Bhagavad Gita is the condensed form of all the 108 Upanishads put together. Bhagavad means the Brahman and Gita means song. If one needs a literal translation of Bhagavad Gita, then it is “the song of the Brahman”. Bhagavad Gita consists of 700 verses, mostly addressed by the Brahman, wherein He imparts the supreme knowledge to one of His creations. Brahman in this context is Lord K???a, the incarnation of Vishnu or Narayana and the disciple is Arjuna, one amongst the five... Read More


This book is authored by V.Ravi. He shares his spiritual experience through detailed discussions on Self-realization, interpretation of Indian Scriptures, simplified guidance to kundalini meditation, explanation on mantras, etc. From the year 2000, he has devoted his entire time to writing. He has spent considerable time in studying Indian scriptures, particularly Advaita philosophy, which is the foundational aspect of Indian philosophy. He uses simple language to explain Sanskrit words, which become an integral part while understanding sacred Indian Scriptures.