Ājñā-cakrābja nilayā आज्ञा-चक्राब्ज निलया (521)
The next seven nāma-s discuss about the presiding deity of ājñā cakra, Hākinī. Ājñā cakra is considered as the most important cakra and is located between the two eye brows. This cakra has two lotus petals and bīja-s haṁ (हं) and kṣaṁ (क्षं) are inscribed in those white petals. The yogini’s complexion is white and she has six faces with three eyes on each, all red in colour. She has six arms and is majestically seated on a white lotus. Each of her six hands holds varada mudra (granting boons), abhaya mudra (dispelling fear), a rudrākṣa rosary, a human skull, a small drum and a book. The mind in its subtlest forms dwells here. The most important bīja of all, ॐ is placed here and when kuṇḍalinī reaches this cakra, superhuman powers are granted to the practitioner. The pericarp is in the form of inverted triangle. Above this triangle, a half moon is located. During proper meditation on ājñā cakra, the first illumination would be only a half moon, above the triangle. This moon transforms into an illuminating flame during further progress in meditation, indicating the progress of Self-realization. The illumination of the flame is extraordinarily bright because sun, moon and fire unite in this cakra (iḍa, piṅgala and suṣumna). Both Śaktī and Śiva begin to manifest here. One’s guru lineage is worshipped in this cakra. Guru, irrespective of the place of his existence, gives command to his disciples through this cakra.
These are the words of Kṛṣṇa in Bhagavad Gīta (VIII.9, 10): “One should know the Brahman as the knower of all in inconceivable form, shining like the sun, beyond all materialistic attributes. One who at the time of death by his yogic powers fixes his consciousness between his two eye brows (ājñā cakra), with mind fixed on the Brahman attains Him.”
Śukla-varṇā शुक्ल-वर्णा (522)
Hākinī has fair complexion. This could be due to the purity of ājñā cakra.
ṣaḍānanā षडानना (523)
Hākinī has six faces and hence described as the sixth cakra in this Sahasranāma. Ājñā cakra is the controlling centre for the five lower cakra-s, each of which representing five mahā bhūta-s or elements. Ājñā cakra, the sixth cakra controls the mind. Hence, Hākinī is described with six faces, one representing mind and other five representing five elements, particularly tanmātra-s such as sound, taste, etc.
Majjā-saṁsthā मज्जा-संस्था (524)
Hākinī presides over bone marrow, the sixth layer from the skin hence ājñā cakra is discussed as the sixth cakra in this Sahasranāma.
Hamsavatī-mukhya śakti-samanvitā हम्सवती-मुख्य शक्ति-समन्विता (525)
Hākinī is attended by two of her assistants. They are Haṁsavati and Kṣamāvati, representing the two bīja-s haṁ (हं) and kṣaṁ (क्षं). In all these cakra-s, the names of the assistants to the yogini-s begin with the respective alphabets inscribed in the lotus petals of the concerned cakra-s. Alphabets, complexion of the yogini-s, faces and hands of the yogini-s, the shape of the pericarp of the cakra-s have great relevance to the attributes assigned to these cakra-s.
Haridrānnaika-rasikā हरिद्रान्नैक-रसिका (526)
Hākinī is fond of rice cooked with saffron.
Hākinī rūpa-dhāriṇī हाकिनी रूप-धारिणी (527)
The yogini who has been described in the preceding six nāma-s is known as Hākinī.
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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