Meditation and subsequent trance, also known as samādhi, purely depends upon breathing pattern and the quality of food consumed. Quality of food has direct relevance to the quality of prāṇa that circulates inside our body. Prāṇa plays an important role in energy level of the body. Generally, we derive energy from three sources. One is the sunlight, second is prāṇa and the third is the quality of food we consume. The best way to get sun energy is through the nape of the neck where medulla oblongata is situated. If we expose nape of the neck to the morning sun, medulla oblongata automatically draws energy from sun light. We can also visualize that energy is being drawn by medulla oblongata and enters our entire body. Three to five minutes is sufficient for this practice.
We inhale prāṇa along with our regular breath. The best way to draw maximum prāṇa is to practice abdominal breathing. This way of breathing contracts and expands diaphragm (a muscular partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities; functions in respiration) which in turn contracts and expands lungs. Over a period of time, one should change his breathing this way, which can be done in less than a week’s time. When the lungs are filled with prāṇa, outermost blood vessels of the lungs draw more prāṇa and circulate to the entire body. There is difference between prāṇa and air. Air enters in and out of the lungs only, whereas prāṇa prevails throughout the body in five different qualities.
With regard to food, Ayurveda suggests that one should drink a full glass of normal water (neither hot nor cold) on getting up in the morning in empty stomach. Green vegetables, yoghurt, milk and milk related products and fruits should form the major portion of our dishes. Ayurveda advocates that one should not have fried food, too much of coffee and tea and aerated drinks. Consumption of salt and sugar should be drastically reduced. We should also ensure flexibility in our bodies. A few stretching exercises are more than sufficient to cake of this issue. If flexibility is not ensured, it could cause blockages in energy movement. Similarly, Ayurveda suggests that one should walk 100 steps after food and any overdoing is not permitted.
Breathing rate vs heart rate:
There are two types of breathing. One is diaphragm breathing, which is also known as abdominal breathing. In this type of breathing, breathing is deep and slow. Another is thoracic breathing, where breathing is not related to diaphragm and breathing here is shallow and fast. One should follow only diaphragm breathing.
Inhalation should be done slowly, steadily and deeply. Exhalation should also be slow and complete. Pace of breathing is directly related to heart and mind. If breathing is slow and deep, it marginally reduces number of heart beats per minute. Similarly, if the breathing is slow and deep, it purifies the mind from innumerable thought processes. When mind is more or less cleansed, the brain also takes rest from its hectic activity. If the brain takes rest, the body also takes rest and net result is lesser consumption of oxygen. Over a period of time, one should be able to reduce the number of breathing cycles to 5 or 4 per minute. There is no need to hold the air (no kumbhaka).
Sitting posture:
Ideal posture would be to sit in half lotus position (ardhapadmāsana). If this is not possible, one can sit on a chair or couch, etc. In the meditation that we are going to discuss here, it would be ideal to sit very close to a wall or some rest leaving at least one foot gap between the spine and the wall. One should never rest his back on anything while meditating, as they will cause obstruction in the movement of prāṇa in the spine. Spine should be kept erect and head should be tilted slightly backwards. Position of the head varies from person to person and the correct position can be ascertained by slightly moving the head forwards and backwards. If one does not feel any pressure in the neck area, it means that the position of the head is right. Another important point to remember is to leave some gap in armpits. Upper arms should not be kept close to the thoracic sides. It would be ideal to keep elbows 3” to 4” away from outer side of thoracic region. If one is sitting on a chair, feet should be placed flat on the ground.
Concentration on mantra:
It is always ideal to go with only one mantra. Multiple mantras will never help. There are two ways of meditating on a mantra. One should never meditate on more than one mantra. The first option is to align the mantra with one’s breath and this has already been discussed in the article Aligning Breath With Mantra.
The alternate way is to concentrate on the forehead area (ājñācakra). Visualize a mantra at ājñācakra (mantra and devata are same). Focus at ājñācakra during inhalation and exhalation. This focus will be easier when the mantra is fully aligned with one’s breath. Visualize, that during inhalation inhaled air, filled with mantra enters ājñācakra and during exhalation, visualize that mantra goes out from ājñācakra along with breath and the cycle is repeated. After a few minutes, one will lose his concentration on the mantra. The recitation of mantra will stop on its own. At this stage, breathing will slowdown further. Any voluntary movements in the body will stop on their own. But it is essential that one takes the most comfortable sitting posture that perfectly suits him. It is not the posture that is important, but sitting in the same posture without any movement, at least for about an hour is essential. This duration can be increased gradually from ten minutes to an hour.
There are two purposes for fixing our attention on a mantra. When one’s attention is fixed on a mantra, his mind does not waver. Mind should never be made idle, as an idle mind either attempts to dwell in the past actions or thinks about some possible future actions. When attention is fixed on ājñācakra, the psychic chakra for the mind, potency of the mantra begins to pervade the mind and makes all out attempts to make the mind free of through processes. This way, not only the mantra becomes effective, but in the process, mind is also cleansed.
The practice:
Sit erect in order to keep the spine straight. Take the most comfortable position. Do a few rounds of abdominal breathing without mantra, concentrating only on the breath. While doing this, any stiffness in the body will be removed. Close the eyes, focus both the eye balls on ājñācakra and try to look down, as if one is residing at ājñācakra. This look should be from within. {This part is difficult to explain, at the same time, this is very important. Let us assume that one hammers one inch nail from ājñācakra. Let us also assume that the tip of the nail has eyes. These eyes (tip of the nail) look down (say throat) from the central point of the forehead (where pineal gland is placed). This is how the look within should be.} It will take a few minutes to settle down on this. Once concentration is fixed on the throat area by looking within, vibrations can be felt around ājñācakra and above. These vibrations will be highly soothing and relaxing, leading to intermittent and inexplicable happiness. If one continues to remain in this state, he can enter into the state of trance or samādhi, losing his consciousness. During this state, breathing rate drastically comes down along with the heart rate. Mantra recitation will stop on its own, because his mind becomes inactive. Only his involuntary system functions.
Samādhi is the state of intent and absolute abstraction. Broadly, samādhi can be classified into sabīja samādhi and nirbīja samādhi. Bīja means seed and these types of samādhi-s refer to the state of trance with seed and trance without seed. In the case of former, seed is still there to grow. It is the preliminary stage of samādhi and in the case of nirbīja samādhi, there is no seed and there is nothing to grow beyond this. This is the stage when Divine Grace is showered on the yogi. When one comes out of this meditation, he could feel sleepy and when normal breathing is restored, activities in the body are restored. During nirbīja samādhi, one may appear as if he is dead, as his breathing, pulse rate and heart rate would have completely slowed down.
Divine Grace is the only essential factor in getting liberated. Divine Grace can be attained only during samādhi. When one enters the final stage known as nirbīja samādhi, Divine Grace will continued to be showered on him. Though he remains one amongst us, his commune with Brahman is established firmly. Either he becomes a Guru and shows ways of attaining liberation from his own experience or he stays away from the mundane world, enters the state of jīvanmukta, awaiting his death. When he enters the state of nirbīja samādhi, he becomes a jīvanmukta and the only difference between the two is that the former ensures that few others also attain liberation and in the case of the latter, he leads an isolated life. Beyond this, there is no difference between the two.
March 15, 2013 07:52 PM
Thank you very much Guruji,I will start the meditation as per your guidance and blessings.
March 15, 2013 07:57 PM
I am neither Guruji nor guruji !!
April 10, 2023 11:04 PM
hi, Sir... I just started my meditation from last month... and I want to do meditation on Om Namah Shivay, Panchakshari Mantra.. But I am not able to align this mantra with my breathing.. And also while inhalation my mantra is Om Namah Shivay and during Exhalation I say Shivay Namah Om... is it correct method to align Mantra...?? Kindly help...
April 12, 2023 12:04 AM
Unless you have been instructed to reverse the mantra during exhalation, you do not need to do so in the manner you have specified. Typically, make sure that you are comfortable with the abdominal breathing techniques before you align the mantra with the breath. When you align the mantra, typically the mantra recitation and breathing should be very slow. You should get yourself comfortable with the breathing. Any excess efforts may induce yawning and you would get distracted from the mantra chanting.
April 12, 2023 08:04 PM
Sir, I think I have to continue chanting of Panchakshari Mantra with Rudraksh Mala and separately will start practicing breathing exercise with the help of your link... Kindly advice sir...
April 12, 2023 08:04 PM
correct sir... I'm getting yawning and distracted from the Mantra chanting... so now please tell me how to start meditation and chanting the Mantras....
April 12, 2023 10:04 PM
Namaste Deepak Singh. It was never really necessary to follow breathing patterns. Focus on the third eye (between your eyebrows) and recite the Mantra MENTALLY until you forget your breath and stop breathing completely (Kevala Kumbhaka). By focusing on the third eye and the Mantra, there is no doubt that soon the Ida and Pingala flow will die and pierce the central Sushumna channel. You may not succeed today, but you will soon if you persist in this way. There's no need to force things. The ultimate goal of true Pranayama is the cessation of breathing (naturally). Advanced Surya Namaskar practitioners pierce the Sushumna during practice. They start out breathing, but then the flow dies down and they go into a trance where the movements are all performed without breathing for a long time and without effort. They experience immense electricity in the sushumna channel of the body in their spine and immense happiness. It is a pity that the practice of Surya Namaskar is not taught correctly by most people today. From the perfection of correct Surya Namaskar comes complete Sushumna awakening, perfect body without disease and the power to live without food. Undoubtedly all Mantras quickly bear fruit for him, even those locked Mantras.
April 12, 2023 10:04 PM
The Ajna Chakra is your command center. Take your position in it and command your body, prana and soul from it. Assume your command position. It is your right, from your birth, to take charge in the Ajna Chakra. Maha Varahi will be there to welcome you. Take control of your destiny.
April 13, 2023 12:04 PM
Namaste. When we concentrate properly on Ajna Chakra, we see an inverted triangle from our eyebrows, and when we close our eyes, what should we do to prevent them from getting tired, and what should we see when we concentrate properly on Ajna Chakra with our eyes closed?
April 13, 2023 04:04 PM
Namaste Tripuraghna ji.... I am Follower Of Shiva and he is my Ishta Devata... But now I'm reading Bhagwat Gita , it says Krishna is the Supreme and for me Shiva is the Supreme.. Now I'm on 11 chapter in that Krishna Shows Vishwa Roopam and he said do not pray other Devata ... Only Pray to me... I get confused and do not want to read further... Please help to short out this...
April 13, 2023 06:04 PM
Namaste. It is not necessary to look between the eyebrows. Just close your eyes and concentrate only your mind on the Ajna Chakra and mentally recite your Mantra. It is very important that the recitation be mental.
April 13, 2023 08:04 PM
If I'm going to tell the whole truth about this here it will offend a lot of people. So the only thing I'm going to tell you is to ignore what is said there and continue on your way.
April 14, 2023 12:04 AM
Tripuraghna Ji... I understand what you want to say... but due to this I am not able to do meditation ... so please tell me how to start this meditation again... as I am not able to concentrate... thanks ji...
April 14, 2023 02:04 PM
Perhaps you will tell the truth after all? Sincere people who are truly developing spiritually have no pride, and they have to be ready that at any moment everything they knew can be shattered in the face of true knowledge. They must always be ready to accept a new, more complete, perfect knowledge, and sometimes forget everything they knew before and considered knowledge. The concepts that the brain builds will not stand up to true knowledge, from a person who has achieved unity with his or her higher self. You don't have to think what people's egos will think, sometimes they can just break, at first such a person will feel devastated, angry, but then they will be very grateful to you for opening their eyes to the true state of affairs, for breaking down the barriers that prevented them from developing spiritually and moving on, for not being afraid to tell the truth, despite the fact that most people like lies or a mixture of truth and a little ignorance. Remember that dead fish swim with the river, and only live fish swim against the current. Thank you for your response, and I apologize if I was rude.
April 12, 2023 10:04 PM
Surya Namaskar was never about grahas. Surya Namaskar is about the sun of your soul. The soul of your soul. Perfection of this practice should be mandatory for those who recite Mantras. The body needs to be prepared to withstand the Mantras or they will not want to stay in the body.
April 13, 2023 12:04 PM
Where can we learn how to perform Surya Namaskar correctly? Everyone says that this is Surya's greeting. Can you share how to perform it correctly? Thank you in advance.
April 13, 2023 01:04 PM
Namaste Tripuraghnaji. Can I request you to please provide your insights & explanations on the Atmaraksha mantra of Pratyangira devi posted in this article to help those practicing better understand it? Thank you.
April 13, 2023 03:04 PM
I want to share with everyone 2 Tantras of Pratyangira in Telugu language: 1.) 2.)
April 13, 2023 06:04 PM
Namaste. In the absence of a Guru, look to the book Dynamic Suryanamaskar: Sun Salutations (Krzysztof Stec) for inspiration. There are 3 years to perfect and you increase it up to 1008 cycles. Does it seem time consuming? It won't and won't take long if you learn it right.
April 13, 2023 06:04 PM
Namaste. I will come back to comment on Pratyangira in the future perhaps.
April 13, 2023 07:04 PM
But if we are not supposed to focus on the point between the eyebrows, then our gaze should be parallel to the ground, right in front of us? Why not focus on the point between the eyes? Please tell me how to visualize Ajna Chakra correctly? Thank you.
April 14, 2023 03:04 AM
Namaste. In ashtang yoga, meditation is the 7th stage out of 8 stages. Proficiency in the first 6 stages is extremely important before moving on to the 7th stage.