Śrī Lalitā Triśatī, like Lalitā Sahasranāma is discussed in Lalitopākhyāna of Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa, which is in the form of conversation between Śrī Hayagrīva (an incarnation of Viṣṇu and is considered as the presiding God for knowledge) and sage Agastya, who is a great worshipper of Parāśakti, through his own Pañcadaśī mantra (ka e ī la hrīṁ | ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ | sa ha sa ka la hrīṁ || क ए ई ल ह्रीं। ह स क ह ल...
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Śrī Lalitā Triśatī, like Lalitā Sahasranāma is discussed in Lalitopākhyāna of Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa, which is in the form of conversation between Śrī Hayagrīva (an incarnation of Viṣṇu and is considered as the presiding God for knowledge) and sage Agastya, who is a great worshipper of Parāśakti, through his own Pañcadaśī mantra (ka e ī la hrīṁ | ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ | sa ha sa ka la hrīṁ || क ए ई ल ह्रीं। ह स क ह ल ह्रीं। स ह स क ल ह्रीं॥ - this is different from the regular Pañcadaśī mantra (composed by Manmatha, who is also known as Cupid). Triśata means three hundred.
Śrī Lalitā Triśatī consists of three hundred nāma-s, carved out of fifty nine couplet verses. Śrī Lalitā Devi has four forms – gross form, Kāmakalā form, Kuṇḍalinī form, and mantra form. All these forms are explained in Lalitā Sahasranāma such as kāmakalā rūpā (322), kuṇḍalinī (110), mantra-sārā (846), mahāmantrā (227). She is worshipped in various gross forms such as Kālī, Tārā, Gāyatrī (420), Mahālakṣmī (210), etc. Kāmakalā is Her subtler form, where She remains intimately with Śiva. Her kuṇḍalinī form is the subtlest of all and if She is made to ascend, She rushes to the top of the head, sahasrāra, where She spends intimate moments with Her Lord Śiva. Worshipping Her mantra form is known as Śrī Vidyā. She represents all letters and words in the form of Śabdabrahman (Lalitā Sahasranāma 204 sarvamantra-svarūpiṇi). Each of Her gross form, such as Kālī, Tārā, etc as mentioned in Daśamahāvidyā, is worshipped with different mantras and these worships are known as Tantra-s.
The book contains detailed interpretation of all the 300 nāma-s, with appropriate references from Lalitā Sahasranāma, Bhagavad Gītā, Upaniṣad-s, etc. Apart from interpretation of nāma-s, formation of 300 nāma-s, Pañcadaśī mantra, Śri Cakrā and Śri Vidyā are also explained.
Tarun Sharma
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