Mādhvīpānālasā माध्वीपानालसा (575)
She is in languorous stage, because of consuming an intoxicated drink made out of honey (some texts quote that it is mixture of grape extract and honey). The secretive meaning of this nāma is that She is in a state of samādhi and enjoying the ultimate bliss. She always meditates on Her creator Śiva. During the higher levels of kuṇḍalinī meditation, a honey like fluid, generally called ambrosia drips into throat, also known as madhu (madhu means honey) because of its taste and viscosity that resemble honey. Madhu is known as spiritual intoxicant and said to possess intoxicating qualities of eight kinds. The secretion of ambrosia happens in the stage of bliss where a person remains lackadaisical as his consciousness remains fixed with the Brahman. She is said to be in this stage of bliss, the eternal happiness.
Though this nāma is interpreted as above, in reality She is the cause of bliss. Without Her knowledge, blissfulness cannot be attained. This nāma confirms earlier discussions that She gives what She has. She is the possessor of everything and She is capable of giving anything.
Mattā मत्ता (576)
Because of consuming the drink referred in the previous nāma, She is in the stage of intoxication. This intoxication is because of the reasons given in the previous nāma. It is also said that She represents ego of Śiva. Since She is in the stage of introversion, She appears inebriated.
These two nāma-s possibly elucidate the stage of bliss and its importance. Bliss can be attained by either progressing in kuṇḍalinī meditation or remaining as an introvert and exploring the Self within.
Matṛkā-varṇa-rūpinī मतृका-वर्न-रूपिनी (577)
She is in the form of 51 alphabets of Sanskrit called matṛkā. These fifty alphabets are split into six groups and worshipped in the six cakra-s from mūlādhara to ājñā. These alphabets have different colours and is said to be closely related to cosmological studies. A comparative narration is drawn between Śiva and Śaktī and vowels and consonants. Vowels are always active and dynamic in nature and therefore vowels are compared to Śaktī; consonants are compared to Śiva. Without Śiva-Śaktī combine, the universe cannot exist, as they are two different aspects of the Brahman. In the same way, sound cannot exist without vowels-consonants combine. The sound originates from Śabda Brahman whereas the universe originates from the Brahman. She is the Śabda Brahman.
She wears a garland made up of fifty one alphabets, which was discussed in nāma 489 akṣa-māladi-dharā. Another interpretation says that She is the Mother (matṛkā) of all letters (varṇa-rūpinī). This theory goes to prove that She is the creator of all the alphabets. These alphabets are the foundation of Śrī Cakra. Based upon the theory that Śrī Cakra is a human body, these alphabets form the foundation of human existence. The difference between animals and man is the decoding and understanding of sound, which becomes possible because of Śabda Brahman. Meditating on matṛkā-s and Śrī Cakra as one, is a way of worshipping Śrī Cakra. This is called Kailāsa prastāra. There are two more prastāra-s. They are meru- prastāra where tithi nitya devi-s and Śrī Cakra are meditated upon as one and meditating Vāc devi-s (authors of this Sahasranāma) and Śrī Cakra as one is called bhū- prastāra. Prastāra means flight of steps.Please refer nāma 833 for Sanskrit alphabets.
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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