We are now entering the fourth āvaraṇa, which is known as turiyāvaraṇa (fourth enclosure). This āvaraṇa is called as sarva-saubhāgya-dāyaka cakra (सर्व-सौभाग्य-दायक चक्र). All types of prosperity originate from this āvaraṇa. Sarva-saubhāgya-dāyaka means giver of all kinds of prosperity, including both material and spiritual. Presiding deity of this āvaraṇa is Tripuravāsinī cakreśvarī, Sarvavaśaṅkarī is the Mudrāśakti and Saṁpradāyayoginī is the Yoginī. At the end of this āvaraṇa, the above śaktī-s are worshipped. . Lalitā Mahātripurasundarī Parā Bhṭṭārikā is also worshipped in each of the āvaraṇa-s. Each āvaraṇa has one specific mudra with which Parāśakti is worshipped and apart from the specific mudra, She is also worshipped with yoni mudra at the end of each āvaraṇa. This āvaraṇa is in the form of a triangle and there are 14 śakti-s in this triangle. This is the first triangle that we come across when we enter into Śri Cakra. Śri Cakra has nine triangles like this and out this nine, four triangles are facing upwards and five triangles are facing downwards. These nine triangles intersecting each other give rise six āvaraṇa-s and 44 triangles. All these triangles represent Divine Procreative energy. Four upward facing triangles are known as Śiva cakra-s (triangles) and the five downward facing triangles are known as Śakti cakra-s.
This āvaraṇa consists of 14 triangles and this is marked in the above image. When we worship these devi-s, we have to move in anticlockwise manner.
1. Sarvasaṁkṣobhiṇī śakti सर्वसंक्षोभिणी शक्ति (at the end of the name, śakti is to be added); 2.Sarvavidraviṇī सर्वविद्रविणी; 3. Sarvākarṣiṇi सर्वाकर्षिणि 4. Sarvāhlādinī सर्वाह्लादिनी;
5. Sarvasaṁmohinī सर्वसंमोहिनी; 6. Sarvastaṁbhinī सर्वस्तंभिनी; 7. Sarvajṛṁbhiṇī सर्वजृंभिणी
8. Sarvavaśaṅkarī सर्ववशङ्करी; 9. Sarvarañjanī सर्वरञ्जनी; 10. Sarvonmādinī सर्वोन्मादिनी;
11. Sarvārthasādhinī सर्वार्थसाधिनी; 12. Sarvasaṁpattipūraṇī सर्वसंपत्तिपूरणी;
13. Sarvamantramayī सर्वमन्त्रमयी; 14. Sarvadvandvakṣayaṅkarī śakti सर्वद्वन्द्वक्षयङ्करी शक्ति
Their worship begins from the East and proceeds in anticlockwise manner. These fourteen śakti-s are referred as the fourteen upper worlds as mentioned in Brahmagāyātrī mantra and these worlds are Bhū, Bhuva, Sva, Maha, Jana, Tapa and Satyaṁ. It is also said that these fourteen śakti-s represent fourteen important nāḍī-s (tubular vessels) in our body and they are alaṁbhuśā, kuhū, viśvodarā*, vāraṇā*, hastijihvā, yaśovati*, payasvinī*, gāndhārī, pūśā, śaṁkhinī, sarasvatī*, iḍā, piṅgalā and suṣumna. These nāḍī-s help in excretion, procreation, digestion, locomotion, hearing, vision, taste and of course three divine nāḍī-s. iḍā, piṅgalā and suṣumna. However, Yogacūḍāmaṇi Upaniṣad (verses 18,19 and 20) talks about only ten nāḍī-s (* represent those nāḍī-s not mentioned in the Upaniṣad). There are other variations also.
The above 14 śakti-s are in charge of fourteen qualities or attributes such as mental agitation, chasing away (evil thoughts), attraction (physical), causing happiness, delusion (māyā), obstruction (in the path Self-realization), release (releasing obstructions in the path of Self-realization), subjugation (surrendering to Her), rejoicing (experiencing Bliss), maddening, accomplishment of desires (both material and spiritual), providing wealth (material wealth), all mantras (to conquer mind) and dispelling all types of dualities (dispelling ). When this āvaraṇa is worshiped, She sends the right Guru to the worshiper who will take him to higher spiritual levels. It is also said that Śiva Himself appears as Guru in human form. This also establishes the difference between Guru (imparts spiritual knowledge, leading to Self-realization) and guru (who initiates into mantras and teaches the aspirant about performing pūjā-s and other rituals).
At the end of the fourth āvaraṇa, we have worshipped 66 śaktī-s. (First āvaraṇa 28; second āvaraṇa 16; third āvaraṇa 8 and this (fourth) āvaraṇa 14 totalling to 66).
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