hākinī (ājñācakra) [हाकिनी (आज्ञाचक्र)] -
The below Hākinī mantra should be recited with the focus on the third-eye (ājñā) cakra –
aim̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ hām̐ hīm̐ hūm̐ hamalavarayūm̐ hākinī mām rakṣa rakṣa mama majjādhātuṃ rakṣa rakṣa sarvasattva vaśaṃkari āgacchāgaccha imāṃ pūjā gṛhṇa gṛhṇa aim̐ aghore hrīm̐ saḥ paramaghore hum̐ ghorarūpe ehyehi namaścāmuṇḍe ḍa ra la ka sa haim̐ śrīmahātripurasundari devi vicce devi ham̐ kṣam̐ ājñā pīṭhasthe ājñāpīṭha hākini ājñānātha devi yugma pādukābhyo namaḥ ।
ऐँ ह्रीँ श्रीँ हाँ हीँ हूँ हमलवरयूँ हाकिनी माम् रक्ष रक्ष मम मज्जाधातुं रक्ष रक्ष सर्वसत्त्व वशंकरि आगच्छागच्छ इमां पूजा गृह्ण गृह्ण ऐँ अघोरे ह्रीँ सः परमघोरे हुँ घोररूपे एह्येहि नमश्चामुण्डे ड र ल क स हैँ श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरि देवि विच्चे देवि हँ क्षँ आज्ञा पीठस्थे आज्ञापीठ हाकिनि आज्ञानाथ देवि युग्म पादुकाभ्यो नमः ।
Meaning - The bīja mantras aim̐, hrīm̐ and śrīm̐ provide knowledge, power, status, elevation and abundant wealth. Likewise, the bīja mantras hām̐, hīm̐ and hūm̐, grant us liberation and keep us merged in the Divine at all times. Protection is provided against all influences detrimental to us. The bīja-s hamalavarayūm̐ represent control over all natural elements and a mighty resolve to dispel all karmas and ascend spiritually, with the blessings of the Divine Yogini Hākinī devi. May the Divine Mother Yogini Hākinī Devi, who is extremely frightful in appearance, come to us and provide complete protection and entice the eternal Truth to pervade our mind and consciousness. May the marrow of our bones, be infused and recharged with the zeal to pursue our goals and ascend spiritually. May the bīja-s aim̐, hrīm̐ and saḥ, provide knowledge, enhance our spiritual pursuits and increase compassion in us. May the duality destroying Divine Mother Cāmuṇḍa devi come closer to us and provide us the knowledge, leading to self-realization and liberation. The bīja-s ḍaralakasa and haim̐, represented by the seven yoginis - Ḍākini, Rākini, Lākini, Kākini, Sākini, Hākini and Yākini, provide control over our emotions, cleanse our karmas and lead us to self-realization and liberation. May the Divine Mother Śrī mahātripurasundari devi who is the dynamic super-consciousness pardon our karmas and lead us to liberation. The bīja-s ham̐ and kṣam̐ grant the divine grace, contentment, vanquish all karmas and establish our permanent identity with the Supreme Self. Salutations to the Divine Mother Yogini Hākini Devi, who rules the third-eye ājñā cakra and may the mātṛkā bīja-s ham̐ and kṣam̐, be meditated upon on the two petals of the lotus associated with the third-eye cakra. Salutations to the Divine Yogini Hākini Devi. May She energize our third-eye cakra, infuse immense resolve, stability and support, rejuvenate our zeal and spiritual appetite and lead us to salvation. Salutations to the holy feet of the Divine Mother Śrī Mahātripurasundari devi.
Nyāsā in the two petalled lotus of the ājñā (third eye) cakra.
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Description |
1 |
ham̐ hamsavatyai namaḥ |
हँ हम्सवत्यै नमः |
Salutations to Haṃsavatī devi, who represents the True Self and the aspect of attaining liberation and merger with IT. This is the last bīja in the word ‘aham’ representing the ego or the individual self, beginning with ‘a’, the creation and ending with ‘ham’ the liberation and merging with the True Self. |
2 |
kṣam̐ kṣamāyai namaḥ |
क्षँ क्षमायै नमः |
Salutations to Kṣamāvatī devi, who represents the dissolution of all karmas through the Divine grace and pardon. She leads and grants us liberation. The complete energization of the Ājñā and the Sahasrāra cakras is realized at this point. |
3 |
iti hākinyādi yogini mātṛkā viśeṣa nyāsaḥ |
इति हाकिन्यादि योगिनि मातृका विशेष न्यासः |
Dhyānam (ध्यानम्) -
bhrūmadhye bindupadme dvidala vilasite śukla-varṇāṃ karābjaiḥ bibhrāṇāṃ jñānamudrā ḍamaruka kamalāny-akṣamālāṃ kapālam ।
ṣaḍ-vaktrāṃ majja-saṃsthāṃ haṃsavatyādi-yuktāṃ haridrānai prasaktāṃ sakala-suranutāṃ hākinīṃ bhāvayettām ॥
भ्रूमध्ये बिन्दुपद्मे द्विदल विलसिते शुक्लवर्णां कराब्जैः बिभ्राणां ज्ञानमुद्रा डमरुक कमलान्यक्षमालां कपालम् ।
षड्वक्त्रां मज्जसंस्थां हंसवत्यादियुक्तां हरिद्रानै प्रसक्तां सकलसुरनुतां हाकिनीं भावयेत्ताम् ॥
Meaning:- Salutations to the yogini Hākinī Devi, who is located as the two petalled lotus – ājñā (third-eye) cakra, bearing each of the Sanskrit consonant mātṛkā-s ham̐ and kṣam̐ on each of the petals. She is white in complexion and terrific in appearance. She is six headed signifying the mind along with the five naturally occurring elements, such as air, water, fire, earth and ether, as well as the tanmātra-s such as sound, smell, touch, sight and taste, with which we need to blend and balance, to progress on the path to Divinity. She is holding a skull cup filled with blood, representing the mind and Her role in the aspect of Creation, a lotus that represents the ascending consciousness that can lead us to the eternal Truth, a book that holds all knowledge that can be described and a jñāna mudra representing the ascencion of consciousness and deep spiritual understanding and knowledge. A drum disseminating all the vibrations of different sound frequencies prevalent in the entire Creation and a garland of letters representing all the mātṛkā-s. She pervades the bone marrow in the bodies of all beings. She is surrounded by the mātṛkā śaktī-s Hamsavati and Kṣamāvati devi in the two petalled lotus represented by the bīja-s ham̐ and kṣam̐. She vanquishes all our karmas, grants pardon and grants us complete liberation. She also represents the subtle mind over all the five naturally occurring elements. She relishes saffron rice. She is prayed to, by all the celestials. Salutations to the wonderful Yogini Hākinī Devi on whom we meditate for the activation of the third-eye cakra. She should be meditated upon with all the surrounding mātṛkā śaktī-s with their weapons, in the two petals of the ājñā cakra.
anya śakti dhyānam (अन्य शक्ति ध्यानम्) -
śveto haṃsavatī kārdhatriśūlavaradhāriṇī ।
raktākṣamālā varada-nati-mudrā lasatkarā ॥
श्वेतो हंसवती कार्धत्रिशूलवरधारिणी ।
रक्ताक्षमाला वरदनतिमुद्रा लसत्करा ॥
Meaning: The Divine Mother Haṃsavatī is white in complexion and is holding a trident to pierce through all the triads manifested in the entire Creation and a wish bestowing vara mudra granting the ultimate wish of liberation. Kṣamāvati Devi is holding a red garland of letters representing all the mātṛkā śaktī-s and is also bestowing the benefits of all the mātṛkā śaktī-s with Her dazzling hands.
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