Śrīvidyāpañcadaśākṣarī mantra श्रीविद्यापञ्चदशाक्षरी मन्त्र

(This is the simple way of doing Śrīvidyāpañcadaśākṣarī Mantra Japa)

Seating: While doing Panchadasaksari mantra japa, one has to either face East or North. If one does not have a guru, contemplate on Lord Dkṣiṇāmūrti and mentally accept Him as Guru.

1. Curse removal mantra:

Śrīvidyāpañcadaśākṣarī japatvena śāpavimocanamantram kariṣye |
श्रीविद्यापञ्चदशाक्षरी जपत्वेन शापविमोचनमन्त्रम् करिष्ये।

First Part – should be recited seven times:

ई ए क ल ह्रीं ī e ka la hrīṁ
ह स क ह ल ह्रीं ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
स क ल ह्रीं sa ka la hrīṁ

Second Part – should be recited three times:

ह स क ह स क ह ल ह्रीं ha sa ka ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
स क ल ह्रीं sa ka la hrīṁ
ई ए क ल ह्रीं ī e ka la hrīṁ

Third Part – should be recited one time.

ह ल भ भ भ भ भ अ ha la bha bha bha bha bha a

(śāpavimocanamantram is the same as per ṣoḍaśī mantra)

2. Ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ ऋष्यादि न्यासः

asyaśrī śrīvidyāpañcadaśākṣarī mahā mantrasya -- ānandabhairava ṛṣiḥ -- gāyatrīchandaḥ; -- pañcadaśākṣaryadhiṣṭhātrī lalitāmahātripurasundarī devatā ॥

अस्यश्री श्रीविद्यापञ्चदशाक्षरी महा मन्त्रस्य -- आनन्दभैरव ऋषिः – गायत्रीछन्दः -- पञ्चदशाक्षर्यधिष्ठात्री ललितामहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी देवता ॥

ka e ī la hrīṁ bījaṁ क ए ई ल ह्रीं बीजं
sa ka la hrīṁ śaktiḥ स क ल ह्रीं शक्तिः
ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ kīlakam ह स क ह ल ह्रीं कीलकम्

śrī lalitāmahātripurasundarī darśana bhāṣaṇa siddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ ||
(meaning: To have Her vision and speak to Her Ido this japa)

श्री ललितामहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी दर्शन भाषण सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः॥

3. Karanyāsaḥ करन्यासः

ka e ī la hrīṁ - aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ क ए ई ल ह्रीं अङ्गुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः (use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ - tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं तर्जनीभ्यां नमः (use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers)

sa ka la hrīṁ - madhyamābhyāṁ namaḥ स क ल ह्रीं मध्यमाभ्यां नमः (both the thumbs on the middle fingers)

ka e ī la hrīṁ - anāmikābhyāṁ namaḥ क ए ई ल ह्रीं अनामिकाभ्यां नमः (both the thumbs on the ring fingers)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ kaniṣṭhīkābhyāṁ namaḥ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं कनिष्ठीकाभ्यां नमः (both the thumbs on the little fingers)

sa ka la hrīṁ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṁ namaḥ| स क ल ह्रीं करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः (open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm)

4. Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ ह्र्दयादि न्यासः

ka e ī la hrīṁ hrdayāya namaḥ| क ए ई ल ह्रीं ह्र्दयाय नमः (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ śirase svāhā ह स क ह ल ह्रीं शिरसे स्वाहा (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead)

sa ka la hrīṁ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ स क ल ह्रीं शिखायै वषट्  (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where tuft is kept)

ka e ī la hrīṁ kavacāya huṁ क ए ई ल ह्रीं कवचाय हुं  (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्  (open the index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.)

 sa ka la hrīṁ astrāya phaṭ स क ल ह्रीं अस्त्राय फट् (open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand)

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ||  (by using right hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle around the head)

5. Dhyānam ध्यानम्

aruṇāṃkaruṇā-taraṃgitākṣīṃ dhṛta-pāśāṅkuśa-puṣpa-bāṇa-cāpām|
aṇimādibirāvṛtām mayūkhai-rahamityeva vibhāvaye bhavānīm||

अरुणां करुणा-तरंगिताक्षीं धृत-पाशांकुश-पुष्प-बाण-चापाम्।
अणिमादिबिरावृताम् मयूखै-रहमित्येव विभावये भवानीम्॥

aruṇām – like rising sun, the colour of the sun at dawn which is red; karuṇa – compassion; tarangitākṣīm – waves from Her eyes; Waves of compassion emanating from Her eyes (like waves continuously). dhṛta – supported by; pāśa – noose, a type of weapon (pāśam also means anything that binds a soul); aṅkuśa – another type of weapon, like an arrow; puṣpa – made out of flowers; bāṇa – arrow i.e. arrows made out of flowers or using flowers as arrows; cāpām – bow; She has bow made out of a sugarcane and arrows made out of flowers. aṇimādibir – aśṭamā (eight) siddhi-s like animā, mahimā, garimā, laghimā, prāpti, prākāmyā, iṣṭvā and vaśtvā. āvṛtām – surrounded by. She is surrounded by eight types of siddhis like animā, etc referred above. mayūkhaiḥ - a ray of light or beam of light; aham – I; ityeva – like this; vibhāvaye - beatitude (a state of supreme happiness); bhavānīm – Bhavānī, another name of Lalitāmbikā. Bhavānī is the 112th nāma in this Sahasranāma.

The meaning for this verse is – I meditate on Bhavānī, the supreme happiness, whose colour is like the sun at dawn i.e. red in colour and from whom rays of light are emanating. This confirms Her red complexion discussed in the previous verse. Her compassion for Her devotees comes out of Her eyes like waves of ocean. In this verse She is described with four hands. In the rear hands She has two weapons called pāśam (like a rope) and aṅkuśa (a sharp edged metal weapon normally used to control elephants). In the front hands she holds a bow made out of sugar cane and arrows made out of flowers. A detailed study of Her weaponries is discussed later in this Sahasranāma. They represent four of Her premier assistants. She is surrounded by aṣṭama siddhi-s. Each siddhi is represented by a goddess in Śrī Cakra. I meditate on Her form called Bhavānī, a state of supreme happiness with beams of light.

6. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा (follow as per Karanyāsa)

लं - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि।
हं - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि।
यं - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि।
रं - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि।
वं अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।
सं - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि॥

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |
vaṁ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||

7. Śrīvidyāpañcadaśākṣarī mantraḥ श्रीविद्यापञ्चदशाक्षरी मन्त्रः

om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ   ka e ī la hrīṁ - ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ - sa ka la hrīṁ

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं   क ए ई ल ह्रीं - ह स क ह ल ह्रीं - स क ल ह्रीं

8. Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ ह्र्दयादि न्यासः

ka e ī la hrīṁ hrdayāya namaḥ| क ए ई ल ह्रीं ह्र्दयाय नमः (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ śirase svāhā ह स क ह ल ह्रीं शिरसे स्वाहा (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead)

sa ka la hrīṁ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ स क ल ह्रीं शिखायै वषट्  (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where tuft is kept)

ka e ī la hrīṁ kavacāya huṁ क ए ई ल ह्रीं कवचाय हुं  (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips)

ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ ह स क ह ल ह्रीं नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्  (open the index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.)

 sa ka la hrīṁ astrāya phaṭ स क ल ह्रीं अस्त्राय फट् (open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand)

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्विमोकः॥  bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digvimokaḥ||  (by using right hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle around the head)

9. Dhyānam ध्यानम्

aruṇāṃkaruṇā-taraṃgitākṣīṃ dhṛta-pāśāṅkuśa-puṣpa-bāṇa-cāpām|
aṇimādibirāvṛtām mayūkhai-rahamityeva vibhāvaye bhavānīm||

अरुणां करुणा-तरंगिताक्षीं धृत-पाशांकुश-पुष्प-बाण-चापाम्।
अणिमादिबिरावृताम् मयूखै-रहमित्येव विभावये भवानीम्॥

10. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा

लं - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि।
हं - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि।
यं - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि।
रं - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि।
वं अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।
सं - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि॥

laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi |
vaṁ amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||

11. Samarpaṇam समर्पनम्

गुह्याति गुह्य गोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मत्-कृतं जपम्।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवि त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्तिरा॥

guhyāti guhya goptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam|
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi stirā||

(Meaning: You sustain the secret of all secrets. Please accept this japa performed by me and bestow Your perpetual Grace on me.)

Please Note: There is another mantra by name saubhāgyavidyā pañcadaśākṣarī (सौभाग्यविद्या पञ्चदशाक्षरी), in which aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ (Bālā mantra) is prefixed before each kūṭa. In that case, mantra will be like this:

aiṁ ka e ī la hrīṁ - klīṁ ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ - sauḥ sa ka la hrīṁ

ऐं क ए ई ल ह्रीं - क्लीं ह स क ह ल ह्रीं - सौः स क ल ह्रीं

Accordingly nyāsa-s will also change. Rest remains the same.

Detailed explanation about this mantra is available here PAÑCHADAŚĪ MANTRA

Further Readings:

Panchadasi Mantra Explained - Part 2

Panchadasi The Supreme Mantra - Part 3

Lalithambigai's Panchadasi Mantra