Sacred traditions or doctrines are known as āmnāya-s and they are the paths to liberation. The significant aspect of āmnāya-s is that they are communicated only through words. This means that āmnāya-s should be known only through a Guru. Commonly known āmnāya-s are five, corresponding to the five faces of Śiva. Knowing and following āmnāya-s are the right path to liberation. Āmnāya means sacred tradition or Tantra.
Lord Śiva has five faces, four faces facing the four cardinals (East, South, West and North) and one face facing upwards. His five faces have been explained differently in this article à Five faces of Śiva. The present article attempts to explain His five faces, as explained in Kulārṇava Tantra, which says that each of His face represents one āmnāya. Thus His face facing east represents Pūrvāmnāya; south represents Dakṣiṇāmnāya; west represents Paścimāmnāya and north represents Uttarāmnāya. These are His four faces facing four cardinal directions. His fifth face is facing upwards (ākāśa) and this is known as Ūrdhvāmnāya. There is one more āmnāya by name Īśāmnāya, which is not commonly known. This face of Śiva looks down. Some texts call sixth āmnāya as Anuttarāmnāya. Anuttara means the Highest, referring to Paramaśiva, who is beyond normal human comprehension. With reference to Śrī Vidyā, those who are initiated into Pañcdaśī mantra use only four āmnāya-s and those who are initiated into Ṣoḍaśī use six āmnāya-s, the additional two being Uttarāmnāya and Anuttarāmnāya.
Pūrvāmnāya represents creation. It also reveals the path of mantra by which He can be attained. Dakṣiṇāmnāya represents sustenance and represents the path of devotion, by which He can be attained. Paścimāmnāya represents destruction (destruction should be taken to mean destruction of dualities, which alone can lead to realization) and represents Law of Karma, by which He can be attained. Uttarāmnāya represents His Grace (anugraha) and represents the path of pure knowledge, by which He can be attained. Ūrdhvāmnāya represents His face facing upwards, which represents Śiva Himself in His Absolute form. This is the direct form of Śiva Himself. This āmnāya is considered to be highly secretive in nature, as it reveals the true form of Śiva. In each of these four faces, He reveals a group of goddesses. Śiva can be realized by worshipping them and reciting their mantras. These goddesses, when worshipped properly reveal Śiva and Śakti. However, for liberation, Śiva’s Grace is important.
For the purpose of liberation, it is enough that any one of these four āmnāya-s are followed with discipline and sincerity. If one happens to know all the four āmnāya-s, he becomes Śiva. But, with regard to Ūrdhvāmnāya, there are restrictions, as this is a direct path to become Śiva Himself. Even thinking about Ūrdhvāmnāya happens only if it is his last birth. This means, practicing Ūrdhvāmnāya is possible only if one’s karmic account is on the verge of extermination; this is a situation where only traces of his or her karmic imprints remain. The only condition is that Ūrdhvāmnāya should be learnt from a Self-realized Guru. Merely getting initiated into Ūrdhvāmnāya by a Guru leads to liberation. The practitioner becomes blessed and the place he lives is showered with prosperity.
Unlike other āmnāya-s Ūrdhvāmnāya does not have any specific goddesses or mantras. The presiding God for Ūrdhvāmnāya is Śiva and the mantra is one’s own breath; observing one’s breathing. The mantra that needs to be recited along with breath is “hamsa”, where ha stands for Śiva and sa stands for Śakti. (The subtle meaning of hamsa is “I am both Śiva and Śakti” where the middle m refers to ‘aham’ or ‘I am’). “hamsa” is not a mantra, it is the subtle sound of breath during exhalation and inhalation. Both Śiva and Śakti join together to form the universe. “hamsa” mantra does not confine itself only Śiva but also includes Śakti. Without Her, creation is not possible for Śiva. Ha is to be synchronised with exhalation and sa is synchronised with inhalation. “hamsa” mantra is also known as paraprāsāda mantra. Para means Supreme; prāsāda contextually means formless Śiva in His full Glory. There is nothing beyond this point. It is also said that this mantra is to be recited 108 times daily. But this recitation should be done synchronizing with one’s breath, as discussed above.
Śiva says, “If one is initiated into this mantra by a Guru, the initiated becomes Me.”
Further reading: The first four āmnāya-s represent four Vedas; Ūrdhvāmnāya represents Upaniṣad-s;Īśāmnāya represents essence of teaching Upaniṣad-s “I am That”. Thus from the six āmnāya-s, all the mantras originate. Each āmnāya is presided over by a Deity and a Ṛṣi (sage).
December 15, 2012 06:59 PM
Thank You Raviji,
I was looking for Ūrdhvāmnāya and Paraprasada Mantra for a long time.
Your explanation is just beyond words....
I really have no words to say thank you to you...
You are indeed a blessed Soul with a golden heart.
Is it possible to recite The Paraprasada Mantra as you explained without a Guru initiating me or I need to get Shiva's Grace first from a Guru?
December 15, 2012 07:30 PM
It is extremely difficult to get this kind of Guru. Seek Shiva's blessings yourself. He will respond to you. I honestly mean this.
There is another parāprasāda mantra, which you can find in discussion forum. Between these two, undoubtedly, what is revealed through Kulārṇava Tantra is the effective one.
December 15, 2012 07:49 PM
Thank You Raviji,
Yes I will seek Shiva's Blessings and start as from Today 108 times recitations of Paraprasada Mantra.
You said that recitation should be done synchronizing with one’s breath, so I need to Exhale HA and Inhale SA? what about the M?
Should I visualize Shiva and Shakti together while doing the recitations and should it be mentally or loud?
December 15, 2012 08:28 PM
If you do not use M, you will be exhaling through your mouth. M is the sound arising out of closing your lips. This M represents Aham or I am.
It is always better to contemplate both Shiva and Shakti together. First, it is advisable to practice it aloud. This applied to all mantras. Once you are conversant with the mantra, then you have to recite it only through your mind, without any lip movement. Please start from today and you will see the results in a week.
December 15, 2012 08:41 PM
I have tears in my eyes...I really don't know how i can thank you for sharing this secret with me.
Thank you very much again Raviji and i will start as from tonight and will keep in touch.
December 15, 2012 08:59 PM
There are many such secrets available. If we do not get them today, we may lose these very precious treasures. There is no secret in Divine pursuits. It is only our mind that alone counts.
December 17, 2012 10:55 AM
Extraordinary description of "ĀMNĀYA-S AND PARAPRĀSĀDA MANTRA".Thank you very much Sir.
December 17, 2012 12:19 PM
In order to realize the effect of paraprāsāda mantra, it is a precondition that one should know the Glory of Śiva and Śakti. In other words, knowledge is a precondition for attaining siddhi in paraprāsāda mantra. Without knowledge mantra siddhi cannot be attained. Understanding their Glory is different from attaining knowledge about Them. Their Glories are described in various Scripture like Lalitā Sahasranāma, etc. Knowledge about them is revealed through Upaniṣad-s. That is why, special efforts have been taken to explain nāma-s both from the point of view of their Glories and knowledge.
December 31, 2012 09:08 PM
Dear Sir,
Kularnava tantra referring the PARAPRĀSĀDA MANTRA as "Hasaum Sahau", if you can give your valuable understanding on this we all are fortunate!
with love
December 31, 2012 09:18 PM
Both are same. Hasaum and sahau are derived from "hamsa" mantra. It is only the exhalation and inhalation alone counts. Further expansion on this is Hamsa Gayatri, which is also known as Ajapa (no japa) Gayatri.
November 29, 2015 04:58 PM
The middle word in "hamsa:" "M" represents the point where ham and saha meet and merge with one another. Visiting Triveni sangamam one would have notived the ganga which is white and yamuna which is blue merge with each other and finally ganga absorbs the yamuna. This point of mergence is called "saraswathi" Omniscience - knowledge of Shiva sakthi. I have found that doing maha shodanyasa helps one to get this essence of mergence and even this mergence is lost into mergence and there is no mergence awareness too. May God bless us all. S.SHANGARANARAYANAN
December 15, 2015 11:28 PM
Dear sir, please tell us in which Tantra details of amnaya devadas and that mantras of amnaya dead as are discussed..
December 16, 2015 12:52 PM
You can check in Kulārnava Tantra.
July 14, 2016 05:35 PM
Pardon me, I am a late entry in this discussion. Will you kindly advise me, the Rishi,Chandas, Devata and Gayatri for the Paraprasada Mantra ?
July 14, 2016 06:43 PM
परमहंस रिषिः। अव्यक्त्तगायत्री छन्दः। परमहंसोदेवता॥
paramahaṁsa riṣiḥ | avyakttagāyatrī chandaḥ | paramahaṁsodevatā ||
July 15, 2016 12:42 PM
Thank you VERY much for such a speedy response. Kulaarnava Tantra is so particular about the mantra being received from the Guru directly. I shall see your image in front of me when I chant this mantra. भूमौ स्खलितपादानां भूमिरेवावलंबनं............May I pray for your Blessings, Sir !!
July 15, 2016 12:55 PM
I am an ordinary person !!
April 15, 2019 11:56 PM
Hi sir. Please send 64 yogini mantras and the meaning
August 19, 2019 01:11 PM
Hi sir, I have practiced Hamsa mantra as mentioned in the article for about 5 minutes (exhale Ham and inhale Sa) and I felt something is happening in my body. I felt trembled and scared. I couldn't move for sometime. Should I continue or stop? Thank you.
August 19, 2019 01:14 PM
It means that the mantra is working for you. Reduce the duration and continue.
November 29, 2019 03:52 AM
Dear Raviji, I have found in my research two versions of the HAMSA mantra, sometimes advising to exhale HA and inhale SA, and sometimes the other way around, how can we be sure which one is the correct? I have heard also that some people do Pranayama while chanting the mantra, do you know about this? And finally, can I use my Rudraksha Mala to chant the HAMSA mantra? Appreciate, Namaskar Joao Fernandes
November 29, 2019 10:53 AM
Both ha and sa can be used either for inhalation or exhalation. Both are correct. For pranayama during mantra japa, please read this article You can use Rudraksha mala for doing japa of hamsa mantra.
November 29, 2019 02:39 PM
Much obliged dear Raviji, Last but not least, I am aware that initiation is mandatory to receive the blessings of the mantra. Since, here in the west it is very hard to find a Guru, do you think that we still can benefit from the HAMSA mantra without initiation? I red that the HAMSA mantra is the supreme Diksha. Sincerely, Namaskar, Joao Fernandes
November 29, 2019 02:44 PM
Whenever initiations are not possible, you can visualize Lord Dakshinamurthy as your Guru and proceed.
November 30, 2019 04:22 PM
Dear Raviji, Usually a mantra has a sequence and changing that sequence usually gives no results. I am a bit confused about the possibility of chanting the mantra in both ways, HA>SA or SA>HA Can you please explain me why both ways are correct? Finally, do I old my breath between HA and SA? I Namaskar, J.
November 30, 2019 06:42 PM
"ha" and "sa" both are derived from "hamsa" mantra.. "sa" is meant for inhalation and "ha" is meant exhalation. The important point here is inhalation and exhalation. which means union of Shakti and Shiva. It is the inhalation and exhalation that matters and not specific mantra for inhalation or exhalation. There should be no holding of breath.
July 04, 2021 05:31 PM
आदरणीय सर, मैं विगत लगभग एक वर्ष से श्री कुलार्णव तंत्र एवं श्री विद्यार्णव तंत्र में वर्णित " श्री पराप्रसाद महामंत्री" का प्रतिदिन महाषोढा न्यास के साथ ५ माला का जप करता हूं।
English Translation - Dear Sir, I have been reciting the Parāprāsāda mantra combined with the Mahāṣoḍhā nyāsa, five times a day for over a year, following the procedures described in the Kulārṇava Tantram and Śrīvidyārṇava Tantram.
July 05, 2021 09:54 PM
May the Divine Mother shower Her blessings upon you always!
May 07, 2023 12:05 PM
Namaskarams. I have been practicing ham Sa for sometime. Is there a dhyana sloga for paraprasada mantra - Hasaum Sahau", ?