śrī durvāsa dhyānam (श्री दुर्वास ध्यानम्)

Sri Durvasa Maharishi, who is an incarnation of Lord Shiva is our Para-Parameshti Guru in our Guru Lineage. This dhyānam on Great Guru Sri Durvasa Maharishi, was composed by Śrī Ācārya Aṃṛta Vāgbhāva, alias Shri Vaidyanatha Shastri Varkale, a Sanskrit scholar, who lived in the early part of the 20th century in Pre-independent India. He had a vision and/or encounter with Sage Durvāsa, who taught him the special Śāmbhava yoga, through which he is said to have had various divine experiences. In gratitude to his guru, he has composed this dhyāna shloka-s for the benefit of everyone, to obtain the grace from the holy sage and recharge our spiritual life and practice.

tapta-kāñcana-gaurābhaḥ āṃśu-dehaḥ kṛśāṅgavān

madhu-piṅgala-tārāvat viśāla-nayanāñcitaḥ ॥ 1

तप्तकाञ्चनगौराभः आंशुदेहः कृशाङ्गवान् ।

मधुपिङ्गलतारावत् विशालनयनाञ्चितः ॥ १ ॥

Salutations to the austere golden-white complexioned divine sage, thin and emanciated by appearance. He has honey brown colored, curvy eyes lending great eminence to His presence.

piśaṅga-varṇakeṣāḍhyaḥ śukanāso bṛhac-chravāḥ

lomakat-sarva-gātro'sau lambakūrco mahābhujaḥ ॥ 2

पिशङ्गवर्णकेषाढ्यः शुकनासो बृहच्छ्रवाः ।

लोमकत्सर्वगात्रोऽसौ लम्बकूर्चो महाभुजः ॥ २ ॥

He has reddish brown pigmentation across the skin. His nose appears like a parrot’s beak and he has very large ears. He is hairy all over his body and is holding large blades of long kuśa (long pointed stalk) grass on his large arms.

dīrghaśmaśruḥ snigdha-varṇaścāpa-bhrūḥ śubhra-danta-dhṛk

viśāla-bhālaḥ smerāsyaḥ sukapolaḥ prasanna-dṛk ॥ 3

दीर्घश्मश्रुः स्निग्धवर्णश्चापभ्रूः शुभ्रदन्तधृक् ।

विशालभालः स्मेरास्यः सुकपोलः प्रसन्नदृक् ॥ ३ ॥

He has a long beard, very pleasing and enticing eye brows, as well as clean and shining teeth. His large forehead and beautiful cheeks enhance his looks and appearance.

kiñcil-lambānanaḥ kambugrīvaḥ pṛthula-mastakaḥ

mahāhanuḥ śoṇapāṇiḥ śoṇapādo vṛkodaraḥ ॥ 4

किञ्चिल्लम्बाननः कम्बुग्रीवः पृथुलमस्तकः ।

महाहनुः शोणपाणिः शोणपादो वृकोदरः ॥ ४ ॥

He has a long perpendicular neck with folds resembling a spiral shell. He has a large head, big cheeks and red hands and legs and a flat plough like stomach.    

jānu-daghnam-adhovāso vasanā-ścottarīyakam

kiñcin-malinam-aśvetam-api prayatam-uttamam ॥ 5

जानुदघ्नमधोवासो वसनाश्चोत्तरीयकम् ।

किञ्चिन्मलिनमश्वेतमपि प्रयतमुत्तमम् ॥ ५ ॥

His lower garments reach up to his knees and the upper garments appear slightly stained and dirty. He is of very pious disposition and conduct.

dakṣiṇaṃ pāṇim-uddṛtya vasāno brahmasūtravat

rudrākṣa-mālikāṃ kaṇṭhe mūrdhanyapi ca dhārayan ॥ 6

दक्षिणं पाणिमुद्दृत्य वसानो ब्रह्मसूत्रवत् ।

रुद्राक्षमालिकां कण्ठे मूर्धन्यपि च धारयन् ॥ ६ ॥

He holds a leather water bag with his right hand and is clothed with a sacred thread worn over his shoulder. He wears a rudrākṣa mālā beads over his neck, as well as on his head, around his knotted hair locks.

rudrākṣa-valaye saumye dadhāno maṇibandhayoḥ

bhasma-tripuṇḍram-alike rudrākṣau śrotrayor-api ॥ 7

रुद्राक्षवलये सौम्ये दधानो मणिबन्धयोः ।

भस्मत्रिपुण्ड्रमलिके रुद्राक्षौ श्रोत्रयोरपि ॥ ७ ॥

He wears auspicious rudrākṣa bracelets around his wrists and sports a mark of three lines made of ashes (tripuṇḍram) on his forehead. He also wears beads of rudrākṣa-s around his ears.

praśāntadhīḥ prasannātmā trikālajno mahā-muniḥ

dharma-mūrtir-iyaṃ sākṣān-nigam-āgama-marmavit

durvāsā bhagavān śambhuḥ prathamo deśikaḥ satām ॥ 8

प्रशान्तधीः प्रसन्नात्मा त्रिकालज्नो महामुनिः ।

धर्ममूर्तिरियं साक्षान्निगमागममर्मवित् ।

दुर्वासा भगवान् शम्भुः प्रथमो देशिकः सताम् ॥ ८ ॥

He has a pleasant, calm, composed and holy disposition. He has the knowledge of all the three realms and is a renowned, highly accomplished and well known sage. He is the knower of all scriptures related to the way of living, nature of our existence, laws of justice and proper conduct towards society as well as spiritual pursuits. He is an expert and knows the ins and outs of the sacred scriptures such as the Vedas and Āgama Śāstras. He is none other than an avatar of Lord Śambhu (Śiva), the eternal and foremost Guru and Super-consciousness, cast in a body form and here for the upliftment of mankind!

English translation for the above Dhyanam was done by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com