Sarvāriṣṭa nivāraṇa śrī jvālā nṛsiṃha aṣṭottaradviśata mahāmantraḥ

(सर्वारिष्ट निवारण श्री ज्वाला नृसिंह अष्टोत्तरद्विशत महामन्त्रः)

Source – Nsiṁha Upāsana Paddhati.

Initiation Required.

Purpose Wish fulfillment and complete protection from all dangers and misfortunes.

Prologue – Lord Nṛsiṁha is a very aggressive form of Lord Viṣṇu capable of destroying all types of enemies, miseries, dangerous diseases and adverse health conditions impacting us. He is also prayed to relieve us from all karmic debts, including monetary and spiritual.

This mantra constitutes an ultimate weapon in itself, bearing a deadly force that can be used against the toughest of enemies, both external and internal.

1. Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) -

asyaśrī jvālā nṛsiṃha mahāmantrasya

saṅkarṣaṇa ṛṣiḥ

gāyatrī chandaḥ

śrī jvālā nṛsiṃho devatā

kṣraum̐ bījaṃ

hum̐ phaṭ svāhā śaktiḥ

mama sarvāriṣṭa nivāraṇārthe duṣṭa prayogamantrabādhā grahapīḍā nivāraṇārthe bhagavadanugraha siddhyarthe śrī-guror-anujñāyā mahāmantra jape viniyogaḥ ॥

अस्यश्री ज्वाला नृसिंह महामन्त्रस्य ।

सङ्कर्षण ऋषिः ।

गायत्री छन्दः ।

श्री ज्वाला नृसिंहो देवता ।

क्ष्रौँ बीजं ।

हुँ फट् स्वाहा शक्तिः ।

मम सर्वारिष्ट निवारणार्थे दुष्ट प्रयोगमन्त्रबाधा ग्रहपीडा निवारणार्थे भगवदनुग्रह सिद्ध्यर्थे श्रीगुरोरनुज्ञाया महामन्त्र जपे विनियोगः ॥

Meaning - This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha in our heart, perform mantra japa to obtain His complete grace in all aspects, including the four puruṣārthasdharma (following own nature), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa (liberation) and all desires that one may seek from the Divine. The sage who visually saw this mantra (ṛṣiḥ) is Śrī Saṅkarṣaṇa. The meter (chandas) for the mantra is Gāyatrī of twenty-four syllables and its variations. The deity is Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha, the seed (bījaṃ) is kṣraum̐, the power (śakti) is hum̐ phaṭ svāhā. By the grace and command of our guru and the guru lineage, we pledge to undertake the mantra japa in full earnest.

2. Ṛṣyādi nyāsa (ऋष्यादि न्यास) -





Saṅkarṣaṇa ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi ।

सङ्कर्षण ऋषये नमः शिरसि ।

Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and middle fingers joined at the top of the head.


gāyatrī chandase namaḥ mukhe।

गायत्री छन्दसे नमः मुखे ।

Now touch the lips of the mouth with the four fingers in the right palm, excluding thumb.


śrī jvālā nṛsiṃho devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi ।

श्री ज्वाला नृसिंहो देवतायै नमः हृदि ।

Touch the heart with the right index, middle and ring fingers


kṣraum̐ bījāya namaḥ guhye ।

क्ष्रौँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये ।

Touch the area of genitals with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


hum̐ phaṭ svāhā śaktaye namaḥ pādayoḥ ।

हुँ फट् स्वाहा शक्तये नमः पादयोः  ।

Touch both the feet with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


mama sarvāriṣṭa nivāraṇārthe duṣṭa prayogamantrabādhā grahapīḍā nivāraṇārthe bhagavadanugraha siddhyarthe śrī-guror-anujñāyā mahāmantra jape viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge ।

मम सर्वारिष्ट निवारणार्थे दुष्ट प्रयोगमन्त्रबाधा ग्रहपीडा निवारणार्थे भगवदनुग्रह सिद्ध्यर्थे श्रीगुरोरनुज्ञाया महामन्त्र जपे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे ।

Run both the palms all over the body.


iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ ॥

इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः ॥

Thus ends the Ṛṣyādi nyāsa.

3.Kara nyāsaḥ (करन्यासः) -





om̐ kṣām̐ - aṅguṣṭābhyāṃ namaḥ ।

ॐ क्षाँ - अङ्गुष्टाभ्यां नमः ।

Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs.


om̐ kṣīm̐ - tarjanībhyāṃ svāhā ।

ॐ क्षीँ - तर्जनीभ्यां स्वाहा ।

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers.


om̐ kṣūm̐ - madhyamābhyāṃ vaaṭ ।

ॐ क्षूँ - मध्यमाभ्यां वषट् ।

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the middle fingers.


om̐ kṣaim̐ - anāmikābhyāṃ huṃ ।

ॐ क्षैँ - अनामिकाभ्यां हुं ।

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the ring fingers.


om̐ kṣaum̐ - kaniṣṭikābhyāṃ vauṣaṭ

ॐ क्षौँ - कनिष्टिकाभ्यां वौषट् ।

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the little fingers.


om̐ kṣaḥ - karatalakarapruṣṭābhyāṃ phaṭ

ॐ क्षः - करतलकरप्रुष्टाभ्यां फट् ।

Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm.


iti kara nyāsa

इति कर न्यासः ॥

Thus ends the six-part Kara nyāsa.

4. Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsaḥ (षडाङ्गन्यासः) -





om̐ kṣām̐ – hṛdayāya namaḥ ।

ॐ क्षाँ  – हृदयाय नम: ।

Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.


om̐ kṣīm̐ - śirase svāhā

ॐ क्षीँ - शिरसे स्वाहा

Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the head.


om̐ kṣūm̐ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ

ॐ क्षूँ - शिखायै वषट्

Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where there is a tuft of hair.


om̐ kṣaim̐ - kavacāya huṃ

ॐ क्षैँ - कवचाय हुं

Cross both the hands and touch both shoulders with the palms.


om̐ kṣaum̐ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ

ॐ क्षौँ - नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्

Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra.


om̐ kṣaḥ - astrāya phaṭ ।

ॐ क्षः - अस्त्राय फट्

Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand.


iti ṣaaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः ॥

Thus ends the six-part Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsa.

bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digbandhaḥ

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् इति दिग्बन्धः

Meaning: May the directions be charmed and bound, to prevent any external obstacles from the powers residing in the triads – the Earth, atmosphere and the heavens.

5. Dhyānam (ध्यानम् ) -

madhye cakraṃ mahāsyaṃ jvaladanala śikhāgrasta vetālavarga sphūrjadū ghorārijātā pratirasanapade vyagrahastassuhantāḥ

dhyeyo asmābhissamudyad dinakarasadṛśa strīkṣṇastīkṣṇa daṃṣṭraḥ saṃrambhodhdūtaromā dhvaniracita mahāmbhodhighoṣonṛsiṃhaḥ

मध्ये चक्रं महास्यं ज्वलदनल शिखाग्रस्त वेतालवर्ग स्फूर्जदू घोरारिजाता प्रतिरसनपदे व्यग्रहस्तस्सुहन्ताः ।

ध्येयो अस्माभिस्समुद्यद् दिनकरसदृश स्त्रीक्ष्णस्तीक्ष्ण दंष्ट्रः संरम्भोध्दूतरोमा ध्वनिरचित महाम्भोधिघोषोनृसिंहः ॥

Meaning: Salutations to the Divine Lord Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha who appears extremely terrific with a wide gaping mouth and sharp diamond teeth appearing like a discus (cakra), emitting enormous devastating fires. He holds the demonic and extra-dimensional malevolent beings (ghosts, goblins etc.) by their head and scares away all types of inimical forces and bad karmic influences with a deafening roar, lightning bolt radiance and enormous lion paws. Let us meditate upon Lord Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha sunsetting the inimical forces by binding them tightly and shearing them apart with His diamond teeth, in an expedient manner with enormous wrath and intensity, accompanied by the loud thunder of dark clouds.

6. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) -





lam̐ pṛthvyātmane gandham kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

लँ पृथ्व्यात्मने गन्धम् कल्पयामि नमः

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


ham̐ ākāśātmane puṣpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

हँ आकाशात्मने पुष्पम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip of the index fingers.


ya vāyvyātmane dhūpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

यँ वाय्व्यात्मने धूपम् कल्पयामि नमः

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


ram̐ vahnyātmane dīpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

रँ वह्न्यात्मने दीपम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


vam̐ amṛtātmane naivedyam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

वँ अमृतात्मने नैवेद्यम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


sam̐ sarvātmane karpūramiśrita tāmbūlādi sarvopacārān kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

सँ सर्वात्मने कर्पूरमिश्रित ताम्बूलादि सर्वोपचारान् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of the fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position.


Iti Pañcapū

इति पञ्चपूजा

Thus ends the Pañcapūjā.

7. Mūla Mantraḥ (मूलमन्त्रः) -

o kṣraum̐ jhraum̐ sauḥ jvālājvālājvalat-mukhāya jvālānṛsiṃhāya lalalala gṛhṇa gṛhṇa sphuṭa sphuṭa sphoṭaya sphoṭaya maṭamaṭa moṭaya moṭaya loṭaya loṭaya bhrama bhrama bhrāmaya bhrāmaya bala-bala cala-cala valga valga gala gala gulu gulu garja garja rāja rāja haṃsa haṃsa jvala jvala prajvala prajvala jalpa jalpa matha matha mardaya mardaya hum̐ hum̐ hra sarvaduṣṭagrahān śiro-lalāṭacakṣormukhoṣṭha-danta-tālu-jihvā-hanu-grīva-bāhu-kara-vakṣasthalodara-nābhi-guhya-guda pṛṣṭa-kaṭyūru-jānu-jaṅghā-gulpha-pādeṣu sarvāṅgeṣu chindi chindi bhindi bhindi trāsaya trāsaya māraya māraya hraum̐ sahasrāra hum̐ phaṭ svāhā

ॐ क्ष्रौँ झ्रौं सौः ज्वालाज्वालाज्वलत्-मुखाय ज्वालानृसिंहाय लललल गृह्ण गृह्ण स्फुट स्फुट स्फोटय स्फोटय मटमट मोटय मोटय लोटय लोटय भ्रम भ्रम भ्रामय भ्रामय बल-बल चल-चल वल्ग वल्ग गल गल गुलु गुलु गर्ज गर्ज राज राज हंस हंस ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल जल्प जल्प मथ मथ मर्दय मर्दय हुँ हुँ ह्रः सर्वदुष्टग्रहान् शिरो-ललाटचक्षोर्मुखोष्ठ-दन्त-तालु-जिह्वा-हनु-ग्रीव-बाहु-कर-वक्षस्थलोदर-नाभि-गुह्य-गुद पृष्ट-कट्यूरु-जानु-जङ्घा-गुल्फ-पादेषु सर्वाङ्गेषु छिन्दि छिन्दि भिन्दि भिन्दि त्रासय त्रासय मारय मारय ह्रौँ सहस्रार हुँ फट् स्वाहा ॥

This is a long mālā mantra of Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha mantra with 211 syllables and should be recited at least 108 times. Initiation is essential.

Meaning - This is a two hundred and eight syllabled mantra with some syllables representing bīja (seed) mantras. The parts of the main mantra including the bījas are described below. –

  1. The bīja (seed) mantra om̐ ()” consists of – ‘au’ => healing and deep cleansing, m̐’ => removes misery. Ushers in auspiciousness.
  2. The Nṛsiṃha and Cintāmaṇi bīja (seed) mantra kṣraum̐ (क्ष्रौँ)” consists of - ‘kṣa’ which indicates Nṛsiṃha, denoting extreme aggression in offering protection. The letter - ‘kṣ’  is made of  - ksignifying Kāma, denoting desires, wants and wishes. From a spiritual perspective, it denotes cit śakti or pure consciousness and ‘ṣsignifying māyā śakti, which is the cosmic virtual reality surrounding the consciousness and giving it the impression that it’s an independent being and also providing the cognitive faculties to recognize the Creation around it and fully masking the Absolute Truth, that is none other than the pure super-consciousness Itself and not the body or mind! Our lives are entirely within the realm of the dyads and triads manifested by Māyā. This bīja creates a fertile ground for the manifestation of our desires. The bīja ‘r’ indicates Brahma denoting Creation and knowledge as well as fire and drive, 'au' indicates Ūrdhvadanta denoting teeth pointing upwards, like the tusks of Lord Varāha which can bear any type of burden, 'm̐' is vindu/bindu or duḥkhahara meaning removal of all miseries.Overall, the bīja provides the knowledge to overcome any type of burdens and banish all the miseries and grants protection moving forward.
  3. The long variation of the resounding Kvāṇaḥ bīja (seed) mantra jhraum̐ (झ्रौं) consists of – jh’ indicates balance in material and spiritual pursuits, The repha bīja ‘r’ indicates Brahma denoting Creation and knowledge as well as fire and drive,'au' indicates Ūrdhvadanta denoting teeth pointing upwards, like the tusks of Lord Varāha which can bear any type of burden, m̐’ denotes nāda indicating parā or śakti and vindu indicates duḥkhahara or removal of all miseries. Overall, this bīja succeeds in tearing apart all types of karmic imbalances besetting the sādhakas.
  4. The Parā bīja (seed) mantra sau (सौः)” consists of - ‘s’ meaning śakti or power and also dhūmadhvaja, meaning fire and drive, as well as Sarasvatī meaning knowledge - both material and spiritual. The letter ‘au’ => healing and deep cleansing, ‘ḥ’ => grants self-realization and leads to liberation. Overall, this mantra leads us to obtain all types of knowledge that we seek, be it material or spiritual and over a duration of time, it can lead us to self-realization and pave the path towards the ultimate goal of liberation.
  5. The words jvālājvālājvalat-mukhāya (ज्वालाज्वालाज्वलत्-मुखाय)” denote extreme fires emanating from the mouth of the Lord, for the complete annihilation of all karmic obstacles and enemies, both internal and external, impacting our growth in both material and spiritual contexts. He is absolutely firm in His commitment and is unwavering in granting Protection, no matter what the situation is.
  6. The word “jvālā-nṛsiṃhāya (ज्वालानृसिंहाय)” denotes the fiery demeanor of Lord Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha.
  7. The words “lalalala (लललल)” indicate a lolling tongue of that of a huge lion ready to devour its prey.
  8. The words “gṛhṇa gṛhṇa (गृह्ण गृह्ण)” denote gulping down the essence of the inimical forces and the bad karma.
  9. The words “sphuṭa sphuṭa sphoṭaya sphoṭaya (स्फुट स्फुट स्फोटय स्फोटय)” denote a wide gaping mouth, ready to gulp all the inimical forces and bad karma in large portions.
  10. The words maṭamaṭa moṭaya moṭaya (मटमट मोटय मोटय)” denote inflicting death to the inimical forces and bad karma.
  11. The words “loṭaya loṭaya (लोटय लोटय)” denote rolling and twisting of the inimical forces and bad karma.
  12. The words “bhrama bhrama bhrāmaya bhrāmaya (भ्रम भ्रम भ्रामय भ्रामय)” denote rotating and whirling the inimical forces and bad karma.
  13. The words “bala-bala (बल-बल)” denote enormous super-human strength.
  14. The words “cala cala (चलचल)” denote dragging away and removal of the inimical forces and bad karma from our vicinity.
  15. The words “valga valga (वल्ग वल्ग)” denote jumping, leaping and galloping.
  16. The words “gala gala gulu gulu (गल गल गुलु गुलु)” denote sipping and gulping down inimical forces, as well as the influences of the bad karma attracting such entities and their related actions.
  17. The words “garja garja (गर्ज गर्ज)” denote a deafening roar of a huge lion, that silences and invokes immense fear amongst all. In this context, it refers to the inimical forces as well as any bad karma from manifesting.
  18. The words “rāja raja haṃsa haṃsa (राज राज हंस हंस)” denote His royal and swift appearance when called for, to aid in the removal of all inimical forces and bad karmic influences.
  19. The words “jvala jvala prajvala prajvala (ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल)” denote enormous fires capable of gutting down everything in their path in no time. In this context it refers to all the negativity inflicting us.
  20. The words “jalpa jalpa matha matha mardaya mardaya (जल्प जल्प मथ मथ मर्दय मर्दय)” refer to the subduing (mardaya) of speech (jalpa) and twisting and churning it (matha), to make it incomprehensible for preventing any harm from the inimical forces and bad karmic influences trying to hurt us verbally.
  21. The Kavaca bīja (seed) mantra “hum̐ (हुँ)” invokes protection from all harmful entities inimical to us. In the context of this mantra, it is for spiritual and material desires. Hum̐ (हुँ) consists of – ‘h’ => Brahman/śiva, ‘u’ => destruction of all fear and stillness within, ‘m̐’ => remove misery. It is repeated twice to ensure that all the stated benefits are accrued and ensured.
  22. The Hara bīja (seed) mantra “hra (ह्रः)” denotes the removal of all maladies and miseries. It consists of ‘h’ => Brahman/śiva, ‘r’ => fire and passion, aḥ => grants self-realization and leads to liberation.
  23. The word “sarvaduṣṭagrahān (सर्वदुष्टग्रहान्)” denotes all types of malefice disruptions caused by planetary influences at the time of birth or due to transit, as well as all other conditions beset due to the onset of bad karmic influences.
  24. The word “śirolalāṭa (शिरोललाट)” denotes the head and forehead region.
  25. The word “cakṣormukhoṣṭha (चक्षोर्मुखोष्ठ)” denotes the eyes, mouth and lips.
  26. The word “dantatālu (दन्ततालु)” denote the teeth and palette.
  27. The word “jihvā (जिह्वा)” denote the tongue.
  28. The words “hanu grīva (हनुग्रीव)” denote the jaw and neck.
  29.  The word “bāhukara (बाहुकर)” denotes the arms and hands.
  30. The word “vakṣasthalodara (वक्षस्थलोदर)” indicates the breasts, nipples and stomach.
  31. The word “nābhiguhya (नाभिगुह्य)” denotes the navel and genitals.
  32. The words “guda pṛṣṭa (गुद पृष्ट)” denote the hips and back.
  33. The word “kaṭyūru (कट्यूरु)” denotes the waist and thighs.
  34. The words “jānu jaṅghāgulpha pādeṣu (जानु जङ्घागुल्फ पादेषु)” denote the knees, shanks, ankle and feet.
  35. The word “sarvāṅgeṣu (सर्वाङ्गेषु)” denotes all the body parts.
  36. The words “chindi chindi (छिन्दि छिन्दि)” signifies cutting down all the above present in our inimical and bad karmic influences.
  37. The words “bhindi bhindi (भिन्दि भिन्दि)” denote breaking away and destroying all the above present in our inimical and bad karmic influences.
  38. The words “trāsaya trāsaya (त्रासय त्रासय)” mean fear and anxiety caused by the inimical karmic influences.
  39. The words “māraya māraya (मारय मारय)” denote complete termination of the inimical karmic influences and all types of enemies.
  40. The Jyotirmantra bīja mantra “hraum̐ (ह्रौँ)” – is the bīja signifying spiritual illumination, enlightenment, self-realization leading towards ultimate liberation. The bīja is made up of ‘h’ denoting Vyomāsya or Śūnya, which relates to presence in the ether or heavens or nothingness or pure consciousness present everywhere. The letter ‘r’ relates to Kṣatajārūḍha indicating blood, meaning sentient beings. The letter ‘au’ denotes Ḍākinī or Caṇḍabhairavī indicating deep passion or Rajas tattva. The letter ‘m̐’ denoting nāda-bindu signifies the removal of all misery. Overall, this bīja indicates the zeal of the super-consciousness to manifest Itself in to the Creation and also help in its sustenance and maintenance. At the micro level, it removes the miseries faced by us with great enthusiasm and does not let us down! The word sahasrāra (सहस्रार)” a thousand spokes of the Śrī Sudarśana Cakra and the effectiveness of its blazing blades. In other words, the weapon is a thousand folds greater than any other comparable weapon in the entire Creation. The word also refers to the subtle thousand petaled lotus in the astral body present at the top of our head which is the meeting point of Śiva and Śakti when the Kuṇḍalinī energy reaches its zenith.
  41. The Kavaca bīja (seed) mantra “hum̐ (हुँ)” invokes protection from all harmful entities inimical to us. In the context of this mantra, it is for spiritual and material desires. Hum̐ (हुँ) consists of – ‘h’ => Brahman/śiva, ‘u’ => destruction of all fear and stillness within, ‘m̐’ => remove misery.
  42. The Astra bīja (seed) mantra “phaṭ (फट्)” signifies destruction of all evil and misery.
  43. The Vahnisundarī bīja (seed) mantra “svāhā (स्वाहा)” represents complete submission and surrender to the Divine.

Salutations to the highly revered Divine in the form of Lord Śrī Jvālā Nṛsiṃha (Viṣṇu), the Sustainer and Protector of all realms. May the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Lord bestow abundance in all aspects and fulfill all our wishes, comprehensively remove all our fears once and for all, release us from all types of karmic debts and offer His protection throughout our lifetime to us and our loved ones.

8. Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsaḥ (षडाङ्गन्यासः) -





om̐ kṣām̐ – hṛdayāya namaḥ ।

ॐ क्षाँ  – हृदयाय नम: ।

Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.


om̐ kṣīm̐ - śirase svāhā ।

ॐ क्षीँ - शिरसे स्वाहा ।

Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the head.


om̐ kṣūm̐ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ।

ॐ क्षूँ - शिखायै वषट् ।

Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where there is a tuft of hair.


om̐ kṣaim̐ - kavacāya huṃ ।

ॐ क्षैँ - कवचाय हुं ।

Cross both the hands and touch both shoulders with the palms.


om̐ kṣaum̐ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ ।

ॐ क्षौँ - नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् ।

Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra.


om̐ kṣaḥ - astrāya phaṭ ।

ॐ क्षः - अस्त्राय फट् ।

Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand.


iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः ॥

Thus ends the six-part Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsa.

bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digvimokaḥ

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् इति दिग्विमोकः

Meaning: May the directions get unlocked to allow ourselves to experience the grace from all the triads of the three realms.

9. Dhyānam (ध्यानम् ) -

madhye cakraṃ mahāsyaṃ jvaladanala śikhāgrasta vetālavarga sphūrjadū ghorārijātā pratirasanapade vyagrahastassuhantāḥ

dhyeyo asmābhissamudyad dinakarasadṛśa strīkṣṇastīkṣṇa daṃṣṭraḥ saṃrambhodhdūtaromā dhvaniracita mahāmbhodhighoṣonṛsiṃhaḥ

मध्ये चक्रं महास्यं ज्वलदनल शिखाग्रस्त वेतालवर्ग स्फूर्जदू घोरारिजाता प्रतिरसनपदे व्यग्रहस्तस्सुहन्ताः ।

ध्येयो अस्माभिस्समुद्यद् दिनकरसदृश स्त्रीक्ष्णस्तीक्ष्ण दंष्ट्रः संरम्भोध्दूतरोमा ध्वनिरचित महाम्भोधिघोषोनृसिंहः ॥

10.Pañcapū (पञ्चपूजा) -





lam̐ pṛthvyātmane gandham kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

लँ पृथ्व्यात्मने गन्धम् कल्पयामि नमः

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


ham̐ ākāśātmane puṣpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

हँ आकाशात्मने पुष्पम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip of the index fingers.


yam̐ vāyvyātmane dhūpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

यँ वाय्व्यात्मने धूपम् कल्पयामि नमः

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


ram̐ vahnyātmane dīpam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

रँ वह्न्यात्मने दीपम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


vam̐ amṛtātmane naivedyam kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

वँ अमृतात्मने नैवेद्यम् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs.


sam̐ sarvātmane karpūramiśrita tāmbūlādi sarvopacārān kalpayāmi namaḥ ।

सँ सर्वात्मने कर्पूरमिश्रित ताम्बूलादि सर्वोपचारान् कल्पयामि नमः ।

Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of the fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position.


Iti Pañcapūjā

इति पञ्चपूजा

Thus ends the Pañcapūjā.

11. Samarpaṇam (समर्पणम्) –

guhyādi guhya goptvātvam gṛhaṇāsmat kṛtaṃ japaṃ
siddhirbhavatu me deva tvat prasadān mayī sthirā

गुह्यादि गुह्य गोप्त्वात्वम् गृहणास्मत् कृतं जपं ।

सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देव त्वत् प्रसदान् मयी स्थिरा

Meaning: O Lord, you are the most hidden secret of all secrets. May these mantra japa counts performed by me, be offered to you in totality. Our prayers and hope, are that your grace shall remain with us always.

12. Puraścaraṇa (पुरश्चरण) -











This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at