Maya makes the mind to think. Maya induces the intellect to respond to the thoughts created by the mind. Maya again makes the consciousness to act on the thoughts created by the above two. Finally maya makes a person to act. He thinks that he was responsible for the acts done by him. Let us take two examples. A person is in need of huge money. He thinks, thinks and thinks. His mind becomes very active in thinking. The mind decides finally that he should get money at any cost. This information is passed on to the intellect (buddhi). He uses his intelligence to find ways and means of acquiring money. The intellect tells him that he cannot get the kind of money he is looking for, even if he works hard throughout his life time. Intelligence tells him that there are crooked methods to get that kind of money. This is passed on to his consciousness.
Consciousness is not permitting him to do evil acts and it is not able to take a decision. Confusion prevails. Consciousness is not passing on the information to ego to execute the act. Instead, it passes on the information back to intellect, which in turn refers to the mind. Mind again thinks. It could not find a better solution in the given situation. It endorses the decision of the intellect. Intellect on getting the approval of the mind knows the pros and cons of the act. Knowing fully well about the ultimate result, it passes on to the consciousness. The consciousness also thinks twice and then informs the ego to execute the act approved by the other three. The ego executes. The person steals the kind of money he was looking for. Finally he got the money. The thief thinks that he had stolen the money. Here he means “I”. He thinks that he alone is responsible for this mean act. He repents for his mistake, and it goes on like this. The point to be noted here is that the man feels that he is responsible for the whole act. In fact, he was induced by the maya through the anthakkaranam.
Though he is not responsible for this act, his ego makes him think that he (“I” concept) is intelligent enough to do this act. Our point of discussion here is to just to understand the concept alone and not about the nature of the act, weather good or bad. (Rudram blesses thieves also. This is the power of Veda.) Now, let us take another example. There is a poor man. He does not get adequate food. A dog always goes with him. He is not rearing the dog. He does not show any affection to the dog. Obviously he cannot feed the dog, as he himself begs to get his food. On a day, he gets a handful of food. This is not even enough to satisfy 10% of his appetite. When he got that handful of food, the dog was with him. The dog was equally hungry and was looking at him. For a moment he looked at the dog. The maya started working on the man. His mind started thinking. It tells his intellect to feed a portion to the dog. Intellect agrees with his mind and informs his consciousness.
Consciousness approves this and informs his ego to act. He acts and feeds the dog with a portion of his alms. The dog expressed his gratitude to the man through its eyes and the man understood that the dog was grateful to him. Both the man and the beast were happy. Here the maya worked for a good cause. We have seen two instances how maya induces a man to act under different circumstances. Whatever is happening around us is nothing but maya. Since everything around us is maya, we get ourselves identified with maya alone. If we don’t want to get ourselves identified with maya, what happens? How to get rid of maya? Who makes maya work for us? If we find answers for these questions, we are nearing self-realisation. Self-realisation is nothing but exploring ourselves internally. This is being dealt with in part IV of this series. Your feed back will be of immense help to me.
January 22, 2009 11:32 AM
The examples are really simple to understand the whole concept.Great going and I enjoy reading and learning. Thanks a lot.
September 28, 2009 09:29 PM
I share the previous opinion...and can`t wait to read the rest.
I`ve came across your blog now and have started to read it from the beginning.
Tijana Damjanović
July 14, 2011 11:17 PM
I have never seen such a simple explanation of the concept of mind,intellect,consciousness and ego.Great explanation.
November 26, 2011 04:00 PM
Dear Sir,
I am reading your posts only now, but I am fully smitten by your simple way of putting highly complicated things. I am planning to read further and then maybe I will mail you some of my own experiences.
Warm Regards & Best Wishes.
April 10, 2013 11:54 AM
Ravi, Maya makes us do good/bad. How to make Maya help us do good only?
April 10, 2013 12:29 PM
This is the link:
April 10, 2013 12:03 PM
No, māyā does not make us to do good or bad. It is basically the karma, working through one's mind, makes us to do good or bad. Māyā only causes illusion. You can read this series. This series deals only with this subject.