श्री मन्त्रराज पद स्तोत्रम्॥ Śrī Mantrarāja Pada Stotram ||
Śrī Mantrarāja Pada Stotram is one of the powerful mantras. It cures serious diseases and ailments. It also gives knowledge, wealth and all types of auspiciousness. It is said that this hymn should be recited, first with mantra rāja mantra which is given below (commencing with om ugraṁ vīraṁ mahāviṣṇuṁ). There are highlighted words in each of the first ten verses. If we place these words one after another, we will get mantra rāja mantra. There are eleven verses in this hymn and one verse for phalaśruti. There is a YouTube clipping at the end of this article for correct pronunciation, which is posted by Ramya Giri.
It is said that this hymn should be repeated three times a day for best results. It is important that this hymn should be chanted at the time of sunset.
ॐ उग्रं वीरं महाविष्णुं ज्वलन्तं सर्वतोमुखम्।
नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम्॥
om ugraṁ vīraṁ mahāviṣṇuṁ jvalantaṁ sarvatomukham |
nṛsiṁhaṁ bhīṣaṇaṁ bhadraṁ mṛtyumṛtyuṁ namāmyaham ||
श्री ईश्वर उवाच śrī īśvara uvāca
वृत्तोत्फुल्लविशालाक्षं विपक्षक्षयदीक्षितम्।
निनादत्रस्तविश्वाण्डं विष्णुं उग्रं नमाम्यहम्॥ १
vṛttotphullaviśālākṣaṁ vipakṣakṣayadīkṣitam |
ninādatrastaviśvāṇḍaṁ viṣṇuṁ ugraṁ namāmyaham || 1
सर्वैरवध्यतां प्राप्तं सबलौघं दितेः सुतम्।
नखाग्रैः शकलीचक्रे यस्तं वीरं नमाम्यहम्॥२
sarvairavadhyatāṁ prāptaṁ sabalaughaṁ diteḥ sutam |
nakhāgraiḥ śakalīcakre yastaṁ vīraṁ namāmyaham ||2
पदावष्टब्धपातालं मूर्धाविष्टत्रिविष्टपम्।
भुजप्रविष्टाष्टदिशं महाविष्णुम् नमाम्यहम्॥ ३
padāvaṣṭabdhapātālaṁ mūrdhāviṣṭatriviṣṭapam |
bhujapraviṣṭāṣṭadiśaṁ mahāviṣṇum namāmyaham || 3
ज्योतींष्यर्केन्दु नक्षत्र ज्वलनादीन्यनुक्रमात्।
ज्वलन्ति तेजसा यस्य तं ज्वलन्तं नमाम्यहम्॥ ४
jyotīṁṣyarkendu nakṣatra jvalanādīnyanukramāt |
jvalanti tejasā yasya taṁ jvalantaṁ namāmyaham || 4
सर्वेन्द्रयैरपि विना सर्वं सर्वत्र सर्वदा॥
यो जानाति नमाम्याद्यं तमहं सर्वतोमुखम्॥ ५
sarvendrayairapi vinā sarvaṁ sarvatra sarvadā ||
yo jānāti namāmyādyaṁ tamahaṁ sarvatomukham || 5
नरवत् सिंहवच्चैव यस्य रूपं महात्मनः।
महासटं महादंष्ट्रं तं नृसिंहं नमाम्यहम्॥ ६
naravat siṁhavaccaiva yasya rūpaṁ mahātmanaḥ |
mahāsaṭaṁ mahādaṁṣṭraṁ taṁ nṛsiṁhaṁ namāmyaham || 6
यन्नामस्मरणाद् भीताः भुतवेतालराक्षसाः।
रोगाद्याक्ष्च प्रणश्यन्ति भीषणं तं नमाम्यहम्॥ ७
yannāmasmaraṇād bhītāḥ bhutavetālarākṣasāḥ |
rogādyākṣca praṇaśyanti bhīṣaṇaṁ taṁ namāmyaham || 7
सर्वोऽपि यं समाश्रित्य सकलं भद्रमश्नुते।
श्रिया च भद्रया जुष्टो यस्तं भद्रं नमाम्यहम्॥ ८
sarvo'pi yaṁ samāśritya sakalaṁ bhadramaśnute |
śriyā ca bhadrayā juṣṭo yastaṁ bhadraṁ namāmyaham || 8
साक्षात् स्वकाले सम्प्राप्तं मृत्युं शत्रुगणान्वितम्।
भक्तानां नाशयेद् यस्तु मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम्॥ ९
sākṣāt svakāle samprāptaṁ mṛtyuṁ śatrugaṇānvitam |
bhaktānāṁ nāśayed yastu mṛtyumṛtyuṁ namāmyaham || 9
नमस्कारात्मकं यस्मै विधायाऽऽत्मनिवेदनम्।
त्यक्तदुःखोऽकिलान् कामान् अश्नन्तं तं नमाम्यहम्। १०
namaskārātmakaṁ yasmai vidhāyā''tmanivedanam |
tyaktaduḥkho'kilān kāmān aśnantaṁ taṁ namāmyaham | 10
दासभूताः स्वतः सर्वे ह्यात्मानः परमात्मनः।
अतोऽहमपि ते दासः इति मत्वा नमाम्यहम्॥ ११
dāsabhūtāḥ svataḥ sarve hyātmānaḥ paramātmanaḥ |
ato'hamapi te dāsaḥ iti matvā namāmyaham || 11
फलश्रुतिः॥ Phalaśrutiḥ ||
श्ङ्करेणादरात् प्रोक्तं पदानां तत्त्वनिर्णयम्।
त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेत् तस्य श्रीर्विद्याऽयुश्च वर्धेते॥
śṅkareṇādarāt proktaṁ padānāṁ tattvanirṇayam |
trisandhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet tasya śrīrvidyā'yuśca vardhete ||
Śrī Īśvara said:
- I offer my salutation to the ferocious Lord, who has big round eyes; who has vowed to destroy the enemies and by His fierce roars shaking the entire world.
- I offer my salutations to the valorous Lord with sharp nails, tore into pieces Hiraṇyakaśipu, son of Kaśyapa and Diti, who could not be killed by anyone.
- I offer my salutations to Lord Viṣṇu, whose feet touch the earth, whose head touches the heaven and whose hands spread in all directions.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord, whose lustre illumines the sun, the moon, the stars and fire.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord, who knows everything, all the time, and at all places, without the help of the senses, to such primal person who has faces in all directions.
- I offer my salutations to Lord Nṛsiṁha, who is half-man and half-lion with mane and canine teeth.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord whose mere name frightens demons. Dreadful diseases get cured by chanting His name.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord, who is the store house of good things and worshipping Him, everyone gets all auspicious things in life.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord He who is the Lord of death, who destroys death and destroys enemies of His devotees at the right time.
- I offer my salutations to the Lord and surrender unto Him. He will protect everyone from all kinds of miseries. He fulfils all kinds of prayers.
- I offer my salutations and surrender unto Him. I offer my prostrations to Him, the Supreme Being to attain His Grace.
Benefits of reciting this Stotram.
Whosoever reads this Śrī Mantrarāja Pada Stotram with faith, thrice a day will surely get prosperity, knowledge and long life.
November 22, 2016 08:37 PM
Will begin tomorrow when I have printed the words out. Such powerful meaning. Thank you.
January 16, 2017 08:58 AM
Thank you very much for your contribution on the sadhana on Lord Nrisimha. Wish that later you may write an article on Nrisimha Tapaniya Upanishad , it's mantras and practise.
June 27, 2019 05:52 PM
Hello Ravi ji, Can we chant this stotram without having initiation into Narasimha mantra? Regards Suresh
June 27, 2019 07:00 PM
Since it is a stotram, initiation is not necessary. But you have to be careful with pronunciations.
April 21, 2020 10:55 PM
Hello, there must be (mṛtyumṛtyuṁ or mṛtymṛtyuṁ) in the RĀJA Mantra, this is important in one article you submitted the mṛtymṛtyuṁ version, and here is mṛtyumṛtyuṁ, which is correct?
April 22, 2020 02:01 PM
mṛtyumṛtyuṁ is correct.
April 22, 2020 06:56 PM
Are you planning to publish a narasha kavacha, a Gayatri mantra, which is another mantra that can be read throughout the day? Thank you.
April 23, 2020 08:19 AM
We may do so in future.
January 16, 2023 03:01 AM
Namaste! Guruji, can you post the mantra "Ugram viram..." with vinyoga, nyas and dhyana? And mantras for the treatment of the spine, bones and joints?
January 17, 2023 05:01 AM
I would suggest that you consult with a medical practitioner for the treatment of the spine, bones and joints. Any mantra remedy should only be secondary and not primary. We will publish the mantra japa procedures for Lord Nṛsiṁha in due course of time. You may consult Mantra Mahodadhi for the japa procedure and related information. Initiation from an able guru is a must.