Part -3 Nakṣatramātṛkā nyāsaḥ (नक्षत्रमातृका न्यास)
This nyāsa is for obtaining the grace of all nakṣatra-s (asterisms), fused with the powers of the mātṛkā-s, in order to obtain all our material and spiritual desires and progress in the path of self-realization and attain liberation.
viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः ) -
atha nakṣatra mātṛkā mantrasya ।
dakṣiṇāmūrtiḥ ṛṣiḥ ।
gāyatrī chandaḥ ।
nakṣatra rūpiṇī sundarī devata ।
śrīvidyāṅgatvena nyāse viniyogaḥ ॥
अथ नक्षत्र मातृका मन्त्रस्य ।
दक्षिणामूर्तिः ऋषिः ।
गायत्री छन्दः ।
नक्षत्र रूपिणी सुन्दरी देवत ।
श्रीविद्याङ्गत्वेन न्यासे विनियोगः ॥
Meaning:- To fulfill our wish of reciting the ṣoḍhānyāsa, that is a part (aṅga) of śrī vidyā, who’s preceptor (ṛṣiḥ) is Dakṣiṇāmūrti. The meter or chandas is Gāyatrī. The deity associated with this mantra is Śrī mātṛkā nakṣatra rūpiṇī sundarī (One who governs all the deities associated with the Sanskrit letters that govern the guṇas or qualities such as sattva (gentle), rajas (passion) and tamas (violent) manifested in the form of nakṣatra-s or asterisms/constellations such as Aśvini, Bharini etc spanning the twelve signs of the zodiac.
ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ (ऋष्यादि न्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
dakṣiṇāmūrtaye ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi |
दक्षिणामूर्तये ऋषये नमः शिरसि |
Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top. |
2 |
gāyatrī chandase namaḥ mukhe |
गायत्री छन्दसे नमः मुखे |
Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā. |
3 |
śrī nakṣatra rūpiṇī sundarī devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi |
श्री नक्षत्र रूपिणी सुन्दरी देवतायै नमः हृदि |
Touch the heart with the right palm. |
4 |
śrīvidyāṅgatvena nyāse viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge |
श्रीविद्याङ्गत्वेन न्यासे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे |
Run both the palms all over the body. |
5 |
iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ |
इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः |
Dhyānam (ध्यानम्)-
jvalat-kālāgni-saṅkāśāḥ sarvābharaṇa-bhūṣitāḥ ।
natipāṇyo'śvināmukhyā varadābhaya-pāṇayaḥ ॥
ज्वलत्कालाग्निसङ्काशाः सर्वाभरणभूषिताः ।
नतिपाण्योऽश्विनामुख्या वरदाभयपाणयः ॥
Meaning:- Salutations to the twenty-seven nakṣatra-s (constellations/asterisms) spawned out of the great fire at the time of the Creation of the universe (Big bang). Starting from the most excellent horse shaped Aśvini (Beta and Gamma Arietis star systems), the nakṣatra-s display the fear allaying Abhaya mudra and the wish granting Varada mudra and are commended for their influence over the entire Creation.
Nyāsamārambham (न्यासमारम्भम् ) – |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
am̐ ām̐ aśvinyai namaḥ (lalāṭe/forehead). |
अँ आँ अश्विन्यै नमः (ललाटे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the forehead. Salutations to the horse headed physician twins of the celestials -nakṣatra Aśvini (Beta and Gamma Arietis star systems), placed in the Aries (Meṣa) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s am̐ and ām̐ promote spiritual emancipation within us. |
2 |
im̐ bhariṇyai namaḥ (dakṣanetre/right eye). |
इँ भरिण्यै नमः (दक्षनेत्रे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right eye. Salutations to the load bearing nakṣatra Bhariṇi (35, 39 and 41 Arietis star systems), placed in the Aries (Meṣa) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka im̐ help us overcome our inner deficiencies such as jealousy, anger etc. and guide us towards spiritual emancipation. |
3 |
īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ kṛttikāyai namaḥ (vāmanetre/left eye). |
ईँ उँ ऊँ कृत्तिकायै नमः (वामनेत्रे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left eye. Salutations to the nurses of Kārttikeya, the second son of Lord Śiva, represented as the nakṣatra Kṛttikā (Pleiades star system), placed in the interestion of both Aries (Meṣa) and Taurus (Vṛṣabha) signs of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s īm̐, um̐ and ūm̐ help us in gaining spiritual emancipation, complete cleansing of all karmas and remain under the bliss of immense power. |
4 |
ṛm̐ ṝm̐ ḷm̐ ḹm̐ rohiṇyai namaḥ (dakṣakarṇe/right ear). |
ऋँ ॠँ ऌँ ॡँ रोहिण्यै नमः (दक्षकर्णे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right ear. Salutations to the red faced nakṣatra Rohiṇi (Aldebaran star system), placed in the Taurus (Vṛṣabha) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s ṛm̐, ṝm̐, ḷm̐ and ḹm̐ help inculcate good virtues, remove distractions of the mind, culminate all triads and merge us in the void of the singular reality at all times. |
5 |
em̐ mṛgaśirase namaḥ (vāmakarṇe/left ear). |
एँ मृगशिरसे नमः (वामकर्णे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left ear. Salutations to the deer headed nakṣatra Mṛgaśira (Orionis star system), placed in the Taurus (Vṛṣabha) and Gemini (Mithuna) signs of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka em̐ help reveal the secrets of the entire Creation to us. |
6 |
aim̐ ārdhrāyai namaḥ (dakṣa-nāsāyām/right nostril). |
ऐँ आर्ध्रायै नमः (दक्षनासायाम्) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right nostril. Salutations to the moist one - nakṣatra Ārdhra (Orionis star system), placed in the Gemini (Mithuna) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka aim̐ help in gaining the wealth of knowledge of the known and the unknown. |
7 |
om̐ aum̐ am̐ aḥ punarvasave namaḥ (vāma-nāsāyām/left nostril). |
ओँ औँ अँ अः पुनर्वसवे नमः (वामनासायाम्) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left nostril. Salutations to the dual restorers (two chariots) of goods - nakṣatra Punarvasu (Castor and Pollux star systems), placed in the Gemini (Mithuna) and Cancer (Karkāṭaka) signs of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s om̐, aum̐, am̐ and aḥ help infuse purity, words of wisdom, power to cure and fulfill all desires and remain ecstatic at all times in pure bliss. |
8 |
kam̐ puṣyāya namaḥ (kaṇṭhe/throat). |
कँ पुष्याय नमः (कण्ठे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the throat. Salutations to the nourishment generating nakṣatra Puṣya (Gamma, Delta and Theta Cancri star systems), placed in the Cancer (Karkāṭaka) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka kam̐ reveal in us, the secrets of Creation and the ability to overcome the numerous triads and remain in the state of pure bliss. |
9 |
kham̐ gam̐ āśleṣāyai namaḥ (dakṣa-skandhe/right shoulder). |
गँ कँ गजेन्द्र कामरूपाभ्यां नमः (दक्षस्कन्धे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right shoulder. Salutations to the embracing nakṣatra Āśleṣā (Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho and Sigma Hydrae star systems), placed in the Cancer (Karkāṭaka) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s kham̐ and gam̐ keep us detached from the effects of the numerous triads, remove all obstacles in our spiritual growth, indulge us in the discerning knowledge to keep us steadfast in the state of pure bliss. |
10 |
gham̐ ṅam̐ maghāyai namaḥ (vāma-skandhe/left shoulder). |
घँ ङँ मघायै नमः (वामस्कन्धे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left shoulder. Salutations to the bountiful nakṣatra Maghā (Regulus star systems), placed in the Leo (Siṃha) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s gham̐ and ṅam̐ dispel all inimical forces, cleanse our karma and establish our true identity with the supreme self, to keep us steadfast in the state of pure bliss. |
11 |
cam̐ cham̐ pūrvā phālgunyai namaḥ (dakṣa-bāhu-kūrpare/right arm elbow). |
चँ छँ पूर्वा फाल्गुन्यै नमः (दक्षबाहुकूर्परे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right elbow. Salutations to the first red colored nakṣatra Pūrvā phālguni (Delta and Theta Leonis star systems), placed in the Leo (Siṃha) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It provides patronage and favors. May the mātṛka-s cam̐ and cham̐ spread love and compassion, uproot us from the shadowy depths of evil thoughts, influences and indulgence and help us remain in the state of pure bliss. |
12 |
jam̐ uttarā phālgunyai namaḥ (vāma-bāhu-kūrpare/left arm elbow). |
जँ उत्तराफाल्गुन्यै नमः (वामबाहुकूर्परे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left arm elbow. Salutations to the second red colored nakṣatra Uttarā phālguni (Denebola star systems), placed in the Leo (Siṃha) and Virgo (Kanyā) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It provides marital bliss and prosperity. May the mātṛka jam̐ provide enough material wealth to help us sustain ourselves in the world and remain in the state of pure bliss. |
13 |
jham̐ ñam̐ hastāya namaḥ (dakṣa-bāhu-maṇibandhe/right arm wrist). |
झँ ञँ हस्ताय नमः (दक्षबाहुमणिबन्धे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right arm wrist. Salutations to the hand shaped nakṣatra Hastā (Alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon Corvi star systems), placed in the Virgo (Kanyā) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It provides assurance. May the mātṛka-s jham̐ and ñam̐ provide the balance in material and spiritual pursuits, grant the knowledge and experience that we are not the body, but pure consciousness alone, to help us remain in the state of pure bliss. |
14 |
ṭam̐ ṭham̐ citrāyai namaḥ (vāma-bāhu-maṇibandhe/left arm wrist). |
टँ ठँ चित्रायै नमः (वामबाहुमणिबन्धे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left arm wrist. Salutations to the bright shining nakṣatra Citrā (Denebola star systems), placed in the Virgo (Kanyā) and Libra (Tulā) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It provides marital bliss and prosperity. May the mātṛka-s ṭam̐ and ṭham̐, help us balance the physical, astral and causal bodies by destroying all afflictions to the three bodies, through knowledge and action, in order for us remain in the state of true bliss. |
15 |
ḍam̐ svātyai namaḥ (dakṣa-haste/right hand). |
डँ स्वात्यै नमः (दक्षहस्ते) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right hand. Salutations to the forked and multi-branched nakṣatra Svāti (Arcturus star systems), placed in the Libra (Tulā) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka ḍam̐ destroy and remove all negativity and provide complete control of all senses, in order for us remain in the state of true bliss. |
16 |
ḍham̐ ṇam̐ viśākhāyai namaḥ (vāma -haste/right hand). |
ढँ णँ विशाखायै नमः (वामहस्ते) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left arm wrist. Salutations to the bright shining nakṣatra Viśākhā (Alpha, beta, gamma and iota Librae star systems), placed in the Libra (Tulā) and Scorpio (Vṛścika) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It provides prosperity and many opportunities. May the mātṛka-s ḍham̐ and ṇam̐, illumine us with abundant wealth of spiritual knowledge and mystical powers, as well as help us remain in the state of true bliss. |
17 |
tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ anurādhāyai namaḥ (nābhau/navel) |
तँ थँ दँ अनुराधायै नमः (नाभौ) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the navel. Salutations to the pious and gifted nakṣatra Anurādhā (Beta, gamma and pi Scorpionis star systems), placed in the Scorpio (Vṛścika) sign of the sidereal zodiac. May the mātṛka-s tam̐, tham̐ and dam̐, expel all vices, grant the power to maintain composure under all circumstances, inculcate compassion and unconditional love within us, as well as deep contentment and also help us remain in the state of true bliss. |
18 |
dham̐ jyeṣṭhāyai namaḥ (dakṣakaṭau/right waist) |
धँ ज्येष्ठायै नमः (दक्षकटौ) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right waist. Salutations to the most excellent nakṣatra Jyeṣṭhā (Alpha, Sigma and Tau Scorpionis star systems), placed in the Scorpio (Vṛścika) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It provides excellence in all undertakings. May the mātṛka dham̐ remove all impurities in all the three bodies and also help us remain in the state of true bliss. |
19 |
nam̐ pam̐ pham̐ mūlāya namaḥ (vāmakaṭau/left waist) |
नँ पँ फँ मूलाय नमः (वामकटौ)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left waist. Salutations to the root and base nakṣatra Mūlā (Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu and Nu Scorpionis star systems), placed in the Sagitarius (Dhanus) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It represents the peak of material achievements and the beginning of the spiritual impulse. May the mātṛka-s nam̐, pam̐ and pham̐ reveal our true identity (pure consciousness), grant stability of mind and thought, provide all the endurance to remain steadfast, freedom from all types of worries and also help us remain in the state of true bliss. |
20 |
bam̐ pūrvāṣoḍhāyai namaḥ (dakṣorau/right hip) |
बँ पूर्वाषोढायै नमः (दक्षोरौ) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right thighs/hips. Salutations to the first among the invincible ones - nakṣatra Pūrvāṣoḍhā (Zeta and Sigma Sagittarii star systems), placed in the Sagitarius (Dhanus) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It protects us from all harm. May the mātṛka bam̐ remove all bondage and help us remain in the state of true bliss and obtain liberation from the cycle of life and death and unification with the super-consciousness. |
21 |
bham̐ uttarāṣoḍhāyai namaḥ (vāmoru-mūle/left hip) |
भँ उत्तराषोढायै नमः (वामोरौ) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left thighs/hips. Salutations to the second among the invincible ones - nakṣatra Uttarāṣoḍhā (Zeta and Sigma Sagittarii star systems), placed in the Sagitarius (Dhanus) and Capricorn (Makara) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It protects us from all harm. May the mātṛka bham̐ grant and usher in auspiciousness at all times and help us remain in the state of liberation. |
22 |
mam̐ abhijitāya namaḥ (liṅge/genitals) |
मँ अभिजिताय नमः (लिङ्गे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the genitals. Salutations to the victory granting nakṣatra Abhijit (Zeta and Sigma Lyra star systems), placed in the Capricorn (Makara) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It grants us victory in all pursuits. May the mātṛka mam̐ liberate us from the cosmic illusion and help us remain in the state of liberation. |
23 |
yam̐ śravaṇāya namaḥ (dakṣiṇa-jānuni/right knee). |
यँ श्रवणाय नमः (दक्षिणजानुनि) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right leg knees. Salutations to the knowledge granting nakṣatra Śravaṇā (Alpha, Beta and Gamma Aquilae star systems), placed in the Capricorn (Makara) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It grants us victory in all pursuits. May the mātṛka yam̐ help us illumine the world with true knowledge while we remain in the state of liberation. |
24 |
ram̐ dhaniṣṭhāyai namaḥ (vāma-jānuni/left knee) |
रँ धनिष्ठायै नमः (वामजानुनी) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left leg knees. Salutations to the richness and wealth granting nakṣatra Dhaniṣṭhā (Alpha and Delta Delphini star systems), placed in the Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It grants us wealth. May the mātṛka ram̐ make every word spoken and action performed by us, to come true and help make the world a better place, while we continue to remain in the state of liberation and detached from the fruits of all our actions. |
25 |
lam̐ śatabhiṣāyai namaḥ (dakṣiṇa-gulphe/right ankle). |
लँ शतभिषायै नमः (दक्षिणगुल्फे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the right leg ankle. Salutations to the healing nakṣatra Śatabhiṣā (Gamma Aquarii / Sadachbia star systems), placed in the Aquarius (Kumbha) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It grants healing at all levels. May the mātṛka lam̐ make us aware at all times that we are IT, as we continue to remain in the state of liberation. |
26 |
vam̐ śam̐ pūrvabhādrapadāyai namaḥ (vāma-gulphe/left ankle). |
वँ शँ पूर्वभाद्रपदायै नमः (वामगुल्फे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left leg ankle. Salutations to the first of the blessed feet - nakṣatra Pūrva bhādrapadā (Alpha and Beta Pegasi star systems), placed in the Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Mīna) signs of the sidereal zodiac. It grants blessings of the Divine and spiritual awakening. May the mātṛka-s vam̐ and śam̐ make every wish of ours come true, provide all comforts and simultaneously help us remain detached and immersed in the state of liberation. |
27 |
ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ uttarābhādrapadāyai namaḥ (dakṣa-pāde/right foot) |
षँ सँ हँ उत्तराभाद्रपदायै नमः (दक्षपादे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right foot. Salutations to the second of the blessed feet - nakṣatra Uttarā bhādrapadā (Gamma Pegasi and Alpha Andromedae star systems), placed in the Pisces (Mīna) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It grants blessings of the Divine and spiritual awakening. May the mātṛka-s ṣam̐, sam̐ and ham̐ grant us humility, success in all undertakings and help us render selfless service to the needy in the name of the Divine super-consciousness and at the same time keep us detached and completely immersed in the state of liberation and lose our individual identity to merge into the Divine. |
28 |
ḻam̐ kṣam̐ revatyai namaḥ (vāma-pāde/left foot) |
ळँ क्षँ रेवत्यै नमः (वामपादे) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left foot. Salutations to the prosperity bestowing - nakṣatra Revati (Zeta Piscium star systems), placed in the Pisces (Mīna) sign of the sidereal zodiac. It grants blessings of the Divine and immense prosperity of all kinds. May the mātṛka-s ḻam̐ and kṣam̐ grant all spiritual powers and through divine grace and pardon, vanquish all our karmas to merge us into the Divine at all times and keep us immersed in the state of liberation. |
29 |
iti nakṣatra mātṛkā ṣoḍhā nyāsaḥ. |
इति गणेश मातृका षोढा न्यासः |
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at
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