As seen earlier, there are several Pañcadaśī mantras practiced by different sages and gods. These mantras are given in Lalitā Sahasranāma 239. These are :
1. Viṣṇu: ha sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa, ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ, sa ha ka la hrīṃ, sa ha ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ha sa ka la hrīṃ |
2. Śiva: ha sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka la ha sa ka ha la sa ka la hrīṃ |
3. Brahma: ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha ka ha la hrīṃ, ha sa ka la hrīṃ |
4. Manu: ka ha e ī la hrīṃ, ha ka e ī la hrīṃ, sa ka e ī la hrīṃ |
5. Chandra: sa ha ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha e ī la hrīṃ, ha sa ka e ī la hrīṃ |
6. Kubera: ha sa ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha e ī la hrīṃ, sa ha ka e ī la hrīṃ |
7. Lopāmudrā: ha sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ |
8. Agastya: ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ha sa ka la hrīṃ |
9. Nandikeśvara: sa e ī la hrīṃ, sa ha ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ |
10. Sūrya: ha sa ka la hrīṃ, sa ha ka la hrīṃ, sa ka ha la hrīṃ |
11. Skanda: ha sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka sa ka la hrīṃ, sa ha ka ha la hrīṃ |
12. Manmatha: ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ |
13. Sakara: ka e ī la hrīṃ, ha ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka ha la hrīṃ |
14. Durvāsa: ha sa ka la ha sa ka ha la sa ka la hrīṃ |
15. Yama: ka ha e ī la hrīṃ, ha la e ī la hrīṃ, sa ka e ī la hrīṃ |
If we look at these fifteen mantras {some have excluded Brahmā, Śakara (Descendents of Śaka and not much is known about his mantra or his lineage) and Yama from the list fifteen; some have replaced Skanda with another version of Lopāmudrā}, it can be seen that all the fifteen versions begin with either one of these three akṣara-s viz. ka, ha, sa (क, ह, स). Based upon the first akṣara, Pañcadaśī mantras are classified into kādividyā, hādividyā and sādividyā.
Among these three, kādividyā is followed widely. The well known practitioner of kādividyā is Manmatha, who is also known as Kāma. Varivasya Rahasya, the Scripture that explains Pañcadaśī mantra is based on the mantra practiced by Manmatha, which falls under the category of kādividyā. Pañcadaśī mantra is explained in detail through these two articles.
3. Variations of Pañcadaśī mantra
During discussion in this article, only thirteen mantras are taken into account, omitting Brahmā and Śakara.
Apart from classifying Pañcadaśī mantras under the three vidyā-s mentioned above, another classification is possible based on the akṣara-s used, leaving aside the repeated akṣara-s. Following is the Pañcadaśī mantra of Manmatha, which falls under kādividyā.
ka e ī la hrīṁ | ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ | sa ka la hrīṁ || क ए ई ल ह्रीं। ह स क ह ल ह्रीं। स क ल ह्रीं॥
In this mantra, the repeated akṣara-s are ka, la, ha, sa, hrīṁ (क, ल, ह, स, ह्रीं). Thus there are five repeated akṣara-s. If we add e and ī, (ए and ई) the two akṣara-s that are not repeated, the total number of akṣara-s used in this mantra is seven. This is applicable to all the five versions of kādividyā (Manu, Agastya, Skanda, Manmatha also known as Kāma and Yama).
In the case of hādividyā, it does not use e and ī, (ए and ई) as in kādividyā. Thus hādividyā uses only five akṣara-s ka, la, ha, sa, hrīṁ repeatedly. Between kādividyā and hādividyā, former is more powerful because of the presence of two additional akṣara-s, e and ī, (ए and ई). Out of these two akṣara-s, former is capable of preventing any misfortunes to the practitioner and latter is capable conferring wealth. These two akṣara-s are considered extremely important as e refers to Śiva, who is also known as Kāma. This also conveys the initial process of creation, known as spanda, which is possible only by Śiva. If Śiva is the cause for creation, Śakti is the effect of His creation. Śiva is Prakāśa and Śakti is Vimarśa. The next akṣara ī ई refers to the inner most triangle of Śrī Cakra and represents Śakti, who is also known as Kalā. The combination of Kāma and Kalā is the cause for creation. Kāma and Kalā become Kāmakalā (Lalitā Sahasranāma 322 – Kāmakalā- rūpā). Both Śiva and Śakti are seated in the bindu of Śrī Cakra and they should be worshipped together in bindu during the ninth āvaraṇa. The presence of Śiva is conveyed through the usage of Prakāśa (meaning Self-illuminating) and Parabrahma (Supreme Lord) in the mantra for the ninth āvaraṇa, meant only for those who are initiated into Ṣoḍaśī mantras. Śiva alone is Self-illuminating and He alone is adored as Prakāśa and Parabrahma. Lalitā Triśatī with three hundred nāma-s follow only ManmathaPañcadaśī, which falls under kādi vidyā. Saundaryalaharī verse 34 also talks about ManmathaPañcadaśī.
Not much is known about sādividyā. Only Nandi (Śiva’s vehicle) and Candra (moon) were following sādividyā. The difference between hātividyā and sādividyā is that the former uses akṣara-s, e and ī, (ए and ई), as in the case of kātividyā. Out of the three vidyā- discussed above, only kātividyā is considered as supreme and is capable of conferring various benefits to the practitioner. Sattva guṇa is predominant kātividyā, rajo guṇa in hātividyā and tamo guṇa in sādividyā. Because of the fact that sādividyā is predominant in tamo guṇa it is not practiced widely. Kāti, hāti and sādi vidyā-s are also known by Kāli krama, Tātā krama, Sundarī krama depending the how Parāśakti is worshipped. Krama means course, procedure, tradition, etc.
Pañcadaśī mantras have evolved into various types of Ṣoḍaśī mantras. This has been already discussed under variations of Ṣoḍaśī mantras. Apart from evolution into Ṣoḍaśī mantra, Pañcadaśī mantras themselves have undergone modifications, without evolution such as parāvidyā, whose mantra has thirty seven syllables.
Gods and sages, who have formulated and worshipped Her with different Pañcadaśī mantras are worshipped in Śrī Cakra pūja, known as navāvaraṇa pūja and first respects are paid to them in guru maṇḍala. This is known as āmnāya worship.
Other Important Articles:
Pancadasi Mantra - पञ्चदशी मन्त्र - Part 1
Panchadasi Mantra Explained - Part 2
Panchadasi The Supreme Mantra - Part 3
December 08, 2012 01:46 PM
Thank you for such precious information Manblunder...
Is there a Variation of Panchadasi that Lord Shiva Practise?
And one question about Mrytyumjaya and Mryt Sanjeevni, are they the same?
December 08, 2012 07:02 PM
Pañcadaśī mantra used by Shiva is like this.
ha sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka ha la hrīṃ, sa ka la hrīṃ, ha sa ka la ha sa ka ha la sa ka la hrīṃ | (comes under hādi vidyā.
Trayakṣaramṛyuñjaya mantra is this: om hauṁ juṁ saḥ ॐ हौं जुं सः
Mahāmṛyuñjaya mantra is this: "om hauṁ om juṁ saḥ bhūrbhuvaḥ .......saḥ hauṁ om"
Mṛtyu saṁjīvanī mantra: It is in Rig Veda Book X.161.1 - 5. This is for curing ailment. The mantra starts with muñcami tvā haviṣā मुञ्चमि त्वा हविषा and ends with sarvamāyuśva te'vidam सर्वमायुश्व तेऽविदम्॥
December 08, 2012 07:52 PM
Is it possible to give the full Mṛtyu saṁjīvanī mantra in roman script and does this mantra works or is it cursed?
December 08, 2012 08:14 PM
It is five couplets. If you can send me a mail, I can take a photograph of that page and send it to you.
December 08, 2012 08:30 PM
Can you share the "parāvidyā, whose mantra has thirty seven syllables."
Thank you,
December 08, 2012 08:58 PM
This is the mantra:
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। क ए ल ह ह्रीं। सौः क्लीं ऐं।
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। क स क ह ल ह्रीं। सौः क्लीं ऐं।
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। स क ल ह्रीं । सौः क्लीं ऐं ॐ॥
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | ka e la ha hrīṁ | sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ |
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | ka sa ka ha la hrīṁ | sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ |
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | sa ka la hrīṁ । sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ om ||
December 08, 2012 09:01 PM
Thank you for sharing the Powerful mantra...Is it the same as Paraprasada Mantra?
December 08, 2012 10:14 PM
This I have to check. I will check and comeback.
December 11, 2012 11:42 AM
"The mantra called Sri Paraprasada is the main mantra , situated in Urdvhamnaya. Who know this mantra , which is the supreme creation, becomes equal to Shiva"
Can you share this Maha Mantra Please,
December 11, 2012 01:52 PM
I will check on this and if available I will surely share here.
December 11, 2012 05:34 PM
It is known as parāprasāda mantra पराप्रसादमन्त्र. I checked in ūrdhvāmnāya. Each āmnāya has got separate mantra and devata. For ūrdhvāmnāya, Parāṣoḍaśī is the mantra, which is given below.
श्रीं सौः क्लीं ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ह्रीं ॐ
स क ल ह्रीं
स ह क ह ल ह्रीं
क ए ई ल ह्रीं
श्रीं ऐं क्लीं सौः
śrīṁ sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ hrīṁ om
sa ka la hrīṁ
sa ha ka ha la hrīṁ
ka e ī la hrīṁ
śrīṁ aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ
Devata for ūrdhvāmnāya is given as Parāśāṁbhavī.
There is a mantra here, through which Her lotus feet is worshiped.
The mantra is as follows:
ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं हस्ख्फ्रें हसौः अहमहं अहमहं हसौः हस्ख्फ्रें श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं।
aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ haskhphreṁ hasauḥ ahamahaṁ ahamahaṁ hasauḥ haskhphreṁ śrīṁ hrīṁ aiṁ|
Apart from this, Kulārṇava Tantra also speaks about parāprasāda mantra. I will check there and come back here in two or three days.
Please let me know whether this information is useful to you.
December 11, 2012 07:33 PM
Yes thank you
This information is very useful and precious for me as you have share with us the "Maha Parasodasi Mantra " but I think the mantra I'm looking for is Paraprasada from Kularnava Tantra.
I have the beeja mantra for Paraprasada which is as follows "Shaum "but cannot get the full mantra anywhere.
Thank you again for taking so much time to help me and for enlightening us.
December 14, 2012 12:08 AM
Both Kulārṇava Tantra and Yoga Cūḍāmaṇi Upaniṣad speak about parāprāsāda mantra. This is also known as prāsādaparā mantra. The mantra is “hamsa” and is generally known as hamsa mantra. Hamsa is the combination of ha and sa, where ha refers to Brahman and sa refers to Śiva. This mantra is aligned with our normal breath of 21,600 times in 24 hour time. By knowing the significance of this mantra (hamsa), if one breaths 21,600 times, he becomes one with Śiva. This is the crux of parāprāsāda mantra or prāsādaparā mantra.
December 11, 2012 07:56 PM
I found this in Shakti Mahimna Stotram and translated text.Can you please check if it is the Paraprasada Mantra from Kularnava Tantra that i am looking for?
"Bindu prana visarga jeeva sahitham bindu tribheejathmakam, Shatkootaani viparyayena nigadeth tharithra balaaksharai,
Yebhi samputitham prajapya vihared prasada manthram param,
Guhyad guhya thamam sayoga janitham sad bhoga moksha pradam. "
The Para prasada Mantra , which is the secret of secrets ,
And which results in happiness , wealth and salvation,
Has Bindu , Prana and Visarga and has three forms,
Which when reversed becomes a six part chant,
Along with the continuous flowing Bala letters,
Which are to be connected at the beginning and at the end*.
( this is the literal translation. People wanting to know more should
Consult a well versed Sri Vidhya Upasaka.. Written in English the
Para Prasada mantra would be Om Iym Hreem sreem –iym kleem sou-
Hamsa soham aam hamsa aa soham, hasou sahou –soham aa hamsa
Am soham hamsa sou kleem iym sreem hreem iym Om..Please learn
It in Deva Nagari from a trained Guru)
December 11, 2012 11:10 PM
You have done an amazing job. I went through this verse and the parāprasāda mantra is as follows:
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं
ऐं क्लीं सौः
हंसः सोहं अं हंसः अः सोहं
हसौंः सहौंः
सोहं अः हंसः अं सोहं हंसः
सौः क्लीं ऐं
श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं ॐ
om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ
aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ
haṁsaḥ sohaṁ aṁ haṁsaḥ aḥ souhaṁ
hasauṁḥ sahauṁḥ
sohaṁ aḥ haṁsaḥ aṁ sohaṁ haṁsaḥ
sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ
śrīṁ hrīṁ aiṁ om
But this will not be parāprasāda mantra as per Kulārṇava Tantra. However, I will check and come back to you.
Thanks for sharing this information.
April 22, 2020 08:49 PM
Is this parāprasāda mantra?
April 23, 2020 09:52 PM
Paraprasada and Parasadapara are single bija-kuta. The mantra listed (my version is different, either this is different version, or incorrect) is called Mahapraasaad mantra mainly followed by disciples of Durvaas sampradaay. If you read parshambhu mahimna stotra, a shlok gives this mantra but it is not exactly same as this one.
December 11, 2012 11:21 PM
I need to thank you in return as you are helping me everyday in my quest for Self-Realization and taking so much time and care to reply to all.This Shakti Mahimna Stotram is from Rishi Durvasa and is a treasure of Mantras so this is not the Paraprasada Mantra mention in Kularnava Tantra?
December 11, 2012 11:26 PM
All these Tantras are told by Shiva to His Consort, Shakti. I need to check the text. Mantras are like ocean. There are millions of mantras. But for you, all these mantras would not come to light. All of us learn in the process. But I am of the opinion, mantras alone will not confer liberation. Liberation can be attained only through mind, which needs to purified.
December 16, 2012 07:18 PM
me too looking for mahaparaprasad mantra from kularnava tantra.
this would be great help for readers.
December 17, 2012 01:12 AM
Is this ParaPrasada Mantra given in Shakti Mahimna Stotram 32 lettered vidya?
If it is The Maha Prasada Vidya "32 lettered Vidya" then you have done a great job as it is a well guarded secret of Tantras which can only be accessible in one last birth....
which is described as avidyacchedini or para chintamani in the Tantras.
December 17, 2012 09:42 AM
Yes it is in Śrī Śakti mahimnaḥ verse 32. It is the destroyer avidyā. The verse says that this mantra is the most secretive one and is capable of conferring both material wealth and liberation. The last line of the verse is like this:
गुह्याद्गुह्यतमं सयोगजनितं सद्भोगमोक्षप्रदम्
guhyādguhyatamaṁ sayogajanitaṁ sadbhoogamokṣapradam
guhyādguhyatamaṁ - secret of secrets; sayogajanitaṁ - endowed with yoga (it also refers to the union of jīvātaman with paramātman); sadbhoogamokṣapradam - capable of conferring both material wealth and liberation or mokṣa.
It is 32 lettered vidyā, subject to omitting repeated letters.
As far as "accessible in last birth", there is no reference to this in the verse. However, in the article ĀMNĀYA-S AND PARAPRĀSĀDA MANTRA, "hamsa" mantra is explained. Kulārṇava Tantra says that this mantra can be practiced only during one's last birth.
Thanks for your interaction.
December 17, 2012 10:50 AM
Thank you for the extraordinary description of this verse which form part of Urdvhamnaya and how can one practise this Maha Mantra given below.
Is there a curse removal procedure?
I have heard that there is a ParaSodashi Sahasranama also.....
Is it available?
I'm reading the amazing article you wrote on "ĀMNĀYA-S AND PARAPRĀSĀDA MANTRA"
I need to say a big thanks as these guarded secrets are available for the first time.
December 17, 2012 11:11 AM
There is ṣoḍaśī sahasranāma available. But I am not sure about parāṣoḍaśī sahasranāma. I will check on this. There is no curse for PARAPRĀSĀDA MANTRA and no one can curse this mantra.
December 17, 2012 12:01 PM
Thank you, Is this Maha Mantra a Siddha Mantra like Siva Panchakshari Mantra or I need to recite it thousand times to get mantra siddhi and how much should I recite per day?
December 17, 2012 12:12 PM
This mantra should not be recited like other mantras. This mantra "soham" should be aligned with your breath. "ha" should be recited while exhaling and "so" should be recited with inhalation. First one has to practice this mantra with sound. For practice, reciting this mantra 108 times daily is prescribed. Once, this mantra is aligned with breath (both exhalation and inhalation), one should recite this mantra mentally. This leads to watching one's own breath. Over a period of time, though one may attend to the calls of material life, inwardly, this mantra will be recited with breath. The first signs of effectiveness of this mantra is unfolding bliss, a sort of inexplicable happiness. You should feel this in about a week's time.
December 17, 2012 12:17 PM
Is it Soham or Hamsa?
December 17, 2012 12:26 PM
When you repeat "hamsa" soham automatically emerges. Both are same. But "hamsa"is right. This alone becomes "soham".
August 04, 2022 05:08 PM
Does chanting the HAM-SA mantra aligned with the breath is sufficient enough to open up higher spiritual possibilities which are promised by other Powerful mantras like Sri Vidya or Kali etc? Can this alone turn out to be a powerful and self sufficient spiritual practice?
August 05, 2022 02:08 AM
As is the general practice, this higher mantra is given in the Uttarāmnāya tradition for advanced spiritual seekers. Those practicing the Kuṇḍalinī meditation may consider this mantra for an enhanced practice. For those starting out on their spiritual practice, this mantra may not be very effective in comparison with the other mantras that are more suited such as the ones from the Dakṣināmnāya etc. As a general rule, it is better to focus on lower mantras until we have a good spiritual understanding and then we can move to the higher mantras like these, if following the path of mantras. When there is a mixed mantra and meditation practice, one can progress to higher mantras at a faster rate. Jumping directly to the highest mantras is NOT considered a good practice and rapid karmic burning can be very distressful.
December 17, 2012 12:22 PM
In order to realize the effect of paraprāsāda mantra, it is a precondition that one should know the Glory of Śiva and Śakti. In other words, knowledge is a precondition for attaining siddhi in paraprāsāda mantra. Without knowledge mantra siddhi cannot be attained. Understanding their Glory is different from attaining knowledge about Them. Their Glories are described in various Scripture like Lalitā Sahasranāma, etc. Knowledge about them is revealed through Upaniṣad-s. That is why, special efforts have been taken to explain nāma-s both from the point of view of their Glories and knowledge.
May 23, 2013 02:59 PM
extraordinary discussion
May 25, 2013 11:12 AM
Ravi - 2nd line - "ka sa ka ..." I wonder if the 1st word should be "ha"
May 25, 2013 11:38 AM
In the book I have what I have this is the mantra. But, I also feel that what you say is correct. That should be printing error. We need to change this mantra as follows:
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। क ए ल ह ह्रीं। सौः क्लीं ऐं।
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। ह स क ह ल ह्रीं। सौः क्लीं ऐं।
ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः। स क ल ह्रीं । सौः क्लीं ऐं ॐ॥
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | ka e la ha hrīṁ | sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ |
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ | sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ |
om aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ | sa ka la hrīṁ । sauḥ klīṁ aiṁ om ||
Thank you for pointing out this error.
July 02, 2013 06:48 AM
"But I am of the opinion, mantras alone will not confer liberation. Liberation can be attained only through mind, which needs to purified."
Purification of mind is not enough either, may be only in Vedanta. Mantras are exactly for this purpose, why will they not confer liberation? They are of the very form of the deity who is verily the Self. Of course, nothing will happen if they are not practiced right and not received through lineage of realized masters. If practiced right, they can grant everything including liberation. If not, why bother with Shrividya?
October 03, 2020 04:00 PM
1. are only the married eligible to receive panchdashi upadesh? 2. can these upadeshs be given at one go? - guru, ganesh, bala, vanadurg, navakshar and panchdashi?
October 03, 2020 08:18 PM
There is a procedure, aslo called as "krama" that is specified in the Śrī Vidyā tradition. One should have recited at least a specific number of mantra recitation of the preceding deities before proceeding to the next. Everything is at the discretion of the guru and he/she is considered the ultimate in these matters. In my opinion, you should consider getting one mantra at a time, practice it for a month or two very sincerely with all the japa procedures, associated pūjas etc, before approaching your guru for another mantra in the krama order. This may yield better results. It is very important to have a one on one conversation with the initiating guru and also have accessibility as needed, to answer and deliberate on all these matters.
October 03, 2020 10:28 PM
thanks. but should one be married to take up mantras like panchadashi? some say yes, and some say no. hence, thought of asking here.
October 06, 2020 09:12 PM
Traditionally, Kāli upadeśa was given to the celibates and Śrīvidyā/Ṣoḍaśī to the householders. Over generations, various traditions/sāmpradāyās evolved and now we have a mix of both. Both married and unmarried can worship either Kāli or Ṣoḍaśī/Pañcadaśī or both and go further towards other Daśamahāvidyās also. Ideally, it is best to stick to one tradition and continue the recitation of any one mantra for a reasonable period of time, to harvest its benefits and grow spiritually.
October 29, 2020 12:12 PM
Pranaam Guruji, I wanted to know what it signifies to enter | and/or || at the end of kutas / mantras and where/when should these be used. Thanks
November 01, 2020 10:16 AM
They're punctuation marks to end the statement. A single line verse may have a single '|' and a two line verse likewise will have a double '|' to end the verse. However, a three or a four line verse may have a single '|' for all the lines except the final line, which will have a double '|'.
July 23, 2023 07:07 PM
Why are there so many variations of the Mantra Pañcadaśī? I will answer that question now. Lalitā, who is Parāśiva himself, who transcends any definition of this or that, the only truth of the 37 Tattvas, works with Five Great Śaktis called: Citśakti (śiva tattva), Anandaśakti (śakti tattva), Icchāśakti (sadāśiva tattva), Jñānaśakti (īśvara tattva) and Kriyāśakti (śuddha vidyā tattva). The Supreme Parāśiva's Point of View is modified based on the intensity employed in each of these Five Śaktis. All Pañcadaśī Mantras embody the 37 Tattvas. The only difference is in the intensity used in Parāśiva's Five Great Shaktis. The different Mantras of Lalitā use different intensity of these Śaktis, generating different states of consciousness in Parāśiva. Bhagavati Lopāmudrā is famous for being interested in Brahma Jñāna. She is extremely powerful and her Mantra gives the power to project the Universe in your Mind before it is manifested and the ability to scientifically know every detail of every Universe that exists. She is very interested in Jñāna and the most feared, as she is endowed with knowledge to oppose any other Sage, even if they too are devotees of Lalitā. For this reason she is praised always before Agastya. Lopāmudrā's curses are the only ones that cannot be undone by anyone. Only she can undo it. She has cursed a few times in the past and no one has been able to help the cursed one. They had to obey her. So she lifted the curse out of compassion. The Supreme Mantra of Lalitā is the Parabīja. The other Mantras are not capable of balancing Parāśiva and the Five Pure Tattvas simultaneously. This does not mean that the Pañcadaśī Mantras do not reveal the truth. They reveal, but from different points of view towards the Supreme. Even the Mantra Mahashodashi is concentrated too much on Citśakti (śiva tattva) and does not promote an integral balancing of the Pure Tattvas equal to the understanding of the Parabīja. Little is known about the Sadi Vidya. This knowledge is dangerous. This knowledge is very concentrated in Kriyāśakti (śuddha vidyā tattva), therefore the Great Goddess becomes very violent. But here we are not talking about just any anger, we are talking about the anger of the Supreme Goddess. Rage that no one should dream of playing with.
July 23, 2023 08:07 PM
Manmatha : ka e ī la hrīm̐, ha sa ka ha la hrīm̐, sa ka la hrīm̐. If you feel that you are capable of mastering the power capable of deluding even the terrible Kali that resides in the Shri Chakra, you can try this Vidya. This Mantra is literally the epitome of the most irresistible fire of eroticism that brings down even the most powerful Sages. If you can't master this fire it will burn you and knock you down. So they put the śrīm̐ seed at the end of the Mantra to make it more bearable for most people. The unmodified Manmatha Mantra has an intense concentration of Iccha Shakti (Sadashiva Tattva) which is the intense desire to become many and enjoy. It is Lalita's favorite Pañcadaśī Mantra. But if you feel that you are capable of mastering something that confuses even the Lord, you can go on practicing this Mantra in its original form. If you fail, the fire of desire will burn you and you will self-destruct in some deluded way. In this way, the different Pañcadaśī Mantras reveal different and powerful views of the Goddess.
November 29, 2023 03:11 PM
Tripuraghna ji ,it is my humble request kindly please enlighten us on other panchadashi mantra what hidden meanings they convey. Manmatha Vidya Wonderfully described . Please.
December 31, 2023 06:12 PM
Dear Tripuragna ji I need your guidance on panchadashi mantra. Kindly let me know your email id.
July 25, 2023 10:07 PM
Hello All ! I decided to post my questions here, if they are in the wrong section, then please forgive me. I have seen your site on the internet, and i think it is "pure gold" ! Very much knowledge and information, often times very rare materials ! I have a few questions, and would be very happy, if someone, for example very knowladgeable members like "Tripuraghna" and such, could help me to gain more understanding on the following article: 1.a) In the Article it states the following: "Prayutavaktrā (million faces) – invoked by Mahāsvacchanda Bhairava as Nr̥simha himself, to attain the Lordship of everything that exists and not, by being the consort of Bhagavatī Guhyakālī Herself" So this would be (per definition): "Totality Lordship" "Ultimate Supremacy" "Existential Domination" "Lordship of All Reality and Beyond" (Time, Space, Spirit, Matter, Force(s), Energie(s), Life, Death, Concept´s, Axiom´s,...e.t.c...e.t.c) Am i correct in this way of thinking ? b) Just for comparsion: Would this last form of Guhyakālī be somewhat "beyond" the spiritual level of "Paramasiva/Paramsiva" ? c.) Since there are many different godessess (and gods) which i have never heard of, my final question: Which goddess (or god) or which form of them is the absolutely THE most powerful ? Before some articles, i personally would have said it should theoretically be Guhyakali, but now there is a new article which states that f.e Goddess Mahavarahi incorporates also the Essence of Guhyakali, among variou the answer is not clear to me at all... If someone could shed some light on this, i would be very grateful ! Thank you very much for your very precious time ! Sincerely, Michael
December 27, 2024 04:12 AM
I will list the reason and result of each of these Mantras.
December 27, 2024 05:12 AM
AGASTYA VIDYĀ: He worshipped the Divine Mother to obtain the power to stop (stambhana) the movement of anything and to consume all forms of ambrosia. You know Varahi and Bagalamukhi, but the best Stambhana Vidya is that of Agastya. NANDI VIDYĀ: He worshipped the Divine Mother to obtain permanent proximity to Śiva and to worship him forever. Note that his pleasure is to have Śiva as God, not to become him. However, proximity makes all of Śiva’s possessions also Nandi’s. Whoever masters this Mantra becomes the best friend of Śiva. Which is better: to be the owner of all the treasure of the universe or to be the intimate friend of the owner? VIṢṆU VIDYĀ: He worshipped the Divine Mother to obtain two things: the power to destroy/forgive all the sins of his devotees and the power to destroy any enemy. He also became intimate with Śiva like Nandi. They are like brothers. With this combination he is more than capable of sustaining this Universe. ŚIVA VIDYĀ: He worshipped the Divine Mother so that his peaceful nature would never be subdued completely by Kamaraja, otherwise the balance of existence would be destroyed. Only the Divine Mother can limit Herself, limit Her own power which is unbeatable. DŪRVĀSA VIDYĀ: What more needs to be said? He worshipped in order to specialize in the destruction of enemies. KĀMADEVA VIDYĀ: He worshipped the Divine Mother in order to gain the power to subdue the entirety of existence through love. One who masters this Mantra gains the power of all the innumerable Mantras known or unknown. This Mantra begins to set the śaktis of Pātāla ablaze with love to the highest point of existence. Such a devotee becomes the heart of existence. No one can defeat Kāmadeva because he is the highest power: love. This Mantra is an expansion of the Mantra of Bala Tripura Sundari. LOPĀMUDRĀ VIDYĀ: She worshipped the Divine Mother to obtain the power to destroy all sins better than anyone else, no matter how numerous and immense they are. Whoever masters this Mantra becomes immortal because death is the result of sin. He does not need to eat or drink anything else. This Mantra is an expansion of the Mantra of Tripura Bhairavi.
December 27, 2024 08:12 AM
Thank you tivra ji for this information . Could you also tell us about the manu panchadashi and skanda panchadashi mantra and also the reason behind it. I also want to know about skanda and his consorts . I heard that skanda is male form of Shri Vidya Devi and devasena is Lalita Devi herself. Also I got to know that skanda consorts yantra is same as Lalita and Bala yantra . Is there any reason or connection. Behind it. Also how was vallallar able to obtain the supramental stage ? Who did he worshipped ? Was he also a Shri Vidya upasaka ? How was he able to achieve something which no other sage , rishi could achieve and that too even in kalyug ? Why nothing is mentioned in our scriptures about. Supramental stage?