Kṣarākṣarātmikā क्षराक्षरात्मिका (757)
There are two interpretations to this nāma.
Kṣara means syllables and akṣara means alphabets. Syllable is formed by the combination of alphabets. This nāma means She is mono-syllable and multi-syllable. In other words, She is one as well as many. Nāma 577 is mātṛkā varṇa rūpiṇī. She is in the form all alphabets and words. She is śabda Brahman. Divine consciousness is identical with the Supreme word which is known as parā-vāc. All the alphabets and words are derived from this. Nāma 366 parā explains more on this. Devi Upaniṣad (9.6) says mantrāṇāṁ matṛkādevī śabdānāṁ jñāna rūpiṇī (मन्त्राणां मतृकादेवी शब्दानां ज्ञान रूपिणी) (She is in the form matṛkā-s in mantra-s and in the form of jñāna in sound. Matṛkā means source or origin. In this context it means the alphabets. The realisation of matṛkā by the soul means liberation to the soul. Soul realizes matṛkā by means of mantra, the origin of which is matṛkā or Sanskrit letters from a to kṣa (अ to क्ष). Mono-syllable means single alphabet which represents māyā or illusion and multi-syllable means jīva-s or souls. Lalitā triśatī nāma-s 22 and 23 explain this concept. Bhagavad Gīta (VIII.13) says ‘OM (ॐ) is the mono syllable’. Kaṭha Upaniṣad (I.ii.16) also says “this akṣaram (ॐ) is Brahman with attributes and this akṣaram is Brahman without attributes.” Either way, this nāma means that She is the Brahman.
Viṣṇu Sahasranāmama nāma 480 is Kṣara and 481 is akṣara. Kṣara also means perishables and akṣara means non-perishables. Bhagavad Gīta (VIII.4) says kṣaro bhāvaḥ which means all perishable objects. Kṛṣṇa further says (Bhagavad Gīta XV.16) that perishables mean the body and non-perishable means soul. In this way, this nāma means that She is the cause for both body and soul (the Supreme Creator. Both body and soul is necessary to unfold the karmic effects).
Sarva-lokeśī सर्व-लोकेशी (758)
She is Īśvarī for all the worlds. She rules all the worlds. Gāyatri mantra refers to seven worlds and each world is represented by one vyāhṛti. (bhūr, bhuvar, svar, mahar, janar, tapar, satya). These worlds represent the level of consciousness and She rules over all these mental planes. In other words, she rules over the universe. Satya is the highest level of consciousness. Satya also refers to the upper most of the seven worlds, the abode of Brahmā and the heaven of Truth.
Viśva-dhāriṇī विश्व-धारिणी (759)
She holds the universe. Viśva means the universe and dhāriṇī means holding.
Tri-varga-dhātrī त्रि-वर्ग-धात्री (760)
Tri-varga means puruṣārtha-s. She is the giver of puruṣārtha-s. Puruṣārtha-s are dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth or purpose), kāma (desire) and mokṣa (liberation). The last one, mokṣa is not included here, hence instead of puruṣārtha-s, the nāma only says tri-varga. Her act of liberating a soul was discussed in nāma 736. All the four puruṣārtha-s are discussed in nāma 291. puruṣārtha-pradā.
Tri-varga is also known as trayīmaya, intent only upon the three objects of man, dharma, artha and kāma.
Subhagā सुभगा (761)
Five year old girl is known subhaga.
Among others, bhaga also means sun, Goddess Sāvitrī, good fortune, welfare, prosperity, dignity etc. Su is used an adjective to the word bhaga. It means She is the incarnation of good fortunes of the highest order. She has dignity of the highest order.
If bhaga is interpreted as sun, then it means that sun shines due to Her. Sun derives energy from Her to shine and sustain the universe (the galaxy known to us). Please refer nāma-s 275 and 715 which further explain on this. Subhaga (सुभग) means possessing good fortune, very fortunate or prosperous, lucky, happy, blessed, highly favoured, beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasing, etc. In this context it means that She is the possessor of all such auspicious qualities.
(The very thought of Her is capable of conveying all auspiciousness.)
Tryambakā त्र्यम्बका (762)
She has three eyes. Sun, moon and fire are Her three eyes (Please recall iḍā, piṅgala and suṣumna of kuṇḍalinī). This nāma also means that She is the mother of Brahma, Viṣṇu and Rudra. Please refer nāma-s 453 and 477.
Triguṇātmikā त्रिगुणात्मिका (763)
Guṇa or qualities are of three types, sattvic, rajas and tamas. (Please refer nāma 984. triguṇā. Guṇa-s belong to prakṛti (nature) and is the cause of opposites. Puruṣa (soul) in association with prakṛti endowed with three guṇa-s cause creation. Guṇa-s belong to Her when She acts as Brahman with attributes. When She is the Brahman without attributes (nirguṇa Brahman) She is nirguṇa (nāma 139) and gunātītā (nāma 931).
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