times:
ह स क ह स क ह ल ह्रीं ha sa ka ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
स क ल ह्रीं sa ka la hrīṁ
ई ए क ल ह्रीं ī e ka la hrīṁ
Third Part – should be recited one time.
ह ल भ भ भ भ भ अ ha la bha bha bha bha bha a
Full text of mantra japa is available in this link
September 30, 2012 05:05 PM
Maha Shodashi mantra then is it the 16th syllable or 28th syllable ? Thank You for this wonderfull blog
September 30, 2012 05:34 PM
The mantra for recitation has 28 bīja-s and ṣodaśī mantra is formed only with 16bīja-s. Formation is by adding śrīṁ after Pañcadaśī mantra. When a mantra is recited it gets modified so that effect of the mantra is retained with the practitioner. This is called sampuṭīkaraṇa.
October 01, 2012 10:21 PM
Thank You for responding , what do You mean modified ?
October 01, 2012 10:35 PM
I mean the arrangements of bīja-s. Mantras are generally extracted from verses which convey the bīja-s subtly. Once extracted from the verses, bīja-s are arranged in such a way that the benefits arising out of the recitation stays with the practitioner. This is called as modification of mantras or arrangement of bīja-s.
October 02, 2012 09:03 PM
Thank You once again for responding so it looks like the Maha Shodashi is never the same really because its adjusted individually to each person correspondingly , I just got your book on Kundalini on Amazon regards, Savitri
October 02, 2012 09:15 PM
No. It is the same for everyone. Only the second OM is to be replaced with atma bija, which differs from person to person. This is given by one's guru. However there are different versions of Shodashi. You can also mail me at
October 17, 2012 11:04 PM
What then is the 32 syllable Shodashi mantra
October 17, 2012 11:33 PM
That is known as Guhya ṣoḍaśī and is not generally practiced. The Pañcadaśī mantra used here is Lopāmudrā Pañcadaśī.
October 22, 2012 05:02 PM
Do have the Guhya Sodasi?What is the meaning of Guhya Sodashi?
October 22, 2012 05:07 PM
I will publish Guhya ṣoḍaśī in a day or two.
October 23, 2012 03:30 PM
thank you very much Manblunderji
November 08, 2012 11:03 AM
There is a Para Sodashi also, can you tell us more about it and it related to Sri Paraprasada mantra
November 08, 2012 11:26 PM
Please check this posting made on November 08, 2012
December 14, 2012 12:31 AM
There is a way of reciting a kharagmala strotam I read it on a guy's website who used to practice Shodashi. I have asked everyone no is able to tell me what is the secret to recite it, they say if done properly all desires frutify instantly..
December 14, 2012 12:08 PM
It is khaḍgamālā, where khaḍga means attendants. There are several goddesses in Śrī Cakra and worshiping them is known as khaḍgamālā. Generally there are 181 nāma-s. Some gurus add gurumaṇḍala in khaḍgamālā. Beyond this there cannot be any significant variations in khaḍgamālā. There is no secret in khaḍgamālā with 181 names. There are two types of khaḍgamālā-s; they Śuddha Śakti and Śuddha Śiva. I have not gone into the details. Please follow only one deity and go with Him or Her. This alone will give results.
December 14, 2012 09:59 PM
Sir, thanks for your valuable time, but I know that guy is not giving false information and he has mentioned on this website that says just hold on to any wish firmly and recite and it happens within 24 hrs.of course he is a tantrik and said that it is a secret how to do that, any comments?
December 14, 2012 10:03 PM
Honestly, I do not have any idea.
December 14, 2012 10:51 PM
You have mentioned earlier that one gets all the desires fullfilled after the oblations are made into fire after Shodashi, does the sadhak need to do separate anusthans for that, what does one mean when they say this,All desires get fulfilled, does everything goes in our favor how does it work sir?
April 16, 2013 09:55 PM
Can you please let me know who is eligible to get the initiation of Panchadasi mantra. What criteria a person should have.
April 16, 2013 09:59 PM
One your desire to do sadhana is primary and Guru's will is secondary. A Guru will know on seeing the disciple, what is right for him.
April 17, 2013 02:30 PM
Ravi - where can I find khaḍgamālā with 181 names - Śuddha Śakti and Śuddha Śiva.Thank You!
April 17, 2013 04:16 PM
I will check on this and revert here in a day. Thank you.
May 14, 2013 05:20 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
October 04, 2013 02:34 AM
In the they have mentioned the third line differently as Om Srim Hrim instead of Om hrim the shodasi mantra. Are they same and can it be in any order?
October 04, 2013 08:16 AM
According to me what I have given here is right and this is found in all the authentic texts.
November 28, 2013 04:10 AM
chanting for 9 lakhs will take lot of time and many years too. In this present age, focusing for 10 minutes also is impossible? How can common man chant this mantra for so long to attain results
November 28, 2013 04:08 PM
chanting for 9 lakhs will take lot of time and many years too. In this present age, focusing for 10 minutes also is impossible? How can common man chant this mantra for so long to attain results
November 28, 2013 05:02 PM
That is what mantra śāstra says. There are people who have completed 900,000 and still doing the japa. But many aspirants get the benefits of the mantra when they reach 10,000 counts. Ultimately, it is the mind set that counts, not merely the numbers.
November 28, 2013 05:48 PM
interesting to know that. mind set means living honest life or devotion? In this present corrupt world, do peoples really do all these or does things really work?
November 28, 2013 05:59 PM
What is mind set? It is explained as "habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations". Do you mean to say that everyone living in a way that you have mentioned? Surely not. Word is a combination of both good and bad. If it is entirely good, what is the need to think about God? Good and noble do exist.
November 29, 2013 01:19 PM
hello sir i am kushal 29 year old since childhood i am attracted to shri jaganmata dhyana, after a deep desire and regular practise of lalita sahashranama and ganapati japam. shrimata gave me my guruji who after 6 years granted me with maha sodashi and antarmukha puja with samayachara padhati,now after chanting it for 4 years i am in a state where i dont feel any bahirmukha situation,i feel hapiness within myself and couldnt balance between sansara and parmartha. i cant understand this state as my guru has taken sanyasa i havent met him since a year.please explain this
November 29, 2013 06:24 PM
Please write to me at my email ID ravi@manblunder.comIn fact, you are in a better state. Generally, it is difficult to switch from bahirmukha to antarmukha. When you feel the happiness within, where is the need for any external worship? Please write to me to proceed further.
November 30, 2013 10:44 AM
Given to understand that a human mind matures according to age, what is the result of that with the spirituality? Meaning say, somebody starts a sadhana at the age of say 20 years where he is fairly free and not committed and when such a person reaches the age of say 25 and ready with responsibilities, there is definitely a shift in the mind and thereby a maturity in sadhana and life in general, right? So is it due to the sadhana or due to the natural process of growth that he transforms?
November 30, 2013 11:21 AM
His transformation happens on both counts. Spiritual life and material life have to go like a railway track. The should not be mixed, which is often done, simply because of lack of proper guidance. In this present case, if a person begins his spiritual sadhana at the age of 20, under an able Guru, he would have far advanced in his spiritual path. His progress in spiritual path will take of his material life as well. He will become one of the best in the material world too.
May 18, 2014 02:02 PM
Dear RaviThe shodasi mantra can only be attained through guru and has been EXPLICITLY prohibited by lord Shiva to utter in a casual manner. I appreciate your posting this mantran but I would like to point out this to the learned readers of this website. There are no restrictions though in panchadasi as far as my knowledge in tantras go.
May 24, 2014 07:35 AM
Tara,Matangi,Varahi are worshipped in Sri Chakra.Is that mean, only after getting blessings of these Devis, Lalita Tripurasundari can be reached by an aspirant through Shodasi Mantra.
May 24, 2014 09:26 AM
Yes, please open the following link and read the first section “Journey to Sri Chakra”. How different devis give us approval to go past them to have darshan of Lalitāmbikā. But it is wrong to say that She can be attained only through Ṣoḍaśī mantra. We must always remember that mantras are meant to protect our minds. Mantra should be used in proper way. This is explained in Shiva in conversation with Shakti
Please read the book in this link
Understanding and worshiping Sri Chakra
May 24, 2014 10:00 AM
SirThanks. But Tara,Matangi are also seperate Mahavidyas similar to Sodashi. In that case, will Guru initiate the aspirant with Tara mantra also so that with her blessings he can reach the Sodashi ma easily?
May 24, 2014 10:53 AM
Many will disagree on this. There is no need to practice different mantras for the purpose of realizing the Self. This will lead to confusions. There should be one mantra, one devata and one guru. If this is not followed, then we will be reaching nowhere. It is said "मननात् त्रायते इति मन्त्रः॥ mananāt trāyate iti mantraḥ ||" Trāyate means to protect and to preserve. Mind is protected and preserved by repetition of a mantra. How many minds we have? Therefore, we need only one mantra to work with our breath and with breath we have to purify our mind and with purified mind, we can purify our consciousness and when the consciousness purified, we realize Her. Realization is a simple process and not complicated as often projected.
May 28, 2014 07:53 PM
Very good blog. Thank you very much for posting such good information which is helping many. My husband suffers from a chronic incurable disease and I love him a lot and I just cant bear to see him suffering. I am ready do anything for him. Can chanting shodashi mantra with complete devotion help me in it. Not necessarily nine lakh even if it is one crore time also I am ready to chant for him and want to save my life in half way that is troubled a lot. Can I go ahead and chant?
May 28, 2014 09:27 PM
When you have complete faith in HER, mentally surrender to HER. She will surely help. Shodashi mantra for a specific purpose may not help.
May 29, 2014 09:14 AM
Thanks for you reply. As you have written shodashi mantra is the ultimate mantra, I wanted to try with sincere devotion? What else should I try?
May 29, 2014 11:42 AM
are there any remedies Ravi sir where I can twist the my destiny and have hoped?
June 30, 2014 01:21 AM
Dear Ravi Sir,
Thanks for your all efforts for us,
I was reading through your book on "THE PRINCIPLES OF CREATION", prior to this i have read one book from "Ramtha" from USA who channels to a lady's body and teaches many things.
i am now confused of our vedic way and the way of his teachings, are we (hindus) dwelling on something which does not exist as per his teachings?.
We always say "karma" which is the deciding factor for rebirth, as we are unable to get soul consciousness due to materialistic world and our culture which is binding us with good and bad and sin things around us become the deciding factors of our life in vedic culture.
What Ramtha says is there is no karma, only emotion( or feeling) has been recorded in soul, we take the form here on the earth planet to enjoy the material life on earth to see and enjoy the nature what we have created when we are in the form of soul, but after taking birth we hooked up into this materialistic world created by us as humanoids instead of enjoying the beauty of this our creation. due to these bad, good, sin and for survival all these emotions are recorded in soul and when we leave this material body then realizes that what i came here for and what i did until now and it comes back and takes again material body due to this there are many births are happening for one soul, due to this the soul wandering here in this earth plane(lower frequency plane) instead of leaving to higher frequency planes and other universes where there is joy unlimited whatever we say heaven no pains like here in earth plane, is this true?
if you are interested i can send you that book as well.
There are so many things i would like to clarify here but it will be like a book again with questions.
Please clarify my confusion. i do practice Sri Vidya...!!
Om Namh: Sivaya:
June 30, 2014 10:39 AM
Let us analyze like this. What is soul consciousness? In the first place, soul does not have any consciousness, as It merely witnesses all our actions. It neither prompts us to do good things nor induces us to do sinful actions. It is just a witness; but at the same time, without soul our body cannot exist. Therefore soul is just the cause of creation (our body). He has also explained the same concept, but in a different way. We do all our actions only out of emotions, which is the resultant factor of our antaḥkaraṇa (mind, intellect and ego). No action can be performed without involving antaḥkaraṇa.
Vedanta speaks about karma. Many times pains that we experience are explained due to the effects of karma. In other words, a bad experience that is inexplicable is safely explained under the pretext of karmic theory. All our actions are prompted by our mind and if the mind fails to take a decision on its own, it takes recourse to our intellect, which is nothing but knowledge gained through direct experience. Therefore, karma cannot be merely explained as something that decides our life; though it definitely sets the trend. Karmic imprints of this life can be cleared from our unconscious mind when we are able to meditate on third ventricle. What is making the life miserable is misinterpretation of Scriptural dictums. When the Self can be realized through simple means, we make this process complicated. Self can be realized only if we work on our mind, intellect and ego alone. Nothing else will help in realizing the Self. It is only the practice of controlling our antaḥkaraṇa, also known as sādhana that helps us in realization. Nothing else can help.
I have not read the book which you have referred.
Detailed explanation is given in the series Shiva in conversation with Shakti
August 21, 2014 03:25 PM
Respected Sir,
Obeisance to you.
I see one thing in the article that any mantra is secretive and it is not disclosed to others so easily. Further you say that Maha Shodashi or any advanced mantras are not given initially and the Guru will decide whether he is eligible for these advanced mantras.
So in this regard can you please let us know on what basis a Guru decides to give initiation on these mantras, moreover in the discussion we see that there are people who are initiating others by charging money for initiating them to advanced mantras, So what is the outcome of such initiations will it be good or bad?
Further if we think from a flip side even if the initiation is done for money, if the initiated person is devoted to the service of the GOD and chants the mantra, does it not frutify?
Again when we practice these there are multiple obstacles that we face to practice the mantra regularly, we are constantly driven towards pleasures such as food, sleep etc which are detrimental for progress. Hence if one is practicing these techniques will it make the persons mind to overcome such urges.
August 21, 2014 06:45 PM
On what basis a Guru decides to initiate this mantra is best left to his intuitive power. He alone can decide what mantra can be initiated and to whom. A learned Guru will always know his initiation's emergence of consciousness. When as seed cannot be germinated, what is the purpose of getting the seed. Every mantra is like a seed and it is between the initiator and the initiatee to ensure the emergence of consciousness in the latter. Rest of your queries are explained in detail in various articles of this site. You can use the search engine to get these details.
August 22, 2014 06:00 PM
Dear Jayant,
As you know, a mantra is a combination of bija-(s). Result of chanting a mantra is depend not only on bija-s but also on the pronounciation. Different ways of pronounciation of a particular bija will give different results.
Generally, any mantra will fulfill materialistic desires of the practioner. But Maha Shodasi will lead to salvation. It is generally said that Maha Sodasi is moksha karini and Panchadasi is bhoga karini. This is the reason why it is said in sastras that "give money, give life but not Maha Sodasi".
So, a devoted practice of Maha sodasi will lead that practioner to stage of losing urge towards food, sleep etc. This is the first step towards salvation.
Again it is important to note that "pronounciation" is important.
August 23, 2014 12:23 PM
Dear OM RAVI sir,
How long will it take for maha sodashi mantra to give results? For how much duration should one practice to get desired results? Does maha sodashi mantra also give material benefits along with salvation?
August 23, 2014 07:25 PM
Maha sodasi is for salvation only. It will not give any material benefits. Instead, a properly practiced maha soadasi will remove sadhaka's urge about materialistic desires.
We cannot say time duration about results. That totally depend upon Srimata's grace, sadhaka's guruji's grace and devotion of the sadhaka.
Maha sodasi should be practiced throughout the life of the sadhaka irrespective of the results.
August 23, 2014 09:02 PM
thank you aum ravi sir. Does it bestow any supernatural powers to the one who practices it regularly.? What should we understand by mantra siddhi. does it mean that it will bestow whatever the sadhaka wishes for.
August 24, 2014 11:03 AM
Supernatural powers are temporary but not permanent. Supernatural powers are one of the benefit/result of the practice. But they are hindrance to the progress of sadhana. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa says "sidhis are ashudhas", they should not be touched. Hence, a sadhaka should not fall in the web of supernatural powers.Answers to your remaining queries can be seen from various articles of Sri V.Raviji in this web site.
August 24, 2014 11:53 AM
Thank you aum ravi sir for all your answers. I am still young and a married person, reaching salvation is not my aim but to resolve the complexity of the personal probelms that is bogging me is what I am looking a way to solve those. I have no intention of misusing the supernatural powers if she graces on me. My intention is only to protect my family. So wanted to know does sodashi mantra give supernatual powers if chanted with utmost sincereity? or if any of the blog followers, or devotees of Ravi sir, who have chanted shodashi mantra, please share your expereinces.
August 24, 2014 09:17 PM
Dear Simha,
Why do you think of supernatural powers? Just you ignore that. What you have to do is have faith on god whoever you like ganesh, srimata, siva etc. A strong devotion is sufficient to get your problems solved automatically. If you have such deep and strong devotion & faith without thinking of anything materialistic other than Srimata, your problems will be solved without your notice. A sadhaka will never have intention to use supernatural powers but those powers will force him to use them. That is the first downfall step of a sadhaka.
As per sastras maha sodasi should not be given just like that. As per the conventional sastras there is a procedure to get maha sodasi. Generally, a sadhaka will get maha sodasi after practice of Srividya in conventional way for a minimum period of five to six years. There is a lot of procedure involved in that to get Maha Sodasi.
To satisfy your materialistic desires, you may contact a learned guru to get correct guidance. Based on your requirement he may give you best mantra which suits your requirement.
Hope it cleared you. All the best.
August 25, 2014 12:24 PM
Thank for explaining
September 13, 2014 02:52 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
February 19, 2016 09:53 PM
Please write to me at
May 22, 2015 07:48 PM
sir Raja Rajeswari kavacham available in telugu script in sri chakra sanketham book this is collect from gandharva thanthram total 175 lines. I think raja rajeswari kavacham useful for all maha shodashi upasakas, ravi sir please share the information for this, how to recite , thank you
August 15, 2015 07:48 PM
does fructification of shodashi mantra gives ashtama siddhis?
August 15, 2015 07:52 PM
May or may not, which purely depends upon your sadhana.
August 26, 2015 10:23 PM
Respected Sir
I have been initiated into Shodasi Mantra for more than a year and I have been doing my puja during brahma muhurtum with utmost respect and love towards Sri Lalithamba. I would like to know if I can chant the Shodasi mantra any time of the day as a japa too.
Hari OM
August 26, 2015 10:28 PM
In fact, you should chant Maha Shdoashi mantra all the time. Our mantra and breath should be aligned.
January 16, 2016 01:25 AM
Sir....what is gupt gayatri sadhana....and what is authentic step by step procedure of Sri vidya sadhana..??
July 14, 2019 12:04 PM
"Those who are initiated into this mantra are not supposed to prostrate before anyone except his guru", does this mean he shouldn't prostrate in a temple too? Also, why is it said like that? When we remove our ego and become one with siva/sakthi, we see everyone and everything as same and equal, right? If we say that I don't prostrate before anyone, that's EGO, right? If this EGO prevails, where does a sadhaka head to?
July 14, 2019 12:16 PM
Temples are always an exception. Mahashodashi is the highest mantra and those who are initiated into that are considered as sanyasis, who should not prostrate before anyone. However, there are exceptions to this rule - parents, grandparents, Sri Vidya Gurus.
July 17, 2019 10:46 AM
Such questions arise due to three reasons: 1. When one has not studied the scriptures under the guidance of a competent Guru, which leads to picking a sentence here and there and pondering on it without understanding the context. 2. Having studied the scriptural sentence, not contemplating on it with the right attitude 3. Not having enough merit acquired through Sadhana without which instructions of the Tantras are easily misunderstood. It is a stretch to say that one initiated into Mahashodashi cannot prostrate before anyone. These days, anyone can receive a mantra, even over a Skype or an email and it means nothing. The above injunction is applicable for someone who has perfected the mantra and realized his self as the Goddess. In the Tantric parlance, he follows nitya and naimittika duties which involve rites such as Mahashodha nyasa. A person who has perfected such advanced nyasas is verily the living form of matrika, yogini and bhairavas and such a siddhatma cannot prostrate before a person of lower attainment. It is not due to his ego, but out of compassion for the person with a lower state of energy, so as to not cause him any harm. At a metaphysical level, one who has perfected Mahashodashi does not bow down before a sanyasi because he is considered an Avadhuta and Avadhutashrama is beyond Sanyasa. It is incorrect that sansyasis do not bow before anyone, as various hierarchies of sanyasis can do pranam to others (dandis, hams, paramahansa etc.) Moreover, for someone who has realized the the mantra practically and is perfect in the realization of the oneness of the self, Goddess and the universe - who does he bow to? When all there is, is just the Goddess, there is no duality of possibility of one bowing to a non-existent second. I think such rhetorical questions are good to pass time or general curiosity - why should someone not bow? Why Tripurasundari is most beautiful and not someone else etc. - but ultimately spending time in devotion, japa and dhyana are much better use of one’s time.
July 17, 2019 01:00 PM
Thanks for the reply and I guess you are one of the very few highly intellectual persons who has better used the time in devotion, japa and dhyana. I 'bow' to you for that. Yes, I admit that I have not studied any scriptures under any guru's guidance. If you are a person who is capable of removing darkness through the light that you possess, you should do it without mocking at the darkness. That's what our scriptures say, right? Oh, now I guess you too didn't study scriptures under a guru's guidance. Nice, we are on the same boat. Let's see who survives the leak! I see your ignorance speaking these lines - "I think such rhetorical questions are good to pass time or general curiosity - why should someone not bow? Why Tripurasundari is most beautiful and not someone else etc.". You get an award for finding my questions 'Rhetoric'. Thank you again for your answers. I am not being sarcastic here, sincerely. I read somewhere that there are 6 enemies of the mind which are: Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya. These are the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining moksha or salvation. Of these 'Mada' is so dangerous. I hope you knew this already. Thank you again for your time and answers. Your answers show your 'beauty' here. Wow!!! Keep it up! Again, I am not mocking or being sarcastic here. Thanks for understanding. Be happy always :)
July 15, 2019 12:02 PM
Sir, what does liberation mean? If one gets liberated, does it mean death?
July 15, 2019 06:39 PM
Liberation means no rebirth. The soul merges with Brahman.
March 06, 2024 08:03 AM
let me reveal the actual manthra. shreem can be used as an aatma bija for anyone. and the panchadasi inside shodasi is completed with adding shreem at the end. so the manthra is as follows- om shreem hreem kleem aim sauh shreem hreem shreem ka e i la hreem ha sa ka ha la hreem sa ka la hreem shreem souh aim kleem hreem shreem.
October 20, 2024 08:10 PM
Hello Sir, thanks for revealing the aatma bija that anyone can use. Can I chant the mantra..? Just making sure that it's not a problem. I have been doing Sadhana for 2 years and chanting Maha Sodasi for 5 months with om instead of aatma bija. I look forward to hearing from you
October 23, 2024 05:10 AM
If you have been initiated by a guru to follow this mantra in a specified manner, by all means do so. If not, my sincere advice is to find a suitable guru and begin Śrīvidyā sādhana from scratch. This is a high level sādhana reserved for the most mature sādhakas who are seeking self-realization above all else. Note that this sādhana can invoke rapid karmic burning that can be extremely painful for most people. If you are prepared for all this and have reached this stage by the grace of your guru, then there should be no doubts in following the advice of your guru. Do not self-initiate yourself to recite this mantra.