Prior to the time of performing any major events, or at the time of festivals or any other joyous occasions, The ṣoḍaśa upacāra pūjā is performed for the chosen deity, to receive the grace and blessings. Sometimes, the pūjā is also performed to ward off any evil and cure diseases, as well as to prevent any undesirable outcomes.
Ṣoḍaśa means 16, upacāra represents articles or procedures or rituals and pūjā is worship. The chosen deity is primarily worshipped using the 16 procedures or rituals. These procedures or processes mimic our daily existence and in this context, they apply to inviting the deity to come and visit our home or the place of worship, wash hands and feet as well as the mouth and then take a seat, accept clothes and food prepared for the "guest", bless and depart. All of these activities are performed externally through a combination of water, flower petals and unbroken rice and the relevant prayers invoked through ślokas and mantras to appease the deity. Over time, more rituals got added to the list and it's much more than 16. All of the major ones have been added and can be followed.
Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeśa is a tantric form of Lord Gaṇeśa and prior to HIS mantra sādhana, this pūjā is recommended to get the best results. The pūjā itself is Vedic in origin and does not require any initiation. Those who are not performing the mantra sādhana can also participate, as well as conduct the pūjā. One may also requisition the services of a priest to perform the rituals, if not comfortable performing them on their own. However, it's highly recommended to do this on their own or to the best of their abilities.
The same pūjā can be invoked for other deities as well, by replacing the Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeśa specific mantras with those of the deity to be invoked.
Generally it's recommended that the pūjā be performed externally with the mantra chanting and it's best for the entire family to get involved and be part of the rituals. However, it can also be done on an individual basis, if one wishes to do so.
There is also a manas pūjā or mental worship, that can be performed for all tantric deities. Those interested can do this entire pūjā in their mind, mentally performing the offerings to the deity. This applies to all those, who for any reason are unable to perform the external worship.
It's also very acceptable to perform the manas pūjā, get familiarized with the rituals and then perform the rituals externally.
There are no restrictions, as to how many times the pūjā can be performed. It is recommended that it be performed atleast once, prior to the start of the mantra japa sādhana. This pūjā is not necessary for the daily mantra japa.
There are absolutely NO ill effects from performing the ṣoḍaśa upacāra pūjā of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa and as mentioned, no initiation is required for this purpose. It is hoped, that the Lord will shower HIS blessings, upon all those performing the rituals with sincere devotion. No muhurta or auspicious timing is required, to perform this pūjā of Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeśa. HE is beyond the dimensions of time and space, omnipresent and omniscient.
The worship itself might take more than an hour, so plan accordingly. It's best to wait for an hour or two after a heavy meal or one can take the meals after the pūjā is complete. It's not suggested to take breaks. If a break has to be taken, then follow the process as indicated, by performing the ācamana and continuing the rituals from where it was left off earlier. The prasādam (food offerings) from the pūjā can be eaten by all family members, friends and neighbours too. It's best to spread the blessings, than hoard for oneself.
Śrī Ucchiṣṭagaṇeśa Ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā Vidhānam
(श्री उच्छिष्टगणेश षोडशोपचारपूजा विधानम्)
Ṣoḍaśopacāra means 16 upacāras or procedures. Namely,
S.No. |
Upacāra in IAST |
Devanāgari |
Literal Meaning |
Explanation |
1 |
dhyānaṃ |
ध्यानं |
Meditation. |
Meditation and aligning one’s soul to the deity. |
2 |
āvāhanaṃ |
आवाहनं |
Invitation. |
Inviting the deity to stay in the idol and yantra, as well as within our hearts. |
3 |
āsanaṃ |
आसनं |
Seat. |
The heart cakra is offered as a seat for the deity and requesting the Lord to guide us. |
4 |
pādyaṃ |
पाद्यं |
Washing Feet. |
Washing feet is symbolic of activating the nerves at the feet, which further clear up our concentration and help with the pūjā rituals. |
5 |
arghyaṃ |
अर्घ्यं |
Washing hands. |
Washing the hands and activating the nerves. |
6 |
ācamanaṃ |
आचमनं |
Drinking water three times. |
Drinking water in three spoonfuls, helps in clearing up the throat and ensures better speech. |
7 |
snānaṃ |
स्नानं |
Bath. |
A ritualistic bath to cleanse us of all thoughts and help in concentration. The bath is offered to the deity, but it’s more to do with our mind. |
8 |
vastraṃ |
वस्त्रं |
Clothes. |
Clothes offered to the deity, symbolically represent clothing ourselves with the divine shield of the deity, to protect ourselves and also obtain the lord’s grace. |
9 |
yajñopavītaṃ |
यज्ञोपवीतं |
Sacred Thread. |
The sacred thread is symbolic of the spinal cord, where the cakras line up. This is to activate the cakras. |
10 |
gandhaṃ |
गन्धं |
Sandalwood Paste. |
Sandalwood paste is applied on the deity as well as on our own body, especially on the ājñā cakra. The smell is also set to help keep the concentration of the mind on the deity. |
11 |
puṣpaṃ |
पुष्पं |
Flowers. |
Flowers represent the petals of the cakras and are symbolic to the opening of all cakras during the ritual. |
12 |
dhūpaṃ |
धूपं |
Incense. |
The smell of the incense is also to help keep the concentration and to prevent external smells interfering with the ritual. |
13 |
dīpaṃ |
दीपं |
Lighted lamps. |
Lighting of the lamps is symbolic of driving away darkness and welcoming light into our lives. |
14 |
naivedyaṃ |
नैवेद्यं |
Food. |
Food offered to the Lord, becomes prasādaṃ or blessed food, that can be consumed by the devotees for good health, wealth and general prosperity. |
15 |
tāmbūlaṃ |
ताम्बूलं |
Betel leaf preparation. |
A preparation made of a betel leaf, nuts and other herbs, is considered good for health, as per āyurveda. The tongue turns red from eating the leaf and is also symbolic of good health. |
16 |
nīrājanaṃ |
नीराजनं |
Waving lights in Obeisance. |
Waving lights to the deity in Obeisance and as an act of adoration, is for obtaining the complete grace of the deity. |
This Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā is scripted by Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy. Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy is an experienced Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati upāsaka, who has done extensive sādhana with puraścaraṇa for the 9 lettered, 11 lettered and the 37 lettered mantras of Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati. We can expect more inputs from him on Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati. He can be contacted at
Further Readings
Ucchista Ganapati - Navarna Mantra
Ucchista Ganapati Sahasranamam
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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