लघय नवावरण पूजा
This is a shorter version of navāvaraṇa pūjā, known as laghaya navāvaraṇa pūjā (लघय नवावरण पूजा). Laghaya means short and excel). This version is different from normal versions, as most of laghu navāvaraṇa pūjā-s do not involve viśeṣa arghya. But this laghaya navāvaraṇa pūjā involves viśeṣa arghya, which is the most important aspect of navāvaraṇa pūjā. Some mūla mantras included in this version are Mahāgaṇapati, Dakṣiṇāmūrtī, Nārasiṃha and Parā-prāsāda mantra.
1. A wooden plank to keep Śri Cakra and this plank is known as maṇḍala. Another wooden plank or mat for seating. This is called āsana.
2. Ācamana pātra with uttaraṇi (spoon like). This vessel should be filled with water from 5 below. Ācamana procedure is explained under serial number 2.
3. A few containers/bowls for keeping flowers.
4. Mix white rice with turmeric powder and add a drop of water and mix thoroughly. This is akṣata.
5. All preparations for naivedya should be done with pure and devoted mind. For the purpose of naivedya, dry fruits would be ideal. If fresh fruits are available, they can also be used.
6. At the end navāvaraṇa pūjā, dhūpa, dīpa, naivedya and nīrājana should be offered. Necessary materials for performing dhūpa, dīpa and nīrājana are to be kept ready. At least one lamp should be burning continuously throughout the pūjā.
7. A bigger vessel containing pure potable water is to be kept. Only from this, water for vardhanī kalaśa, sāmanya arghya and viśeṣa arghya is to be taken. Iron and plastic containers are to be totally avoided. It would be ideal to purify this water by reciting Gātatrī mantra twenty four times.
Following is the list of vessels required.
i) A big vessel which can hold sufficient water.
ii). A medium sized vessel to prepare viśeṣa arghya. This vessel is known as kāraṇa kalaśa.
iii). Vessels for vardhanī kalaśa, sāmanya arghya and viśeṣa arghya. For vardhanī kalaśa, a uttaraṇi (this is like a small spoon, but with more depth to hold water and is always placed inside pañcapātra). For sāmanya arghya, a conch with a base (ideally in the form of a tortoise) is required. For viśeṣa arghya another pañcapātra, preferably in silver or copper is required. A tweezer is also required and this tweezer should be either made of silver or copper. This is meant to perform tarpaṇa. Instead of a tweezer, a thin silver rod is used with spikes on one side and a very small uttaraṇi like structure on the other side can also be used.
8. Three or more very small silver or copper cups for Guru pātra, and ātma pātra. It is also advised that a separate pātra can be kept for the spouse of the worshipper and this is generally known as patni pātra, provided, spouse is also initiated into either Pañcadaśī or Ṣoḍaśī. (Spouse means either husband or wife – pati or patnī)
9. Sandal paste and kumkum for decorating these vessels, lamps, etc.
10.Powdered condiments like cardamom, cloves, saffron, edible camphor, etc. Though they can be mixed with water straight away, it is better to get them powdered so that they can mix well with water. Apart from these, dough (rice or wheat) to make ten lamps, which are discussed in maṅgalarātrikam and kula dīpā and wick and ghee to light these lamps.
11. A small quantity of milk for preparing viśeṣa arghya.
12. A few pieces of peeled ginger.
13. Ingredients to prepare viśeṣa arghya for which the following ingredients are required. Milk (not boiled), honey, saffron, edible camphor, very small quantity of powdered sugar, and powder as discussed in 10 above. All the condiments are to be nicely powdered and mixed with milk, and honey. Consistency of this mixture should be thicker than milk. This is going to be viśeṣa arghya.
14. A copper plate to for bali. This is also known bali pātra.
It is also advisable to keep pure water in a separate container to wash hands as and when needed. Dry towels may be required to dry hands. If mantras are not memorised, provision should be made to keep printed copies in a comfortable position.
1. Prayers to Guru maṇḍala:
While reciting Guru mantras, one should use mṛgī mudra, which is shown here. Mṛgī means doe (female deer).
1) svātmārāmapañcara vilīnatejase śrīparameṣṭhi gurave namaḥ ॥
स्वात्मारामपञ्चर विलीनतेजसे श्रीपरमेष्ठि गुरवे नमः ॥
2) svacchaprakāśa vimarśahetave śrī paramagurave namaḥ ॥
स्वच्छप्रकाश विमर्शहेतवे श्री परमगुरवे नमः ॥
3) svarūpa nirūpaṇa hetave śrīgurave namaḥ ॥
स्वरूप निरूपण हेतवे श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥
2. Tatvācamanam तत्वाचमनम्
Ācamana is a procedure where water is taken in an uttaraṇi from pañcapātra in the right palm, which is sipped after reciting mantras. After finishing ācamana, right palm should be washed with a few drops of water from pañcapātra. Sādhaka should always have a clean white towel by his /her to dry his hands.
1. आत्मतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा ॥ ātmatatvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā ॥
2. विद्यातत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा॥ vidyātattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā॥
3. शिवतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा ॥ śivatattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā ॥
4. सर्वतत्त्वं शोधयामि स्वाहा ॥ sarvatattvaṁ śodhayāmi svāhā ॥
3. Gaṇapati dhyānam गणपति ध्यानम्:
This is Gaṇapati mūla mantra. Mentall recite this mantra and pray to Gaṇapati that he should remove any possible obstacles during this navāvaraṇa pūjā
ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं गं गणपतये वरवरद सर्वजनं मे वश्मानय स्वाहा ॥
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṁ me vaśmānaya svāhā ॥
4. Saṁkalpaḥ संकल्पः
ममोपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वार श्री परमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं अस्माकं क्षेमस्थैर्य वीर्यविजय आयुरारोग्य ऐश्वर्य अबिवृद्ध्यर्थं समस्त मङ्गल अवाप्त्यर्थं सम्स्त दुरितोपशान्त्यर्थं श्री महाकामेश्वर समेत महाकामेश्वरी श्री ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिका दर्शन भाशन सिद्ध्यर्ते स्री चक्र नवावरण पूजां करिष्ये॥
mamopātta samasta duritakṣayadvāra śrī parameśvaraprītyarthaṁ asmākaṁ kṣemasthairya vīryavijaya āyurārogya aiśvarya abivṛddhyarthaṁ samasta maṅgala avāptyarthaṁ samsta duritopaśāntyarthaṁ śrī mahākāmeśvara sameta mahākāmeśvarī śrī lalitā mahātripurasundarī parābhaṭṭārikā darśana bhāśana siddhyarte srī cakra laghu navāvaraṇa pūjāṁ kariṣye ||
5. Āsanapūjā आसनपूजा
Offer flowers on the āsana by recting the following manra.
आधारशक्ति कमलासनाय नमः ॥ ādhāraśakti kamalāsanāya namaḥ ॥
6. Deha rakṣā देह रक्षा
By reciting this mantra, run both the palms from head to toe of the body. First, do this from head to toe and after this, cross forearms and run the palms from shoulders to finger tips.
श्री महात्रिपुरसुन्दरि आत्मानं रक्ष रक्ष॥
śrī mahātripurasundari ātmānaṁ rakṣa rakṣa ||
7. Tiraskariṇi तिरस्करिणि
Tiraskariṇ means veil of māyā. This prayer is made to Her to remove māyā. She alone casts the spell of māyā and She alone can remove this veil. Hence, She is also known as Mahāmāyā. This prayer is to be mentally made to Her. This is the mantra.
ॐ नमो भगवति तिरस्करिणि महामाये महानिद्रे सकलपशुजन मनश्चक्षुः श्रोत्र तिरस्करणं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा॥
om namo bhagavati tiraskariṇi mahāmāye mahānidre sakalapaśujana manaścakṣuḥ śrotra tiraskaraṇaṁ kuru kuru svāhā ||
bhūrbhūvassuvaroṁ iti digbandhaḥ ||
8. Anujñā अनुज्ञा
To obtain permission from Dakṣiṇāmūrtī, following mantra is to be recited.
ॐ नमो भगवते दक्षिणामूर्तये मह्यं मेधां प्रयच्छ स्वाहा॥
om namo bhagavate dakṣiṇāmūrtaye mahyaṁ medhāṁ prayaccha svāhā ||
(the above mantra is Dakṣiṇāmūrtī mūla mantra)
श्रीगुरो दक्षिणामुर्ते भक्तानुग्रहकारक।
अनुज्ञां देहि भगवन् श्रीचक्रयजनाय मे॥
śrīguro dakṣiṇāmurte bhaktānugrahakāraka |
anujñāṁ dehi bhagavan śrīcakrayajanāya me ||
(O! Dakṣiṇāmūrtī paramaguru! Be compassionate to all the devotees! Please give me permission to perform this Śri Cakra yajña.)
Tarun Sharma
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