Mantra Japa, benefits realization and siddhi considerations


Often, we are faced with the question as to what can be done to achieve the siddhi (fruition) of mantras in current times? There is also the question that lingers within – what can we do to accelerate the process and achieve meaningful results in a reasonable amount of time?

When it comes to mantra japa, the foremost consideration is a proper initiation from a well-versed guru, who would also choose the right date and time for the initiation as well. There are other considerations like the suitable mantra to initiate that may sometimes align with the starting letter of the mantra or their birth star etc, that may seem to be more compatible to the sādhaka for recitation. Moving further, below are some important considerations that one must also keep in mind when it comes to mantra japa and its fruition.

Japa recitation during auspicious times is considered beneficial. One may look up the almanacs and determine the best time that agrees with their daily schedules. Obtaining siddhi of mantras is not as easy as it is made to appear in the mantra manuals. It is nearly impossible to achieve in our current practical reality, for most of us. The better thing to do, is to surrender to the mantra and set aside all expectations of siddhi. Mahidhara writes in his magnum opus – Mantra Mahodadhi, to perform sādhana with zero expectations and gain limitless siddhi and benefits. Why should the seeker ask for limited benefits when much more can be made available?

From a practice perspective, it is important to fixate the mind upon the form of the deity and simultaneously (if possible) focus on the meaning of the mantra during the recitation. Aligning the mantra with breath to slip into a deep relaxation stage, constitutes a higher level of sādhana vs regular recitation. Note that when the mantra is aligned with the breath, the recitation slows down significantly and could be split over several breath cycles. Very quick recitation with breath alignment is not suggested and could lead to yawning and breathing difficulties too. It should happen quite naturally with comfort. Recitation during the retention of breath, is even more difficult to achieve and can come with a lot of practice or never for some people. It is NOT a deterrent to mantra siddhi. On the other hand, falling into deep meditation is beneficial for mind relaxation and also constitutes a higher stage of sādhana leading to both material and spiritual benefits realization.

For material benefits, regular or even daily homams are considered beneficial. Considering that this process by itself can be a bit expensive to perform regularly, it only makes sense to perform it, if the results seem to be favorable with regular japa recitation. The concept of Mantra Pañcāṇga (Japa vidhi, Āvaraṇa pūja, Kavacham, Stotram and Patala/Prayoga) is considered very important for mantra fruition as well. A serious sādhaka should also consider performing the mantra saṁskāras outlined in the "Fructification of mantras" articles.

All of the above are quite difficult and time consuming in daily life. A practical suggestion would be to plan around the mantra pañcāṇga and perform these activities on a regular basis. Daily Āvaraṇa pūjas for major deities may not be possible, so they can be performed on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis as time allows. Khaḍgamālas are a good substitute for the Āvaraṇa puja, but not the same in terms of material benefits to the seeker, although very practical to perform on a regular basis.

We must understand that we are fighting against our karma, which is relentless in its pursuit of implementing what we are saddled with. Our efforts have to be extraordinary to fight against severe karma. Siddhi or grace of the deity is never guaranteed, but let us not lose hope and abandon our sādhana, as no one knows when it can happen. The very fact that many have achieved siddhi and it is well documented in many mantra manuals and tantras, should serve as an inspiration. A simplistic and grounded life is recommended, which also tones down our expectations and is also good for our general well-being.

Tantra promises many things, but doesn't guarantee anything! It is also not practically possible for us to meet all the prescribed criteria. Realistically, most of our efforts do not match up to the expectations and for us to hope for, or demand timely results might be unreasonable.

A sincere suggestion is not to fall into any traps of gurus or others promising 100% results for a fee. If they have the power to get the results, they will not charge you a fee! Visiting places of pilgrimage, should only serve as an inspiration to walk the path of the spiritual greats and endow ourselves with the discipline and the will to carry on our sādhana.

Let us not forget that the ultimate purpose of mantra japa is to reveal our true identity as pure consciousness that is beyond anything and everything that we can comprehend. One who experiences the consciousness-self may gradually disassociate themselves from the material-self and experience greater happiness and bliss, that no amount of material wealth and comfort can match up to!

This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at