Advaita philosophy is considered as the supreme, as according to advaita, Brahman alone prevails everywhere. There is no second in advaita. Everything is the superimposition on the Brahman, giving rise to various shapes and forms. When one understands the appearance of the universe is illusory in nature and the underlying factor is the Brahman, he is considered as a Self-realised person. But this thought does not occur when one begins to pursue the spiritual path. One may claim to be an...
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Advaita philosophy is considered as the supreme, as according to advaita, Brahman alone prevails everywhere. There is no second in advaita. Everything is the superimposition on the Brahman, giving rise to various shapes and forms. When one understands the appearance of the universe is illusory in nature and the underlying factor is the Brahman, he is considered as a Self-realised person. But this thought does not occur when one begins to pursue the spiritual path. One may claim to be an advaitin, but in reality, he may not. He may understand the fundamental philosophy of non-dualism; but knowledge is different from experience. Advaita says “I am Brahman”. If one simply repeats “I am the Brahman”, he does not become an advatin nor does he become a Self-realised person. This is merely his statement. Only when his statement transforms into experience, he is said to have mastered the true advaita philosophy. Therefore, in the initial stages of spirituality, one is bound to feel the difference between the Brahman and his self. This happens because of ignorance. This ignorance can be dissolved not only by acquiring knowledge but also by personal experience. He has to transcend several stages and cross several impediments to ultimately realise, that Brahman and he are one. For this practice is essential. Practice is called sādhana. Sādhana can be explained as the practice that ultimately leads to the goal.
Tattvabodha is one of the authoritative scriptures of advaita philosophy, authored by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya meant for the beginners of spirituality. This Sacred Scripture will be highly useful for those who are just entering the spiritual path.
Tarun Sharma
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