This Video will help disciples in pronouncing certain Bija Aksharas such as Om, Srim (Shreem), Hrim (Hreem), Klim (Kleem), Aim (Ayeem) and Sauh
This Video will help disciples in pronouncing certain Bija Aksharas such as Om, Srim (Shreem), Hrim (Hreem), Klim (Kleem), Aim (Ayeem) and Sauh
Various Mantangi mantras
Voice: Jayanth Chandramouli
Sri Lalita Shuddha Shakti Namonta Khadgamala
Podcast with Gareth and Santosh on Mahashodasi and Srividya Mantras
This Mahashodhasi Dhyana verse was sung by a Devotee of Mother, who is currently residing in Mexico.
This Harati is sung by a Devotee of Divine Mother, who is currently residing in Mexico.
Mahaperiya once told Brahmasri Vedapuri Mama to chant and share this slokam to all. As per him, this slokam is supposed to be chant before taking bath to get ambal's Kataksham. Anyone who could not get daily darshan of Kamakshi Amma, would get same benefit of having her darshan by reciting this chanting this Sri Kamakshi Vilasam.
There is a YouTube video published about certain important mudrās that have been discussed in the series on Śri Cakra Navāvaraṇa Pūjā. Specific permission has been obtained from the original publishers to post their video here. We owe our gratitude to
There is a YouTube video published about certain important mudrās that have been discussed in the series on Śri Cakra Navāvaraṇa Pūjā. Specific permission has been obtained from the original publishers to post their video here.
This audio is on kundalini meditation for turiya and turyātīta stages. Duration of this audio is 30 minutes.
Sri Mahakamesvara Asta-trimsadyaksara Mantraḥ
This is another audio in YouTube for cleansing and energising psychic chakras. Duration of this audio is 15 minutes. This is different from YouTube audio uploaded for kundalini meditation which includes turya and turyātītā stages. This audio is meant for practicing cleansing and energizing chakras.
We energize chakras from the front side and there is no equivalent part to swadishtan in the front side. Hence, it is left out.
Sir how to pronounce ' lr: ' or ' lu: ' this is comes under laghu varthali mantra