Prologue to śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa (gaṇapati) mantra sādhana :-
Tantra is a system or framework, meant for spiritual salvation, as well as achievement of material objectives. The root ‘tan’ means ‘to expand’ and ‘tra’ in this context is ‘liberation’. śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa sādhana, falls under the tantra category. Various commentaries and texts suggest that it’s more effective under the vāmamārga or left handed path, than any other. However, the mantras in general, can be practiced by followers of any path. The same applies for śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa sādhana.
The paths of tantra, generally fall under four categories. Various descriptions exist for these paths.
1. Vāmamārga or the left-handed path is known for it’s esoteric and unconventional methods, without any binding to the norms of the society. Adherents consider everything sacred and focus primarily on the sādhana (spiritual quest) than anything else. There are no taboos and everything is considered to be a manifestation of the superconsciousness and is therefore sacred. Freeing the mind from everything through internal worship and focusing primarily on the mantra japa is the objective.
2. Dakṣiṇamārga or the right-handed path, is known for it’s plethora of vedic rituals and maintaining utmost sanctity towards the worship of the deity. Laden with numerous rituals that need to be performed externally, this method focuses on creating an environment of utmost devotion as well as a fear of the unknown. The fear stems from the fact of missing out any rituals or not following the norms properly or as dictated by the guru. Strict adherence of rules including celibacy, proper diet, time of worship etc. are mandated.
3. Kaulamārga is a mix of both Vāma and Dakṣiṇamārgas. Importance to the pañcamakaras or their substitutes is followed in this tradition. Importance of a partner is stressed in some rituals. It is not important for one to follow every single ritual and this allows a great deal of flexibility, based on one’s disposition.
4. Samayamārga is mostly meditative and some rituals of dakṣiṇamārga are followed either internally or externally.
Irrespective of the path one chooses, devotion and perseverance are of paramount importance.
śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa (gaṇapati) sādhana is described as the “essence of all tantras”. From a material perspective, it is meant for give victory in all sorts of competitions, game of dice or gambling etc., as well as considerable wealth, for those who achieve siddhi or complete fructification of the mantra. It is said that the mantras of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati made Kubera, the treasurer of all material riches and Vibhīṣaṇa, the king of Lanka. The mantras from 9 to 19 letters (Sanskrit) are primarily meant for both material and spiritual objectives, but primarily used for material purposes. The higher lettered mantras are more on the spiritual side, especially the 37 lettered mantra, that is said to grant mokṣa, or lead us in that direction.
Hastipiśāci is the consort or the śakti of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati. The large elephant head of Lord gaṇeśa, is said to be the repository of all knowledge and his supreme intellect. The word ‘hasti’ represents an elephant and ‘piśāci’ refers to a class of celestial beings of the highest order. There are other ‘piśāci’ classes that closely resemble goblins or similar beings. The śakti of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, Hastipiśāci is among the supreme beings, just the same as mahāpiśāci that’s used to refer to śrī Mātaṅgī.
The following two quotes from the book called amarakośaṃ describe piśācis.
piśāco guhyaka ssiddho bhūto'mī devayonayaḥ
पिशाचो गुह्यक स्सिद्धो भूतोऽमी देवयोनयः
Meaning:- piśācis, guhyakās, siddhis and bhūtās are born of devās.
eśitāśāstāmasāḥ svayaṃ nirmāṃsāḥ
एशिताशास्तामसाः स्वयं निर्मांसाः
Meaning:- piśācis are meat eating celestial beings and tamasic by nature and are also very thin and almost fleshless in appearance.
śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati is also seen as a mahā yakṣā and his consort hastipiśāci as a yakṣiṇi. This visualization is for material purposes only.
To comprehend the full form of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa from a holistic perspective, The following śloka from īśopaniṣad can be stated in this context. More ślokas from atharva veda state the same.
oṃ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇātpurṇamudacyate ।
pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ॥
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
The Whole is beyond, Whole is this (creation)
From Whole the Whole emanates,
Of Whole the Whole having been taken
The Whole is even left over.
The creation or visarga bhāva that we live in, is a complete Whole manifestation of the universe or brahmāṇḍa. This Whole manifestation comes from the bhūta bhāva or the creative aspect called goddess śakti, the dynamic superconsciousness, which is also a Whole manifestation in HERSELF. The bhūta bhāva comes forth from the adhyātma bhāva or SELF or Lord śiva, the static superconsciousness, the manifested saguṇa brahman, who is a Whole by HIMSELF. saguṇa brahman is manifested from parambhāva or parabrahman, a Whole by ITSELF.
During the creative involution, the creation is a complete infinite Whole and thus the involutionary form of bhūta bhāva is also a complete Whole, the Whole having been taken off during the process, remains a complete Whole. This residual Whole is named ucchiṣṭa brahman or ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa, the parabrahman, the ultimate supreme reality or the singular principle. He is also in all the leftover Wholes mentioned above - śrī mātā and śiva.
Karma is of three types – sañcita, prārabdha, and āgāmi. Prārabdha is the portion of sañcita, that we experience in this lifetime and āgāmi is what we accumulate to be added to sañcita. Sañcita is the leftover ucchiṣṭa karma that could be eliminated through the mantra sādhana of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, leading us to liberation.
When we are devoid of our ego, pride, achievements, lineage and anything else that binds us to the body or person, then the consciousness that is leftover, is ucchiṣṭa brahman or śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati.
Samaya means time. Brahman is beyond time and space and all other dimensions that can be conceived. There are therefore no specific muhurtas or auspicious timings for starting the śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati sādhana. There are also no requirements to check the eligibility of an individual based on the various tools such as the akāthaha cakra etc. Consciousness is not separate from the superconsciousness. The mantra obtained from a siddha guru is by itself potent and can be recited without any hesitation by the sādhaka. Also, there are no stringent requirements on cleanliness etc. The consciousness is the purest that there is and all we need, is to sync our breath with the mantra. All other preliminaries are simply to lead us to that point. Once the form of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati is fixed in the minds of the sādhaka and the mantra is synchronized with breath, no other dhyāna, viniyoga or nyāsas are required.
Lastly, those pusuing the sādhana of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati, should consider performing the Śrī Ucchiṣṭagaṇeśa Ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā and also seek a guru for obtaining the mantra. Those who are unable to find a suitable guru or wishing to self-initiate, may considering following the procedure mentioned here.
There is no need to ask Him explicitly for any wishes. He knows and gives us what we need!
This article is scripted by Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy. He can be contacted at
Further Readings
Ucchista Ganapati - Navarna Mantra
Ucchista Ganapati Sahasranamam
Ucchista Ganapati Shodasopachara Puja
December 14, 2018 11:31 PM
Very informative article
February 20, 2021 03:16 AM
Good Evening Guruji I stumbled upon a group called Aaiyyan foundation; they can be located at the following website They claimed to invoke or evoke a spirit by the name of "Vinayaka Dantin" with a specific yantra to connect our physical world to the Talas where that spirit lives. Also they states that "Vinayaka Dantin" is the shadow or negative aspect of Lord Ganapati. I just wanted to ask you Guruji have ever heard of that shadow or negative aspect of Lord Ganapati? Is Vinayaka Dantin really a shadow or negative aspect of Lord Ganapati? If that shadow or negative aspect exists could it be considered as vamamarga? Thanks for your help. May Mother Kali always bless and protect you. Om Krim Swaha.
February 20, 2021 06:32 AM
I have no insight into this new religion called Aiyyanism. I have not heard of its adherents or about its philosophy until now. As humans, we must consider ascending from the mūlādhāra to the sahasrāra, instead of descending to the tala cakras. Since I do not understand their philosophy, my comments may not be relevant in this context. Also, I have not come across any reference anywhere related to Lord Vināyaka's tusk being His negative aspect. It maybe mentioned that He removed one of His tusks and wrote the Mahabharata for Sage Vyāsa.
February 22, 2021 08:49 PM
Thank you Guruji for replying to my queries. I trust your opinion and advice. I've never heard of that group either, that's why I was curious to ask you. I agree with you wholeheartedly guriji our goal is to ascend to the sahasrara not to descend to the talas. This is so true. Once again thank you. May the Divine Mother always bless you and protect you. Om Krim Swaha.
November 09, 2021 05:16 AM
Krishna, what is the viniyogah and the 42 letter mantra of Balaka Ucchista Ganapati? Thanks.
November 10, 2021 04:52 PM
We are not aware of this mantra and its associated procedures.
January 12, 2023 05:01 PM
I want to do some uchist ganpati sadhna .I need such a guru who can take very far in Tantra and guide me like his son. I request you to give me initiation so that my spiritual goal can be achieved
January 12, 2023 05:01 PM
Can you tell me how the the tarpan of ucchishta panpati is done ?? How can i take initiation( Ucchishta ganpati ) from you
May 06, 2023 12:05 AM
Can you please share the 37 letter mantra for Ucchista Ganapati?
October 10, 2023 03:10 AM
Res Sir, I Am N.Sai ganesh from coimbatore Tamil Nadu.Thank You Very Much For Your's Spritual Guidance & Service.. Sir I Request You To Will You Please. Kindly Guide Me.I Need Ucchishta Ganaoathi All Articles In Tamil Languages With Odf Format. Most of The. Time I am unable & i don't Know Get The Ucchishta Ganapathi Articles in Tamil Language Through Your's Manblunder.Sir I Request You To Will You Please Help Me.. Thanking You. With Regards N.Sai Ganesh.
October 10, 2023 10:10 PM
There is a Tamil book on Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati by Shri Aravind Subramaniam. He publishes it from time to time and you may book a copy for his next print. I had 6 copies and gave them away to gurus and friends and have none for myself! I wish I kept at least one for myself as it does contain many stotras that are not available anywhere. You can write to me at and I can share Mr. Aravind's email id for you to contact. You can try google translate for Tamil translation and also use Aksharamukha online tool for translating from Devanāgari to Tamil as needed.
April 25, 2024 10:04 AM
sir , i wanted to know the maximum duration for Maha Purushcharana, the grand invocation of the ucchistha ganpati mantra
April 27, 2024 12:04 AM
Normally the Puraścaraṇa rituals are to be completed within 40 to 45 days, considered as a maṇḍala period. Practically that is not possible for most people on tight day to day schedules and so we make an allowance (not scripturally permitted) for what we can possibly accomplish. To add to this, most people do not even perform all the rituals associated with Puraścaraṇa and simply compensate with 25% extra japa over the prescribed amount. Again this is not scripturally sanctioned but nevertheless followed. Unless you are able to complete 30 to 40 mālas per day without a break, it will not be possible to complete 100,000 japas within 40 days. Also, immediately the associated rituals must be undertaken without fail for timely completion.
December 25, 2024 10:12 PM
Sri matha namah,Tripuraghna,Tivra and Jothi agaval please show some light of knowledge on this if you read my comment ,my question is can normal household people worship this form because I heard from somewhere this form of Ganesha can only be pleased by vamachara using panchamakaras and not by sattvic pooja is this true or is this a false rumour??I also heard this is the fast acting form of Ganapathi in kaliyuga??there is also many people saying we can worship ucchishta ganapathi it's very safe and many great platforms like for example bhadrika ashram om swamiji also say we can do this sadhana.i want to know from you what is really ucchishta ganapathi because still many people are confused,I want to know his greatness and his tattva, like main for what he will be called for helping generally??if possible I want to know his greatness which is not really known and also about his greatest sahasranama which will help people in difficult times and also how normal people can worship him at home like sahasranama,stotra and mantras.please give some knowledge regarding this.