Svādhiṣṭānāmbuja -gatā स्वाधिष्टानाम्बुज-गता (504)
Yogini of svādhiṣṭāna cakra is known as Kākinī. From this nāma till nāma 513 (ten nāma-s) describes this yogini. This cakra is in coccyx area just above mūlādharā cakra and has six lotus petals. Each of these petals is inscribed with the next six consonants with bindu-s above them. The pericarp of this cakra appears like an eight petal lotus with half moon in the centre. Inside this half moon, the bīja of Varuṇa (lord of water) vaṁ (वं) is placed. Varuṇa bīja vaṁ in proper combination with agni bīja raṁ gives certain supernatural powers. Varuṇa bīja also indicates prosperity.
Caturvaktra-manoharā चतुर्वक्त्र-मनोहरा (505)
Kākinī has four beautiful faces, hence described by Vāc Devi-s as the fourth cakra.
Saundarya Laharī (verse 14) mentions about certain rays that radiate from the psychic centres. From mūlādhārā to ājñā cakra the verse mentions about 360 rays corresponding to 360 degrees of a circle or 360 days of a calendar year (for certain calculations the number of days per year is taken as 360 only).
Śulādyāyudha-saṁpannā शुलाद्यायुध-संपन्ना (506)
Kākinī has four hands that hold trident, noose, skull and elephant hook (aṅkuśa) as her weaponries. Some other scriptures mention conch shell, discuss, club (gada), and lotus as her weaponries. There are certain variations between Lalitā Sahasranāma and other scriptures on kuṇḍalinī about the description of the presiding deities of the cakra-s.
Pītavarṇā पीतवर्णा (507)
Kākinī has golden complexion.
Ati-garvitā अति-गर्विता (508)
Kākinī is extremely proud. She is proud of her beauty. But Lalitāmbikā is not proud (nāma 158. Nirmadā, says that She is without pride. When one has something that others do not have, it gives rise to pride. She has everything and everything comes out of Her.)
Medo-niṣṭā मेदो-निष्टा (509)
Kākinī presides over fat. Fat is fourth layer beneath our skin hence this cakra is mentioned as the fourth cakra by Vāc Devi-s.
Madhu-prītā मधु-प्रीता (510)
Madhu means honey. Kākinī is fond of honey. Madhu also means liquor (liquor also referes to the liquid in which vegetables or meat have been cooked) obviously indicating that Kākinī is fond of this kind of liquor.
In fire rituals to appease certain goddesses, along with ghee (clarified butter), honey and milk are also mixed in small quantities. Offering honey to goddesses is also referred in the Veda-s.
Bandhinyādi-samanvitā बन्धिन्यादि-समन्विता (511)
Kākinī is surrounded by six assistants like Bandhinī. Each of her assistants presides over each of the petals. Apart from Bandhinī, other important deities are Badhrakālī and Mahāmāyā.
Dadhyannāsakta-hṛdayā दध्यन्नासक्त-हृदया (512)
Kākinī is fond of curd rice.
Kākinī-rūpa-dhariṇī काकिनी-रूप-धरिणी (513)
The presiding devi of svādhiṣṭhāna cakra is Kākinī who has been described in these ten nāma-s.
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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