Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra is formulated like this.
First line: om - śrīṁ - hrīṁ - klīṁ - aiṁ - sauḥ (ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौः)
Place śrī bīja, then place māyā bīja, then kāma bīja, then vāgbhava bīja and finally parā bīja. Thus the first line of this mantra is formed.
There is a common doubt whether to include ॐ in the beginning or not. Any mantra should start with ॐ. Kulārṇava Tantra (XV.57) says that not beginning a mantra without ॐ causes impurity of birth. Further, Chāndogya Upaniṣad begins by saying “om iti etat akṣaram udgītham upāsīta ॐ इति एतत् अक्षरम् उद्गीथम् उपासीत”. This means “this ॐ is closest to Brahman and recite this syllable as part of your worship”. And above all, the three Vedas begin with ॐ. Going by the interpretation of Chāndogya Upaniṣad, ॐ at the beginning refers to Brahman. Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad (1) also says that ॐ is both the cause and the effect. Therefore, ॐ should be prefixed to mahāṣoḍaśī mantra, without which the mantra becomes ineffective. Further reasoning is given while discussing sauḥ*.
Next to ॐ is śrīṁ (श्रीं), which is known as śrī bīja or Lakṣmī bīja. This is the most important bīja of mahāṣoḍaśī mantra, as by adding this bīja, the fifteen lettered Pañcadaśī becomes sixteen lettered Ṣoḍaśī mantra. Bīja śrīṁ is capable of providing auspiciousness. It promotes positive attitude and positive growth in the mind of the aspirant. This bīja is the root cause for faith, devotion, love and ultimate surrender unto Her. First, one has to have to faith in divinity. This faith later transforms into devotion. When the devotion is strong, it turns into Love for Her. This love alone makes the aspirant to surrender unto Her. As śrī bīja is the cause for surrender unto Her, it leads the aspirant to liberation. Śrīṁ comprises of three letters śa + ra + ī + nāda + bindu (dot) (श + र + ई and बिन्दु), where śa refers to Mahālakṣmī (Goddess of wealth), ra refers to wealth; ra bīja is also known as agni bīja and is capable of offering supernatural powers. Nāda is Consciousness about to manifest as the universe. It also means subtle sound. This can be best explained by ṁ. There is no other way to explain this. It is like humming nasal sound. The sound made after closing both the lips is nāda. Without nāda, bindu cannot be effective as bindu cannot be pronounced separately. Nādabindu refers to the union of Śiva and Śakti, where Nāda means Śakti and bindu means Śiva. The dot (bindu) above this bīja removes sorrows and negative energies in the mind of the aspirant. Based on this fact, it is said that Ṣoḍaśī mantra is capable of offering liberation or mokṣa. It is also said, “Ṣoḍaśī mantra kevalaṁ mokṣa sādhanam”, which means that Ṣoḍaśī mantra offers only liberation, which is the ultimate goal of everyone. Since liberation is not attainable that easily, Ṣoḍaśī mantra is said to be highly secretive in nature.
Next to श्रीं is hrīṁ ह्रीं, which is also known as māyā bīja. This is the combination of three letters ha + ra + ī and nāda and bindu (ह + र + ई + nāda + bindu. Ha refers to Divine Light of Śiva which also encompasses prāṇa and ākāśā, two important principles without which we cannot exist. The second component of hrīṁ is ra (र) which is also known as agni bīja. To the properties of ha, now the properties of ra are added. Properties of ra are fire (the fire that is needed for our sustenance), dharma (Agni is known for dharma) and of course agni, itself. It is said that when sun sets, it hands over its fire to Agni and takes it back when the sun rises again next day. Thus Agni also becomes a sustainer, like the sun. Śiva is also known as Prakāśa, the original divine Light. Third of part of hrīṁ is ī which focuses the aspirants energy and motivate him to pursue the path of dharma. Nāda refers to Universal Mother (the one who reflects the Light of Śiva to the world and She is also known as Vimarśa, meaning reflection, intelligence, etc) and the bindu (dot) is the dispeller of sorrow, which actually means dispelling innate ignorance, the reason for our sorrows.
Hrīṁ ह्रीं is also known as Bhuvaneśvarī bīja. Bhuvana means the earth and Īśvarī means the ruler. She is known as Bhuvaneśvarī because, She rules the earth. Ha means Śiva and ra means Prakṛti (which can be explained as Nature or original substance. Lalitā Sahasranāma 397 is Mūlaprakṛtiḥ, which is explained here). Ī means Mahāmāya, the Divine Power of illusion. Nāda means Śrī Mātā, the Universal Mother. The dot, known as bindu is the dispeller of sorrows. Therefore, hrīṁ can also be explained thus: Śiva (ha) and Śakti (ra) unite to cause creation (nāda) making a person afflicted with illusion. This illusion can be removed by both of them, if an aspirant contemplates them and this removal ignorance is done through bindu or dot.
Next to hrīṁ ह्रीं is klīṁ क्लीं, which is known as kāma bīja. This bīja draws divine energy towards the aspirant. It acts like a magnet. This bīja is known as power of attraction. Kāma here does not mean lust, but means the desire to get into the state of Bliss (one among the four puruṣārtha-s. Four puruṣārtha-s are dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa). It completes the process of desire to attain Her. Attaining Her and entering into the state of Bliss go together. It increases the level of devotion. This bīja has got three parts – ka + la + am. Ka refers to desire to achieve Her Grace, la refers to contentment in one’s life, which reduces our desires and attachments and am gives happiness and joy. There are interpretations that ka also refers to Lord Kṛṣṇa. It is the bīja through which Śiva shows His Love for Her.
In the above three bīja-s, kāmakalā īṁ (ईं) is hidden. Kāmakalā can be explained through the innermost triangle of Śrī Cakra around the bindu (the innermost dot in Śrī Cakra). This dot represents Mahākāmeśvara-Mahākāmeśvari who are identical in all respects. They are seated in this dot, known as bindu. From the bindu, because of their union, creation takes place, resulting in the innermost triangle. The three sides represent Prakāśa (Light of Śiva), Vimarśa (diffusion of the Light of Śiva done by Śakti) and third side of the triangle represents “I am” and “this” (aham and idam). Thus, because of kāmakalā, these bīja-s become capable of creation.
Next to क्लीं is aiṁ ऐं, which is known as vāgbhava bīja. It is the bīja of Sarasvati, Goddess of Knowledge. It has two parts ai + ṁ. ṁ also acts as the dispeller of sorrow. This bīja also represents one’s Guru, who is the dispeller of ignorance and as a result of this bīja, one attains the highest spiritual knowledge. It also adds motivation, will power and dedication to the aspirant. This bīja is the cause for spiritual intellect (buddhi). Mainly intellect refers to the highest level of spiritual knowledge. It directly takes an aspirant to the concerned deity by increasing his level of awareness (consciousness).
Next to ऐं is sauḥ सौः, known as parā bīja. This is also known as hṛdayabīja or amṛtabīja. Śiva explains to Śakti about this in Parā-trīśikā-vivāraṇa (verses 9 and 10), a Trika Scripture. He says to Her, “O! Gracious one! It is the third Brahman (sat or sa स) united with the fourteenth vowel औ (au – out of the sixteen vowels), well joined with that which comes at the end of the lord of vowels (visarga or : - two dots one above the other, used in the sixteenth vowel अः - aḥ). Therefore sauḥ is formed out of the combination of sa स + au औ+ ḥ = sauḥ सौः. In Parā-trīśikā-vivāraṇa (verse 26), it is again said, “He, who knows this mantra in its essence, becomes competent for initiation, leading to liberation without any sacrificial rites.” This is known as nirvāṇa dīkṣā or initiation for final liberation, where nirvāṇa means emancipation. The Scripture proceeds to say that the one who elucidates the proper meaning of this bīja is known as Śiva Himself. This bīja is the Cosmic pulsation of the Lord.
The third Brahman referred here (sat) is explained in Bhagavad Gītā (XVII.23 - 26) “ॐ, tat and sat are the threefold representation of Brahman and from That alone Vedas, Vedic scholars and sacrificial rites have originated. Hence, during the acts of sacrifices, gifts, austerities approved by Scriptures and during Vedic recitations, ॐ is uttered in the beginning*. tat is recited by those who aim for liberation while performing sacrificial rites, austerities and charities without intent on the fruits of these actions. Sat is recited by those who perform the above acts with faith and on behalf of the Brahman.”
Thus sa स (sat) referred in this bīja is Śiva Himself, which represents His creative aspect, the pure Consciousness. Next comes His three energies Icchāśakti, Jñānaśakti and Kriyāśakti. During Creation, Cit Śakti of Śiva, after manifesting as Ānanda Śakti (Bliss) becomes the above referred three Śakti-s, before entering into the sphere of Māyā. Ānanda Śakti is known as Śakti, normally referred as Śiva’s Consort or His Svātantraya Śakti, His exclusive and unique Power of Autonomy. These three powers can be explained as subject I; object That; and subject-object or I and That. These powers of Śiva are also known as Sadāśiva, Iśvara and Suddha Vidyā. Now the fusion between S and AU takes place and सौ (sau) is formed. As a result of this fusion, creation happens, which is represented by visarga (two dots one above the other like the punctuation mark colon :) This is the Spanda or throb or pulsation of the Divine towards creation, causing the emission of His three energies contained in AU. With the addition of visarga (ḥ :) at the end of सौ (sau) becomes सौः (sauḥ). This parābīja is not meant for recitation or repetition but for the contemplation of Śiva, who alone is capable of offering liberation by removing all differentiations caused by māyā. The one who fully understands the significance of सौः (sauḥ) becomes instantly liberated.
Thus these five bīja-s form the first line of Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra.
Second line of Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra is formed thus; after these five bīja-s (in the first line), place praṇava, māyā bīja and śrī bīja and the second line appears like this:
om - hrīṁ - śrīṁ: ॐ – ह्रीं – श्रीं.
ॐ used at the beginning of the mantra refers to the Supreme Self, known as Brahman. The second ॐ placed here represents the individual soul. Thus, this ॐ is to be replaced with ātmabīja, which is given by one’s guru either at the time of initiation or earlier. Everyone will have ātmabīja, which is derived based on several factors. Ātmabīja is discussed here. In case one’s guru has not given any ātmabīja to an aspirant, he can continue to use ॐ as his ātmabīja. The three bīja-s used here refers to three stages. ॐ is apara stage or the individual soul. Hrīṁ represents the union of Śiva and Śakti and is known as parāpara (the stage of cause and effect). The last bīja śrīṁ is the stage of para, the Supreme energy, the state of Supreme Paramaśiva, where Śakti stands merged with Śiva and in this stage, She cannot be identified as a separate entity. For attaining liberation, one has to merge into Paramaśiva. In other words, individual soul (ॐ), transcend māyā, which is represented by hrīṁ, where both Śiva and Śakti are present as separate energies. The aspirant through sādhana (practice) goes past māyā, represented by bīja hrīṁ to merge with the Supreme Self, represented by the third bīja śrīṁ. Only in the second line of mahāṣoḍaśī mantra, liberation is explicitly declared.
Third, fourth and fifth lines are Pañcadaśī mantra (15 bīja-s) and Pañcadaśī mantra is explained here.
In sixth and last line the bīja-s of the first line are placed in a reverse order. This is known as mantra sampuṭīkaraṇa. This means that three bīja-s of the second line and Pañcadaśī mantra are encased by the first line and the last line, so that effects of Pañcadaśī mantra and the bīja-s of the second line do not go out of the aspirant and is sealed within the aspirant.
Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra thus formed is like this.
1. Om - śrīṁ - hrīṁ - klīṁ - aiṁ - sauḥ: ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौः (5 bīja-s, ॐ omitted)
2. om - hrīṁ - śrīṁ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं (3 bīja-s)
3. ka – e - ī – la- hrīṁ क ए ई ल ह्रीं (5 bīja-s)
4. ha - sa – ka – ha - la - hrīṁ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं (6 bīja-s)
5. sa – ka - la - hrīṁ स क ल ह्रीं (4 bīja-s)
6. sauḥ - aiṁ - klīṁ - hrīṁ - śrīṁ सौः ऐं क्लीं ह्रीं श्रीं (5 bīja-s)
Thus Mahāṣoḍaśī has twenty eight bīja-s, excluding the first praṇava.
Further reading:
April 15, 2013 02:41 PM
None of the Pramanika Sampradayas affix Om before Mahashodashi mantra. The Devi Pranava itself is Om, and beyond. By adding an extra Om, there is lopa of Chandas, there is lopa of matra, and also lopa of the rashmi samkhya.
This is what happens if one reads from books and does not learn from an enlightened Guru belonging to shakta lineage - blind leading the blind.
April 15, 2013 04:54 PM
If somebody is not affixing OM before Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra, it is their problem. Even accepting your views for the sake of argument, where is śāktapraṇava at the beginning of Mahāṣoḍaśī. As you known Mahāṣoḍaśī, begins with Lakṣmi bīja śrīṁ and not with śāktapraṇava. Again,no doṣa accrues when OM is prefixed and suffixed to any mantra. You have overlooked the arguments in my article, in favour of placing OM at the beginning by quoting necessary references from Chāndogya Upaniṣad and Kulārṇava Tantra. These Scriptures clearly say that beginning a mantra without OM is a sin.
Further, ancient Scriptures like Kubjikātantra, Siddhayāmala clearly say that that Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra is extricated by having praṇava at the beginning.
When we recite Lalitā Sahasranāma, what is the need to prefix tritātrī (om - aiṁ - hrīṁ - śrīṁ) before each nāma? Why this is called tritātrī (triad), when there are four bīja-s? By default, Om is excluded and hence only the rest three are taken into account. Even tritātrī is prefixed with OM.
The doṣa-s which you have mentioned do not apply to praṇava. It is better not to follow anything blindly.
April 16, 2013 12:56 AM
Anonymous said :
"This is what happens if one reads from books and does not learn from an enlightened Guru belonging to shakta lineage - blind leading the blind."
What do you mean by enlightened Guru belonging to shakta lineage?Most of the shakta gurus nowadays asked huge sum of money for donations of their ashrams or give initiation courses levels online or travel to give which again,people have to pay thousands.
Pranava have to be affix before Mahasodasi Mantra as per tantra texts and Genuine and real Gurus.
Please take time to read this Blog,Raviji does have a Guru and the work he is doing are beyond words. Raviji never asked for a a single cent from anyone,he is giving all his time for the benefits of mankind.
April 16, 2013 08:31 AM
Thank you for your kind words. The way in which he has posted his comment itself exposes him. I am sure that he does not even know what is śāktapraṇava. Since I have not revealed much about me, he is under the impression that I do not have a Guru. He does not know that I hail from one of the best lineages in śrī vidyā. As you have rightly pointed out, many of these gurus are only after money and in the process of earning money, they lose their focus on those who are initiated by them. Following up with those, who are initiated is very important and according to the progress made,Guru will fine tune them. This is what I do and they are happy and in the process I am also happy about their progress. No money should be paid or received for initiation. After God is not a commodity.
November 26, 2020 12:26 PM
after all god is not a commodity. A haa atlast somebody is fighting for my cause. Pranaam.Please pardon the half empty vessel. Chalakne do.
April 16, 2013 10:07 AM
I am one of the unfortunate victims cheated by one of the fake gurus who took enormous money from me for shodasi mantra. I practiced as per his advise for more than two years. Mantra did not give any effect to me. It only pushed me into trouble. Few months back I read this blog and got the mantra recast by Raviji and I am doing good now. Please do not get cheated by these types of fake gurus.
April 16, 2013 12:23 PM
I am one of the victims of fake guru too,my guru asked me $30k when i was facing a difficult situation and as i did not have the money,he did not help me. Ravi helped me without asking for a single money or fame or praise,Ravi's humility shows his greatness and how blessed we are to know him.Some of these Gurus are even paying for google ads when people are searching for "sri vidya" on google,and he is giving initiation after you pay a large sum of money.There is another famous Guru who is travelling and giving sri vidya to the masses,his sri vidya courses cost more than a thousand dollars and he is even saying that sri vidya will give you everything,will full fill all desires,Sri Vidya as pointed out By Ravi and Tantras is meant for LIBERATION only and not for material gains or satisfying desires.These so called enlightened Gurus are misleading people.Nowadays even The Maha Sri Chakra(yantra)are being sell online like bread,they are advertising that this Yantra will give immense wealth and one guru is even telling to use sri yantra for vastu.We are blessed by Amba and Shiva to know Ravi,he is one of the rare soul who sincerely help others.Rarely in this world,we find Great Masters like him.
April 16, 2013 12:33 PM
I never knew that I am so much loved by the readers of my site. There are no words to express my thanks to all of you. I do my duty subject to the limitation s of my knowledge, capacity and capability. I don't claim to be a Guru and I never would like to become one. What I know and understand I share with others. Similarly, I initiate mantras, not as a Guru, but as a person who knows Her. Initiation of mantras can never be commercialized and if done so, it becomes one of the greatest sins, both to the giver and the taker.
April 16, 2013 12:41 PM
One thing i have noticed from many people who are initiated into Sri vidya is their arrogance.They think that they are superior to others because tantras said" only in one's last birth that ones get the fifteen lettered mantra of Lalitha or he is verily Shiva himself". Humility,humbleness,love,sincerity,bhakti,selfless service,helping each and every soul, meditating,no harm to any being,love God with all your heart and soul and realizing you are god and god is in everyone,transcending maya,these are the characteristics of a True Sri Vidya Bhakta,not arrogance.
April 16, 2013 12:47 PM
Absolutely. Many of the upāsaka-s (one of the meanings of upāsaka is servant)fail due to their ego, which is a major hitch in śrī vidayā worship.
December 25, 2019 06:52 AM
Ravijii, you do not know how much you are benefiting our lives. Some of us , especially in America, are growing without having the Benicia of a “physically present” guru where we can commensurate our various experiences. Aside from some false Tex he’d , I have not had the benefit of real gurus in America. Your blog provides me with so much clarity. Recently, Sodasi appeared in my dream. I immediately came here to attempt to gain clarity for my experience. Thank you so much for sharing your relationship with Her. It is so helpful.
April 16, 2013 12:45 PM
Yes Raviji,you are loved by everyone whom you are helping everyday without asking for a single dime or praise of fame.Your sincere love for others and care shows that you are a realized-soul and a great and humble Master.
April 16, 2013 12:52 PM
Yes Raviji,would love to read a post from you on Sri vidya and ego.
April 16, 2013 12:56 PM
Thank you and it is a good idea. I will write about the qualities of śrī vidayā upāsaka, once Sri Chakra series is over.
May 19, 2013 03:16 PM
‘candrArkAnala koTi nIradarucam pAsA~nkusAmAsugAn muNdam khadgamabhayamIkshvarIvaram hastAmbujairaShTabhih kAmesAna sivoparisthitasadAm trayakshAm vahantIm parAm sri cintAmaNi mantra bIja vapuShIm dhyAye mahA SodasIm
this is another dhyana verse for mahashodashi in addition to verse given by you on mantra japa it possible to include this also with the previous verse? this is union of Kali and sundari.
May 19, 2013 04:36 PM
Different Gurus follow different dhyāna verses. This followed through lineages. For example, what I have given here is the one given to by my GURUJI. Guru's words are always final. Further, it is always advisable to go with the form that we are able to contemplate.
December 13, 2013 06:50 PM
Ravi who is your Guru
December 13, 2013 06:56 PM
You can read about him here and his image is also there MY GURU
May 08, 2014 06:42 PM
I think this seals it.. Pranava MUST be explicitly added. Or so says the "Krama KalpalatA" - Link Courtesy: Kamakotimandali.
|| श्री गुरु चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये ||
॥ नम: शिवाभ्याम् ॥
Ramachandran Iyer
May 12, 2014 04:13 AM
The blog of is confusing. The link above mentions that Pranava should be explicitly added, however, the link below from the same website states that Pranava should not be added. It further goes on and tries to ridicule our guruji's quoted references. It is subtly referring to our website. The actual author of the link below is unknown, but it is probable that the anonymous writer who accused our guruji as "blind leading the blind" is also the author of the link below:-
May 12, 2014 11:06 AM
I am 100% sure that Kamakotimandali will never make such comments. The quality of their site is very good.
May 12, 2014 06:28 PM
Yes, Kamakotimandali is a good site but only for Phd students. For the layman, Manblunder is a much superior site to hang out. Another 1000 years will pass and people will not stop arguing about adding Om before Mahashodasi and Navakshari. It would be a good idea to put a stop to this argument by posting an article with links to the relevant Tantra sources.
May 12, 2014 06:44 PM
Here is the reference:
“A mantra without om in the beginning causes impurity of birth and om at the end causes impurity of death. A mantra contaminated by these two impurities does not fructify. Taking care to avoid both these impurities, a mantra should be repeated in the mind.” (Kulārṇava Tantra by Arthur Avalon – page 115 – Chapter 15 verse 57)
May 12, 2014 06:50 PM
The Om at the beginning is clear in the mantra that you have provided. But there is no Om in the end. How is this Om at the end tackled? Or is it a norm that the Om at the end is ignored, could you please clarify?
May 12, 2014 07:56 PM
The first om of the next mantra forms the last om of the first mantra. In fact, while reciting Lalitā Sahasranāma, each nāmā should be recited with om at the beginning and also om at the end. For example, take the first nāmā Śrī Mātā. This is always recited as “om Śrī mātre namaḥ om”. Generally, japa mantras are recited 108 times. What is the significance of 108? Typically the count should be in multiples of 51, which is the total number of Sanskrit alphabets. Suppose we count 108, one count is removed as the last recitation does not have om. This gives us 107. Suppose there is a counting error, margin of error is given by these extra 5 counts. Thus, safely we would have recited 102 repetitions.
May 12, 2014 08:04 PM
This is mind blowing and is totally clear. Thank you very much.
May 14, 2014 11:05 AM
There are many arguments whether Om is to be recited before Maha Sodasi mantra. In this context, I
would like to discuss on this matter exclusively in Sakta way.
OM is one of the pancha (five) pranava-s. Om is known as Aadi (first) pranava. As per the Sanskrit text,
Om comprises of three letters A+U+M. (AUM). As per the Sakta vidya these three letters have specific
meanings and importance especially in Sri Vidyopasana/Sri Chakropasana. Let us understand the aadi
pranava in this context.
Aadi pranava has three kuta-s (A+U+M) like Panchadasi or Sodasi mantra-s. First letter of this pranava
i.e. A represents Agni mandala and second letter U represents Surya mandala and third letter M
represents Soma mandala. Based on these mandala-s Patrasadhana, Nyasa and Eight avarana of Sri
Chakra puja will be practiced by Sri Chakropasaka-s. These three mandala-s are to be contemplated in
human body along with susumna marga with Shat chakra-s. [A detailed discussion on these mandala-s
is available in book titled “Understanding and Worshipping Srichakra” authored by Sri V.Raviji. Readers
may review this book for further information]. So inherently and indirectly, Om is worshipped at various
places of Sri Chakra puja. Proper chanting of this Om will lead the practitioner to salvation.
Generally, panchadasi will fructify materialistic desires and Sodasi will lead to (give) salvation. The
three kuta-s of these mantra-s represents, agni, surya and soma mandala-s as in Om. Sodasi mantra has
several bija-s and Om is one of such bija. It is to be keenly observed that, Maha sodasi only has Om and
no Om is there in sodasi (laghu) and panchadasi mantra-s. Om in Maha sodasi has different meaning
which has already been explained by Sri Raviji in his article. However, three kuta-s in panchadasi, laghu
sodasi and maha sodasi inherently represents Om. In general way, we can say that practicing of these
mantras will give additional results of Om practicing alone.
There are two types of conjunctions for any mantra. One is Samputeekarana and another is Sankarana.
Samputeekarana means conjoining of two different beeja-s and receiving same or additional benefits of
original mantra/bija due to such conjoining. Here purpose and meaning of original mantra/bija will not
change. Sankarana means conjoining of two different/same bija-s which results in a different mantra.
Such sankarana may not give original results.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that, Om need not be chanted before maha sodasi. It
is true that some of the texts, advised to precede Om before any mantra. This is the case of mantras
which are not having the traits of Om. This is the not the case with Sodasi or Panchadasi for the reasons
discussed above.
What about the mantra-s which start with Om? (like Ganaesha, Siva Panchakshari etc) Shall we have to
precede one more Om before actual mantra Om?
May 15, 2014 06:19 PM
Dear Shri Aum Ravi,
Thank you for taking the time to provide your opinion on this matter. I seek further clarification from you. It is not clear if you agree on adding Om before MAHA SODASI or not.
When you start the comment, you mention “It is to be keenly observed that, Maha sodasi only has Om and no Om is there in sodasi (laghu) and panchadasi mantra-s.”
And towards the end, you mention “From the above discussion, it can be concluded that, Om need not be chanted before maha sodasi.”
Not sure if there was a typo, but do you agree on adding Om before MAHA SODASI or not?
From your discussion, it can be inferred that if a mantra has the traits of Om, there is no need of adding Om. You explained how Sodasi/Panchadasi have the traits of Om and therefore Om is not added. Two questions follow this :-
1) It can be argued that MAHA SODASI also has the traits of Om since the Panchadasi is integrated in it. So why should we add Om before MAHA SODASI?
2) What will happen if we add Om before Panchadasi/Sodasi(laghu)? Will it not fructify?
The final question is regarding the “different meaning” of Om in MAHA SODASI. Raviji’s original explanation does not seem to show a different meaning. A little more clarity in this regard will help.
Both Shri Aum Ravi and Raviji are requested to comment on this.
Anonymous Disciple
May 15, 2014 07:48 PM
This article may be related to this subject
May 17, 2014 02:12 AM
My detailed reply is provided in this link. IMPORTANCE OF OM AT THE BEGINNING OF ALL MANTRAS
May 15, 2014 08:21 PM
I am a regular reader of this site, but these comments are confusing me. There are two Om in Mahashodasi - one before and one in the second line. Which Om is Aum Ravi referring to when he says that the Om has a different meaning in Mahashodasi? The second Om is to be replaced with the Atma Bija. Does Aum Ravi agree replacing the second Aum with Atma Bija?
May 17, 2014 09:41 AM
Dear Respected Readers,
Thank you for your active participation. Following are my replies to various queries raised by the article followers.
1. There is no need to chant Om before chanting of Maha Sodasi. This opinion was clearly given in the article.
2. The bija Om is sixth in Maha Sodasi mantra and meaning of which was given by Shri Raviji in his main article. Please read carefully Shri V.Ravijis main article. He clearly differentiated between first Om and sixth Om.
3. Yes, mahsodasi has also traits of Om.
4. I am referring to sixth bija (Om) of maha sodasi. As per our tradition we don't chant Om before start of Maha Sodasi.
5. No references available with me for replacing Om with Atma bija.
Hope above clarified the various queries raised by devotees.
May 17, 2014 04:01 PM
Dear Shri Aum Ravi,
Thanks for your clarification. In your comment, you mentioned that Panchadasi is for materialistic desires. Since Panchadasi is integrated into Mahasoadasi, will Mahasadasi also not lead to fulfillment of materialistic desires and then ultimately salvation?
Also does your tradition prefix the nine lettered Chandi Mantra of Durga Saptashati with Om?
You say that Mahasodasi does not start with Om, let's say if one does start it with Om, will it not qualify as Samputeekarana giving additional benefits of Om?
May 17, 2014 04:23 PM
Aum Raviji,
You have questioned if we add Om before Shiva mantra which already start with Om. The moola mantra of Shiva is "Namah Shivaya". These two words are exactly the two middle words of Rudram. Hence we do prefix the moola mantra with Om. Hope this answers your question.
May 18, 2014 05:02 AM
Mahashodasi does not mean you will lose your wealth and roam in the Smasana. It will provide you both material and spiritual benefits. Both are interdependent on each other.
May 18, 2014 05:21 AM
The technicalities of adding or not adding Om are overblown. It is 1% of the Mantra Sadhana. What matters most is the love, devotion and focus towards the deity.
May 18, 2014 09:16 AM
Dear Respected Readers,
1. I am not sure whether mahasodasi will fructify if we add Om as first bija. However, our tradition is without Om in first place.
2. Siva Panchakshari is not "Namah Shivaya". Actually, Om Namah Shivaya is prakata siva panchakshari that can be practiced by anyone. There are other versions of Shiva Panchakshari which are secret and can be known from a Guru only.
May 21, 2014 09:07 PM
sir what happens if someones purascharan breaks and how a person gots the adhikar of shri yantra puja??
May 21, 2014 09:15 PM
Puraścaraṇa has nothing to do with adhikāra (authority) of possessing Śrī Yantra for worship. Puraścaraṇa is series of rituals leading to the fructification of mantras or mostly to verity its fructification.
August 16, 2014 07:03 PM
Healthy body that is in a constant rejuvenative mode
Mind that is inspired, guided and powerful
Attract Wealth, fame, respect, power, and prosperity
Supercharge your energy level
Manifest your sacred purpose as human and evolve
Manifest your dreams into reality
Learn to detach and free yourself from negative feelings and emotions
Draw and feel divine that is divine love near to you
cultivate inner silence and bliss
Find out just what true satisfaction is
Learn to trust yourself
Access answers from your higher self
Clear away karma by clearing chakra system
Take control of your life
Awaken psychic abilities
are these the benefits of sri vidya sadhana? IS chanting shodashi mantra is sri vidya sadhana. or what it is? Commercialsed websites are selling and charging so much money for deeksha.
August 16, 2014 08:12 PM
Spirituality and mantras cannot be sold. God is not a commodity to trade. He is to be realized using proper techniques and none of these techniques cost money. When we realize HER through a proper spiritual master, these benefits do not matter at all.
August 16, 2014 08:26 PM
Thank you ravi sir. This is the sad state of affairs. But I want to know whether chanting shodashi mantra gives any siddhis. I understand your extreme honest approach through your writings but some people choose spiritual path to resolve complex and personal problems of past life karmas and also to attain some siddhis. Does it bestow and resolve complex problems if chanted with sincerity.
August 16, 2014 08:51 PM
There is a way of reciting mantras. Please read this article and you will know how to recite mantras. Mundane recitation of mantras will not give any benefits. If we chant for Her Grace, we will be conferred both with material and spiritual benefits. Shiva in conversation with Shakti
February 05, 2015 12:15 PM
Dear Ravi Ji:
Can you please let me know an email address to contact you at? I have a personal question regarding Devi worship that I would like to get guidance for, if you are willing to help me. Please let me know. Thanks.
February 05, 2015 12:22 PM
It is there in the site in the green band. However this is mail ID
May 19, 2015 02:07 PM
sir, what is the difference between maha shodashi and sri vidya?
May 19, 2015 02:14 PM
Maha Shodashi mantra is the pinnacle of Sri Vidya. Sri Vidya is nothing but Brahma Vidya, or knowing about the Brahman. Lalita Sahasranama describes Her Brahman through various nama-s.
September 16, 2015 09:20 PM
If maha shodashi is initiated and chanted for 9 lakh times keeping the count and later if the prescribed puruscharnas are done, doing all this ensure mantra siddhi?
September 16, 2015 10:00 PM
Mantra siddhi can never be guaranteed. Mantra siddhi purely depends upon our perseverance and dedication and sincerity. It is not the count alone that matters. We have to work with our prana on mind and consciousness.
October 03, 2015 03:39 PM
Does the devi choose the right aspirant for maha shodashi mantra through authentic gurus or who are once who normally get initiated to Omaha shodashi mantra
October 03, 2015 06:25 PM
It is said that a person is blessed to have Mahashodashi mantra only during his or her last birth and should be initiated by authentic Gurus only.
October 05, 2015 11:16 AM
Thank you. Last birth also implies lot if undue suffering and expending many births past life karmas too. Since maha shodashi mantra is for liberation, do youngsters also get initiated into shodashi mantra japa? How will they balance the material and personal life.
October 06, 2015 10:04 AM
One is blessed to have Mahashodashi mantra only if his or her karmic account permits. Mahashodashi is not only for liberation, but also for peaceful and prosperous living. The placement of bijaksharas will surely ensure perfect balance between material ans spiritual life.
October 13, 2015 05:36 AM
As I learnt the Mahashodashi mantra here on manblunder, I seek your express permission, Raviji to allow this sri vidya sadhak to recite the great mantra. I already have a guru who didn't actually pronounce me the mantra due to our physical far locations rather gave me only the permission. I have sent you an email regarding this request. Kindly advise.
May 04, 2016 01:38 PM
Take a Guru, Probably take Ravi, he appears to have a good track record and do as he says. I have been doing ganesa tarpanam omitting OM at the beginning for millions of births. Mortified when I found out the mistake. The Goddess laughed and said, "as your Guru, I have been subtly correcting all errors. Go on without fear". There is wonderful story of Ramananda. Once a prostitute came to him and asked for initiation to purify herself. Ramananda asked her to repeat "Ram" 3 times. That night ramananda was beset by body burning and torture which even jumping into Ganga could not solve. He turned to Rama and the supreme being replied "what Ramananda, how many times" Ramananda understood that probable just one time callin Rama's name would lead to moksha and 3 times was wrong. Similar is the case of Rukmini and sudama with lord krishna. Have fun. This is the path of joy, bliss, laughter and fun. However basics must be mastered from Guru.
July 04, 2016 07:55 PM
Hello sir. My name is krisnna. I will be more thankful to u if you could clarify my doubt. I have started reading durga sapthashati. I have read many sites where if one wants to chant sapthashati then one have to read utkeelan mantra for 108 times before reading sapthashati. Other wise there is no power of reading sapthashati even if one reads 700 shlokas even for 1000 tiimes. Is that really true ???? and what are the benefits of chanting durgasaptasati... how should i recite saptihshati... Directly i should start with first chapter or i have to start with devi kavacham... argala stotram... devi keelakam and so on... Thank u sir
July 04, 2016 08:16 PM
Utkilana mantra should be chanted 21 times according to various text books. Benefits are mentioned in uttara bhag.
July 04, 2016 10:16 PM
What is the purpose of utkilana mantra, does it open certain specific points in the body so that when a person chants the main mantra. It paves a smoother passage, or is there a real requirement for utkilana mantra
July 05, 2016 10:09 AM
It is the process of un-nailing the mantra, which means releasing the mantra. It is related to the mantra and not related to our body parts.
July 05, 2016 11:43 AM
thank you, sorry what I meant is that utkilana mantras act as a catalyst to make the main mantra to make it more potent as the effect is on the mind and body'so if it means that this mantra releases the main mantra, what does it mean?There are many mantras which are cursed and utkilana mantra is required for those, but how can only lock a mantra, indirectly there is no effect on mind and body for the person who recites it?
July 05, 2016 12:48 PM
There are many mantras that are cursed, including Gayatri mantra. Who cursed and how, we do not and it is beyond our comprehension. In order to make the mantras work for us, curse removal mantras are available. We know about some and we do not know about many. How many are chanting curse removal mantra for Gayatri?
A mantra is meant to work on our mind. Mantra will also kindle subtle energy in our body. There will be surely some effect on proper recitations of mantras. But that is not the end of it.
August 04, 2016 11:31 PM
Sir , in your article you wrote
"Kulārṇava Tantra (XV.57) says that not beginning a mantra without ॐ causes impurity of birth. "
There are two negations in this statement. I believe it should have been
"Kulārṇava Tantra (XV.57) says that beginning a mantra without ॐ causes impurity of birth. "
Correct me if i am wrong.
August 05, 2016 10:15 AM
I think both are correct.
April 21, 2020 01:45 AM
no om beginning in mahashodashi, no namah
April 21, 2020 06:49 AM
You are more than welcome to not include 'oṁ' in the beginning of the mantra or substitute the other 'oṁ'. The author has take great pains to explain the reasons behind the usage and has also revealed the secrets of this lineage for the benefit of all mankind. The edict of the guru is final in these matters and you should follow what you have been initiated into.
April 21, 2020 01:50 AM
manblunderer, you should not give instruction on sri vidya if you have no abhisheka or permission to teach. i can tell you know very little about the subject and it saddens me.
April 21, 2020 06:58 AM
Your criticism is welcome, but please do so in good taste, else it reflects very poorly on yourself and the guru(s), who have instructed you. The author has all the credentials to teach Śrī Vidya and has done yeoman service to devotees all over the world. To his disciples, he is a beacon of light, ocean of knowledge and the very personification of the Divine Mother, as is the norm and stature of any enlightened guru in the path of Śrī Vidya. If you have a better understanding of Śrī Vidya and wish to serve humanity, please do so by publishing your content to help all aspirants.
April 21, 2020 12:17 PM
Please go through details of Ravi sir before you make a comment like this. It easy to comment but tough to make so many articles for the purpose of all It's not the mantra that matters but the intent of the person who provides which does. They never charge a single fee for any of their advice, initiation here. All are so approachable . Its sad you don't recognize such a service.
December 18, 2022 04:12 AM
Namaste to everyone. This is my last post on the Manblunder Website. I have received a divine call to work on a collective purpose together with other souls. Then I will be immersed in this purpose. Don't worry, everyone in the world will benefit from it. And only happy times await all souls in the future. This is the guarantee I give to all of you, for the inseparability of my soul with yours. Only happy times await all souls in the world in the future. Do not be afraid. There is a great collective movement underway to save all suffering souls not only on Earth but throughout the entire world. Have no fear, only happiness awaits you in the not too distant future. Even if you don't do Sadhana or succeed. We will save you all, wherever you are. Do not fear. Blessings.
December 23, 2022 03:12 AM
Thank you Tivraji, for your time teachings, grace and blessings.
December 19, 2022 07:12 AM
Namaste Dearest Tivra! We are forever grateful for your dedication, sincerity in answering questions as well as the deep insight that you have provided us on various topics! We wish you and your spiritual community tremendous success in all your endeavors and pray that the Divine Mother helps you succeed with flying colors. We will certainly miss you but will always pray for you and hope for your return at the earliest! Just the way the early rays of sunlight at dawn dispel the darkness around us, your deep spiritual insights have given the seekers the assurance that the Divine Mother in the form of an enlightened guru such as yourself, is amongst us. May your blessings which are the same as the grace of the Divine Mother, be with us at all times, as they are with you!
December 19, 2022 10:12 AM
Namaste Tivraji, We are forever grateful for your insights, knowledge and wisdom in answering the queries from the seekers of this website. We wish you All the Best and loads of success in your new project ordained by the Divine Mother. May the Divine Mother be always with you and all of us. Thank you again for your invaluable contribution and we hope to see you back soon.
December 20, 2022 07:12 AM
There have been some issues with the comments page after the addition of a new captcha feature that needs to be clicked before submitting any comments. The tech team is working on resolving them in a speedy manner and we hope to see some resolution this week. We apologize for the inconvenience caused as many comments entered by the commenters have disappeared including my own. We do request that you please save your comments before posting them on the site and if it doesn't show up within a day on our website, then it is most likely lost. You may repost from your saved clipboard. Once the issues have been resolved, we will post a comment stating the same. In the meantime, please do as suggested and your comments will appear on the website. We regret the inconvenience and apologize for the hardship caused. There are certain website security standards that we have to adhere to and these are required by the software as well as the hosting providers.