Gita series - 45. Bhagavad Gita Chapter III. 30-32:
Surrender all your actions unto me, the inner soul; enter the battle without desire, ego and worries. Those who follow this injunction of mine faithfully without looking for demerits, become free of their karmas. But those who do not follow this by denouncing my doctrine know them as ignorant, deluded by true knowledge and remain totally desolated. These three verses are very significant from the point of view of self-realization. Why should we surrender all our karmas to the Brahman? The concept of surrendering is a very interesting doctrine. The initial step of surrender is the faith in the Brahman. This faith is difficult to repose as the Brahman is not visible and has to be only perceived. Based on this fact, the theory of self-realization is prophesied, looking for the source of creation within. This is based on the principle that what exists externally exists inwardly as well because the unique nature of the Brahman is omnipresence. The cause and effects of all actions originate from the Brahman and it is wrong to say that we do perform this action.
We are merely tools of the Brahman to unfold His actions based upon the karma of individual souls. Someone is extremely good and someone else is extremely bad. Such individual actions depend upon ones karmic account. If we choose to surrender the fruits of all our actions to the Creator, the karmic account is not disturbed irrespective of the nature of such actions either good or bad. Self-realization does not merely mean realizing God within, but to understand His unequalled quality of ubiquitousness. The lineaments of the Brahman can be realized only if we renounce our ego. Ego always leads to illusionary pride; illusion because of the fact that we are in no way a cause for an action or its effect. The ego is caused by maya. Ego leads to other deceptive components such as desire and accompanied worries. If we do not have desires, we do not germinate worries. When Krishna says ‘inner soul’ (adyatma chetasa), He means the existence of the Brahman in the form of a soul in all the creatures. Souls in fact are not the replication of the Brahman. If we confine the Brahman only in the soul, His omnipresence nature would be lost. Soul is yet another cause of creation, which manifests in conjunction with prakriti. Krishna elucidates the eternal fact in such a lucid manner that even the ignorant men understand His logic.
If someone chooses to ignore this sermon by finding some fault or other, then there is no salvation for him. It does not mean that Krishna’s teachings have faults, but it is the mind that tries to misconstrue the facts making to appear the fact as faulty. The minds of only the nescient indulge in such misconceptions and there are no remedies for them. This is due to the fact that they are not interested in acquiring true knowledge and instead dwell in worthless arguments and useless analysis. Brahman is beyond elucidation and at the most He can be explained by means of negative statements such as ‘not this, not that’. The next available opportunity to explain Brahman is by drawing known examples. It is the normal practice to compare sun to the Brahman as we know sun is responsible for every action that unfolds in this universe. The ignorant, by their stupefied interpretation and deluding true knowledge, are cause of their total desolation. This leads to their rebirths and associated miseries, losing the opportunity give by Him to attain progress in salvation. This is progress, as the process of salvation happens over several births.
July 01, 2017 03:44 PM
1 - Karma for a person starts from the day he/she is born (assuming the birth is his first) 2 - So what ever one does is influenced by the surrounding and situations that he is placed in 3 - Then he creates Karma which is dispensed by Shakthi 4 - So action are done by him (the though of I'm doing doing this) is nothing but Karma which arises out of Freewill 5 - Hence does't it mean that though Brahman is cause for life the actions that are performed by men is theirs alone, that's why, they suffer, but if thought of I'm not doing this arises and acknowledge that Brahman within me who is the cause my birth doing this (even though he is not) ego is destroyed and Karma will not accrue?