Kālahantrī कालहन्त्री (557)
Kāla means death. She is the destroyer of death. She destroys death for those who are Self-realized. Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad says kālakāraḥ, which means that the Brahman is the creator of time. Death occurs only when the soul is about to transcend its prescribed time fixed by the law of karma also known as the law of the Lord. Please refer nāma 552 sarva-mṛtyu-nivāriṇī for additional details.
The unique nature of this Sahasranāma is no nāma has been repeated. But there are instances where the same meaning has been conveyed through more than one nāma. This is to emphasize the importance of certain activities that are considered as more important. For example through nāma-s 552 and 557 it is said that She destroys death. The secretive meaning of these nāma-s is Self-realisation. Those who have realized Her within transcends death, which means that they are not reborn. Every living being born in this universe has to necessarily undergo the process of death, the dissolution of the respective physical bodies. Self-realization can be attained by removing avidyā or ignorance.
Kamalākṣa-niṣevitā कमलाक्ष-निषेविता (558)
She is worshiped by Viṣṇu, the lotus eyed. Saundarya Laharī (verse 5) confirms this by saying haristvām ārādhyā meaning Viṣṇu worshiped you. It is said that Viṣṇu by worshipping Her, got His mohinī (nāma 562) form (form of a woman) to destroy the demons. Possibly sanctity of the woman hood is highlighted by Vāc Devi-s in this nāma. Women are always treated as sacred attributes by Indian scriptures. Kamalākṣa means lotus eyed. Viṣṇu has beautiful eyes resembling lotus flower.
Tāmbhūla-pūrita-mukhī ताम्भूल-पूरित-मुखी (559)
She is fond of chewing betel leaves with karpūra vīṭikā (nāma 26). The betel leaves turn Her lips into red colour. This nāma says that Her face shines with betel leaves In Her mouth. The fragrance of betel leaves with karpūra vīṭikā emanates pleasing fragrance.
Dāḍimī-kusuma-prabhā दाडिमी-कुसुम-प्रभा (560)
She radiates like a pomegranate flower. They are dark red in colour. The flowers of pomegranate are considered as the most auspicious amongst the flowers for worshipping Her. Next is hibiscus flower, which too has deep red petals and is widely used for worshipping Her. The last verse of Abhirāmi andhādhī (A poetize consisting of 100 Tamil verses in praise of Her. This is more or less like Saundarya Laharī) also compares pomegranate flower to Her complexion. Everything associated with Her is red. Her red complexion has been repeatedly emphasized in this Sahasranāma. The reason for such repetitions is provided in nāma 557.
Mṛgākṣī मृगाक्षी (561)
Her eyes appear like that of a deer. Since the description of the Brahman is not possible, a reference is always made to the best known object. A deer’s eyes look gorgeous and will always be revolving, glancing at all the sides at the same time. Lalitāmbikā being the administrator of the entire universe looks all-round for two reasons. First, She administers the universe by personally overseeing all the activities. Secondly, while doing so, She liberates Her true devotees by glancing at them. She does not want them to wait even for a second to attain liberation. She grants them liberation by a mere glance.
Lalitā triśatī nāma 103 hariṇekṣṇā conveys the same meaning.
Mohinī मोहिनी (562)
She bewitches. Unable to find proper words to describe Her beauty, Vāc Devi-s used this word. Bewitchment is not possible without being splendiferous. She is the beauty incarnate, because Her beauty is made up of knowledge, efficiency and compassion.
When Viṣṇu got His mohinī form by worshipping Her, He bewitched the demons (refer nāma 558).
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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