This is part XXII of kundalini series. Though we are talking about kundalini through the last 21 postings, we are yet to undertake a detailed study. I would like to call this kundalini as the individualized cosmic energy. The concept of jivatma and paramatma principle applies to kundalini also. We call jivatma as part of paramatma. Jiva means individual and para means supreme and therefore universal. If you apply the same principle, cosmic energy is the energy of the universe or the supreme energy. A part of the supreme energy or the cosmic energy that is found in a man is called kundalini energy. That is why the experience of kundalini energy when aroused, differs from person to person. The quality of the kundalini energy depends upon various factors. Hereditary, habits, food, thoughts, addiction, environment, etc are a few of the factors. This can be compared to karma that differs from person to person. We have seen earlier that karma and kundalini are inter-related.
Kundalini can be analyzed from many angles. It is called kundalini yoga, because kundalini is raised by various yogic postures and pranayama. Kunda means a pit or cavity. If you add ‘la’ to kunda it becomes kundala which means coiled. The energy that is coiled and posited in a pit is called kundalini. This energy is lying dormant in every human in the perineum area. This is the purest form of energy and is manifested as a form of Shakthi, the feminine form. The main reason for considering this energy as Shakthi is its kinetic nature. This is considered as kinetic and also dynamic as opposed to fixed or static, because it moves up and down in our spinal cord. We have seen earlier that Shakthi in her vimarsha form rules the entire universe. This vimarsha form of Shakthi is manifested as kundalini in our perineum. Therefore the perineum is considered to hold the vital energy needed for our very existence.
This vital energy derives its source from the cosmos. Cosmic energy is drawn from the cosmos by the kundalini, through the top head chakra which is called sahasrara. Due to the addition of the cosmic energy, kundalini is becoming powerful and ready to surge forward, depending upon your efforts to move it. If you do not make any attempts to move it, kundalini happily sleeps in her house, with occasional disturbances. Cosmos is considered as Shiva, the masculine form. This masculine form is called prakasha form and the energy of this prakasha form is spread across the length and breadth of the universe. This prakasha form is comprehended as the minutest form, several times smaller than an atom. If you can call prakasha form (Shiva, the masculine form) as proton, you can as well call vimarsha form (Shakthi, the feminine form) as electron. It is difficult to trace the origin of this prakasha form. Different people can give different opinion, but the fact remains that origin of prakasha is not known yet.
Every living being in this universe has to derive energy for its sustenance only from prakasha form, which is otherwise known as cosmic energy. Therefore the cosmic energy forms the basis for the survival of the universe. When proton and electron collide, depending upon the force of collision a third thing is produced. When Shiva and Shakthi conjoin the universe is born. It is like a man and woman begetting a child. The nature of creation depends upon the objects of collision. If proton and electron collide you get hydrogen bomb. If a man and woman conjoin, a child is produced. As a general rule, you require two objects to produce a third. This is the basis of creation. When we are saying that individual consciousness is part of universal consciousness, we have to authenticate our statement by citing an example. Kundalini, the individual energy ascending through the spinal cord pierces our top head chakra and joins the cosmic energy. The individual energy (kundalini energy) is becoming part of universal energy (cosmic energy). We know that kundalini is the feminine form and cosmos is the masculine form. From these two, the third is to be produced. This third is knowledge and when it grows it is called bliss.
Tarun Sharma
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