Mṛta sañjīvana mantra मृत सञ्जीवन मन्त्र (Ṛg Veda X.161. 1-5)
मुञ्चामि त्वा हविषा जीवनाय कमज्ञातक्ष्मादुत राजयक्ष्मात्।
ग्राहिर्जग्राह यदि वैतदेनं तस्या इन्द्राग्नी प्र मुमुक्तमेनम्॥ १
यदि क्षितायुर्यादि वा परेतो यदि मृत्योरन्तिकं नीत एव।
तमा हरामी निरृतेरुपस्थादस्पार्षमेनं शतशारदाय॥ २
सहस्राक्षेण शतशारदेन शतायुषा हविषाहार्षमेनम्।
शतं यथेमं शरदो नयातीन्द्रो विक्ष्वस्य दुरितस्य पारम्॥ ३
शतं जीव शरदो वर्धमानः शतं हेमन्ताञ्छतमु वसन्तान्।
शतमिन्द्राग्नी सविता बृहस्पतिः शतायुषा हविषेमं पुनर्दुः॥ ४
आहार्षं त्वाविदं त्वा पुनरागाः पुनर्नव।
सर्वाङ्ग सर्वं ते चक्षुः सर्वमायुश्च तेऽविदम्॥ ५
muñcāmi tvā haviṣā jīvanāya kamajñātakṣmāduta rājayakṣmāt |
grāhirjagrāha yadi vaitadenaṁ tasyā indrāgnī pra mumuktamenam || (1)
yadi kṣitāyuryādi vā pareto yadi mṛtyorantikaṁ nīta eva |
tamā harāmī nirṛiterupasthādaspārṣamenaṁ śataśāradāya || (2)
sahasrākṣeṇa śataśāradena śatāyuṣā haviṣāhārṣamenam |
śataṁ yathemaṁ śarado nayātīndro vikṣvasya duritasya pāram || (3)
śataṁ jīva śarado vardhamānaḥ śataṁ hemantāñchatamu vasantān |
śatamindrāgnī savitā bṛhaspatiḥ śatāyuṣā haviṣemaṁ punarduḥ || (4)
āhārṣaṁ tvāvidaṁ tvā punarāgāḥ punarnava |
sarvāṅga sarvaṁ te cakṣuḥ sarvamāyuśca te'vidam || (5)
With compound Sanskrit words divided:
muñcāmi tvā haviṣā jīvanāya kam ajñātakṣmāduta rājayakṣmāt |
grāhir jagrāha yadi vaitad enaṁ tasyā indrāgnī pra mumuktam enam || (1)
yadi kṣitāyur yādi vā pareto yadi mṛtyor antikaṁ nīta eva |
tam ā harāmī nirṛiter upasthād aspārṣam enaṁ śataśāradāya || (2)
sahasrākṣeṇa śataśāradena śatāyuṣā haviṣāhārṣam enam |
śataṁ yathemaṁ śarado nayātīndro vikṣvasya duritasya pāram || (3)
śataṁ jīva śarado vardhamānaḥ śataṁ hemantāñ chatam u vasantān |
śatam indrāgnī savitā bṛhaspatiḥ śatāyuṣā haviṣemaṁ punar duḥ || (4)
āhārṣaṁ tvāvidaṁ tvā punar āgāḥ punarnava |
sarvāṅga sarvaṁ te cakṣuḥ sarvamāyuś ca te 'vidam || (5)
Meaning of Mrita Sanjivini Mantra:
By means of the oblation, I set you (O patient), free to live safe from undeveloped consumption and from royal consumption; and if the seizer (the consumption) has already seized (the patient), then you, O resplendent Lord and fire-divine, set him free. (1)
If he (the patient) be of wasted life, or already dead, or he lies to the verge of death, I shall try to bring him back from the lap of Probability. I make him strong enough to live for a hundred years. (2)
I have rescued him with an oblation having a thousand eyes, conferring a hundred years, giving life for a century, so that the Lord of resplendence may conduct him beyond all harm for a hundred years (3)
Regaining your strength, O patient, live for a hundred autumns, a hundred winters, a hundred springs; may the sun, fire-divine, creator and universal God, propitiated by this century-yielding oblation, give this man back to us for a hundred years. (4)
I have rescued you, O patient, I have found you; come back again; yes, now you are young again, quite sound in body; I have obtained for you all your senses, your whole life. (5)
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December 26, 2012 09:00 PM
Ravi Thank you very much from my heart...
You just saved my dear friend's life...
Can you please elaborate on how to recite the mantra and how much recitation to yield fruits and should I visualize him getting better and cured?
December 26, 2012 09:20 PM
There is no specification about the number of recitations etc. Since it is a Vedic mantra, it should be able to give positive results. If he is nearby to you, probably you can have some water in a small non-iron pot; mix cardamom, sandal, saffron, etc and place the water pot before you. Chant this mantra and if possible, place your right palm over the vessel while reciting. May be three recitation should suffice per day. Sprinkle few drops of this water on him. Your friend should be alright at the earliest.
If you are not able to use water for any reason, as you said rightly, visualize him and pass on the benefits of this mantra to him. Visualizing is him is an advanced version of saṁkalpa.
December 26, 2012 10:58 PM
Thank you Ravi...
Yes i can use water for him....
You just save his life...
I will do it now.
March 17, 2013 06:52 PM
I have a relative,she is in a critical condition in ICU,how can I recite this MahaMantra to save her?
March 17, 2013 08:12 PM
Visualize that person and recite this mantra. The potency of the mantra will enter into her body and save her life. I will also pray for her.
March 17, 2013 08:22 PM
Thank you very much Raviji,I will recite and visualize her.
March 18, 2013 01:12 PM
Raviji,Thank you for your prayers.She passed away this morning.May her soul rest in peace.
March 18, 2013 01:36 PM
Sorry to know this. Prayers cannot override karma.
June 07, 2013 02:57 PM
Hi, My father is in critical condition and he is in ICU . His pulse is fluctuating . Could u please pray for him . I'm so sure he would be ok as he is alrite yesterday morning and suddenly the pulse started dropping. Pls pls do pray for him as i'll try to recite the mantra by self . Thanks much and appreciate your help.
June 07, 2013 04:17 PM
I will surely pray for your father's recovery.
June 07, 2013 03:10 PM
Hi ,My father name is Siva Rama Krishna i have forgot to mention it earlier . Please pray for him .
June 07, 2013 04:19 PM
All of us will pray for him. Don't worry.