Now-a-days, we find that many spiritual seekers are complaining that they are not able to get the fructification of the mantras they chant. Why this is so? There are very many reasons. Most of the problems are with the so called “Gurus”. There are well laid procedures while initiating a disciple into various mantras. Secondly, the disciples do not practice in the manner specified. Now let us find out how one can attain siddhi in mantras. The Guru who is going to initiate the mantra should find out whether a particular mantra will fructify for the disciple. The suitability is tested taking into account the first letter in name of the disciple (only in Sanskrit) and the first akshara(letter) of the mantra. As far as mantra is concerned the initial “om” should not be included. The placement of these two letters is checked in “akathaha chakra” a chart consisting of Sanskrit alphabets in 16 blocks. Counting from the first letter of the disciple to the first letter of the mantra, the results can be arrived as Siddha, Sadhya, Susiddha, Ari. Likewise, counting from the first letter of the mantra to the first letter of the disciple be done and the result arrived. The result may be a combination of any two of the above Siddha-Sadhya or Siddha-Susiddha or Siddha-Ari or even Siddha-Siddha. Like this, there will be 16 combinations. Each combination has got its own effect. Let us assume that there is a combination of Sadhya-Ari. If a disciple is initiated with this combination, his entire family will die.
A combination of Susiddha-Susiddha will fructify by mere initiation by the Guru. If this suitability of mantra is not tested and a mantra initiated, any number of times of chanting of the manta will not be of any use to the disciple. There are other types of testing the mantras. However, this method is considered as the best. Even after the above testing, a suitable mantra is not obtained, then Guru can decide to prefix certain bijas(letters) before the mantra. Normally, maya, kama and sri bijas are prefixed. But, the learned Gurus normally infuse a bija called “atma bija” to his disciples. This bija is to be prefixed to all the mantras infused to a disciple. The Guru would have tested this atma bija for all his disciples. If a disciple chants any mantra initiated by his Guru, with his atma bija, the mantra will fructify soon. At the time of initiation of a mantra, Guru will ask his disciple to perform ten samskaras (rituals) to the mantra. These rituals are necessary to infuse life to the mantra. Without these samskaras, the mantra will not fructify. These rituals are: 1.Janana: (giving birth). 2. Dipana (kindling the mantra) 3.Bodhana (awakening) 4.Tadana (striking) 5.Abhiseka (ablution) 6.Vimalikarana (Purification) 7.Jivana (Resuscitation) 8.Tarpana (Propitiation) 9.Gopana (concealment) and 10.Apyayana (infusion of power). Let us look into these details in the next part of this posting. Each mantra, for fructification, is to be recited prescribed number of times. There are rituals called “purascharana” to be done after completing the number of times of japa mentioned for each mantra. All these will be dealt with in the next posting.
Vijayalakshmi Natarajan
February 02, 2009 04:39 PM
The topic is very good. But if the basics are covered i.e, what is a mantra and why a mantra is recited and who can recite and when can it be recited, then it will be very useful for a layman like me
September 30, 2009 12:50 AM
What is atma bija, i.e. how it is determined?
Is the described procedure necessary for prasidha mantras also?
April 22, 2013 11:02 AM
Dear Raviji,
1)is “akathaha chakra” applicable to Gayathri(both thiripada and poorna)?
2)what are the other mantras applicable and non applicable to this method?
April 22, 2013 11:22 AM
Atma bija is applicable only certain mantras. For example, Gayatri, Shiva mantras and Vishnu mantras are exempted. Secondly, Atma bija should be prefixed and affixed to a mantra and should not be inserted in the main part of the mantra, except Shodashi. Prefixing and suffixing is known as mantra sampuṭīkaraṇa. In exceptional cases, atma bija is used while formulating certain mantras for remedial measures.
February 14, 2014 09:50 PM
Dear Sir,
Is there a difference between the Maya and kama beejas? I thought, they were the same.
Kindly clarify.
February 14, 2014 10:34 PM
Māyā bīja is hrīṁ ( ह्रीं) and kāma bīja is klīṁ (क्लीं).
Sashikanta Nayak
August 17, 2015 01:31 AM
My Name is Sashikanta Nayak so its 7 and suppose the mantra सर्व मंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके । शरन्ये त्रयम्बिके गौरी नारायणी नमोस्तुते ।। = 33+7 / 4 = 0 and its Ari to me but in "Sashikanta" its giving reminder 1. So which name should I take ?
August 17, 2015 11:34 AM
I am not conversant with Numerology.
May 20, 2023 06:05 PM
Namaskaraams. In some instances I have heard that reciting a mantra at a certain auspicious place, during an a certain auspicious activity, or during an auspicious time will increase the value of the recitation in regard to reaching fructification of said mantra. For example, performing a homa with reciting dramatically increases the effects. Are there any low-hanging fruits with this mind? Is there any presumption of enhanced cost effectiveness with mantra Japa done on purnima, or done while circumambulating the deity, or done directly after reciting bhuta lippi and sarva mantra-yantra-tantra sanjīvani stotram? Or, conversely, does the Japa count for fructification expect that a sadhaka will be performing Japa in maximally effective settings, beyond just the prerequisites of induction and nyasas etc? This would mean that the Japa count for fructification, in the context of modern life, may actually be expected to be higher than the texts say, even with perfect pronunciation, due to extraneous issues and ritual deficits.
May 20, 2023 08:05 PM
Namaste Nesh. In this Kaliyuga people don't have much time for complicated and lengthy rituals. There is a quick fix for this problem. After learning from the Guru the science of looking directly at the sun for long periods without injuring the eyes, the mighty devotee should abandon all other means and recite the Mantra while looking directly at the disc of the sun. He should regard the sun as the Nirguna form of the worshiped deity. Sharpening the Mantra directly with the pure energy of the sun, which is the source of the very rainbow of all letters and alphabets, which is the very rainbow of all offerings, the devotee quickly attains the perfection (Siddhi) of the Mantra without the need of Homa, Tarpana, Marjana, Bhojana. Indeed he accomplishes all this simultaneously by offering the solar energy to the deity and destroying all Mantra defects with that source of all colors of dynamic consciousness. The science of looking at the sun for long periods must be learned from the Guru. The manipulation of this energy must also be learned from the Guru. The intelligent devotee knows that all elements and substances present on earth exist in the sun which is Parabrahman's own pure energy.
May 20, 2023 09:05 PM
"Mother, I have seen the compassion that is beyond your eyes. I have seen your compassion in the rain that wets the flowers and quenches the thirst of the beings of this land. I saw your compassion in the fruits of the trees feeding the hungry beings. I saw your compassion through the rays of the sun reflected by the cold full moon, causing intoxication in the couple in love sitting on the edge of the sea. Mother, if I look at you through the bright full moon I'll go crazy with intoxication. Mother, if I look at you through the midday sun I will be blind to the world of illusions. Tell me, who in this world is more compassionate than you? Even if I were lost in the scorching desert, I could quench my hunger and thirst, realize brahman and attain the luminous body, just by looking into your eyes which are like the sun that dispels the darkness of this world. Mother, you never left me. I was the one who had abandoned you." (Tripuraghna)
May 22, 2023 04:05 AM
Sun gazing by observing it through reflected light on water bodies, is one of the best in my opinion. It is quite calming and therapeutic in itself. You have provided a much deeper introspection to help all sādhakas.
May 22, 2023 04:05 AM
Beautiful thoughts radiating from your blissful mind and golden heart. We are truly blessed to be graced by your presence.
May 21, 2023 02:05 AM
Beautifully written, am speechless.