Saṃhṛtāśeṣa-pāṣaṇḍā संहृताशेष-पाषण्डा (355)
She is referred in this nāma as the destroyer of heretics. Heretics are those who do not follow the principles laid down by Veda-s. Fourteen places (which include the four Veda-s and their extensions are referred to as the principle domains of dharma. Those men who cross the boundaries of the principles of dharma are called pāṣaṇḍa or heresy. She destroys all those who act against the principles of Veda-s.
Sadācāra-pravartikā सदाचार-प्रवर्तिका (356)
She removes the innate ignorance of the soul to realize the Brahman. In this nāma, She is said to induce the ignorant men to perform noble acts. Sat refers those who perform noble deeds and ācāra means the righteous acts performed by them. She makes the ignorant people (ignorant means lack of knowledge of the Brahman. It could also mean the concept of duality) to pursue the righteous path to realize the Brahman. The principles of righteousness are expounded in epics. These principles form the basis of dharma śāstra (refer previous nāma).
Tāpatrayāgni-santapta-samāhlādana-candrikā तापत्रयाग्नि-सन्तप्त-समाह्लादन-चन्द्रिका (357)
Ancient scriptures talk about three types of afflictions, pertaining to body, elements and deities. These three are compared to three types of fires. These three types of fires cause serious damage to the one who undergoes the sufferings of bondage called saṁsāra. She is like the moon light (grace) that gives happiness to those affected by the said three afflictions. The meaning of the nāma is that by Her sheer grace She destroys the miseries caused by these three afflictions and showers happiness to Her devotees.
The three types of miseries are: 1. ādhyātmika – this comprises of the four components of antaḥkaraṇa, five karmendriya-s and five jñānendriya-s. 2. ādhibhautika – comprises of five basic elements and sense organs. 3. ādhidaivata – influence of super human powers. All the three are called afflictions because they function on the basis of data provided by the sense organs.
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (IV.iv.25) says, “That great birthless Self is un-decaying, immortal, undying, fearless...”
Taruṇī तरुणी (358)
She is eternally youthful. Eternal youth is possible only in the absence of modifications, an exclusive quality of the Brahman. The Brahman is non-decaying and immortal said Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad. The eternality of the Brahman is discussed in nāma-s 136, 292, and 344.
Tāpasārādhyā तापसाराध्या (359)
She is worshipped by ascetics. The ascetics are highly respectable as they abstain from all pleasurable objects in order to seek the Supreme Brahman. They do not worship demigods or goddesses as their only aim is to realize the Ultimate Reality. Worship by such ascetics goes to confirm that She is the Brahman.
There is yet another interpretation. Tāpa means bondage which is the root of all miseries. Sārādhyā is split into sāra (essence) + ā (deep) + dhyā (dhyān or meditation). The bondage arising out of saṁsāra can only be removed by meditating on Her. Through the essence of deep meditation, bondage can be removed.
Tanumadhyā तनुमध्या (360)
She has slender waist. Please refer nāma 85 also. There is a meter by name tanumadhya. Meter or chandas refers to the number of alphabets or words in a verse as per Sanskrit literature. She is said to be in the form of this meter. Kṛṣṇa says, (Bhagavad Gīta X.35)” Gāyatrī candasāmahaṁ (गायत्री चन्दसामहं)” that He is in the form Gāyatrī meter.
Tamopahā तमोपहा (361)
Tamas means ignorance and its main components are mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error. Tamo guṇa is one of the three guṇa-s. An ignorant person is said to have tamo guṇa.
There is a beautiful explanation for ignorance or darkness in Īśā Upaniṣad (verse 9). “Those who mechanically perform rituals go into darkness which is like being blind. But, those who merely worship God go into deeper darkness”. Mundane worship never gives result. Any worship for material prosperity or personal upliftment will never be rewarded. Such men are called ignorant. She is said to remove this ignorance.
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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